Ma Ha Quizzer Final Draft 2010 Ans - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/4/2019 Ma Ha Quizzer Final Draft 2010 Ans











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    What eight letter word is used to describe the colourfultruck-mountedcultural displays by various states and governmentundertakingsfollowing the military march-past in Republic Dayparades?

    Tableaus /Tableaux


    Situated near Naples, and last erupted in 1944, name the onlyactive

    volcano on mainland Europe. Vesuvius


    The symbol of which annual competition is a lemniscate(themathematical symbol for infinity) intertwined with a circle,and featuresthe same 5 colours as the Olympic rings?

    InternationalMathematicsOlympiad /MathematicsOlympiad


    What short term, a hom*ophone of a word that means dog-like, isoftenused to refer to police dogs? K9


    What 5-letter word is usually part of the name of the brighteststar inany constellation? Alpha

    6 Which planet's astrological symbol is a representation of atrident? Neptune


    Which Hindu God is known by the alternate name of Halayudha,

    referring to his weapon of choice? Balarama


    Only two Governor-Generals of India were not noblemen (inotherwords, did not have titles such as Lord / Baronet etc). Onewas the lastGovernor-General, C. Rajagopalachari. Who was theother? Warren Hastings


    For many forms of competition, its official definition is thatit measuresless than 14.2 hands at the withers. Horses are definedto be 14.2 ortaller. What? Ponies



    Between the reign of the Tughlaqs and that of the Lodis, for aperiod of37 years much of northern India was under the sway of adynastywhose rulers claimed to be descendants of Prophet Mohammed.Namethis dynasty. Sayyids


    Which cantonment town of central India, whose name is consideredan

    initialism, was renamed as Dr. Ambedkar Nagar in 2003 bytheGovernment of Madhya Pradesh? Mhow


    If you were to earn the Golden Bails, Silver Bails or the BronzeBailsaward, what profession would you have to be in?

    Cricket Umpires /Umpires


    Among the Navaratnas of Akbar's court, there were a pair ofbrothers.The elder brother's name was was Faizi. What was the nameof themore well-known younger brother? Abul Fazl


    The vertebral column in humans is divided into four divisions.Thebottom three are thoracic, lumbar and sacral. What is thetop-mostdivision called? Cervical

    15 Which country's official Chinese name is Xinjiapo Gongheguo?Singapore


    The dihydrate of calcium sulphate is gypsum. What name forthehemihydrate of calcium sulphate includes the capital of aEuropeancountry?

    Plaster of Paris.Just Paris will notdo.


    After whom was the Islamabad International Airport inPakistanrenamed in June 2008? Benazir Bhutto


    Covering an area of 100km by 400km in East Antarctica, theLambert isthe worlds largest what? Glacier


    What four-word phrase connects these places - Udaipur, AlleppeyandSrinagar (India), Lijiang City, Suzhou, Tongli, Wuzhen andZhouzhuang(China), Barisal City (Bangladesh), Ayutthaya and Bangkok(Thailand)? Venice of the East



    On September 19, 2009, Yosh*to Usuis body was recovered byaclimber in the mountain range straddling Gunma and Nagano

    prefectures. By creating which mischievous five-year old didUsui gainhis reputation in the 1990s?

    Shin-chan /Crayon shin-chan

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    In the novels Executive Orders, Rainbow Sixand The Bear andtheDragon, who is the President of the USA? Jack Ryan


    Considered a holy place in multiple religions, which mountainpeaklocated in the Gangdise ranges is the only major peak above6000mthat has remained free of climbing attempts? Mount Kailash


    What 2 word name would connect - a. the person whointroducedKundalini Yoga and Sikhism to the United States b.possibly the only

    Indian Army Officer who has a shrine built in his honour c. AfamousPunjabi poet d. India's third highest overall wicket taker incricket. Harbhajan Singh


    It is a mass that accelerates by 1 ft/s when a force of onepound-force(lbf) is exerted on it; it is a piece of spacingmaterial used in typesetting;it is a gastropod mollusk without ashell. What? Slug


    Which cricketer who later gravitated to the London stage bothprecededand succeeded W.G. Grace as the English cricket teamcaptain andhad a 100% win record as Test captain, in what was hisonly Testmatch? C. Aubrey Smith


    Before the start of shooting a movie or TV serial in Hawaii, alocal priestis typically brought in to bless the set. By what worddo Hawaiians referto such a "priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard,minister or expert in any


    Kahuna. BigKahuna will notdo.


