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PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (1)

National Drug Policy - Pharmaceutical


National Formulary Committee

- Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (2)

Essential Medicines List

Philippine NationalDrug Formulary

Essential Medicines List

Volume I, 7th Edition( 2008 )


Published by:

The National Formulary CommitteeNational Drug Policy ‐ Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (3)

The National Formulary CommitteeNational Drug Policy‐Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50 (NDP‐PMU 50)Department of HealthSan Lazaro Cmpd., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines 1003ISBN 978‐971‐91620‐7‐0

All rights reserved 2008

Any part or the whole book may be reproduced or transmitted without any alteration, in any form or by any means, with permission from DOH provided it is not sold commercially.


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2 0 0 8

Francisco T. Duque III, MD, MScSecretary of Health

Alexander A. PadillaUndersecretary of Health, Office for External Affairs

Robert Louie P. So, MDProgram Manager, NDP-PMU 50

Dennis S. Quiambao, MDProj. Mgmt. Operating Officer & Coordinator (PMOOC)



Estrella B. Paje-Villar, MD, DTM & HChairperson

Jose M. Acuin, MD, MSc Alma L. Jimenez, MD

Alejandro C. Baroque II, MD Marieta B. de Luna, MD

Bu C. Castro, MD Nelia P. Cortes-Maramba, MD

Dina V. Diaz, MD Yolanda R. Robles, PhD Pharm

Mario R. Festin, MD, MS, MHPEd Isidro C. Sia, MD


BFAD Representative


Luzviminda O. Marquez, RPh, RMT

Mary Love C. Victoria, RPh

Michael D. Junsay, RPh

Ermalyn M. Magturo

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Republic Act 9502 , also known as the Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality MedicinesAct of 2008, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) have been signed. As stated in IRRRule #36, "All government agencies, including local government units, shall procure drugs andmedicines within the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) current edition in accordance with

Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY2/F Bldg. 1, San Lazaro Cmpd.,

Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 ManilaTL: 743-83-01; DL: 711-9501; Fax: 743-1829; 743-1829; 743-1786

medicines within the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) current edition in accordance withRepublic Act 9184 and any other pertinent procurement reforms".

Likewise, pursuant to Executive Order 49, that "all government entities concerned aremandated to use the current PNDF (Volume I) as the basis for procurement of drug products".

The National Drug Policy-Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50 of the Department of Health(DOH) proudly presents the 7th edition of the PNDF, Volume I, Essential Medicines List.

The PNDF is a dynamic list which is regularly reviewed and updated to make it truly relevantto the health needs of the majority of the population.

In behalf of the DOH, we would like to thank and recognize the dedication and support of allmembers of the National Formulary Committee and the National Drug Information Center, andvarious resource persons in the preparation and completion of this edition.


Secretary of HealthFRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, M.D., M.Sc.

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April 16, 2009 Manila, Philippines

The preparation and publication of this 7th Edition of the Philippine National Drug Formulary(PNDF) Volume I was made possible with the exceptional dedication and commitment of Dr.Estrella B. Paje‐Villar, Chairperson and Dr. Nelia P. Cortes‐Maramba, Vice‐Chairperson, togetherwith the members of the National Formulary Committee (NFC) namely: Dr. Marieta B. de Luna, Dr.Isidro C. Sia, Dr. Bu C. Castro, Dr. Alma L. Jimenez, Dr. Dina V. Diaz and Dean Yolanda R. Robles.We are grateful for the invaluable administrative and clerical services rendered by Ms.Luzviminda O. Marquez, Ms. Mary Love C. Victoria, Mr. Michael D. Junsay and Ms. Ermalyn M.Magturo of the National Drug Policy‐Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50 (NDP‐PMU 50) of theDepartment of Health.We wish to thank also the NDP‐PMU 50 staff namely: Ms. Amor Cita M. Pallera, Ms. Catalina C.Sanchez and Dr. Teresita dela Cruz, Consultants, Ms. Jesselle Anne M. Navarro, Ms. Karina A. Sison,Ms. Mariane P. Dioso and Ms. Eden U. Campos for their technical help and for the non‐technicalsupport of Ms. Jeany Vi M. Abayon, Ms. Lina G. Dancel, Ms. Marivic V. Gañgan, Ms. Alice C.Laquindanum, Ms. Sheila C. Caragay, Ms. Rojanie Marquez, Mr. Rodrigo Palma and Ms. RowenaPaseos.Lastly, we acknowledge that this volume would not have been made possible without thewholehearted encouragement and support of DR. DENNIS S. QUIAMBAO, PMOOC, NDP‐PMU 50,DR. ROBERT LOUIE P. SO, Program Manager, NDP‐PMU 50, ATTY. ALEXANDER A. PADILLA,Undersecretary of Health for External Affairs and DR. FRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, the Secretary ofHealth of the Philippines.



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The third pillar is the development of self‐reliance in the local pharmaceutical industry. This pillarseeks to strengthen Filipino capabilities for the manufacture of basic and intermediate ingredientsfor drugs and medicines. By developing a capability to produce strategic essential drugs locally,the country's dependence on imported drugs can be greatly reduced. This will also enable localdrug manufacturers to be competitive with the transnational drug firms.The fourth pillar relates to the tailored or targeted procurement of drugs by government with theobjective of making available to its own clientele, particularly the lower‐income sectors of thesociety, the best drugs at the lowest possible cost. It is widely acknowledged that the governmentis the single largest purchaser of drugs in the country, allocating major part of its health budget fordrugs and medicines.The fifth pillar is on people empowerment. This cuts across all the four pillars and aims to assistpeople in exercising an informed choice in the purchase of cost‐effective medicines.vii


The Philippine National Drug Policy (PNDP) is the government's response to the problem ofinadequate provision of good quality essential drugs to the people. Part of the problem is the highcost drugs, which renders them inaccessible to the majority of the population. The PNDP standson five pillars designed to eventually bring about the availability and affordability of safe,effective, and good quality drugs for all sectors of the country, especially for the poor who needthem most, but who can least afford them. These five pillars form an integral unit, mutuallycomplementary and supportive of each other.The first pillar is the assurance of the safety, efficacy and usefulness of pharmaceutical productsthrough quality control. This will involve the regulation of the importation, manufacture,marketing, and consumer utilization of all drugs and their intermediates.The second pillar rests on the promotion of the rational use of drugs by both health professionalsand the general public. Rational use of drugs refer to a carefully considered pattern of behavior onthe part of the prescriber and the consumer. This will limit the use of medicines to situationswhere there are clear valid indications for them. Furthermore, only the most necessary andscientifically proven efficacious drugs should be used.A key strategy under the rational drug use pillar is the development and implementation of aPhilippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) which shall list those drugs which are most essentialfor the diseases and conditions encountered in the Philippines, and describe the appropriate useof these essential drugs. Aside from this, the rules and regulations governing the promotion andadvertising of pharmaceutical products shall be reviewed and amended in order to contributetowards the promotion of rational use of drugs. With these twin moves, consumers will now beproperly guided as to which drugs to use for their particular needs and conditions.

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The five pillars of the PNDP form a dynamic whole and each pillar is meant to be mutuallyreinforcing. Quality assurance is a prerequisite for any National Drug Policy. The tenets of rationaluse will serve as bases for regulation in both government and private sectors. In turn, fair andthorough regulation should promote rational use. The active participation of government in theprocurement, distribution and use of drugs will lead the way towards some measures of self‐reliance and self‐sufficiency. This should also provide impetus for private enterprise to movetowards the manufacture of some basic ingredients of drugs, if private industry is to retain itscompetitive edge. Finally, the PNDP recognizes the value of all sectors of society and seeks theirsupport in the implementation of the National Drug Policy (NDP). The NDP relates to the healthand welfare of each and every Filipino and certainly deserves the support of all.


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P R E F A C Eto the 7th edition

The NFC gratefully acknowledges the invaluable assistance of the NDIC headed by Dr. IsidroC. Sia and Mr. Rainier Galang, the various resource persons and the NDP‐PMU 50 staff in thepreparation and completion of this edition. As in the 6th edition, the completed sections signed bythe Secretary of Health are released on a staggered basis and posted at the DOH website for theinformation of all concerned and for immediate implementation.ix

The Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) is an integral component of the PhilippineNational Drug Policy, aimed at making available and accessible, essential medicines of provenefficacy, safety and quality at affordable cost. It's formulation by the Department of Health (DOH)through the National Formulary Committee (NFC), formerly called the National Drug Committee,has been mandated by R.A. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988.The PNDF Volume I, the Essential Medicines List, is a major step towards rational use ofmedicines in the country. The medicines are selected with due regard to public health relevance,evidence of efficacy and safety and comparative cost‐effectiveness. The national list of essentialmedicines is a subset of registered medicines divided according to different levels of care. Acarefully selected limited list of essential medicines leads to higher quality of care, bettermanagement of medicines including improved quality control, more cost‐effective use of healthresources and ensures regular supply of essential medicines, resulting in real health gain andincreased confidence on the health system.The 7th edition of the PNDF Volume I has maintained basically the same objectives andorganization as in the previous editions. However, measures have been adopted to simplify thelisting by limiting the numbering to a maximum of three, whenever possible. Further, the NFC hasadopted the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation to replace the word "drug" with"medicines". The algorithms for deletion and addition of medicines have been followed strictlyand the evaluation of the efficacy and safety by an unbiased agency, the National DrugInformation Center (NDIC) has been made a requirement for the decision making process. TheNFC followed the same consultative and participative process in its formulation through a seriesof deliberation meetings with different panels of experts from the medical schools, PhilippineMedical Association, various specialty and subspecialty societies and government and privatehospitals. Inputs from the pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders have also beenconsidered.A major revision in this 2008 edition is the incorporation of the WHO listing of immediaterelease solid oral dosage forms of multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products/activeingredients which should be subjected to in-vivo bioequivalence studies (list B medicines). Fortyfive (45) medicines have been added to the PNDF, while thirty six (36) medicines have beendeleted based on the approved guidelines and criteria. This 7th edition includes a total of 627 medicines, 351 in the core list and 276 in the complementary list.

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Prof. Estrella B. Paje-Villar, MDChair, National Formulary Committee

The PNDF is a very dynamic list which is regularly reviewed and updated to make it trulyrelevant in meeting the health needs of the great majority of the population. The NFC encouragesand welcomes the active participation of all stakeholders to achieve our goal of promotingrational use of medicines in the delivery of quality health care.


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PART II Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

APPENDICESAppendix A —Appendix B — Revisions to PNDF Vol. I for its 7th Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix C —Appendix D —Appendix E — Medicines in PNDF with Abuse Potential (List A) . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix F —Appendix G —Appendix H —Appendix I — List B Medicines (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix J — Medicinal Plant Products registered with BFAD (•) . . . . . . . . . .


137134135 ‐ 136

129130 ‐ 131132 ‐ 133

Medicines in the PNDF requiring specific expertise,diagnostic precision or special equipment for proper use (1)Medicines with limited indications or narrow spectrum ofactivity (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medicines in the PNDF which are to be used only inhospitals with DOH accredited Antimicrobial ResistanceSurveillance Program (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Therapeutic Categories of the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF)under twenty‐two (22) different sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Medicines in their International Non‐proprietary Names(INN)/Generic Names under different Therapeutic Categories classifiedunder Core or Complementary List indicating the Route of Administrationand Pharmaceutical Forms and Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pharmaceutical Products in the PNDF that are not presentlyavailable in the market but are considered essential () . . . . New Drugs under Monitored Release for which the NationalFormulary Committee (NFC) and the Bureau of Food andDrugs (BFAD) request that all Adverse Drug Events/Experiences (ADEs) be reported ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

117118 ‐ 119

127 ‐ 128


1 ‐ 114


Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) Vol. I, 7thEdition Summary Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 ‐ 126

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Appendix K —Appendix L — Medical Devices / Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix M — Process for Drafting the PNDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix N — General Guidelines for Establishing the PNDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix O — Drug Selection for the PNDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix P — Criteria for inclusion and deletion of drugs from the PNDF . . .Appendix Q — List of Resource Persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix R — Republic Act No. 6675 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix S — Executive Order No. 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix T — Administrative Order No. 51 s. 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix U — Administrative Order No. 62 s. 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix V — Administrative Order No. 63 s. 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix W — Administrative Order No. 90 s. 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Appendix X — Administrative Order No. 163 s. 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

174 ‐ 178

160 ‐ 162

179180 ‐ 185

163 ‐ 168

155 ‐ 159

169 ‐ 173

144 ‐ 145146147

138 ‐ 140141142 ‐ 143

148 ‐ 154

"Implementing Guidelines and Procedures in theProcurement and Requisition of Drugs and Medicines by theDepartment of Health pursuant to Executive Order No. 49dated January 21, 1993"

