Justice League: The Brave and the Bold - Chapter 76 - Author_Of_Insanity101, Writing_Avenger_2016 (2024)

Chapter Text

Sivana’s brow furrowed at the sight before him. The bearer of the Wizard's power stood before him, clad in a red and white costume. Deep in the pit of his soul, Envy began to growl, mirroring the emotions swirling through the man.

“So… you are the Wizard’s chosen champion,” he noted. “So-called ‘pure of heart’. A Marvel for all.”

“That’s me,” he confirmed. “Mr. Marvel. No… Super Marvel? Maybe Captain… yeah. Captain Marvel. That’s… that’s me.” He then cleared his throat, getting back to the task at hand. “Now, what do you want? Why are you screwing with the Justice League?”

Superman shot Captain Marvel a confused look.

“Don’t ask me how I can tell, but something’s in them. Monsters, I think. Maybe demons? Either way, it’s mega-bad news”

“I am merely showing them for what they really are,” Sivana continued. “That their so-called morals and principles are all a facade. That even the greatest heroes of the world… carry sins deep in their souls.”

“Pride,” Wonder Woman boasted, her hands on her hips.

“Lust,” Green Lantern jeered, eying Wonder Woman.

“Greed,” Green Arrow chimed in, tightening his grip on his bow.

“Wrath,” Cyborg snarled, his mechanical eye gleaming menacingly.

“Gluttony,” Flash added, his mouth full of food stolen from the restaurant.

“Sloth,” Aquaman spoke up, leaning against his trident and looking bored as hell.

Billy perked slightly, doing some mental math in his head. His eyes darted to Sivana briefly, but he kept his mouth shut. Instead, he asked a probing question, hoping for more information.

“So… what do you get out of it?”

“Your power,” Sivana answered. “The power that was meant to be mine. And you will give it to me.”

“I don’t think so,” Captain Marvel declared before darting forward.

Sivana quickly blasted Captain Marvel in the chest, sending him flying back. He hit the ground hard, with Superman rushing over to help him up.

“You alright?” he asked, giving him a hand.

“Yeah…” Captain Marvel replied, taking the hand. “That… that hurt. Not used to the hurt.”

“Weapons of man draw no blood from our kind,” Sivana elaborated. “The only thing that can extinguish magic is more magic.”

“I thought this pain felt familiar,” Superman lamented, clenching his chest.

“That’s right,” Captain Marvel recalled. “Magic hurts you. You gotta get out of here!”

“I’m not going to leave you to fight them alone. Remember what I said about doing the right thing when it’s hard?”

“Yeah… but having help makes it easier, right?”

Superman smiled. “Now you’re getting it.”

The two turned to see Sivana and the possessed League slowly approaching them.

“Kill them,” Sivana told them, prompting the League to rush forward.

Superman and Captain Marvel fly forward, clashing with the corrupted heroes. Captain Marvel fired electric blasts which Green Lantern shielded himself from as Superman plowed into Aquaman. He quickly grabbed his trident and tossed it away before turning back to him. Aquaman lazily backhanded Superman, causing him to stagger back a bit as summoned his trident back into his hand. He tried swinging it at Superman but Superman grabbed the other end and spun around at high speed before letting him go and sending him flying. Just then, a sonic pulse from Cyborg’s cannon rang out, disorienting Superman and causing him to keel over in pain. Green Arrow took advantage of this by firing one explosive arrow at him after another, knocking him back.

Meanwhile, Captain Marvel continued duking it out with Green Lantern, who used his energy constructs to block the newly christened hero's attacks.

“Is that really the best you got?” GL boasted.

“Hey, I’m just getting warmed up!” Captain Marvel countered.

He then darted forward, spinning his body into a massive screw that managed to plow through his energy shield. Before he could lay a punch on him though, Wonder Woman’s lasso wrapped around him and pulled him to the ground. This allowed Sivana to blast him in the back, causing him to cry out in pain. Thinking fast, he grabbed the lasso and yanked it so Wonder Woman would fly right into Sivana. This allowed Captain Marvel to pull the lasso off as Wonder Woman picked herself up.

“Good help’s hard to find these days, ain’t it?” he remarked.