    This word typically refers to a road on the side of a cliff ormountain,with the ground rising on one side of the road and fallingaway on theother. Which word that comes from the French for 'roadon a ledge'?



    It is believed that one of the probable origins for the name oftheMalaysian dish, Roti Canai, which resembles the Kerala Paratha,is anIndian city. Which city? Chennai / Madras


    A well known form of this object is the America's Cup trophy. Intheforms that we encounter this object it can hold between 48 ozand 64 ozof liquid. What are we talking about, which traces itsorigin to a Greekword meaning 'earthen vessel'? Pitcher


    **Founder of the Satya Shodhak Samaj with the primary objectiveofdismantling the caste system, which 19th century social reformerisanother person who is referred to as 'Mahatma'? Jyotiba Phule


    What anti-submarine weapon that destroyed its target by theshock ofexploding near it, was first used in the 1910s and employedahydrostatic pistol actuated by water pressure at a pre-selecteddepth totrigger the detonation? Depth Charge


    What word seen in medical literature as a counterpart of thewordplacebo is Latin for 'I will harm'? Nocebo


    Thiruvannamalai, a temple town midway on thePuduch*erry-BangaloreNational Highway (NH66) found fame in the 20thcentury because of itsassociation with which Advaita Vedanta guruwho spent his entire

    adulthood near this town? Ramana Maharshi


    Fill in the blanks in this line from a famous speech - "Twothousandyears ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum. Today,in theworld of freedom, the proudest boast is ___ ___ ________".

    Ich Bin EinBerliner


    The 2010 World Cup Finals will be played at Soccer City on theeasternoutskirts of Soweto. The stadium is built in the shape ofwhich Africanvegetable?

    Calabash / BottleGourd


    One theory for the origin of this term is that it may be analteration ofthe word 'coney' used for rabbits. Another theorysuggests that theanimals were brought to Europe by way of aparticular place, leadingpeople to think they had originated there.That place was alsofrequently used in English to refer generally toany far-off, unknowncountry, and so the name may simply be acolorful reference to theanimal's foreignness. Which animal?

    Guinea Pig. JustGuinea will not do.

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    Although it begins on an airplane in Germany circa 1987, most oftheaction of this novel takes place 20 years earlier near Tokyo.This isthanks to the protagonist hearing a rendition of a famousBeatlesnumber that evokes nostalgia. Which novel whose leadcharacter worksin the same record store where the author worked inreal life? Norwegian Wood


    Swedes Ake Senning and Rune Elmqvist developed in 1958 theworldsfirst successful implantable device that could be insertedcompletely

    under the skin of a patient. What? Pacemaker


    Which actor, named for one of a pair of mythological twins,named hisown twins after the twin sons of the same mythologicaltwins' brother? Shatrughan Sinha



    This mathematician wrote a book on probability theory, TheDoctrine ofChances, said to have been prized by gamblers. He isalso reported tohave correctly predicted the day of his own deathby noting that he wassleeping 15 minutes longer each day. He didindeed die on 27 Nov1754 - a date he predicted in advance. Who,well known for his theoremcombining complex numbers andtrigonometry?

    Abraham deMoivre


    This ancient handicraft probably originated in Flanders and isanopenwork fabric, where holes are formed by removing threads orclothfrom a previously woven fabric, or are created as part of thefabric. In

    another context related to drugs, it is also the act of secretlyadding oneor more substances to another. What? Lace / To Lace


    The flag of which country has a red background with a yellow sunin thecentre with 40 rays that represent the 40 tribes which wereunited byepic hero Manas? The centre of the sun shows a stylizeddepiction ofthe top of a traditional dwelling. Kyrgyzstan


    Once known for its Tuberculosis sanatoria and SpeedSkatingchampionships, which city is now associated with theslogan"Committed to Improving the State of the World"? Davos


    By what nickname, referring to their attire reminiscent ofMussolini'sarmy, were members of the Dravidar Kazhagam founded byPeriyar E

    V Ramaswamy known?