"Rules and Regulations to Implement DispensingRequirements Under the Generics Act of 1988 (RA 6675)"

"An Act to Promote, Require and Ensure the Production of anAdequate Supply, Distribution, Use and Acceptance of Drugsand Medicines Identified by their Generic Names"


"Directing the Mandatory Use of the Philippine National DrugFormulary (PNDF) Volume I as the basis for Procurement ofDrug Products by the Government"

"Implementing Guidelines for Department of HealthCompliance with Republic Act 6675 (Generics Act of 1988)"

"Rules and Regulations to Implement PrescribingRequirements Under the Generics Act of 1988 (RA 6675)"

"Amendment to AO 62 s. 1989 Re: Rules and Regulations toImplement Prescribing Requirements"

List of Dangerous Drug Preparations (DDPs) and List ofDrug Preparations containing Table I Controlled Chemicalsby the Dangerous Drugs Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Appendix Y — Republic Act No. 9502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix Z — Joint DOH‐DTI‐IPO‐BFAD Administrative Order No. 2008‐01Appendix AA —Primary Care Medicines (2008 Edition) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LIST OF DOH RETAINED HOSPITALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .INDEX

"An Act Providing for Cheaper and Quality Medicines,Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8293 or theIntellectual Property Code, Republic Act No. 6675 or theGenerics Act of 1988, and the Republic Act No. 5921 or thePharmacy Law, and for Other Purposes" 206 ‐ 244"The Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.9502 Otherwise Known as the Universally Accessible Cheaperand Quality Medicines Act of 2008"

268 ‐ 272

186 ‐ 205

273 ‐ 290Alphabetical Listing of Medicines in their INN/Generic names indicatingtheir Classification, Section and Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

245 ‐ 267


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1 MEDICINES ACTING ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM1.1 ANESTHETICS1.1.1 General anestheticsInhalational agentsIntravenous agents1.1.2 Adjuvants and oxygenNon‐opioid analgesicsOpioid analgesicsNeuromuscular blockersCholinesterase inhibitorsAnxiolyticsAnticholinergicSympathomimeticBeta adrenoceptor blockerOxygen1.1.3 Local anesthetics1.2 ANTICONVULSANTS / ANTIEPILEPTICS1.3 ANTIMIGRAINE1.4 ANTIPARKINSONISM1.4.1 Dopaminergics (only for idiopathic parkinsonism)1.4.2 Anticholinergics (for idiopathic and drug‐inducedparkinsonism)1.5 ANTIPYRETICS1.6 ANTI‐VERTIGO1.7 MEDICINES FOR ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITYDISORDER (ADHD)1.8 MEDICINES FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT1.8.1 Non‐opioid analgesics1.8.2 Opioid analgesics1.8.3 Medicines for neuropathic pain1.9 MEDICINES TO REDUCE CEREBRAL EDEMA1.10 MEDICINES FOR DEMENTIA1.11 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGICAL AGENTS1.11.1 Antidepressants1.11.2 AntipsychoticsAtypical AntipsychoticsTypical Antipsychotics1.11.3 Anxiolytics1.11.4 Hypnotics1.11.5 Mood Stabilizers2 MEDICINES ACTING ON THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM

AND JOINTS2.1 ANTIGOUTFor acute goutFor chronic gout



99101011 - 14

888 ‐ 10888

66 ‐ 8677 ‐ 8

5555 ‐ 66

23333 ‐ 44 ‐ 5

1 ‐ 222222

1 - 101 ‐ 31111 ‐ 3



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2.2 ANTI‐OSTEOPOROSIS MEDICINES2.2.1 Anti‐resorptive agentsBisphosphonatesHormone replacement therapySelective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)2.2.2 Vitamins and minerals2.3 DISEASE MODIFYING ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUGS (DMARDs)2.4 NON‐STEROIDAL ANTI‐INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDs)2.4.1 Non‐selective COX inhibitors2.4.2 Selective COX 2 inhibitor2.5 SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS2.5.1 Spasmolytics2.5.2 Neuromuscular blockersDepolarizing agentsNon‐depolarizing agents3 ANTI-INFECTIVES3.1 ANTIBACTERIALS3.1.1 Aminoglycosides3.1.2 Aminocycl*tol3.1.3 Carbapenems3.1.4 CephalosporinsFirst GenerationSecond GenerationThird GenerationFourth Generation3.1.5 Chloramphenicol3.1.6 Glycopeptide3.17. Lincosamide3.1.8 Macrolides3.1.9 Nitroimidazole3.1.10 Penicillins3.1.11 QuinolonesFirst Generation (non‐fluorinated)Second Generation (fluorinated)Third Generation (fluorinated)3.1.12 Sulfonamide3.1.13 Tetracyclines (also for chlamydiae, mycoplasma,and rickettsiae)3.1.14 Anti ‐ H. pylori (in conjuction with bismuth subcitrate orproton pump inhibitor)3.1.15 Antileprosy medicines3.1.16 Antituberculosis medicines3.1.17 Urinary antiseptics3.2 ANTIFUNGALS3.3 ANTIPARASITICS3.3.1 AnthelminticsMedicines for common roundworm infectionsAntifilarialsAntischistosoma

25 ‐ 2725252525

21212222 ‐ 242424

18 ‐ 2020 ‐ 2120202121


151515 ‐ 1715 ‐ 161616 ‐ 17

13131415 - 2815 ‐ 2415

1212 ‐ 13121313 ‐ 1413

11 ‐ 121111


111111 ‐ 12

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3.3.2 AntiprotozoalsAmebicidesAntimalarialsAntipneumocystosis (also antitoxoplasmosis)3.4 ANTIVIRALS3.4.1 Antiherpes agents3.4.2 Anticytomegalovirus3.4.3 Antiretroviral agentsNucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)Non‐Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNRTI)Protease Inhibitors (PIs)3.4.4 Anti‐influenza A & B4 IMMUNOLOGICALS4.1 DIAGNOSTIC AGENT4.2 SERA AND IMMUNOGLOBULINS4.3 VACCINES5 CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINES5.1 CARDIOACTIVE AGENTS5.1.1 Inotropic agentsCardiac glycosideAdrenergic agents5.1.2 Antianginal agentsNitratesBeta‐adrenoceptor blockersCalcium channel blockersFatty acid oxidation (pFOX) inhibitor5.1.3 Medicines for acute coronary syndromeNitratesAnticoagulantsAntithromboticsThrombolytic (Fibrinolytic)Angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorsBeta‐adrenoceptor blockersOpioid analgesic5.1.4 Post‐myocardial infarction maintenance medicinesAntithromboticBeta‐adrenoceptor blockersAngiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorsAngiotensin‐2‐receptor blockers (ARBs)5.1.5 Antiarrhythmic agentsVentricularSupraventicular5.1.6 Anticongestive heart failureAntialdosterone / renin angiotensin aldosterone(RAA) modulatorDiuretics 39

38 ‐ 39

3737 ‐ 38373737

3838 ‐ 3939 ‐ 4039

353636 ‐ 37

3737 ‐ 38


34343435 ‐ 363535

29 - 332929 ‐ 3030 ‐ 3334 - 4534

2727272727 ‐ 2828

25262727 ‐ 282725 ‐ 27


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Cardiac glycosideAngiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorsCombined alpha and beta‐adrenoceptor blockerBeta‐adrenoceptor blockers5.2 ANTIHYPERTENSIVES5.2.1 Diuretics5.2.2 AntiadrenergicsBeta‐adrenoceptor blockersCentrally acting antihypertensives (alpha‐2‐agonists)5.2.3 Direct vasodilators5.2.4 Calcium channel blockers5.2.5 Angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors5.2.6 Angiotensin‐2‐receptor blockers (ARBs)Fixed‐dose combinations5.3 MEDICINES FOR BLOOD LIPID DISORDERSHypercholesterolemiaHypertriglyceridemia5.4 MEDICINES FOR SHOCK5.4.1 Anaphylactic shock5.4.2 Cardiogenic / Vascular shock5.4.3 Hemorrhagic / Hypovolemic shock5.4.4 Septic shock5.5 CHRONOTROPIC AGENT5.6 MEDICINES FOR PERIPHERAL ARTERY OCCLUSIVE DISEASE5.7 MEDICINES FOR VENOUS THROMBOSIS / THROMBOEMBOLISM(ANTICOAGULANT)6 DIURETICS

7 RESPIRATORY MEDICINES7.1 ANTIASTHMA7.1.1 Relievers (quick relief / rescue medications)BronchodilatorsCorticosteroids7.1.2 Controllers (prophylactic / maintenance medications)Bronchodilators (symptom controllers)Corticosteroids (inflammation controllers)Fixed dose combination inhalation corticosteroid and beta‐2 adrenoceptor agonistsLeukotriene receptor antagonist7.2 MEDICINES FOR CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE(COPD)7.2.1 Relievers (quick relief / rescue medications)(see under Bronchodilators)7.2.2 Maintenance medication7.3 CENTRALLY ACTING ANTITUSSIVES7.4 RESPIRATORY STIMULANT7.5 SURFACTANT



40 ‐ 434040 ‐ 4140414141 ‐ 42


424242 ‐ 43434343

49 ‐ 52

44 ‐ 454546

43 ‐ 4443434444

4949 ‐ 5151 ‐ 525252 ‐ 53

47 - 5447 ‐ 5247 ‐ 4947 ‐ 4848 ‐ 49

52 ‐ 535353 ‐ 545454

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58 - 6358 ‐ 6158 ‐ 5959 ‐ 61

55 - 575555 ‐ 5656

6364 - 666464 ‐ 6565 ‐ 66

6161 ‐ 62616263

6768 - 716868 ‐ 71


72 - 757272727373737373737474747474

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13.10 GASTROKINETICS (PROKINETICS)13.11 HEMOSTATIC MEDICINES FOR ESOPHAGEAL VARICES14 HORMONES AND HORMONE ANTAGONISTS14.1 CORTICOSTEROIDS14.2 ANTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONES AND ANTERIORPITUITARY‐LIKE HORMONES14.3 POSTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONES14.4 HYPOTHALAMIC HORMONES14.5 SEX HORMONES AND ANTAGONISTSAndrogensAnti‐androgensEstrogenDopamine agonist (for hyperprolactinemia)Ovulation inducing medicinesProgestins (Progestogens)Hormonal contraceptivesHormonal replacement therapy14.6 MEDICINES FOR BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH)14.7 THYROID HORMONES AND ANTITHYROID MEDICINES14.7.1 Thyroid hormone replacement14.7.2 Antithyroid medicinesThioamidesIodides and Radioactive Iodine (Therapeutic)Adjunct for Crisis States14.8 INSULINS AND OTHER ANTIDIABETIC MEDICINES14.8.1 InsulinsShort ActingIntermediate Acting14.8.2 Oral hypoglycemicsSulfonylureasBiguanideThiazolidinedioneAlpha Glucosidase Inhibitor14.9 ANTI‐HYPOGLYCEMICS15 MEDICINES ACTING ON THE UTERUS15.1 OXYTOCICS (UTERINE STIMULANTS)15.2 TOCOLYTICS (UTERINE RELAXANTS)16 MEDICINES CORRECTING WATER ELECTROLYTE, ACID-BASE,


76 - 8276 ‐ 777778


7878 ‐ 8078787979797979 ‐ 80808080 ‐ 81808181818181 ‐ 8281 ‐ 828181 ‐ 82828282

8384 - 9384 ‐ 8784


85 ‐ 8787 ‐ 8888 ‐ 8990 ‐ 9190xxii

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Amino Acids, Crystalline StandardAmino Acids, Combined16.5 PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOLUTION16.6 HEMODIALYSIS SOLUTIONPotassium Free DialysateLow Calcium Dialysate17 DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS17.1 OPHTHALMIC 17.2 RADIOCONTRAST MEDIAIonicNon‐IonicOther Radiocontrast Media 18 DERMATOLOGICAL AND MUCOUS MEMBRANE AGENTS (TOPICAL)18.1 ANTI‐INFECTIVES18.1.1 Antibacterials18.1.2 Antifungals18.1.3 Scabicides and Pediculicides18.2 ANTI‐INFLAMMATORY AND ANTIPRURITICS18.3 ANTISEPTICS18.4 KERATOLYTICS18.5 ANTI‐PSORIASIS18.6 EMOLLIENT 19 OPHTHALMOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS19.1 ADJUVANT TO SURGERY19.2 ANTI‐INFECTIVES19.3 ANTI‐INFLAMMATORY19.3.1 Steroidal19.3.2 Non‐steroidal19.4 DIAGNOSTICS19.5 GLAUCOMA, MEDICINES FOR 19.5.1 Cholinergic Agonists (Miotics)19.5.2 Beta Adrenoceptor Blockers19.5.3 Adrenergic Agonist (alpha 2 selective)19.5.4 Prostaglandin Analogues19.5.5 Carbonic Anhydrase InhibitorsSystemicLocally Acting 19.5.6 Hyperosmotic Agents19.6 LOCAL ANESTHETICS19.7 MYDRIATICSAnticholinergics (cycloplegics)Adrenergic Agonist19.8 DYSFUNCTIONAL TEAR SYNDROME (Dry Eyes)ImmunosuppressiveLubricants