“So it would seem,” Wonder Woman replied, drawing her sword.

She darted forward, trying to take a swing at him. Captain Marvel quickly dodged it before she tried to swing at him again.

“You know, the thought occurs to me,” Captain Marvel spoke. “You’re supposed to be super tough and all. Why would someone like you take orders from a guy like that,” he gestures to Sivana.

“You think we serve him? He is our pawn.”

“Really? Cause it feels like he’s giving the orders more than any of you. Makes you wonder who the real lackey is.”

Wonder Woman’s eyes narrowed in response to that. She darted forward, prompting Captain Marvel to grab her by the arm and spin her around, sending her flying into Green Lantern. As they rolled across the asphalt, Lantern ended up on top of Wonder Woman.

“Hey! Accidental boob grab!” Marvel jeered, smirking a bit. “Way to go, Lust!”

Lantern looked down, seeing that one of his hands was, indeed, grabbing Wonder Woman’s boob. He smirked, squeezing it before Pride flared.

“Off of me, you cretin!” Wonder Woman demanded, grabbing his arm and chucking him off.

Captain Marvel saw the two engaged in conflict, slowly backing away. He didn’t get far though with Flash running past him at super speed, punching him across the face every time. Meanwhile, Superman staggered to stay standing as Cyborg poured on the sonic attack. Seeing a manhole cover nearby, he grabbed it and chucked it at Cyborg, knocking him to the ground and cutting off the sonic assault. He then turned his attention to Green Arrow, who was notching another arrow to fire.

“You’re gonna have to do a lot more than that, Arrow,” Superman challenged.

“I know,” Arrow replied, smirking.

He fired the arrow, allowing its casing to break off and reveal an arrowhead made of solid Kryptonite. Before Superman could react, the arrow nailed him in the chest. The impact caused him to hit the ground hard, much to Captain Marvel’s horror.

“Superman!” he cried out.

He quickly held up an arm and clotheslined Flash, causing him to tumble across the ground. Captain Marvel meanwhile made his way over to Superman, helping him up.

“Hang on, Superman,” he told him. “Just hang on.”

He then used his own superspeed to take off from the battle.

“They’re getting away!” Cyborg cried out, slamming the ground in fury.

“Let them go for now,” Sivana told them. “Let the Champion stew in his helplessness. His super-powered guardian cannot help him for long.”

“In the meantime,” Wonder Woman addressed. “There is another matter we must attend to. The Wizard’s staff. He did not have it with him when we were first freed.”

“The Champion must’ve stashed it somewhere,” Flash reasoned before taking a sip of soda he had pinched.

“The memories of this hero place the Champion at a place called STAR Labs,” Cyborg addressed. “The staff is most likely there.”

“Then that is where we will go,” Sivana proclaimed.

He was about to step forward when Wonder Woman brushed past him.

“Follow my lead,” she demanded.

She flew off, promoting the other sin-controlled Leaguers to follow.

Meanwhile, Captain Marvel continued carrying Superman, coming to a stop in a back alley.

“Don’t worry, Superman,” he tried to reassure. “I’ll think of something. Oh, why didn’t my superpowers include doctor stuff!”

“Comm… device” Superman let out, clearly in pain. “Right ear..”

Captain Marvel looked in the ear and saw the comm. He took it out and put it in his ear, hoping to call for help.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”

“Who is this?” J’onn questioned. “This is a secure-”

“That’s not important right now! Superman’s hurt and he needs help!”

There was a pause. “Is this the boy blessed by The Wizard?”

“Yeah, that’s me! Billy! Er, Captain Marvel. Whatever! Just send help!”

“We are tracking your position now and will be there soon.”

“Thank you!”

Across town, the corrupted Leaguers wasted no time storming the Metropolis STAR Labs, blowing their way inside as they began their search for the staff. Cyborg blasted everything in sight in search of the staff, his brow becoming more and more furrowed with each unsuccessful outcome. Green Arrow kicked down the door to one of the labs, not finding anything but pocketing some expensive-looking tech as a consolation prize. Flash meanwhile zipped from room to room, coming up empty as well. He did however come across a vending machine, which he smashed into to grab some of the snacks inside. Aquaman just dragged his trident along the ground as he poked his head into each of the rooms, not seeing anything that could lead him to the staff. Green Lantern meanwhile flew from room to room, using his ring to search for any sign of the staff, only to come up empty. Wonder Woman tore down a set of doors leading to one of the rooms, throwing them aside as she searched through the room. Furious, Wonder Woman slammed her fist down on a nearby table, shattering it to pieces.