    Black Shirts /



    Going by his surname, the family of a very famous Englishfootballer ofthe 1990s must have come from a region in SouthernFrance which ishome to a language similar to Occitan. Give theregion or surname.

    Gascoigne /Gascony


    'Ornithology' is a jazz standard written by trumpeter BennyHarris withwhich bebop saxophonist?

    Charlie Parker /Bird Parker


    Connect the following three Indian navy ships - INS Chapal,INSKursura and INS Vikrant.

    Museum ships /Museums


    In mythology his name means cunning worker and he waswell-knownas an artisan and craftsman. Famous for creating thelabyrinth on Cretehe did something with his son that is veneratedin art and literature invarious forms. Who? Daedalus

    49What term whose literal translation meant 'circular dancewriting' isoften seen in movie credits? Choreography



    The British version of blackjack, a flat-bottomed boat, floatsused tosupport a structure, the small bouyant hulls of seaplanesand a floatingdock all have the same seven-letter name. What?Pontoon


    In Hindu mythology, what do the following guard - Kubera, Yama,Indra,Varuna, Isana, Agni, Vayu, Nirruti, Vishnu and Brahma?

    Directions (Ordinals,Cardinals notacceptable)


    The name of which French media group primarily intopublishing,translates into 'little axe'? Hachette

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    This word is used to establish a single grammatical orsemanticinterpretation. The most famous example (apart from its usein audiotechniques and computer science) is the way in whichWikipediaresolves conflicts in article titles that occur when asingle term can beassociated with more than one topic. What word?Disambiguation


    A British play that introduced the character of Lord Dundrearygainednotoriety in USA. This character gave rise to two Englishwords -

    Dundrearies (a style of facial hair taking the form ofexaggeratedlybushy sideburns) and Dundrearyisms (expandedmalapropisms e.g."birds of a feather gather no moss"). Whichplay?

    Our AmericanCousin


    He is the eponymous mascot of a cereal brand. In NealStephensonsCryptonomicon, half a dozen pages are dedicated on howto eat a bowlof this cereal. The mascot was born and raised on anisland in the MilkSea and later in life he also gave a famous phonephreak his nickname.Name the mascot.

    Captain Crunch /Cap'n Crunch


    The eldest of three who were part of an experiment to provethat"geniuses are made, not born", who was the first woman to earntheGrandmaster title conventionally in regular competition? Givethe fullname of this World Champion who was stripped of her titleby FIDE.

    Susan / Zsuzsa /Zsusanna Polgar


    Fountain of the Four Rivers' is a Bernini-sculpted fountain inRome thatincludes sculptures of four Gods, seeking to represent thefour majorrivers of the world then. Three of them are Nile, Gangesand Danube.The fourth is a geographic entity in South America thatmost peopletoday do not consider a river, but rather an estuary.Name this 'river'.

    Rio de la Plata /River Plate / Plate/ Plata


    The scene for three important battles during World War I, whichBelgiantown to which English soldiers gave a mispronouncednickname, wasthe hub of Flanders Field? Ypres / Ipres


    It consists of twelve Doric columns, six to each side. TheQuadriga (achariot drawn by four horses driven by Victoria, theRoman goddess ofvictory) atop the structure was removed and takento Paris by Napoleon

    after defeating the Prussians in 1806. It was later restored.Which well-known structure? Brandenburg Gate



    In 1956 about whom did Life magazine report, "Wearing whitepajamasand a yellow gnomelike cap, _______ today hobbles about hisstudiotenderly caring for and communing with the silent host offish birds,heads, and endless columns which he created"?



    At Nagda in Rajasthan, you find ruins of a temple from the 9thCenturythat is locally referred to as 'Sas-Bahu' temple and evenconsider itauspicious for daughter-in-laws and mother-in-laws tovisit together.The name 'Sas-Bahu' though is just a corruption ofone of Vishnu'snames, referring to his many arms. What name?