94 - 969494 ‐ 9594

90 ‐ 9191 ‐ 92929293


959697 - 10197 ‐ 9897

101102 - 106102102 ‐ 103103

97 ‐ 989898 ‐ 999999 ‐ 100

103103104104 ‐ 105104104104104 ‐ 105105105105105105105105106106106xxiii


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107 - 108107107107

109 ‐ 111112 ‐ 113113114

107107 ‐ 108108108109 - 113

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LEGEND: — Not available in Philippine market

— Medicinal plant product registered with BFAD

+ —


New drug under "monitored release", which the National FormularyCommittee (NFC) and the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) request that allAdverse Drug Events/Experiences (ADEs) be reported

Use with extreme caution in doses exceeding 30 mg per day; contraindicatedin acute coronary events

Based on the requirement of Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes(RENI)

(1) Specific expertise, diagnostic precision, or special equipment required forproper use

— Limited indications or narrow spectrum of activity

proper use


(3) Only for tertiary hospitals with DOH accredited antimicrobial resistancesurveillance program

(A1) Dangerous Drug Preparations to be prescribed and dispensed through theDOH Official Prescription Form (Yellow Rx). Only one (1) dangerous drugpreparation shall be prescribed in one single prescription form. Partial fillingallowed. STRICTLY NO REFILL. (See Appendix K)

(A2) Drug Preparations Containing Controlled Chemicals to be dispensed andprescribed through a Personalized Prescription issued by a prescribingphysician with the S2 license #, among others, indicated therein. Only one (1)drug preparation shall be prescribed in one single prescription form. Partialfilling allowed. STRICTLY NO REFILL. (See Appendix K)

To be prescribed using Personalized Prescription issued by the prescribingphysician with the S2 license # indicated therein. Only one (1) drugpreparation shall be prescribed in one single prescription form. Partial fillingallowed. STRICTLY NO REFILL. (See Appendix K)

(B) — List B medicines requiring in vivo bioequivalence studies (see Appendix I)

— Dangerous Drugs Board

— Dangerous Drug Preparations

— Dry Powder Inhaler

— Equivalent

— ELISA Unit

— Follicle Stimulating Hormone









PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (25)

— Gram

— Human Serum Albumin-free

— Intradermal Injection

— Intramuscular Injection

— Injection

— International Unit/s

— Intravenous Injection

— Liter

— Luteinizing Hormone

— Millicurie

— Metered Dose Inhaler

— Milliequivalent












mEq — Milliequivalent

— Milligram

— Milliliter

— Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug

— Penicillin G

— Plaque Forming Unit

— Retinol Equivalent

— Respiratory Solution

— Subcutaneous Injection

— Solution

— Supraventricular Tachycardia


Modified Release (includes Controlled Release (CR), Extended Release (ER ), Sustained Release (SR), Long Acting (LA), etc.)


pen. G







Resp. Soln.

License required for prescription of Dangerous Drugs Preparations andControlled Chemicals by the Physicians/Dentists/Veterinarians



SVT — Supraventricular Tachycardia

Primary Care Medicines for all Rural Health Units (RHUs)

Primary Care Medicines for RHUs with physicians and otherhealth workers


1 grain = 60 mg

1/2 grain = 30 mg



Category A —

Category B —

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (26)

Quantities of 1 gram or more should be written as 1 g, etc.

Quantities less than 1 gram should be written in milligrams, e.g., 500 mg, not 0.5 g.

Quantities less than 1 milligram should be written in microgram/s,e.g., 100 microgram/s, not 0.1 mg.

When decimals are unavoidable, a zero should be written before the decimal point wherethere is no figure, e.g., 0.5 mL, not .5 mL.

The term milliliter (mL) should be used and not cubic centimeters or cc or cm3.


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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths1.1 ANESTHETICS

1.1.1 General anesthetics

Inhalational agents


NITROUS OXIDE (1) Inhalation: Anesthetic gasVolatile agents

1 M E D I C I N E S A C T I N G O N T H E N E R V O U S S Y S T E M

ISOFLURANE (1) Inhalation: 100 mL and 250 mL bottledesflurane (1) Inhalation: 240 mL bottlehalothane (1) Inhalation: 250 mL bottlesevoflurane (1) Inhalation: 250 mL bottle

Intravenous agents

KETAMINE (1, A1) Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)THIOPENTAL SODIUM (1, A1) Inj.: 500 mg vial (IV)1 g vial + 50 mL diluent (IV)

propofol (1) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 20 mL ampul (IV) 10 mg/mL, 50 mL pre‐filledsyringe (IV)10 mg/mL, 20 mL and 50 mL vial (IV)20 mg/mL, 50 mL vial (IV)g/ ( )(as oil in water emulsion)1.1.2 Adjuvants and oxygen

Non-opioid analgesics

diclofenac Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 2 mL and 3 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as sodium salt)25 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, IV)(as sodium salt)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 1

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths37.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul andpre‐filled syringe (IM, IV)(as sodium salt)ketoprofen Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM)lyophilized powder, 100 mg vial (IV infusion)ketorolac Inj.: 30 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as tromethamol)

Opioid analgesics (See Section 1.8.2)

Neuromuscular blockers (See Section 2.5.2)

Cholinesterase inhibitors

EDROPHONIUM Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as chloride)NEOSTIGMINE Oral: 15 mg tablet (as bromide)Inj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC) (as methyl sulfate)PYRIDOSTIGMINE (1, 2) Oral: 60 mg tablet (as bromide)


DIAZEPAM (A1) Oral: 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tabletInj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV) MIDAZOLAM (A1) Oral: 15 mg tablet Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)5 mg/mL, 1 mL and 3 mL ampul(IM, IV)


ATROPINE Inj.: 500 micrograms/mL and 1 mg/mL,1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as sulfate)Sympathomimetic

EPHEDRINE (A1) Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as sulfate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 2

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsBeta adrenoceptor blocker

ESMOLOL (2) Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV)(as hydrochloride)Oxygen Inhalation: (medicinal gas)

1.1.3 Local anesthetics

BUPIVACAINE (1) Inj.: 0.5%, 5 mL and 10 mL ampul(local infiltration)(as hydrochloride)0.5%, 5 mL, 10 mL, 20 mL and 50 mLampul/vial (local infiltration)(as hydrochloride) ( y )0.5% 4 mL ampul (spinal) with 8%dextrose (as hydrochloride)0.5% (isobaric), 5 mL ampul (spinal)(as hydrochloride)LIDOCAINE Inj.: 1%, 5 mL ampul and 50 mL vial(local infiltration)(as hydrochloride)2%, 5 mL, 10 mL and 50 mL vial(epidural, local infiltration)(as hydrochloride)2%, 1.8 mL carpule (with epinephrine)(local infiltration)Jelly: 2%, 30 g (as hydrochloride)Ointment: 5%, 35 g and 50 g(as hydrochloride)Solution: 4%, 30 mL (topical solution)(as hydrochloride)Spray: 10%, 50 mL (as hydrochloride)TETRACAINE Inj.: 20 mg ampul (sterile powder)j g p ( p )(spinal) (as hydrochloride)

ropivacaine Inj.: 10 mg/mL in 10 mL ampul (IV)(as hydrochloride)1.2 ANTICONVULSANTS / ANTIEPILEPTICS

CARBAMAZEPINE Oral: 200 mg tablet (B)200 mg and 400 mg MR tablet100 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mLPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 3

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCLONAZEPAM (A1) Oral: 2 mg tabletDIAZEPAM (1, A1) Inj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV)Rectal: 5 mg/2.5 mL and 10 mg/2.5 mLin rectal tubeLORAZEPAM (1, A1) Inj.: 4 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IV)MAGNESIUM SULFATE (1) Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(for pre‐eclampsia / eclampsia and 20 mL vial (IM, IV)and hypomagnesemia) (as heptahydrate)500 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as heptahydrate)PHENOBARBITAL (A1) Oral: 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg and 90 mg tablet( ) g g g gInj.: 120 mg/mL (130 mg/mL), 1 mLampul (IM, IV) (as sodium salt)PHENYTOIN Oral: 30 mg and 100 mg capsule(as sodium salt) (B)30 mg/5 mL suspension, 120 mL(as sodium salt)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV)(as sodium salt) (1)VALPROATE DISODIUM/ Oral: 250 mg tablet (as disodium salt

VALPROIC ACID and valproic acid)250 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mL(as valproic acid)gabapentin Oral: 100 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg capsulemidazolam (A1) Oral: 15 mg tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)5 mg/mL, 1 mL, 2 mL, 3 mL, 5 mLand 10 mL ampul (IM, IV)p ( )thiopental sodium Inj.: 500 mg vial (IV)(1, A1) 1 g vial + 50 mL diluent (IV)topiramate Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mgtablet15 mg and 25 mg capsule


ERGOTAMINE (1, 2, A2) Oral: 1 mg tablet (as tartrate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 4

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsPROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)40 mg and 80 mg MR capsule(as hydrochloride)

flunarizine Oral: 5 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)NSAIDs (See Section 2.4)paracetamol Oral: 300 mg and 500 mg tabletzolmitriptan Oral: 2.5 mg tablet


1.4.1 Dopaminergics (only for idiopathic parkinsonism)

LEVODOPA + CARBIDOPA Oral: 100 mg levodopa + 25 mg carbidopaper tablet250 mg levodopa + 25 mg carbidopaper tabletpiribedil Oral: 50 mg MR tablet selegiline Oral: 5 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)

1.4.2 Anticholinergics (for idiopathic and drug-induced parkinsonism)

BIPERIDEN Oral: 2 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 5 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as lactate)DIPHENHYDRAMINE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule(as hydrochloride)12.5 mg/5 mL, 60 mL andg/120 mL syrupInj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)


IBUPROFEN Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet100 mg/5 mL, 60 mL suspensionPARACETAMOL Oral: 300 mg and 500 mg tablet100 mg/mL drops, 15 mL(alcohol‐free)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 5

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths120 mg/5 mL (125 mg/5 mL)syrup/suspension, 30 mL, 60 mLand 120 mL (alcohol‐free)250 mg/5 mL syrup/suspension,30 mL, 60 mL and 120 mL(alcohol‐free)Rectal: 125 mg and 250 mg suppository1.6 ANTI-VERTIGO

betahistine Oral: 6 mg tablet (as mesilate)8 mg and 24 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)cinnarizine Oral: 25 mg tabletg50 mg and 75 mg capsulemeclozine Oral: 12.5 mg chewable tablet

(meclizine) (as hydrochloride)25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)1.7 MEDICINES FOR ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD)

imipramine Oral: 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)methylphenidate Oral: 18 mg and 36 mg MR tablet(1, 2, A1)


1.8.1 Non-opioid analgesics

IBUPROFEN Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet800 mg MR tablet 100 mg/5 mL, 60 mL syrup/suspensionpPARACETAMOL(See Section 1.5 )

other NSAIDs (See Sections 2.4 and 1.1.2)yerba buena Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet

[Mentha cordifolia Opiz (Fam. Labiatae)]

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths1.8.2 Opioid analgesics

CODEINE (A1) Oral: 30 mg MR capsule (as phosphate)10 mg/5 mL, 60 mL suspensionMORPHINE (A1) Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg and 30 mg tablet/capsule (as sulfate)10 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg and 100 mgMR tablet (as sulfate)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV, SC) (as sulfate)15 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV, SC) (as sulfate)NALBUPHINE (A1) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)( ) j g/ p ( )(as hydrochloride)20 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, IV, SC)(as hydrochloride)PETHIDINE (A1) Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)

(meperidine) (as hydrochloride)50 mg/mL, 30 mL vial (IM, IV, SC)(as hydrochloride)butorphanol (A1) Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 1 mL and 2 mL vial(IM, IV) (as tartrate)fentanyl (A1) Inj.: 50 micrograms/mL, 2 mL, 10 mL and20 mL ampul (IV) (as citrate)(The latter is restricted to pain management of terminal cancer patients)oxycodone (A1) Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)tramadol (1) Oral: 50 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)100 mg, 150 mg and 200 mg MR tablet(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL and 2 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC) (as hydrochloride)

1.8.3 Medicines for neuropathic pain

carbamazepine Oral: 200 mg tablet (B)200 mg and 400 mg MR tablet100 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mLPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 7

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsgabapentin Oral: 100 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg capsuleimipramine Oral: 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)


DEXAMETHASONE Oral: 500 microgram and 4 mg tabletInj.: 4 mg/mL, 1 mL and 2 mL ampul/vial(IM, IV) (as sodium phosphate)5 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as sodium phosphate)GLYCEROL Oral: USP grade (liquid)