“It’s not here,” she declared as the other possessed leaguers joined her.

“There is another STAR Labs facility,” Cyborg informed. “The staff must be there.”

“Then that is where we must go,” Sivana decided.

“Then let’s get going,” GL insisted. “Got places to be and people to see. Certain people in particular.”

Wonder Woman just rolled her eyes before heading off, with the others following close behind.

From inside his secret chamber, Wells was watching Sivana and his crew tear apart the Metropolis STAR Labs. Even seeing Sivana use his own powers to blast open the doors. He perked up at this, considering a possible idea for his plans.

Back with Captain Marvel, he did his best to help Superman, who was still suffering the effects of the Kryptonite arrow.

“Come on, come on,” Captain Marvel let out. “Where are they?”

At that time, a large van came pulling down the alleyway, coming to a stop right in front of them. J’onn was the first out, phasing through the front and making his way to Superman.

“He’s hurt bad,” Captain Marvel told him.

“Help me get him inside,” J’onn told him.

Both heroes grabbed hold of him and brought him inside. Once in, they laid Superman down on a tale, with Kari wheeling over to begin her work.

“Give me space,” she spoke. “I need the solar lamps primed and ready for when I give the signal. Felicity, man that console.”

“Uh, right,” Felicity replied nervously, moving to the console.

“J’onn, I’ll need help removing the arrow.”

He nodded, moving in next to her. Kari grabbed a small laser pointer, one with a small shard of kryptonite on it.

“Is that…” Felicity pointed at the pointer.

“The only thing that can cut through his skin is Kryptonite, so I fashioned some surgical tools with them. Better safe than sorry.”

“So we may cut the arrowhead out of Superman without tearing any vital organs,” J’onn deduced.

“Bingo,” Kari confirmed. “Now… stand by.”

She got to work, slowly cutting the area around where the arrow was embedded, her movements were careful with each incision, not wanting to do any more harm to Superman than already had been dealt. After one more incision, she backed away.

“Alright, J’onn, get ready. Mr. Diggle, once that arrow is out, get it to the lead line case on the counter.”

“Right,” Diggle replied.

J’onn went over to Superman and carefully grabbed hold of the arrow. He turned to Kari, who nodded in response. He then turned back to Superman, carefully removing the arrow from Superman’s chest. He then handed it to Diggle, who rushed it over to the lead case and sealed it up. Felicity took this cue to activate the solar lamps, causing them to shine bright and bathe Superman in solar energy. Kari let out a sigh of relief as she slumped over in her chair.

“So…. he’s gonna be ok, right?” Captain Marvel asked, genuinely concerned.

“Yes,” J’onn reassured. “The solar lamps should recharge his powers and allow him to heal.”

“Heh,” Kari let out, a smile gracing her face. “How the tables have turned, huh, Superman?”

Superman smiled in response. “Yeah… thanks.”

“You’ll need time to recover,” Diggle told him before turning to Captain Marvel. “In the meantime, maybe you can fill us in on some of this.”

“It’s… a lot to explain,” Captain Marvel admitted.

“I think we have time.”

Back at the Central City STAR Labs, Dr. Wells returned to the Cortex, seeing Caitlin and Cisco hard at work at their stations.

“Hey, Dr. Wells,” Cisco greeted. “How was Metropolis?”

“Eventful,” Wells informed.

Caitlin looked up, noting that Silas was missing. “Where’s Dr. Stone? He decide to stay behind?”

“In a… manner of speaking. During our venture there, he decided to tender his resignation.”

Both of them went wide-eyed at that.

“He quit?” Caitlin asked in surprise. “Why?”

“We had a… difference of opinions in how to handle a situation involving Victor.”

“Well… are you gonna try and convince him to come back?” Caitlin wondered.