    Sahasrabahu /Sahastrabahu


    This species of insects were named either due to their size orpossibly

    named in honour of King William III of England. They spendtheirwinters crammed into only 12 acres in the TransvolcanicMountains inMexico. Their population is down by 60% owing to lossof tree cover intheir primary habitat and unavailability ofmilkweed in their migratorydestination in Texas. Name the species.Monarch Butterfly


    Which works protagonist is the philosopher Socrates and othermajorcharacters include Glaucon and Adeimantus, the two brothers oftheauthor? The Republic


    The Chinese government has honoured this person during everyhigh-level official trip to India: Premier Zhou En-lai in 1950,Premier Li Pengin 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji in 2002 and President HuJintao in 2006 allvisited his relatives in Mumbai. Who? Dr.Kotnis

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    Feluda's favourite brand of cigarettes takes its name from astructurebuilt in 1591 to commemorate the end of a deadly plague.Name thebrand. Charminar


    Every president of the USA starting from Franklin Roosevelt,exceptone, has been featured as Time magazine's 'Person of theYear'. Whois the missing president? Gerald Ford


    Vedat Dalokay was a renowned Turkish architect and a formermayor of

    Ankara. Though his design for the Kocatepe Mosque was selectedaspart of an architectural competition, it was not used due tocontroversyand criticism. Later, he used a variation of the designto create one ofthe largest mosques in the world, winning an AgaKhan architecturalaward in the process. Which mosque?

    King Faisal /Faisal (Mosque)


    Named after a French finance minister, this country has thesmallestpopulation among all African states. Which country?Seychelles


    Dilnawaz Sheikh's first brush with fame was under an assumednamefor an item song in Prakash Jha's Gangaajal. Her next brushwith famewas as the controversial wife of a popular film star. Howdo we knowher better?

    Manyata Dutt /Manyata


    Which cartoonist refuted in an interview the urban legend thathis

    cartoons were used to train American bomber pilots to spot theirhiddentargets? Al Hirschfeld


    Complete the series: Bogie, Par, Birdie, Eagle, Albatross,Condor,______. Ostrich


    She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times, thoughshenever received the award. In India, she used the TheosophicalSocietyHQ as her home for a decade. In America, Edison hosted herandAlexander Graham Bell was the president of the organization shesetup. Who are we talking about? Maria Montessori


    The Quarrymen was a band that counted in its roster the peoplewhowould go on to form The Beatles. What genre of music, oftendescribed

    as jazz played with non-jazz instruments, did The Quarrymenplay? Skiffle


    Give a 9-letter form of exercise or strength training in whichthe jointangle and muscle length do not change during contraction.The jointand muscle are either worked against an immovable force(overcoming)or are held in a static position while opposed byresistance (yielding). Isometric


    `To maffick' is to rejoice or celebrate with boisterouspublicdemonstrations. It originates from the events in a town inSouth Africaover 217 days, from October 1899 to May 1900. Whichtown? Mafeking


    Which Prussian, after whom a 19th century movement in scienceisnamed, also has species of an orchid, a lily, a South Americanoak, apenguin, a skunk, a South American willow, a sub-species ofAmazonRiver Dolphin and many more animals and places named afterhim?

    Alexander vonHumboldt


    This British group got its two-word moniker as a pun on itscolour andstyle when it approached Apple Corps with a reggaeversion of thePlastic Ono Band song - Give Peace a Chance. Theirmost famous hitwas a 1975 number which was made famous byappearances in filmslike The Full Monty, Boogie Nights,Bicentennial Man, Rat RaceandDeuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. Whichband?

    Hot Chocolate


    One of the possible etymological roots for the name of whichmineral isthe historical Hoysala town of Belur in Karnataka?Beryl


    The term for the heirs apparent to the throne of France over twoperiodsbetween 1350 and 1830 refers to which animal depicted ontheir flag?

    Dolphin. Dauphinis not acceptable.