MANNITOL Inj.: 20%, 250 mL and 500 mL bottle (IV)furosemide Oral: 20 mg and 40 mg tablet (B)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)


RIVASTIGMINE Oral: 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 4.5 mg and 6 mg capsule(as hydrogen tartrate)galantamine Oral: 4 mg tablet8 mg tablet8 mg, 16 mg and 24 mg MR capsule


1.11.1 Antidepressants

FLUOXETINE (1) Oral: 20 mg dispersable tablet/capsule SERTRALINE Oral: 50 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) g ( y )

escitalopram Oral: 10 mg tablet (as oxalate)imipramine Oral: 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)

1.11.2 Antipsychotics

Atypical Antipsychotics

RISPERIDONE Oral: 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, and 4 mg tablet1 mg and 2 mg orodispersible tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 8

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths1 mg/mL oral solution, 100 mLInj.: 25 mg and 37.5 mg MR powder forsuspension, vial + 2 mL diluentin pre‐filled syringe (IM)clozapine (1, 2) Oral: 25 mg and 100 mg tablet (requireshematologic monitoring)olanzapine (1, 2) Oral: 5 mg and 10 mg tabletInj.: 10 mg vial (IM)quetiapine Oral: 25 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg and 300 mgtablet (as fumarate)

Typical Antipsychoticsyp p y

CHLORPROMAZINE Oral: 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)FLUPENTIXOL (1) Oral: 250 microgram, 500 microgram,1 mg and 5 mg tablet(as dihydrochloride)Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul and 10 mLvial (IM) (as decanoate)FLUPHENAZINE (1) Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul and 10 mLvial (IM) (as decanoate)HALOPERIDOL (1) Oral: 500 microgram, 1.5 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablet (B)Inj.: 5 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)50 mg/mL, 1 mL (oily) ampul (IM)(as decanoate)

1.11.3 Anxiolytics

DIAZEPAM (A1) Oral: 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tabletInj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV) alprazolam (A1) Oral: 250 microgram, 500 microgram and 1 mg tabletbromazepam (A1) Oral: 1.5 mg tabletclonazepam (A1) Oral: 2 mg tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 9

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths1.11.4 Hypnotics

FLURAZEPAM (A1) Oral: 15 mg capsule(as monohydrochloride)chloral hydrate Oral: 500 mg/5 mL syrupmidazolam (A1) Oral: 15 mg tablet Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (IM, IV)5 mg/mL, 1 mL, 2 mL, 3 mL, 5 mL and 10 mL ampul (IM, IV)zolpidem (A1) Oral: 10 mg tablet

1.11.5 Mood Stabilizers

CARBAMAZEPINE Oral: 200 mg tablet (B)200 mg and 400 mg MR tablet100 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mL LITHIUM CARBONATE (1) Oral: 450 mg MR tablet

valproate disodium/ Oral: 250 mg tablet (as disodium salt orvalproic acid as valproic acid)250 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mL(as valproic acid)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsM E D I C I N E S A C T I N G O N T H E M U S C U L O -



For acute gout

COLCHICINE Oral: 500 microgram tabletNSAIDs(See Section 2.4)

For chronic gout

ALLOPURINOL Oral: 100 mg and 300 mg tablet



2.2.1 Anti-resorptive agents


alendronate Oral: 10 mg and 70 mg tablet(as sodium salt) alendronate + Oral: 70 mg (as sodium salt) +cholecalciferol (Vit. D3) 2800 IU tablet

Hormone replacement therapy

conjugated equine Oral: 300 microgram, 625 microgram and estrogen 1.25 mg tablet

conjugated equine Oral: 625 microgram + 2.5 mg tabletestrogen + medroxy- 625 microgram + 5 mg tabletprogesterone acetatep g

medroxy- Oral: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 100 mg,progesterone (2) 250 mg, 400 mg, and 500 mgtablet (as acetate)

Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)

raloxifene Oral: 60 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)2.2.2 Vitamins and minerals

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCALCIUM CARBONATE Oral: tablet/chewable tablet (equiv. to500 mg and 600 mg elementalcalcium)CALCIUM CARBONATE + Oral: 750 mg (equiv. to 300 mg elemental

CHOLECALCIFEROL (VIT. D3) calcium) + 150 IU tablet1.25 g (equiv. to 500 mg elementalcalcium) + 250 IU tablet2.3 DISEASE MODIFYING ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUGS (DMARDs)

azathioprine (B) Oral: 50 mg tabletcyclophosphamide Oral: 50 mg tablet (as anhydrous) (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg( ) j p g g gand 1 g vial (IV)hydroxychloroquine Oral: 200 mg tablet (as sulfate)methotrexate (1) Oral: 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tablet(as base)Inj.: 2.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial(IM, IV, Intrathecal) (as base)5 mg/mL, 3 mL vial (IM, IV)(as sodium salt)25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial(IM, IV, Intrathecal) (as base)10 mg/mL, 1 mL and 5 mL vial(as base)50 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (as base)100 mg/mL, 5 mL, 10 mL and 50 mLvial (as base)


2.4.1 Non-selective COX inhibitors

IBUPROFEN Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet800 mg MR tablet100 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLNAPROXEN Oral: 250 mg base (275 mg) and 500 mgbase (550 mg) tablet(as sodium salt)500 mg MR tablet (as sodium salt)

aspirin Oral: 300 mg tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 12

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsdiclofenac Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tablet/capsule(as sodium or potassium salt)50 mg enteric coated tablet orMR tablet (as sodium salt)75 mg MR capsule/tablet(as sodium or potassium salt)100 mg MR tablet/capsule(as sodium or potassium salt)Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul (as sodium salt) (IM, IV)37.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul(as sodium salt) (IM, IV)indometacin (1) Oral: 25 mg capsuleInj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 5 mL ampul (IV) j g / p ( )ketoprofen Oral: 100 mg tabletmefenamic acid Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet/capsule

2.4.2 Selective COX 2 inhibitor

CELECOXIB Oral: 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg capsule2.5 SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS

2.5.1 Spasmolytics

BACLOFEN Oral: 10 mg tabletDANTROLENE (1) Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule(as sodium salt)Inj.: 20 mg (with 3 mg mannitol)/vial)(for reconstitution with 60 mLsterile water for injection)(IV) (as sodium salt)( ) ( )DIAZEPAM (1, A1) Oral: 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tabletInj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)

2.5.2 Neuromuscular blockers

Depolarizing agents

SUXAMETHONIUM Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV)(succinylcholine) (1) (as chloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsNon-depolarizing agents

ATRACURIUM Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2.5 mL and 5 mL ampul(IV) (as besilate)PANCURONIUM (1) Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as bromide)VECURONIUM (1) Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, 4 mg/mLampul + 1 mL solvent(IV) (as bromide)

rocuronium (1) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2.5 mL vial (IV)(as bromide)10 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul/vial (IV)g/ p / ( )(as bromide)10 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IV)(as bromide)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths3.1 ANTIBACTERIALS

3.1.1 Aminoglycosides

AMIKACIN Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 100 mg/mL, 125 mg/mLand 250 mg/mL, 2 mLampul/vial (IM, IV) (as sulfate)100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg vial(IM, IV) (as sulfate)GENTAMICIN Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul and 2 mLvial (IM, IV) (as sulfate)

3 A N T I - I N F E C T I V E S

( ) ( )40 mg/mL, 1 mL, 1.5 mL and 2 mLampul/vial (IM, IV) (as sulfate)netilmicin Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as sulfate)50 mg/mL, 2 mL vial (IM, IV)(as sulfate)100 mg/mL, 1.5 mL and 2 mLampul/vial (IM, IV) (as sulfate)75 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as sulfate)

3.1.2 Aminocycl*tol

spectinomycin (2) Inj.: 2 g vial (IM)3.1.3 Carbapenems

ertapenem (3) Inj.: 1 g powder, vial (IM/IV)(as sodium salt)meropenem (3) Inj.: 500 mg and 1 g powder, vial (IV)(as trihydrate)

3.1.4 Cephalosporins

First Generation

CEFALEXIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(as monohydrate)1 g tablet (as monohydrate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 15

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths100 mg/mL, granules/powderfor drops, 10 mL and 15 mL(as monohydrate)125 mg/5 mL granules/powderfor syrup/suspension, 30 mLand 60 mL (as monohydrate)250 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsyrup/suspension, 30 mL and60 mL (as monohydrate)CEFAZOLIN Inj.: 500 mg and 1 g vial (IM, IV) (as sodium salt)

cefadroxil Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(as monohydrate)( y )125 mg/5 mL powder for syrup, 60 mL (as monohydrate)250 mg/5 mL powder for suspension,60 mL (as monohydrate)Second Generation

CEFOXITIN Inj.: 1 g vial (IM, IV) (as sodium salt)CEFUROXIME Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet (as axetil)125 mg/5 mL granules for suspension,50 mL and 70 mL (as axetil)125 mg granules for suspension,per sachet (as axetil)250 mg/5 mL granules forsuspension, 60 mLInj.: 250 mg and 750 mg vial (IM, IV)1.5 g vial (IV infusion)(as sodium salt)

Third Generation

CEFIXIME Oral: 100 mg and 200 mg capsule (B)20 mg/mL granules for drops(suspension), 10 mL100 mg/5 mL granules for suspension,30 mL and 60 mLCEFOTAXIME Inj.: 250 mg vial + 2 mL diluent(IM, IV) (as sodium salt)500 mg vial + 2 mL diluent(IM, IV) (as sodium salt)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths1 g vial + 4 mL diluent(IM, IV) (as sodium salt)CEFTAZIDIME Inj.: 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 g vial (IM, IV)(as pentahydrate)2 g vial (IV infusion) (as pentahydrate)CEFTRIAXONE Inj.: 250 mg vial + 2 mL 1% solution oflidocaine (IM)(as disodium/sodium salt)500 mg vial + 2 mL 1% solution oflidocaine (IM)(as disodium/sodium salt)250 mg vial + 5 mL diluent (IV)(as disodium/sodium salt)( / )500 mg vial + 5 mL diluent (IV)(as disodium/sodium salt)1 g vial + 3.5 mL 1% solution oflidocaine (IM)(as disodium/sodium salt)1 g vial + 10 mL diluent (IV) (as disodium/sodium salt)

Fourth Generation

cefepime (3) Inj.: 500 mg, 1 g and 2 g vial (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)3.1.5 CHLORAMPHENICOL Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(also for rickettsiae) 125 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mLand 60 mL (as palmitate)Inj.: 1 g vial (IV; IM if recommended bymanufacturer)(as sodium succinate)3.1.6 Glycopeptidey p p

vancomycin (3) Inj.: 500 mg and 1 g vial (IV)(as hydrochloride)3.1.7 Lincosamide

clindamycin Oral: 150 mg and 300 mg capsule(as hydrochloride)75 mg/5 mL granules forsuspension, 60 mL(as palmitate hydrochloride)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 17

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsInj.: 150 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial and4 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as phosphate)3.1.8 Macrolides

ERYTHROMYCIN Oral: 250 mg base tablet/capsule(also for mycoplasma, 250 mg and 500 mg tablet (B)chlamydiae) (as stearate) 40 mg/mL granules/powder for drops(suspension), 30 mL(as ethyl succinate)200 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 60 mL(as ethyl succinate) ( y )400 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 50 mL and 60 mL(as ethyl succinate) azithromycin Oral: 250 mg capsule (as base*/as dihydrate) 500 mg tablet(as base*/as dihydrate) (B)200 mg/5 mL powder for suspension,15 mL and 30 mL(as base*/as dihydrate)Inj.: 500 mg powder, vial (IV infusion) (as base*/as dihydrate)clarithromycin Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg base tablet500 mg MR tablet125 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 25 mL, 50 mLand 70 mL

3.1.9 Nitroimidazole

METRONIDAZOLE Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet125 mg base/5 mL (200 mg/5 mL(as benzoate) suspension,30 mL and 60 mLInj.: 5 mg/mL, 100 mL vial (IV infusion)Rectal: 1 g suppository3.1.10 Penicillins

AMOXICILLIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(as trihydrate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 18

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths100 mg/mL granules/powder fordrops (suspension), 10 mLand 15 mL (as trihydrate)125 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 30 mL and 60 mL(as trihydrate)250 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 30 mL and 60 mL(as trihydrate)AMPICILLIN Inj.: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 g vial(IM, IV) (as sodium salt)CLOXACILLIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(as sodium salt)( )125 mg/5 mL powder for syrup/suspension, 60 mL(as sodium salt)OXACILLIN Inj.: 250 mg and 500 mg vial (IM, IV)(as sodium salt)PENICILLIN G BENZATHINE Inj.: 1,200,000 units vial (MR) (IM)