“He seemed… adamant he was done. I’m hoping some time away will give him peace of mind, but… I’m skeptical.”

“Maybe we can talk to him,” Cisco offered. “I’m sure we can think of something to say that’ll make him come back.”

Wells chuckled before turning away. “You’re smart Cisco, but not that smart.”

As Wells said that, Cisco felt a piercing headache hit him. He flinched hard, feeling like the world was reverberating around him. Those words echoed in his mind, only the tone was much different. Colder even.

“Are you alright?” Caitlin asked, getting him to snap back to reality.

He turned toward Caitlin, still reeling from what just happened. “Y-yeah. Sorry, I… don’t know what came over me.”

“Maybe you need some fresh air or something.”

Just then, the ceiling was blown open, causing the two of them to look up and see Sivana and the sin-controlled League entering through the massive hole.

“Where is it?” Sivana demanded.

“What?” Caitlin wondered.

“The Wizard’s staff,” Sivana answered, landing on the ground. “I know it is here.”

“Uh, why don’t you try the Harry Potter convention,” Cisco remarked, only for Cyborg to grab him by the shirt collar and raise him up.

“We are not in the mood for games,” Cyborg told him.

“Vic… come on, man. Snap out of it.”

Cyborg just narrowed his eyes before tossing Cisco aside. Wonder Woman stepped forward and threw her lasso around Caitlin, pulling it tight.

“Where is the staff?” She demanded.

“I don’t know about any staff,” Caitlin answered

Wonder Woman narrowed her eyes but kept her grip on the lasso. “Where is the one you call Harrison Wells?”

“He left for elsewhere in the building. We don’t know where.”

“I’ll find him,” Sivana told them. “Keep our friends company in case they try anything stupid.”

Sivana went off to find Wells as Cisco began picking himself up, only to be greeted by Cyborg’s sonic cannon and Arrow’s arrow in his face. He laughed nervously at the sight. Wonder Woman threw Caitlin into a nearby chair as Flash finished tying her up with the rest of the lasso. Once she was secure, GL flew over to her, giving her a worrying glance.

“Well, since we have some time to kill,” he remarked, forming a hand that cupped her face, maybe we can get to know each other.”

Caitlin recoiled in disgust, hating how their situation was looking.

Meanwhile, Sivana made his way through the halls of the Labs, blasting down every door he could find in his search.

“Harrison Wells!” he called out. “I know you’re here! And I know you have something of mine! Return it to me at once, or suffer!”

All of a sudden, a familiar yellow blur came in out of nowhere and plowed into Sivana, pinning him to the wall. Sivnana got a good look and saw it was the Reverse Flash, who had a vibrating hand aimed at his heart.

“That’s a warning,” the Reverse Flash commented. “I could kill you before you could get out a flicker of power.”

“If you wanted to kill me… you would have,” Sivana noted.

“Observant. No, I’m not going to kill you. I want to make a deal.”

“What kind of deal?”

“I’ve seen the power you wield,” Reverse Flash replied, backing away slightly. “I just need a sample of it. In exchange, I’ll give you the staff freely.”

Sivana co*cked an eyebrow at this. “Why? What do you want that needs my power?”

“My reasons are just that. Mine. Refuse me, and… well, you said I could kill you if I wanted to.”

Sivana paused for a moment, mulling over his options. “What is it you need me to power.”

Reverse Flash paused for a moment, before rushing off. Seconds later, he returned with both the staff and the Tachyon Device.

“It’s called a Tachyon Device. Something to give me an extra jolt.”

Sivana stared down at it, raising a hand and giving it a charge of energy. Reverse Flash looked down at it, seeing the power levels in the device rising. Satisfied, he tossed the staff to Sivana, who caught it easily.

“A pleasure doing business with you,” Reverse Flash replied before running off.

Back at the DEO Mobile Command Center, Captain Marvel was finishing explaining his side of the story.

“And then you guys found us and we were able to help Superman,” Captain Marvel explained as Superman began sitting up.

“So, this guy’s whole deal is he’s pissed he got passed over for superpowers?” Diggle summed up.

“A bit of an oversimplification, but that about sums it up,” Superman confirmed.