    Christopher McCandless of Into the Wildfame renamedhimselfAlexander Supertramp in honour of which Welsh poet when hebeganhis famous journey? W.H. Davies

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    Snell's law of refraction and the law of reflection of lightboth can bederived from the "principle of least time" which wasstated in 1662 by amulti-faceted scientist whose "way of drawingtangents" inspired IsaacNewton's early ideas about calculus. Mostof us probably know him forother marginal contributions. Name him.Fermat


    Followers cry "Hai Hussein, Hai Hassan" on Muharram, to lamentthemartyrdom of a grandson of Prophet Mohammed in which battlenamed

    after a town in present day Iraq? Karbala


    In 1958, which Indian became the first winner of the RamonMagsaysayaward in the Community Leadership category? He died in1982, afterfalling ill and deciding to end his life by refusingfood and medicines. Vinoba Bhave


    Which work of art covering 40 acres, by a former roadworksinspectorwith PWD, was formally opened to the public in 1976 afternearly twodecades of illegal and obscured existence?

    Chandigarh RockGarden / RockGarden.ChandigarhGarden will notdo.


    This sporting term comes from a military term for a man trappedbehindenemy lines, where he is said to be "away from the strengthof hisside". What term that is generally applied in sports toprevent players

    from getting an unfair attacking advantage? Off-Side


    It is not conclusive which story from mythology is actuallybeingdepicted in the massive Pallava rock relief at Mamallapuram,becauseof which the relief has two popular names. One is 'Penanceof Arjuna'.What is the other? Descent of Ganga


    Flamenco and bull-fighting are traditions originating out ofwhichautonomous community in Spain whose capital is Seville andwhosecoat of arms shows the figure of a young Hercules and twolionsbetween two pillars? Andalusia


    A grandson of Sir Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, an Indian lawyer andamember of the Constituent Assembly of India, he has beendubbed"The Marco Polo of neuroscience" by Richard Dawkins. Namehim.

    VilayanurRamachandran / VS Ramachandran


    The MKV format is a container for files with video and audiodata. Itallows for media within a form of media i.e. a containerwithin acontainer and that explains the MKV format'sRussian-derived name.What? Matrioshka



    The first split in Buddhism happened when two schools formedaround300 BC. One named Mahasanghika, which is now extinct. Andanother,with a name that means 'Teachings of the Elders', a schoolthat hasover a 100 million followers today. Name this school ofBuddhism.

    Theravada /Sthiravada


    In 1998, which player known as one half of a ritual pre-matchkiss,became the first ever to score a golden goal in a World Cupmatch? Laurent Blanc


    He was employed as a political commentator by All India Radiowhen

    he published his memoirs. The controversy that the memoirscreatednot only made him lose his job, but the Government of Indiacame outwith a law that prohibited government servants frompublishingmemoirs. Who? Nirad C Choudhuri


    A capirote is a headgear of Spanish origin. It was historicallyworn bythe condemned during the Spanish Inquisition. A modificationof thecapirote where the outer fabric of the hat extends past theshoulders,covering the face and neck while leaving only a pair ofholes for theeyes, was worn by some Spanish brotherhoods duringEaster. In spiteof its origins, with which group of people dopeople most associate thecapirote with?

    Ku Klux Klan /KKK

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    While atomic radii are measured in Angstroms (10^-10 m), nuclearradiiare much smaller and are measured in femtometres (10^-15 m).Thisunit is also named after a scientist, but whichever name youuse, theunit's short-form remains the same. Name him. EnricoFermi


    Lexulous, the First Internet Backgammon Server, FIFA Women'sWorldRankings, the European Go Federation and for some time WorldofWarcraft all used a rating system created by a Hungarian-born

    American physics professor. Name the rating system. Elo


    Jan Van Eyck and several other painters of the Flemish schoolwerebased in which Belgian city, often referred to as Venice of theNorth -also the subject of a film starring Colin Farrell writtenand directed byMartin McDonagh?