(benzathine benzylpenicillin) 2,400,000 units vial (MR) (IM)PENICILLIN G CRYSTALLINE Inj.: 500,000 units vial (IM, IV)

(benzylpenicillin) (as sodium salt)1,000,000 units vial (IM, IV) (as sodium salt)5,000,000 units vial (IM, IV) (as sodium salt)PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet/capsule

(penicillin V) (as potassium salt)125 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsyrup/suspension, 30 mL and y p/ p60 mL (as potassium salt)250 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsyrup/suspension, 60 mL(as potassium salt)ampicillin + Inj.: 250 mg ampicillin + 125 mg

sulbactam sulbactam (as sodium salt)per vial (IM, IV)500 mg ampicillin + 250 mgsulbactam (as sodium salt)per vial (IM, IV)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 19

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsco-amoxiclav Oral: 500 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +

(amoxicillin + 125 mg potassium clavulanatepotassium per tabletclavulanate) 875 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +125 mg potassium clavulanateper tablet125 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +31 mg potassium clavulanateper 5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 30 mL and 60 mL200 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +28.5 mg potassium clavulanateper 5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 70 mL250 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +g ( y )62.5 mg potassium clavulanateper 5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 60 mL and 100 mL400 mg amoxicillin (as trihydrate) +57 mg potassium clavulanateper 5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 30 mL and 70 mL

piperacillin + Inj.: 2 g piperacillin + 250 mg tazobactamtazobactam (3) per vial (as sodium salt)(IV infusion)4 g piperacillin + 500 mg tazobactamper vial (as sodium salt)(IV infusion)

3.1.11 Quinolones

First Generation (non-fluorinated)

NALIDIXIC ACID Oral: 500 mg tablet250 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLg/ pSecond Generation (fluorinated)

ciprofloxacin Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 50 mL and 100 mL vial (IV infusion) (as lactate)ofloxacin Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tabletInj.: 2 mg/mL, 100 mL vial (IV infusion)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsThird Generation (flourinated)

levofloxacin (3) Oral: 250 mg, 500 mg and 750 mg tabletInj.: 5 mg/mL solution for IV infusion,100 mL vial3.1.12 Sulfonamide

COTRIMOXAZOLE Oral: 400 mg sulfamethoxazole +(sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim) 80 mg trimethoprim(also for Pneumocystis jiroveci per tablet/capsule (B)(carinii) and chlamydiae) 800 mg sulfamethoxazole + 160 mgtrimethoprim per tablet (B)200 mg sulfamethoxazole + 40 mgtrimethoprim per 5 mLp psuspension, 30 mL, 60 mLand 100 mL400 mg sulfamethoxazole + 80 mgtrimethoprim per 5 mLsuspension, 30 mL and 60 mLInj.: 400 mg sulfamethoxazole + 80 mgtrimethoprim, 5 mL ampul(IV infusion)

3.1.13 Tetracyclines (also for chlamydiae, mycoplasma, and rickettsiae)

DOXYCYCLINE Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule (as hyclate)tetracycline Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule

3.1.14 Anti - H. pylori (in conjunction with bismuth subcitrate or protonpump inhibitor)

AMOXICILLIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule(as trihydrate)250 mg/5 mL powder/granules for g/ p /gsuspension, 60 mLCLARITHROMYCIN Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg base tablet500 mg MR tablet125 mg/5 mL granules/powder forsuspension, 25 mL, 50 mLand 70 mLMETRONIDAZOLE Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet125 mg base/5 mL (200 mg/5 mL)(as benzoate) suspension,30 mL and 60 mLPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 21

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths3.1.15 Antileprosy medicines

CLOFAZIMINE (B) Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule(available under DOH program)DAPSONE (B) Oral: 100 mg tabletRIFAMPICIN Oral: 150 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg and600 mg tablet/capsule (B)100 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mL,60 mL and 120 mL200 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mL,60 mL and 120 mL

minocycline Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsuley g g p3.1.16 Antituberculosis medicines

ETHAMBUTOL Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)ISONIAZID Oral: 100 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg tablet100 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and120 mL200 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and120 mLPYRAZINAMIDE Oral: 500 mg tablet250 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLand 120 mLRIFAMPICIN Oral: 300 mg, 450 mg and 600 mg tablet/capsule (B)100 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mL,60 mL and 120 mL200 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLg/ pand 120 mLSTREPTOMYCIN Inj.: 1 g vial (IM) (as sulfate)ISONIAZID + ETHAMBUTOL Oral 150 mg + 400 mg tablet 200 mg + 500 mg tabletISONIAZID + RIFAMPICIN (B) Oral 30 mg + 60 mg tablet (pediatric)60 mg + 60 mg tablet (pediatric)(For intermittent use threetimes weekly)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 22

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths75 mg + 150 mg tablet 150 mg + 150 mg tablet(For intermittent use threetimes weekly)100 mg + 150 mg tablet150 mg + 300 mg tablet 200 mg + 225 mg tablet300 mg + 450 mg tablet400 mg + 450 mg tablet600 mg + 400 mg tablet/film coatedtabletISONIAZID + RIFAMPICIN + Oral: 75 mg + 150 mg + 275 mg tablet


ISONIAZID + RIFAMPICIN + Oral 30 mg + 60 mg + 150 mg tabletPYRAZINAMIDE (B) (pediatric) (For intermittentuse three times weekly)75 mg + 150 mg + 400 mg tablet150 mg + 150 mg + 500 mg tablet300 mg + 450 mg + 500 mg tablet

ISONIAZID + RIFAMPICIN + Oral: 60 mg + 120 mg + 300 mg +PYRAZINAMIDE + 225 mg tabletETHAMBUTOL (B) 75 mg + 150 mg + 400 mg +275 mg tablet 200 mg + 450 mg + 500 mg +400 mg tablet(restricted for 60 days use only)

ISONIAZID + THIACETAZONE Oral: 300 mg + 150 mg tabletFor MDR TB (proven isoniazid (H) Restricted to DOH DOTS PLUS Program and rifampicin (R) resistant) only

amikacin Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 100 mg/mL, 125 mg/mL,j g/ g/ g/and 250 mg/mL, 2 mLampul/vial (as sulfate) (IM, IV)250 mg and 1 g vial (as sulfate) (IM, IV)kanamycin Inj.: 1 g vial (IM) (as sulfate)levofloxacin Oral: 250 mg, 500 mg and 750 mg tabletInj.: 5 mg/mL, solution for IV infusion100 mL vial

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsofloxacin Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tabletInj.: 2 mg/mL, 100 mL vial (IV)rifabutin Oral: 150 mg capsule(for HIV/AIDS patient onconcomittant protease inhibitortherapy, in lieu of rifampicin)terizodone Oral: 250 mg capsulethiacetazone Oral: 150 mg tablet

3.1.17 Urinary antiseptics

NALIDIXIC ACID Oral: 500 mg tabletg250 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLNITROFURANTOIN (B) Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule(as macrocrystals)

norfloxacin Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet3.2 ANTIFUNGALS

AMPHOTERICIN B (1)Lipid Complex Inj.: 50 mg and 100 mg vial (IV infusion)(as cholesteryl complex,colloidal dispersion)Non‐Lipid Complex Inj.: 50 mg lyophilized powder, vial(IV infusion)FLUCONAZOLE Oral: 50 mg, 150 mg and 200 mg capsuleInj.: 2 mg/mL, 100 mL vial (IV infusion)KETOCONAZOLE Oral: 200 mg tabletNYSTATIN Oral: 500,000 units per tablet100,000 units/mL suspension, 30 mL

flucytosine (1) Oral: 500 mg tablet(5-fluorocytosine)

griseofulvin (2, B) Oral: 125 mg and 500 mg tablet (microsize)itraconazole Oral: 100 mg capsulePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 24

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths3.3 ANTIPARASITICS

3.3.1 Anthelmintics

Medicines for common roundworm infections

ALBENDAZOLE Oral: 400 mg chewable tablet (B)200 mg/5 mL suspension, 10 mL,15 mL, 30 mL and 60 mLMEBENDAZOLE Oral: 100 mg tablet/capsule500 mg tablet/chewable tablet 50 mg/mL suspension, 10 mL100 mg/5 mL suspension,30 mL and 60 mLOXANTEL + PYRANTEL Oral: 100 mg oxantel + 100 mg pyrantel(as embonate) per tablet100 mg oxantel + 100 mg pyrantel(as embonate) per 5 mLsuspension, 10 mL


DIETHYLCARBAMAZINE Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(available under DOH program)ivermectin (B) Oral: 6 mg tablet(available under DOH program)


PRAZIQUANTEL (B) Oral: 600 mg tablet(also for fluke and tapeworm (available under DOH program)infections includingCysticercus cellulosae)y )

3.3.2 Antiprotozoals


DILOXANIDE Oral: 500 mg tablet (as furoate) (B)125 mg/5 mL syrup/suspension,30 mL and 60 mL (as furoate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 25

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsMETRONIDAZOLE Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg base tablet(also for giardiasis, trichom*oniasis, 125 mg base/5 mL (200 mg/5 mL)balantidiasis, blastocystiasis, (as benzoate) suspension, and dientamoebiasis) 30 mL and 60 mL

chloroquine Oral: 250 mg (150 mg base) tablet(as phosphate or diphosphate)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 20 mL vial (IM, IV)(as phosphate or diphosphate) Antimalarials

ARTEMETHER + LUMEFANTRIN (B) Oral: 20 mg artemether + 120 mglumefantrin tabletCHLOROQUINE Oral: 250 mg (150 mg base) tablet (as phosphate or diphosphate)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 20 mL vial (IM, IV)(as phosphate or diphosphate)PRIMAQUINE Oral: 26.3 mg (15 mg base) tablet (for radical cure in (as diphosphate)relapsing malaria)QUININE Oral: 325 mg (300 mg base) tablet(as sulfate)Inj.: 300 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IV)(as dihydrochloride)250 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IV)(as dihydrochloride)SULFADOXINE + PYRIMETHAMINE (B) Oral: 500 mg sulfadoxine + 25 mg(not for prophylaxis; only for pyrimethamine per tabletclinical suppression)TETRACYCLINE Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsuleg g p(must be used with quinine inchloroquine‐resistantfalciparum malaria)

doxycycline Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule(as hyclate)mefloquine (B) Oral: 250 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsAntipneumocystosis (also antitoxoplasmosis)

pyrimethamine (B) Oral: 25 mg tablet3.4 ANTIVIRALS

3.4.1 Antiherpes agents

ACICLOVIR Oral: 200 mg, 400 mg and 800 mg tablet 200 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLand 120 mLInj.: 25 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV infusion)famciclovir Oral: 125 mg tablet250 mg tabletgvalaciclovir Oral: 500 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)

3.4.2 Anticytomegalovirus

ganciclovir (1, 2) Inj.: 500 mg vial (IV infusion) (as sodium)3.4.3 Antiretroviral agents

Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)

didanosine Oral: 250 mg MR capsule200 mg chewable and dispersabletabletlamivudine Oral: 100 mg tabletstavudine Oral: 20 mg, 30 mg and 40 mg capsulezalcitabine Oral: 375 microgram tabletzidovudine Oral: 100 mg capsule

Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNRTI)

nevirapine Oral: 200 mg tablet (B)50 mg/5 mL suspension, 240 mLProtease Inhibitors (PIs)

indinavir (B) Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg capsule(as sulfate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 27

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsnelfinavir Oral: 250 mg film coated tablet(as mesilate) (B)250 mg tablet (as mesilate) (B)50 mg/scoop (1 g) powder, 144 gbottle to be mixed with water,milk or food (as mesilate)ritonavir (B) Oral: 100 mg capsulesaquinavir (B) Oral: 200 mg capsule(as base or mesilate)

3.4.4 Anti-influenza A & B

oseltamivir Oral: 75 mg capsule (as phosphate)g p ( p p )12 mg/mL powder for suspension,60 mL

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths4.1 DIAGNOSTIC AGENT

TUBERCULIN, PURIFIED PROTEIN Inj.: 2 TU/0.1 mL solution, 5 mL vial (ID)DERIVATIVE (PPD) 5 TU/0.1 mL, freeze‐dried powder,vial + 2 mL diluent ampul (ID)


COBRA ANTIVENIN Inj.: 800 MU/ 4.8 mL, 1 mL ampul(for IV infusion)DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN Inj.: 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU, 5 mL

4 I M M U N O L O G I C A L S

j and 10 mL (IV)HEPATITIS B IMMUNOGLOBULIN Inj.: 0.5 mL, 1 mL and 2 mL vial (IM)


IMMUNOGLOBULIN NORMAL, Inj.: 160 mg/mL, 2 mL, 5 mL andHUMAN (IGIM) 10 mL vial (IM)

RABIES IMMUNOGLOBULIN Inj.: 150 IU/mL, 2 mL and 5 mL vial (IM)(human) 150 IU/mL, 2mL, 5 mL and 10 mLampul (IM)

TETANUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN Inj.: 1000 IU/mL, 1.5 mL vial (IM)(human) 1500 IU/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)250 IU/mL, 1 mL, 2 mL and 4 mLampul (IM)250 IU/mL, 1 mL pre‐filledsyringe (IM)250 units/mL, 1 mL and 2 mLvial (IM)

anti-D immunoglobulin Inj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 1.5 mL(human anti-D ampul (IM)immunoglobulin)

+ anti-rabies serum Inj.: 200 IU/mL, 5 mL vial (IM)(equine) 400 IU/mL, 5 mL vial (IM)

+ anti-tetanus serum Inj.: 4000 IU/mL, 2.5 mL vial (IM)(equine) 1500 IU/mL, 1 mL and 1.5 mLvial/ampul (IM)

+ ‐ Use with extreme caution as alternative to human immunoglobulin (tetanus or rabies)when unavailable; informed consent and skin test required.PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 29

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsimmunoglobulin Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 10 mL, 20 mL, 50 mL,

normal, human 100 mL and 200 mL vial (IV)(IGIV) (1) freeze‐dried powder, 1 g/bottle +33 mL and 50 mLreconstitution fluid (IV)freeze‐dried powder, 2.5 g/bottle +100 mL reconstitution fluid (IV)freeze‐dried powder, 5 g/bottle +100 mL diluent vial (IV)freeze‐dried powder, 10 g/bottle +260 mL diluent vial (IV)

varicella zoster Inj.: 125 units/1.25 mL vial (IM)immunoglobulin(VZIG)( )


BCG VACCINE Inj.: freeze‐dried powder,100 micrograms/0.1 mL, 1 mL,1.5 mL and 2 mL vial (ID)500 micrograms/mL vial + 1 mLdiluent in ampul (ID) 20 dosesDIPHTHERIA-TETANUS TOXOIDS Inj.: 0.5 mL ampul (IM)

AND PERTUSSIS VACCINE 0.5 mL pre‐filled syringe (IM)(DTP) 0.5 mL, 5 mL, 7.5 mL and 10 mLvial (IM)

DIPHTHERIA-TETANUS TOXOIDS Inj.: 30 IU diphtheria toxoid + 40 IU(DT) tetanus toxoid per 0.5 mL ampul(IM) (For less than 10 yrs. old)

DIPHTHERIA-TETANUS TOXOIDS Inj.: 2 IU diphtheria toxoid + 20 IU tetanus(Td) toxoid per 0.5 mL ampul (IM)(For 10 yrs. old and above)( y )


HEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE type b Inj.: 10 micrograms/0.5 mL, 1 dose vial +CONJUGATE VACCINE (Hib) 0.5 mL diluent with tetanusprotein (IM)10 micrograms/0.5 mL vial + 0.9%sodium chloride with diphtheriaCRM 197 protein (IM)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 30

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths0.5 mL vial with meningococcalprotein (IM)DTP + Hib Inj.: 0.5 mL DTP diluent in pre‐filledsyringe + freeze‐dried,10 microgram Hib vial (IM, SC)DTP + INACTIVATED POLIO Inj.: 0.5 mL monodose vial (IM, SC)

VACCINE (IPV) 0.5 mL pre‐filled syringe (IM, SC)DTP + IPV + Hib Inj.: 0.5 mL pre‐filled syringe (IM, SC)DTaP + Hib Inj.: 0.5 mL pre‐filled syringe (IM)DTP + HEPATITIS B VACCINE Inj.: 0.5 mL vial (IM, SC) j ( )


HEPATITIS A INACTIVATED Inj.: viral antigen not less than 720 EUVACCINE in 0.5 mL monodose vial(IM) (junior)viral antigen not less than 1440 EUin 1.0 mL monodose vial(IM) (adult)80 units/0.5 mL (GBM strain)pre‐filled syringe single dose(IM) (pediatric)160 units/0.5 mL (GBM strain)pre‐filled syringe single dose(IM) (adult)

HEPATITIS B VACCINE Inj.: 10 micrograms/0.5 mL monodose(recombinant DNA) vial (IM) (pediatric)20 micrograms/mL monodose vial(IM) adult (For more than 10 years old)20 micrograms/mL, 1 mL, 5 mL and g /10 mL vial (IM)N.B.: Formulations of differentmanufacturers are of equal orsimilar immunogenicity. Followstrictly the recommended doseof each manufacturer.

INFLUENZA POLYVALENT Inj.: 0.5 mL vial + pre‐filled syringeVACCINE diluent (IM)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths0.5 mL suspension in a pre‐filledsyringe or ampul (IM) (adult)N.B.: Strains as recommended by WHOLIVE ATTENUATED MEASLES Inj.: monodose vial + 0.5 mL diluent (SC)

VACCINE multidose vial + 5 mL diluent (SC)LIVE ATTENUATED MEASLES, Inj.: monodose vial + 0.5 mL diluent (SC)

MUMPS, AND RUBELLA (MMR) multidose vial + 5 mL diluent (SC)VACCINE

LIVE ATTENUATED MUMPS Inj.: monodose vial + 0.5 mL diluent (SC)VACCINE

LIVE ATTENUATED RUBELLA Inj.: monodose vial + 0.5 mL diluent (SC)VACCINE multidose vial + 5 mL diluent (SC)

LIVE ATTENUATED TRIVALENT Oral: 0.5 mL plastic tube and 0.5 mL vial ORAL POLIO VACCINE 1 mL vial (10) doses and 2 mL vial(20) doses or plastic tube withvaccine vial monitor(For DOH Mass ImmunizationProgram Only)

LIVE ATTENUATED Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, not lessVARICELLA VACCINE than 2000 PFU (OKA strainvaricella zoster virus)monodose vial + diluent(0.5 mL water for injection)ampul (SC only)

PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE Inj.: 7‐ valent suspension, pre‐filledVACCINE syringe (IM)

PNEUMOCOCCAL POLYVALENT Inj.: 25 micrograms/0.5 mLj g / VACCINE (polysaccharide from eachcapsular type) in 0.5 mLpre‐filled syringe (IM, SC)


CHICK EMBRYO CELL Inj.: lyophilized powder, 2.5 IU/mL, 1 dose(purified, inactivated) vial + 1 mL diluent (ID, IM)

VERO CELL (purified) Inj.: lyophilized powder, 2.5 IU/ 0.5 mL,vial + diluent (ID, IM)2.5 IU/mL suspension, 1 mL vial (IM) PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 32

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsTETANUS TOXOID Inj.: 0.5 mL ampul (IM)5 mL and 10 mL vial (IM)TYPHOID VACCINE Oral: live‐attenuated S. typhi(not less than 109) viable strain,enteric coated tablet(encapsulated)Inj.: Vi‐capsular polysaccharide

S. typhi 25 micrograms in 0.5 mLpre‐filled syringe (IM)YELLOW FEVER VACCINE Inj.: 1000 DL 50 mouse min (attenuated)vial + 0.5 mL solvent syringe(IM, SC) (For Bureau ofQuarantine Use Only)Q y)

meningococcal Inj.: lyophilized powder, 50 micrograms/polysaccharide 0.5 mL dose (Group A + C)(Neisseria multidose (10 doses) + 5 mLmeningitidis) diluent vial (IM, SC)vaccine lyophilized powder, 50 micrograms/0.5 mL dose (Group A + C)single dose + 0.5 mLdiluent syringe (IM, SC)lyophilized powder, 50 micrograms/0.5 mL dose (Serogroup A +Serogroup B + Serogroup W135 +Serogroup Y) multidose(10 doses) + diluent vial(IM, SC)

human papillomavirus Inj.: 0.5 mL suspension, glass pre‐filled quadrivalent syringe (IM)(types 6, 11, 16, 18)recombinant vaccine

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths5.1 CARDIOACTIVE AGENTS

5.1.1 Inotropic agents

Cardiac glycoside

DIGOXIN (2) Oral: 250 microgram tablet(also for supraventricular 50 micrograms/mL elixir, 60 mL tachycardia) Inj.: 250 micrograms/mL, 2 mL ampul(IM, IV)Adrenergic agents

5 C A R D I O V A S C U L A R M E D I C I N E S

g g

DOBUTAMINE (1, 2) Inj.: 12.5 mg/mL, 20 mL vial(IV) (as hydrochloride)50 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (concentrate)(IV infusion) (as hydrochloride)1 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed) (IV) (as hydrochloride)2 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)4 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)DOPAMINE (1, 2) Inj.: 40 mg/mL, 5 mL vial/ampul(IV) (as hydrochloride)80 mg/mL, 5 mL vial(IV) (as hydrochloride)800 micrograms/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed) (IV)(as hydrochloride)1.6 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)( ) ( y )3.2 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)EPINEPHRINE (2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)

(adrenaline) (as hydrochloride)NOREPINEPHRINE (1) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV infusion)(as bitartrate)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths5.1.2 Antianginal agents


GLYCERYL TRINITRATE Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 5 mL, 10 mL, 25 mL ampul(nitroglycerin) and 50 mL glass vial (IV infusion)(only for unstable angina) (1, 2)Patch: 5 mg and 10 mgSublingual: 400 microgram tablet

ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet20 mg and 40 mg MR tablet/capsuleSublingual: 5 mg tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IV) (1)ISOSORBIDE - 5 - Oral: 20 mg and 40 mg tablet

MONONITRATE 60 mg MR tablet/capsuleBeta-adrenoceptor blockers

ATENOLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA)METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet (as tartrate)(cardioselective/no ISA)PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(non‐cardioselective/no ISA) (as hydrochloride)40 mg MR capsule (as hydrochloride)

Calcium channel blockers

DILTIAZEM Oral: 30 mg and 60 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)60 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg and 180 mgMR capsule (as hydrochloride)p ( y )90 mg, 120 mg and 180 mg MR tablet(as hydrochloride)verapamil Oral: 40 mg and 80 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) (B)120 mg and 240 mg MR capsule(as hydrochloride)180 mg and 240 mg MR tablet(as hydrochloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsFatty acid oxidation (pFOX) inhibitor

trimetazidine Oral: 20 mg and 35 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)5.1.3 Medicines for acute coronary syndrome

Nitrates (see under Section 5.1.2)




ENOXAPARIN (1, 2) Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mLand 0.8 mL pre‐filled syringe(SC) (as sodium salt)100 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (SC)(as sodium salt)UNFRACTIONATED Inj.: 1000 IU/mL and 5000 IU/mL, 5 mL

HEPARIN (1, 2) vial (IV, SC) (as sodium salt)WARFARIN (1, 2) Oral: 1 mg, 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet


ASPIRIN Oral: 80 mg tabletclopidogrel Oral: 75 mg tabletfondaparinux Inj.: 2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution(as sodium salt)

Thrombolytic (Fibrinolytic)

STREPTOKINASE (1, 2) Inj.: 750,000 IU and 1,500,000 IU vial(IV infusion)Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

CAPTOPRIL Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletENALAPRIL Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as maleate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 36

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsBeta-adrenoceptor blockers

ATENOLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA)METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA) (as tartrate)PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(non‐cardioselective/no ISA) (as hydrochloride)

Opioid analgesic

MORPHINE (A1) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as sulfate)( )15 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as sulfate)5.1.4 Post-myocardial infarction maintenance medicines


ASPIRIN Oral: 80 mg tabletBeta-adrenoceptor blockers

ATENOLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA)METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA) (as tartrate)PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(non‐cardioselective/no ISA) (as hydrochloride)40 mg MR capsule (as hydrochloride)

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

CAPTOPRIL Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletENALAPRIL Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as maleate)

Angiotensin-2-receptor blockers (ARBs)

irbesartan Oral: 75 mg, 150 mg and 300 mg tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 37

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthslosartan Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(as potassium salt)telmisartan Oral: 40 mg and 80 mg tabletvalsartan Oral: 80 mg and 160 mg tablet/film coatedtablet

5.1.5 Antiarrhythmic agents


AMIODARONE (2) Oral: 200 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul (IV)(as hydrochloride) ( y )LIDOCAINE (1, 2) Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)100 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (IV infusion) (as hydrochloride)4 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed) (IV) (as hydrochloride)

magnesium sulfate Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(1, 2) (IV) (as heptahydrate)250 mg/mL, 20 mL and 50 mL vial(IV) (as heptahydrate)500 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(IV) (as heptahydrate)Supraventricular