“Pissed might be an understatement though,” Kari commented. “He made it his life’s fixation. He just could not accept the fact he wasn’t worthy. And if what he’s done to the League is anything to go by, he’s determined to prove that no hero is truly without sin, a way of justifying his crusade.”

Captain Marvel suddenly perked up. “He wants what I have… his Achilles heel!”

“Come again?” Superman questioned.

“I noticed something when we encountered Sivana before. Six of the League got taken over, right?”

“Right,” Kari confirmed.

“But there’s supposed to be seven. Seven Deadly Sins and all. And I know the one that’s missing.”

“Well, don’t keep us in suspense,” Diggle remarked.

“Envy. His whole thing is he’s jealous. He got passed over for being the hero, and if he couldn’t be good enough, no one is.”

“That does seem consistent with his actions,” J’onn deduced.

“Maybe we can use that,” Superman reasoned. “If we can draw him out to a confrontation, we might be able to use his own power against him.”

“You sure you’re up for another round?” Diggle asked.

“Should be fine. Unless Arrow has another Kryptonite Arrow in his quiver.”

“I…” Diggle paused for a moment. “Actually, he might.”

“Then we’ll just need to make sure he doesn’t get the chance to fire it.”

“So how do we get him to come to us?” Felicity wondered.

“Just leave that to me,” Captain Marvel reassured, cracking his knuckles and causing sparks to generate.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco was pretty tense with Green Arrow and Cyborg standing over them.

“H-hey,” he let out. “Come on guys. You really don’t wanna hurt us,”

“Actually, we do,” Cyborg told him, aiming his cannon at him. “Now shut up.”

“But first tell us if you have more of these,” Arrow asked, holding a piece of tech he had pocketed. “It’s pretty impressive and I want more.”

“Uh…” Cisco responded. “That… that’s just a component for Flash’s suit. It won’t really do you any-”

Arrow then stabbed an arrow in the wall next to Cisco’s head.

“I. Want it.”

“... sure. Let me see if I can find more.”

Cisco got to his feet as he led Arrow to his workbench. At the same time, Flash came running in having raided the fridge in the STAR Labs lounge for snacks.

“Can you believe what they pass for snacks around here?” Flash commented before turning to Aquaman, who was lounging on a console. “Here, this is all the beer they had. Next time, get it yourself.”

Flash tossed him the can. “Why do that when you’re already going on a snack run?” he took a swig from the can.

“Why are we still here?” Cyborg demanded, becoming more furious.”Let's just kill these two and move on!”

“We move when I say we move,” Wonder Woman countered. “Not before.”

“There are merits to keeping them alive,” Green Lantern commented, turning to the still-tied-up Caitlin. “Well, one of them, anyway.”

“Look…” Caitlin spoke, sounding really nervous. “I don’t know what’s come over you guys… but you’re not yourselves. This isn’t who you are.”

“You are in no position to judge us,” Wonder Woman countered. “However… the same cannot be said to the reverse.”

Caitlin perked up at that. “What… what do you mean?”

“This lasso can make those bound by it tell the truth. Tell me,” she smiled maliciously as she grabbed the end of the lasso, causing it to glow. “What secrets do you hold?”

“I… I… I carry a small resentment toward my fiance becoming a superhero. I recognize it’s a dangerous line of work and fear it could get him killed, especially after I just got him back. I know it’s selfish of me, but I don’t care. I just want him to be my husband. I just want us to have a normal life together and enjoy our honeymoon sipping Mai Tais on a Tahiti beach without worrying about supervillains or government plots.”

Wonder Woman smirked in response. “Selfishness. It seems no one in this world is above sin.”

“More than one, I wager,” GL commented, grabbing the lasso. “Got any ‘fun’ tidbits you wanna share? Any dirty secrets?”

“No, I-...” Caitlin strained against the lasso’s pull. “Sometimes, I picture us on that beach naked.”

Caitlin immediately blushed upon saying that, as did Cisco.

“Enough of that,” Wonder Woman demanded, shoving him aside.

“My friends,” Sivana spoke, entering the room with the staff in hand. “The power of the Wizard is at last in our hands.”