    Bruges / Brugge /Bruge


    In the 14th century Fa Ngum founded the state of La Xang -'Kingdomof the Million Elephants'. Over the course of time, itwarred againstAyutthaya, Myanmar and Vietnam (which controlled itfrom 1694 until its1707 partition). It regained its independence in1954, when Francepulled out of Indochina. Which Southeast Asiannation? Laos


    A common Roman coin got its name from the Greek word for 'ten'andgained popularity because of its similarity with an Arabic wordmeaning

    'give'. The official currencies of eleven countries also havethe sameorigin. Which currency?

    Dinar / Denarii /Denarius


    What is the three-letter acronym for cars used in mostlysuburban trainservices where the car that carries passengers alsohas motive power? EMU



    A trans-boundary river is a river that crosses at least oneinternationalborder. With at least 58, which country has thegreatest number ofthese rivers? Bangladesh


    This Austrian composer, later a renowned conductor of the NewYorkPhilharmonic, was so superstitious about dying after hisninthsymphony (considering Beethoven, Schubert, and Bruckner hadall diedafter their Ninth Symphonies), he called his ninth Symphony-Das Lied

    von der Erdemeaning the Ninth and (incomplete) TenthSymphonies.Name this person whose wife later married WalterGropius?

    Gustav Mahler


    The name of the So Paulo neighbourhood which is the home oftheFormula One Brazilian Grand Prix comes from the fact that theregion islocated between two large reservoirs, Guarapiranga andBillings, whichwere built in the early 20th century to supply waterand electric power tothe city. Name it. Interlagos


    Fill an eleven-letter word into this response to a famous line:"Roger,___________. We copy you on the ground. You got a bunch ofguysabout to turn blue. We're breathing again. Thanks a lot."Tranquility


    Forbes magazine called it one of the world's 10 ugliestbuildings, whileothers describe it as a "blob" and some havenicknamed it "The

    Hemorrhoids". The building's design is supposed to representasmashed electric guitar and has a fusion of textures andcolors,including gold, silver, deep red, blue and a shimmeringpurple haze.Which building?

    Experience MusicProject


    The language of Silbo Gomero is special in that it is whistled,and notspoken. Shepherds in the Canary Islands use this languagetocommunicate across long distances over rough terrain. Whatmodernday invention is driving this language to extinction?

    Cellphones /Mobile phones


    What dance form from Mizoram that uses pairs of horizontal andcrossbamboo staves was originally intended to be performed forsafepassage of the soul of a woman who died at childbirth but nowisperformed at all occasions? Cheraw

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    The Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber was one of themostrecognizable symbols of the German Blitzkrieg. Some variantswerefitted with noise-making propellers to damage enemy moralebyenhancing the dive-bombing sound effects. They were nicknamedaftera destructive musical instrument from the Bible. Whatname?

    Trumpet of Jericho/ Jericho Trumpet


    The Smilodon is an extinct genus of predatory mammals. What wasthemost distinguishing anatomical characteristic of this genus,which in

    turn leads to the more common name by which this genus is known?Sabre tooth


    In 1852, India became the 10th country in the world and thefirst countryin Asia to issue postage stamps. These stamps were notissued fromCalcutta (the then capital) but from a province from theother end of thecountry. Which province? Scinde / Sindh


    *South Africa is the holder of the Rugby World Cup, which it wonin2007. After which pioneer is it named? William Webb Ellis


    Which city in Russia was the site of the largest tank battle inWorld WarII and also costliest single day of aerial warfare?Kursk


    Which word from the business of insurance is a loan-translationfromLatin of the word 'subscribe'?

    Underwrite /Underwriter /Underwriting


    This budding director started his professional career as anadvertisingcopywriter and then went to direct commercials forHorlicks, Promiseand the latest Coca Cola commercials. He wonNational Film Awardsfor his first and second directorial venturesand his third and latestventure is India's first commercial digitalfilm. Who?

    Dibakar Banerjee


    This species of bird is mentioned by Herodotus, Pliny the ElderandAristotle and has got the nickname 'crocodile bird' as it sharesa uniquerelationship with the crocodile, which does not hurt thebird because itcleans the bits of meat in between the crocodile'steeth. Which bird thatalso finds mention in Egyptian myth?

    Egyptian Plover.Just Plover will notdo.


