Alien Prince's Secret Baby (Olympus Station, #2; In The… (2024)

Olympus Station #2

Aurelia Skye, Kit Tunstall


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As the second-in-command of Olympus Station, Captain Hadley Wells is usually too focused on her career to worry about romance. That changes with the arrival of Prince Nykal of Jroj, a planet that’s recently joined the Coalition. Their attraction is immediate and fierce, but too many rules separate them to let them have more than one stolen night. The night is amazing, but has far-reaching consequences. Add in the ambassador determined to keep Nykal from her by any means, and it’s a complicated mess that needs a solution before the secret she carries is visible to all.

298 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 20, 2019

About the author

Aurelia Skye


Aurelia Skye is the pen name Kit Tunstall uses when writing science fiction romance. It’s simply a way to separate the myriad types of stories she writes so readers know what to expect with each “author.”

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

Sandra Aaron

1,510 reviews10 followers

January 27, 2019

OK alien romance

This is an OK romance, but I just didn't believe the couple was in love -- seemed more like lust to me. It also irritated me that they didn't talk to each other. Some of their issues would never have happened if they had just communicated better. I am not a fan of unnecessary angst in a story, especially if it is caused by lack of communication.


1,644 reviews5 followers

January 26, 2019

Will a future king give every thing up for love?

Hadley is second in command on the space station. When she is sent to meet a new Ambassador to the planet Jroj, she also meets Crown Prince Nykal. Jroj has strict policies that state there shall be no intermingling of their species with anyone from another planet. So what will happen when Hadley and Nykal, who are attracted to each other, come together for one night? What will happen when she realizes that she is now pregnant?
I liked the characters in this book. Ambassador Krill's personality is huge! He tries to cause trouble but gets shut down every time. I am glad that we got another glimpse of Weston and Piper from the previous book.

Goddess of Chaos

2,598 reviews11 followers

May 5, 2020

Interesting political power play...

Nykal is an Alien Prince, yet each time his planet's Ambassador speaks to him Hadley can't help but be turned off by the Ambassador's tone and demeanor... it could be nothing, or it could be a clue that there is something beneath the surface with the Jroj, and the more we learn, the more interesting it may get.

This story has unique and interesting reasons for keeping the baby a secret, one of which is particularly easy to understand having read the previous story. That being said, this is a stand alone done in one quick read that's timeline overlaps with the previous story.

Tera Comer

2,136 reviews48 followers

January 23, 2019

This is the second book in the Olympus Station series which is part of the In the stars multi-author series. This book is about Captain Hadley and Prince Nykal and their whirlwind romance and the problems that arise because of it. I love how we get to see Piper and Weston in this book as well. I really hope that there will be more to the Olympus Station series, there are so many different possibilities

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


Vivian Chrisman

2,811 reviews4 followers

January 24, 2019

Even in space...

Even in space one still has to deal with elitist, bigots and outdated "laws". Unfortunately, Hadley has to deal with all three when she falls for Prince Nykal. There's never a dull moment on Olympus Station. This is a wonderful addition to the series. Hopefully there are more trips to the space station.

*I received an Advance Reader's Copy of this book which I am voluntarily reviewing*

Philleys Peters

1,343 reviews6 followers

January 27, 2019

I loved reading this book! A sweet little sci-fi romance that was so hard to put down. Hadley and her alien Prince Nykal made the perfect romantic couple in a passionate relationship they kept hidden. With an enemy named Ambassador Krill making his presence felt with dire threats and too many alien protocols. An engrossing story with a happy ending that makes all the angst and tears worth getting through!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


13.7k reviews67 followers

June 24, 2020

She has a very busy job with no time for much else but it all changes when alien Prince arrives. They quickly give in to their passions but it must only be one night. The ambassador wants to keep them apart and now there is an added complication. She is now carrying his baby. What are they going to do? Can they have a life together? See how it will.all end

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,702 reviews10 followers

January 24, 2019

This “world” and life on a space station is vividly painted in this tale. Hadley is portrayed so realistically, her work as a captain and her interactions with others bring her to life. I love that Nykal and his species are similar to shifters, but not. I couldn’t put this book down, then at the end wondered how so much story fit into so small a package. Sci-fi romance at its best.

Sherry Westendorf

4,517 reviews22 followers

January 25, 2019

Very well written story that is so good you feel like you are there. They have an instant attraction that is forbidden by law and could cause immense trouble if caught. They can't resist and have one night. Only thing is she is now pregnant. What can they do to come out of this unscathed? Love these Alien stories. I was given a free copy by booksprout and voluntarily review it.


17.8k reviews8 followers

January 26, 2019

The second book in the Olympus Station series is the first book that I have read in it, I now want to read the first book. This story is well written and it kept me turning pages I had to know how Captain Hadley Wells and Prince Nykal of Jroj story was going to turn out. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


604 reviews7 followers

June 17, 2023

This is part of a trilogy inside the In the Stars Romance series.
Station Commander's Surrogate
Alien Prince's Secret Baby
Security Agent's Alien Bartender Best Title Award, ha!

These are short insta-love tales with a little drama. There could be more heat for my money, but I ain't mad.

    fiction in-the-stars-romance-series


56 reviews1 follower

February 13, 2019

I looked at this and was like hmm sounds good and I was right it was well written and had a nice flow to it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Melinda Kaye

1,345 reviews1 follower

May 9, 2020

Secret Baby

What a sweet romance! The main characters are very likable, the plot is interesting and the HEA is so very happy!

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

Alien Prince's Secret Baby (Olympus Station, #2; In The… (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.