AMIODARONE (2) Oral: 200 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul (IV)(as hydrochloride) (2)ATENOLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA)METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA) (as tartrate)PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(non‐cardioselective/no ISA) (as hydrochloride)40 mg MR capsule (as hydrochloride)(for maintenance therapy)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsDIGOXIN (2) Oral: 250 microgram tablet50 mg/mL elixir, 60 mLInj.: 250 micrograms/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)

adenosine (1, 2) Inj.: 3 mg/mL, 2 mL vial (IV) (For SVT)diltiazem Oral: 30 mg and 60 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)90 mg, 120 mg, 180 mg and 240 mgMR capsule (as hydrochloride)(for maintenance therapy)90 mg, 120 mg and 180 mg MR tablet(as hydrochloride)(for maintenance therapy)( py)esmolol (1, 2) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV)(as hydrochloride)verapamil Oral: 40 mg and 80 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) (B)120 mg and 240 mg MR capsule(as hydrochloride)(for maintenance therapy)180 mg and 240 mg MR tablet(as hydrochloride)(for maintenance therapy)Inj.: 2.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV) (as hydrochloride) (1, 2)

5.1.6 Anticongestive heart failure

Antialdosterone / renin angiotensin aldosterone (RAA) modulator

SPIRONOLACTONE (B) Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg tabletDiuretics

FUROSEMIDE Oral: 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg tablet (B)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)10 mg/mL, 25 mL ampul (IV infusion)bumetanide Oral: 1 mg tabletInj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 4 mL ampul(IM, IV)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCardiac glycoside

DIGOXIN (2) Oral: 250 microgram tablet50 micrograms/mL elixir, 60 mLInj.: 250 micrograms/mL, 2 mL ampul(IM, IV)Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

CAPTOPRIL Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletENALAPRIL Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as maleate)

Combined alpha and beta-adrenoceptor blockerp p

CARVEDILOL Oral: 6.25 mg tablet 25 mg tabletBeta-adrenoceptor blockers

METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA) (as tartrate)bisoprolol Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet (as fumarate)


5.2.1 Diuretics

HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletindapamide Oral: 1.5 mg MR tablet

5.2.2 Antiadrenergics

Beta-adrenoceptor blockers

ATENOLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA)METOPROLOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(cardioselective/no ISA) (as tartrate)PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet (non‐cardioselective/no ISA) (as hydochloride)40 mg MR capsule (as hydrochloride)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 40

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCentrally acting antihypertensives (alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists)

clonidine Oral: 75 microgram and 150 microgram tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 150 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IV) (as hydrochloride)methyldopa Oral: 125 mg and 250 mg tablet

5.2.3 Direct vasodilators

GLYCERYL TRINITRATE (1) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 5 mL, 10 mL and 25 mL(nitroglycerin) ampul (IV)1 mg/mL, 50 mL vial (IV infusion)(especially with unstable angina)( p y g )

HYDRALAZINE Oral: 10 mg, 25 mg and 50 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE (1, 2) Inj.: 50 mg powder ampul (IV infusion)

5.2.4 Calcium channel blockers

NIFEDIPINE Oral: 20 mg and 30 mg MR tablet amlodipine Oral: 5 mg and 10 mg tablet (as besilate/camsylate)felodipine Oral: 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg MR tabletnicardipine Oral: 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul (IV)(as hydrochloride) (1)( y ) ( )nifedipine Oral: 5 mg and 10 mg capsule (B) (restricted use for acutehypertensive emergencies inpatients less than 18 yearsold with extreme caution dueto rapid and prolonged fall inblood pressure)nimodipine Oral: 30 mg tablet Inj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 50 mL vial (IV infusion)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 41

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths10 mg solution, 50 mL vial(IV infusion) (1, 2)5.2.5 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

CAPTOPRIL Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletENALAPRIL Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as maleate)

5.2.6 Angiotensin-2-receptor blockers (ARBs)

candesartan Oral: 8 mg and 16 mg tablet (as cilexetil)eprosartan Oral: 600 mg tablet (as mesilate) p g ( )irbesartan Oral: 75 mg, 150 mg and 300 mg tabletlosartan Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(as potassium salt)telmisartan Oral: 40 mg and 80 mg tabletvalsartan Oral: 80 mg and 160 mg tablet/film coatedtablet

Fixed-dose combinations

enalapril + Oral: 20 mg enalapril + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide tablet

irbesartan + Oral: 150 mg irbesartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide tablet300 mg irbesartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide tablet

losartan + Oral: 50 mg losartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide tablet100 mg losartan + 25 mghydrochlorothiazide tablet

telmisartan + Oral: 40 mg telmisartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide tablet80 mg telmisartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide tablet

valsartan + Oral: 80 mg valsartan + 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 42

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths160 mg valsartan + 12.5 mghydrochlorothiazide tablet5.3 MEDICINES FOR BLOOD LIPID DISORDERS


SIMVASTATIN (1) Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg tabletrosuvastatin Oral: 10 mg and 20 mg tablet(as calcium salt)


fenofibrate (1) Oral: 67 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg capsulef f ( ) g g g p160 mg tablet5.4 MEDICINES FOR SHOCK

5.4.1 Anaphylactic shock

CORTICOSTEROIDS (parenteral)(See Section 8.3)EPINEPHRINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)

(adrenaline) (as hydrochloride)H1-RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS

(ANTIHISTAMINES)(parenteral) (See Section 8.1)

H2-RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS(See Section 8.2)5.4.2 Cardiogenic / Vascular shock

DOBUTAMINE (1, 2) Inj.: 12.5 mg/mL, 20 mL vial (IV)(as hydrochloride)50 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (concentrate)(IV infusion) (as hydrochloride)1 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)2 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)4 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 43

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsDOPAMINE (1, 2) Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 5 mL and 10 mL ampul(IV) (as hydrochloride)40 mg/mL, 5 mL vial/ampul(IV) (as hydrochloride)80 mg/mL, 5 mL vial(IV) (as hydrochloride)800 micrograms/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed) (IV)(as hydrochloride)1.6 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)3.2 mg/mL, 250 mL D5W (pre‐mixed)(IV) (as hydrochloride)EPINEPHRINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)( ) j g/ p ( )

(adrenaline) (as hydrochloride)NOREPINEPHRINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV infusion) (as bitartrate)

5.4.3 Hemorrhagic / Hypovolemic shock


IV FLUIDS(also used in other forms of shock)(See Section 16)PLASMA EXPANDERS(See Section 11.1)

5.4.4 Septic shock



ASPIRIN Oral: 80 mg tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 44

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCILOSTAZOL Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tabletHEPARIN


ENOXAPARIN (1, 2) Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL, pre‐filled syringe(SC) (as sodium salt)UNFRACTIONATED Inj.: 1000 IU/mL, 5000 IU/mL, 5 mL vial

HEPARIN (1, 2) (IV, IV infusion, SC)(as sodium salt)WARFARIN (1, 2) Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet



ENOXAPARIN (1, 2) Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL pre‐filled syringe(SC) (as sodium salt)UNFRACTIONATED Inj.: 1,000 IU/mL; 5,000 IU/mL, 5 mL vial

HEPARIN (1, 2) (IV, IV infusion, SC)(as sodium salt)WARFARIN (1, 2) Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsFUROSEMIDE Oral: 20 mg and 40 mg tablet (B)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV, IV infusion)HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletMANNITOL Inj.: 20%, 250 mL and 500 mL bottle (IV)

bumetanide Oral: 1 mg tabletInj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 4 mL ampul(IM, IV)

6 D I U R E T I C S

sambong [Blumea Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tabletbalsamifera (L) DC( Fam. Compositae)]

spironolactone (2, B) Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg tablet(K‐sparer)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths7.1 ANTIASTHMA

7.1.1 Relievers (quick relief / rescue medications)


SALBUTAMOL Oral: 2 mg tablet (as sulfate)2 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL, 60 mLand 120 mL (as sulfate)Inhalation:Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI):

7 R E S P I R A T O R Y M E D I C I N E S

y ( )200 micrograms/dose (as sulfate)with appropriateaccompanying dispenser400 micrograms/dose (as sulfate)with appropriateaccompanying dispenserMetered Dose Inhaler (MDI):100 micrograms/dose x 200and 300 doses (as sulfate)Breath Actuated MDI:100 micrograms/dose x 200 doses(as sulfate)100 micrograms/dose x 400 doses(as sulfate)Resp. Soln.: (for nebulization)1 mg/mL, 2.5 mL (unit dose)(as sulfate)1 mg/mL, 30 mL bottle (as sulfate)2 mg/mL, 2.5 mL (unit dose)(as sulfate)5 mg/mL, 10 mL and 20 mLg/(multidose) (as sulfate)TERBUTALINE Oral: 2 mg and 2.5 mg tablet (as sulfate)1.5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mLand 120 mL (as sulfate)Inhalation:DPI: 500 micrograms/dose x 100 doses(as sulfate) with appropriateaccompanying dispenser

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsResp. Soln.: (for nebulization)2.5 mg/mL, 2 mL (unit dose)(as sulfate)2.5 mg/mL, 15 mL and 30 mL(multidose) (as sulfate)Inj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV, SC) (as sulfate)aminophylline Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IV)

(theophyllineethylenediamine) (1)

epinephrine Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)(adrenaline) (as hydrochloride)

ipratropium Inhalation:MDI: 20 micrograms/dose x 200 doses(as bromide)Resp. Soln.: (for nebulization)250 micrograms/mL, 1 mL and 2 mL (unit dose) (as bromide)250 micrograms/mL, 20 mL(multidose) (as bromide)lagundi Oral: 300 mg and 600 mg tablet

[Vitex negundo L. 300 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and( Fam. Verbenaceae)] 120 mL bottle

theophylline Oral: 125 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg and(anhydrous) 300 mg tablet (B)25 mg/5 mL (26.7 mg/5 mL) syrup,60 mL and 120 mL


HYDROCORTISONE Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL vial (IM, IV)j g/ ( )(as sodium succinate)125 mg/mL, 2 mL and 4 mL vial (IV)(as sodium succinate)powder, 100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mgvial (IV) (as sodium succinate)PREDNISOLONE Oral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet15 mg/5 mL syrup, 20 mL, 30 mL and60 mL (as sodium phosphate)20 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 and 60 mL(as sodium phosphate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 48

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsPREDNISONE Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet30 mg film coated tablet10 mg/5 mL suspension,30 mL and 60 mL

methylprednisolone Oral: 4 mg and 16 mg tabletInj.: 40 mg/mL, 1 mL suspension vial(IM) (as acetate)powder, 125 mg/mL, 2 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)powder, 500 mg, 7.7 mL vial (IV) +diluent vial (IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)powder, 1 g/16 mL vial + diluent vialp g/(IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)7.1.2 Controllers (prophylactic / maintenance medications)

Bronchodilators (symptom controllers)

lagundi Oral: 300 mg and 600 mg tablet[Vitex negundo L. 300 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and( Fam. Verbenaceae)] 120 mL bottle

salbutamol Oral: 4 mg and 8 mg MR tablet (as sulfate)terbutaline Oral: 5 mg MR tablet (as sulfate)theophylline Oral: 125 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg and

(anhydrous) 300 mg MR tablet400 mg MR tablet/capsuleCorticosteroids (inflammation controllers)

BUDESONIDE Inhalation:DPI: 100 micrograms/dose x 200 doseswith appropriateaccompanying dispenser200 micrograms/dose x 100 dosesand 300 doseswith appropriateaccompanying dispenser400 micrograms/dose x 50 doseswith appropriateaccompanying dispenserPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 49

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsMDI: 200 micrograms/dose x100 dosesResp. Soln.: (for nebulization)250 micrograms/mL, 2 mL(unit dose)500 micrograms/mL, 2 mL(unit dose)FLUTICASONE Inhalation:DPI: 50 micrograms/dose(as propionate)with appropriateaccompanying dispenser250 micrograms/dose(as propionate)( p p )with appropriateaccompanying dispenserMDI: 50 micrograms/dose x 60 doses and 120 doses (as propionate)125 micrograms/dose x 60 doses and 120 doses (as propionate)Resp. Soln.: (for nebulization)250 micrograms/mL, 2 mL(unit dose) (as propionate)

beclometasone Inhalation:DPI: 100 micrograms/dose(as dipropionate)with appropriateaccompanying dispenser200 micrograms/dose(as dipropionate)with appropriateaccompanying dispenser400 micrograms/dose(as dipropionate)( p p )with appropriateaccompanying dispenserMDI: 50 micrograms/dose x 100 and200 doses (as dipropionate)250 micrograms/dose x200 doses (as dipropionate)Breath Actuated MDI:50 micrograms/dose x 200 doses(as dipropionate)100 micrograms/dose x 200 doses(as dipropionate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 50

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths250 micrograms/dose x 200 doses(as dipropionate)methylprednisolone Oral: 4 mg and 16 mg tabletprednisolone Oral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet15 mg/5 mL syrup, 20 mL, 30 mL and60 mL (as sodium phosphate)20 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL and 60 mL(as sodium phosphate)prednisone Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet30 mg film coated tablet10 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mLand 60 mL