    Vyasa, author of the Mahabharatha, is often referred to as

    'Dwaipayana' in the texts. This gives us clues as to the kind ofplace hecould have hailed from. What does the word 'Dwaipayana'mean? Island born


    This inventor was influenced by The Age of Enlightenment in theearly18th century and is considered widely influential in bringingabout theBritish Agricultural Revolution. He was one of the earlyproponents of ascientific and empirical approach to agriculture.However, he isremembered today for a different reason. Name him(full name please). Jethro Tull


    The phenomenon called fog (e.g. defined for pilots withvisibility of 1kmor less) is known by a different name whenvisibility is better. Whatname? Mist


    The third largest city in China is sometimes known by aromanizedname, a word also used to refer to the administrativedivisions in certain

    European countries. What name?

    Canton.Guangzhou willnot do.


    Which famous work by composer Maurice Ravel was commissionedbyAustrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein (the brother of thefamousphilosopher), who had lost his right arm during World WarI?

    Concerto for theLeft Hand / LeftHand Concerto



    Fifteen winter sports events were part of the 2010 WinterOlympics.They were divided into three categories: ice sports,alpine skiing +snowboarding and ______. The third categorycontained the biathlon,cross-country skiing, ______ combined andski jumping events. Fill thecommon blank. Nordic


    A Directory is a political system where there is no single headof state,but instead a college of several men jointly exercise thepowers of the

    head of state. Name the only country that follows such a systemtoday. Switzerland

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    Whose gravestone bears a pictogram of dot inside a circle, whichisessentially a trail sign for "I have gone home"?

    Robert Baden-Powell


    She is an indentation caused by a structural variation in thefacialmuscle zygomaticus major. Her daughter is a flickering gleamof light.Who is her part-time designer, one-time actress sister?Easy! Full nameplease. Simple Kapadia


    A country that has one of the highest GDP per capita in theworld has a

    capital city whose name may have come from the Arabic for 'bay'orpossibly 'sticky tree'. Which city that is famous for being anAsianGames venue and also for a series of trade negotiations? InHindi/Urdupoetry the same word implies a self-contained rhymingcouplet thatusually gives us a moral.


    125 What is the Turkish word for 'skewer'? Sheesh / Shish


    The tiny island nation of Nauru acknowledges the vital rolethatcompounds of an element play in its economy by incorporatingthealchemical symbol in its coat of arms. Which element?Phosphorous


    Towards the start of her career in 1951, she was "monstrouslyfat". Shemanaged to lose 36 kgs to become an "astonishing, svelte,strikingwoman". Some believe that the loss of body mass made itmore difficult

    for her to support her voice, while others said it produced anewsoftness and femininity in her voice. Greece issued a 10 Eurocoin onthe 30th anniversary of her death in 2007. Who? MariaCallas


    Which spirit is produced from a mash made of grains like corn,malt andrye, distilled with juniper berries and various herbs andspices? Gin


    In vertebrates, it is an area where nerves branch and rejoin.There arealmost a hundred of them in the human body. A blow to thestomachresults in the feeling of "getting the wind knocked out ofyou" because itaffects one such area, causing the diaphragm tospasm. What six-letterword? Plexus



    Charles-Franois Gounod, the French composer is most-famous forhis

    Ave Mariaas well as his operas Faustand Romo et Juliette. In1869,he composed the music for the silver jubilee of someone'sordination.This later became the National Anthem of which country?Vatican (City)


    In 1958, Queen Elizabeth II made a call from Bristol CentralTelephoneExchange to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Afterwards, sheoperated aswitch which put 18,000 telephones connected to BristolCentral onto anew system. What did the Queen thus introduce toUK?

    STD / SubscriberTrunk or TollDialling. Trunk callisincorrect.


    Which Basu Chatterjee film of 1986 had the following cast:DeepakKejriwal as Juror #1, Amitabh Srivastav as Juror #2, PankajKapur asJuror #3, S. M. Zaheer as Juror #4, Subhash Udghate asJuror #5,Hemant Mishra as Juror #6, M. K. Raina as Juror #7, K. K.Raina asJuror #8, Annu Kapoor as Juror #9, Subbiraj as Juror #10,Shailendra

    Goel as Juror #11 and Aziz Qureshi as Juror #12?