“Finally,” Wonder Woman replied. “Now let’s find the champion and kill him.”

Just then, there was an alert on one of the computer screens.

“What is that?” Sivana wondered.

Cyborg went over and took a look. “Several energy surges in the city. They match the mystic energy of the Champion.”

“He’s drawing us out,” Sivana recognized before smiling. “The fool. He’s telling us where he wants to die.”

Out in the city, Captain Marvel was standing on some steps in front of a building, shooting lightning into the air.

“Hands,” he sang to the tune of Eye of the Tiger while shooting lightning up. “Lightning with my hands. Lightning with my hands. Lightning with my haaaands.”

All the while, Superman and Martian Manhunter were stationed on a nearby rooftop, waiting for Sivana’s arrival. On the ground, Diggle was waiting with Faraday in a nearby alleyway, both of them armed with high-tech rifles.

“You sure these things can handle the League?” Diggle asked.

“They should,” Faraday confirmed. “Though I had hoped we’d get to test them before using them on the League themselves.”

At that moment, Sivana finally arrived, flying down with the corrupted Leaguers in tow. Captain Marvel turned to see the villain approaching.

“Oh, hi doc,” he replied before seeing the staff in his hand. “Where did you get that?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sivana told him. “All that matters is you will give me what is rightfully mine.”

“The Wizard chose me to wield this power. He felt I was worthy of it, and you gotta deal with it.”

“And who was he to decide who was worthy? Morality is little more than rules instilled by those with power. Take these self-appointed guardians,” Sivana gestured to the League. “Considered the pinnacle of virtue and heroism, yet they fall so easily to their sins and shortcomings. Yet they are considered just… merely because they have the power to say so.”

Captain Marvel’s face hardened upon hearing that.

“You’re wrong. Sure, they have their shortcomings. So does everyone. Heck, I’m pretty sure I have a few issues myself. But them doing what’s right, despite their shortcomings, that’s what makes them heroes! These powers are just an extension of who we are. And given the way you’ve been using yours… makes me think the Wizard was right to pass on you.”

Enraged upon hearing that, Sivana blasted Captain Marvel in the check, knocking him back into the steps before speeding forward and slamming the staff into his chest.

“My patience with you has reached its end, boy,” Sivana told him. “Now speak the Wizard’s name. Transfer your power to me.”

“Not… gonna… happen!” Captain Marvel swore.

Wonder Woman sneered as she walked forward. She pulled out her lasso and threw it around his neck, pulling it tight.

“This lasso will compel anyone bound by it to speak nothing but the absolute truth. It will be impossible to rest me when bound by its power. Now, I command you to speak the-”

Before she could finish, Superman came flying in, plowing right into her and sending her flying.

“Guess pride does come before the fall,” he remarked before turning to Captain Marvel. “You alright?”

“I am now,” Captain Marvel replied, smiling before blasting Sivana in the chest.

This knocked him back and caused him to drop the staff. Flash sped toward it, only for J’onn to phase up from the ground and clothesline him, sending him tumbling into a car.

“I’ll take care of Sivana,” Captain Marvel volunteered. “You guys good here?”

“We’ll handle things here,” Superman reassured.

Captain Marvel nodded before speeding forward and grabbing the staff. Once he had it, he turned back to a recovering Sivana.

“Looking for something?” he taunted, holding the staff up. “Yeah, you want it? Come and get it!”

He took off running down the street, leaving Sivana fuming as he started floating in the air.

“Finish these two,” Sivana ordered. “The champion is mine!”

Sivana took off after Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel turned around and saw Sivana flying after him.

“Oh come on!” he let out. “He can fly, and I can’t?!” he suddenly had a thought. “I wonder…”

Sivana then fired a blast of magic lightning at Captain Marvel’s feet, sending him flying into the air. He didn’t even get a chance to hit the ground when Sivana plowed into him, grabbing him and punching him repeatedly. Sivana flew them upward, hoping to gain some sort of advantage. Once they were high enough, Sivana blasted Captain Marvel head-on, causing him to fall to the ground below.

Justice League: The Brave and the Bold - Chapter 76 - Author_Of_Insanity101, Writing_Avenger_2016 (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.