    Ek Ruka Hua



    The Indian variety of this tree is an endangered species andthereforevery expensive. The Australian variety is decidedlyinferior to the Indianvariety, but its extract sells for half theprice even compared to that fromsmuggled Indian wood and it is nowthe dominant variety in the exportmarket. Which tree?Sandalwood


    Whose first overseas diplomatic posting was to New Delhi as theviceconsul in the South Korean consulate in India?

    Ban Ki Moon. UNSecy Genl will notdo.


    What medical condition's name derives from Greek wordhemicraniummeaning 'half skull' and is descriptive of its symptoms?Migraine


    Initially a 400m runner and javelin thrower, who tookinspiration from

    Dingko Singhs Asian Games Gold and went on to win fourconsecutiveWorld amateur titles and the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratnaaward?

    Mary Kom / M CMary Kom

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    Which Indian actor did a Linda Hunt by winning an acting awardat the1997 Valenciennes Film Festival for the movie Daayraa? NirmalPandey


    When the state of Madhya Pradesh was formed in 1950, whichcityserved as the capital? The capital was changed to Bhopal in1956 afterstate borders were redrawn on linguistic basis.Nagpur


    Which squirrel-sized New World monkey comes in varietiesthatinclude: Midas, Graelles, Mustachioed, Martins, Saddle-back,Black

    Mantled and Emperor? Tamarin



    Name the Indian Chief Minister who was in charge for 22 yearsand 8months with a break of 4 years between 1999 and 2003 when helost toMukut Mithi, thus failing to surpass Jyoti Basus record ofthe longestserving CM. Geogang Apang


    In October 1952, which technology received a patent under thename'Classifying Apparatus and Method'? One of the scientists whocame upwith this technology claims to have received inspiration bydrawing linesin the sand of a beach in Florida? Barcode


    Which Latin American style of dance and music attributed toacomposer named Enrique Jorrn is derived from the rumba andmamboand has a name which originally referred to a component of aHaitian

    bell which made a noise when it was rubbed?

    Cha-Cha-Cha /Cha-Cha


    The world's first commercial jet airliner was built byDeHavilland andfirst flew in 1949. Early models suffered from metalfatigue and had aseries of crashes, causing some wags to commentthat it wasappropriately named after a ball of fire. What name?Comet


    What was set up by English writer and journalist Auberon Waughto"draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory useofredundant passages in the modern novel and to discourage it"? Badsex award

    145 What food item gets its name from the Aramaic word forbread? Pita


    The original experiment was devised by geologist John Michell,whoconstructed a torsion balance apparatus for it. However, Michelldied in

    1793 without completing the work, and after his death theapparatuspassed to Francis John Hyde Wollaston and then to X, whor*built theapparatus but kept it close to Michell's original plan.This experimentwas the first to yield accurate values for thegravitational constant andthe mass of the Earth. Who was X? HenryCavendish


    Eight months before the Constituent Assembly of India wasconvened,a new constitution was written wholly by the AlliedOccupation foradoption by which country? It has not been amendedsince then. Japan


    What would these be early varieties of - Brassie, Spoon, BaffingSpoon(wooden varieties); Cleek, Mid Mashie, Spade Mashie, MashieNiblick,Pitching Niblick, Jigger (metal varieties)? Golf Clubs


    What word connects a common concept across multiplereligions,

    Jawaharlal Nehrus Alma Mater and the site of the worlds firstnuclearexplosion? Trinity



    Which style of vocals is named after a Muppet character onSesameStreet who was known for eating anything and everything butwith apreference for a particular baked food? CookieMonster_________________________________________________________________________________________________

    This quiz was set by Dibyendu Das, Thejaswi Udupa, OchintyaSharma, Mitesh Agarwal and Arun Hiregange (with Arul Mani as

    grammarian & guinea pig) of the Karnataka Quiz Association.To contact us, email [emailprotected].

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Ma Ha Quizzer Final Draft 2010 Ans - [PDF Document] (2024)


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