Fixed dose combination inhalation corticosteroid and beta-2 adrenoceptor agonists

budesonide + Inhalation:formoterol DPI: 80 micrograms budesonide +4.5 micrograms formoterol(as fumarate dihydrate) x60 doses and 120 doseswith appropriateaccompanying dispenser160 micrograms budesonide +4.5 micrograms formoterol(as fumarate dihydrate) x60 doses and 120 doseswith approriateaccompanying dispenser

fluticasone + Inhalation:salmeterol DPI: 100 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) +50 micrograms salmeterolg(as xinafoate) x 28 doses and60 doses with appropriateaccompanying dispenser250 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) +50 micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 28 doses and60 doses with appropriateaccompanying dispenser

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths500 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) +50 micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 28 doses and60 doses with appropriateaccompanying dispenserMDI: 50 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) + 25micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 120 doses125 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) + 25micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 120 doses250 micrograms fluticasoneg(as propionate) + 25micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 120 dosesLeukotriene receptor antagonist

montelukast (1) Oral: 4 mg granules (as sodium salt), sachet4 mg and 5 mg chewable tablet(as sodium salt)10 mg tablet (as sodium salt)7.2 MEDICINES FOR CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD)

7.2.1 Relievers (quick relief/rescue medications)see under Bronchodilators (See Section 7.1.1)

ipratropium + Inhalation:fenoterol MDI: 20 micrograms ipratropium (as bromide ) + 50 micrograms fenoterol (as hydrobromide)x 10 mL dosesResp. Soln.: (for nebulization)250 micrograms ipratropium(as bromide) + 500 microgramsfenoterol (as hydrobromide)per mL, 20 mL (multidose)500 micrograms ipratropium(as bromide) + 1.25 mgfenoterol (as hydrobromide)per 4 mL, (unit dose)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsipratropium + Inhalation:

salbutamol MDI: 21 micrograms ipratropium(as bromide) + 120 microgramssalbutamol x 200 doses x 10 mLResp. Soln.: (for nebulization)500 micrograms ipratropium(as bromide anhydrous) +2.5 mg salbutamol (as base) x2.5 mL (unit dose)7.2.2 Maintenance medication

budesonide + Inhalation:formoterol DPI: 320 micrograms budesonide +9 micrograms formoterolg(as fumarate) x 60 doseswith appropriateaccompanying dispenser

fluticasone + Inhalation:salmeterol DPI: 50 micrograms fluticasone(as propionate) + 500micrograms salmeterol(as xinafoate) x 60 doses withappropriate accompanyingdispenser

theophylline Oral: 125 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg and (anhydrous) 300 mg MR tablet400 mg MR tablet/capsule

tiotropium Inhalation:DPI: 18 micrograms/dose (as bromide)with appropriateaccompanying dispenser7.3 CENTRALLY ACTING ANTITUSSIVES

butamirate (2) Oral: 50 mg MR tablet (as citrate)7.5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and120 mL (as citrate)dextromethorphan (2) Oral: 10 mg tablet (as hydrobromide)5 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL, 60 mLand 120 mL (alcohol‐free)(as hydrobromide)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths10 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL(alcohol‐free) (as hydrobromide)15 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL, 60 mLand 120 mL (alcohol‐free)(as hydrobromide)7.4 RESPIRATORY STIMULANT

aminophylline (1) Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IV)(theophyllineethylenediamine)


beractant Inj.: 25 mg/mL suspension, 1 mL vial,j g/ pIntratracheal administration(restricted to tertiary hospitalswith adequately trainedneonatologist and facilities forneonatal intensive care)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths8.1 H1-RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS (ANTIHISTAMINES)

DIPHENHYDRAMINE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule(as hydrochloride)12.5 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL, 60 mLand 120 mL (alcohol‐free)(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul and 10 mLvial (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)HYDROXYZINE Oral: 10 mg and 25 mg tablet(as dihydrochloride)

8 A N T I A L L E R G I C S

( y )2 mg/mL syrup, 60 mL(as dihydrochloride oras hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (IM, IV)cetirizine Oral: 10 mg tablet (as dihydrochloride)10 mg/mL drops, 10 mL(as dihydrochloride)1 mg/mL solution, 30 mL and 60 mL(as dihydrochloride)5 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL(as dihydrochloride)chlorphenamine Oral: 4 mg tablet (as maleate)

(chlorpheniramine) 2 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL(as maleate)2.5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL(as maleate)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)(as maleate)10 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, IV)g/ ( )(as maleate)loratadine Oral: 10 mg tablet and 10 mgfilm coated tablet5 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL


famotidine Oral: 20 mg and 40 mg tablet20 mg film coated tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 55

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsInj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)lyophilized powder, 20 mg vial(IM, IV)ranitidine Oral: 150 mg and 300 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)150 mg and 300 mg dispersable/effervescent tablet(as hydrochloride)75 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and150 mL (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial(IM, IV, IV infusion)(as hydrochloride)

8.3 CORTICOSTEROIDS (See also Section 14.1)HYDROCORTISONE Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL vial (IM, IV)(as sodium succinate)125 mg/mL, 2 mL and 4 mL vial (IV) (as sodium succinate)powder, 100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mgvial (IV) (as sodium succinate)PREDNISOLONE Oral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet15 mg/5 mL syrup, 20 mL, 30 mL and60 mL (as sodium phosphate)20 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL and 60 mL(as sodium phosphate)PREDNISONE Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablet30 mg film coated tablet10 mg/5 mL suspension,30 mL and 60 mL

methylprednisolone Oral: 4 mg and 16 mg tablety p g gInj.: 40 mg/mL, 1 mL suspension vial(IM) (as acetate)powder, 125 mg/mL, 2 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV)(as sodium succinate)powder, 500 mg/7.7 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV)(as sodium succinate)powder, 1 g/16 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV)(as sodium succinate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 56

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths8.4 ADRENERGIC AGENT

EPINEPHRINE Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)(adrenaline) (as hydrochloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths9.1 ANTINEOPLASTICS

9.1.1 Cell cycle-specific agents

BLEOMYCIN (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 15 mg ampul/vial(IM, IV, SC) (as sulfate)CYTARABINE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 100 mg vial(IM, SC, Intrathecal)20 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul(IM, SC, Intrathecal)

9 A N T I N E O P L A S T I C S A N D I M M U N O S U P P R E S S I V E S

DOXORUBICIN (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 10 mg and 50 mg vial(IV) (as hydrochloride)2 mg/mL, 5 mL and 25 mL vial(IV) (as hydrochloride)ETOPOSIDE (1, 2) Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg capsule (B)Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul/vial (IV)20 mg/mL, 2.5 mL and 10 mL vial(IV) powder100 mg vial (IV)FLUOROURACIL (1, 2) Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV, IV infusion)50 mg/mL, 5 mL, 10 mL, 20 mLand 100 mL ampul/vial(IV, IV infusion)MERCAPTOPURINE (1, 2, B) Oral: 50 mg tabletMETHOTREXATE Oral: 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg tabletg g g(as sodium salt) Inj.: 2.5 mg/mL, 2 mL and 8 mL vial(IM, IV, Intrathecal)(as sodium salt,preservative‐free)5 mg/mL, 2 mL vial(IM, IV, Intrathecal)(as sodium salt,preservative‐free)10 mg/mL, 1 mL and 5 mL vial(IM) (as sodium salt,preservative‐free)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 58

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths25 mg/mL, 2 mL, 4 mL, 8 mL and20 mL vial (IM, IV, Intrathecal)(as sodium salt,preservative‐free)100 mg/mL, 5 mL, 10 mL and50 mL vial (IM, IV, Intrathecal)(as sodium salt,preservative‐free)PAcl*tAXEL (1, 2) Inj.: 6 mg/mL, 5 mL, 17 mL, 25 mL and43.4 mL vial (IV, IV infusion)100 mg/15 mL, 15 mL multidosevial (IV)VINBLASTINE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 10 mg vial for reconstitution( ) j p g(IV) (as sulfate)1 mg/mL, 10 mL vial(IV) (as sulfate)VINCRISTINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL, 2 mL, 5 mL and 10 mL vial (IV) (as sulfate)powder, 1 mg and 2 mg vial + diluent(IV) (as sulfate)

capecitabine (1, 2) Oral: 150 mg and 500 mg tabletdocetaxel (1, 2) Inj.: 20 mg/0.5 mL, 0.5 mL vial(IV infusion) (anhydrous)40 mg/mL, 2 mL vial(IV infusion) (anhydrous)gemcitabine (1, 2) Inj.: 200 mg vial (IV infusion)(as hydrochloride)1 g vial (IV infusion)(as hydrochloride)irinotecan (1, 2) Inj.: 40 mg/2 mL concentrate, vial(IV infusion) (as hydrochloride)100 mg/5 mL concentrate, vial(IV infusion) (as hydrochloride)tegafur + uracil Oral: 100 mg + 224 mg capsule(1, 2)

9.1.2 Cell cycle-nonspecific agents

CHLORAMBUCIL (1, 2) Oral: 2 mg tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 59

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsCISPLATIN (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 10 mg, 50 mg and 100 mgvial (IV)500 micrograms/mL, 20 mL, 50 mLand 100 mL vial (IV)1 mg/mL, 10 mL, 20 mL and50 mL vial (IV)CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg tablet (as anhydrous) Inj.: powder, 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mgand 1 g vial (IV)DACARBAZINE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 100 mg and 200 mg vial(IV, IV infusion)DACTINOMYCIN Inj.: powder, 500 micrograms vial (IV)j p g ( )

(actinomycin D) (1, 2)IFOSFAMIDE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 1 g and 2 g vial(IV infusion)LOMUSTINE (1, 2) Oral: 300 mg combo‐pack capsuleMELPHALAN (1, 2) Oral: 2 mg tablet

basiliximab (1, 2) Inj.: 20 mg vial (IV infusion)carboplatin (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 150 mg and 450 mg vial (IV)10 mg/mL, 5 mL, 15 mL, 45 mLand 50 mL vial (IV)carmustine (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 100 mg vial + 3 mL vialdiluent (IV)daunorubicin (1, 2) Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 10 mL and 25 mL vial (IV)epirubicin (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 10 mg and 50 mg vial (IV)j p g g ( )(as hydrochloride)idarubicin (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 5 mg vial (IV)(as hydrochloride)mitoxantrone (1,2) Inj.: 2 mg/mL solution, 5 mL and 10 mL

oxiplatin (1, 2) Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 25 mL and 50 mL vial(IV infusion)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 60

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths5 mg/mL Concentrate Solution10 mL, 20 mL and 40 mL vial(IV infusion)powder, 50 mg vial (IV infusion)procarbazine (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)


FLUTAMIDE (1, 2) Oral: 250 mg tabletMEGESTROL (1, 2) Oral: 40 mg and 160 mg tablet(as acetate)TAMOXIFEN (1, 2) Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg and 40 mg( ) g g g gtablet (as citrate)

cyproterone (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg tablet (as acetate)Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul, depot(IM) (as acetate)leuproreline (1, 2) Inj.: 3.75 mg/ 2 mL vial with syringe(IM, SC) (as acetate)powder (depot), 11.25 mg vial withsyringe (IM, SC) (as acetate)powder, 1.88 mg vial with syringe(IM, SC) (as acetate)


9.3.1 Immunomodulators

INTERFERON ALFA 2A Oral: 200 IU sublingual tablet (human) (1, 2) Inj.: 3 million IU, pre‐filled syringe(IM, SC)3 million IU, 4.5 million IU and9 million IU per 1 mL vial(SC, IM)4.5 million IU/0.5 mL pre‐filledsyringe (SC)6 million IU/0.5 mL pre‐filledsyringe (SC)

INTERFERON ALFA 2B Inj.: 3 million IU, 5 million IU and(human) (1, 2) 10 million IU per mL vial +diluent (IM, SC)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsPEGINTERFERON ALFA 2A Inj.: 135 micrograms/ 0.5 mL and(1, 2) 180 micrograms/ 0.5 mLpre‐filled syringe (SC)

9.3.2 Immunosuppressives

Corticosteroids (See Section 8.3)AZATHIOPRINE (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg tablet (B)Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, 50 mg vial(IV, IV infusion) (as sodium salt)CICLOSPORIN (1, 2) Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg capsule (B)100 mg/mL solution, 50 mLInj.: 50 mg/mL, 5 mL ampulj g/ p(concentrate) (IV infusion)(for organ transplant)TACROLIMUS (1, 2) Oral: 1 mg capsule5 mg capsuleInj.: 5 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (concentrate)(IM, IV infusion)

antilymphocyte Inj.: 100 mg/5 mL vial (IV)immunoglobulin (ALG) (equine)(1, 2)

antithymocyte Inj.: 25 mg/5 mL vial (IV)immunoglobulin(ATG) (rabbit)(1, 2)

everolimus Oral: 500 microgram and 750 microgramtabletmycophenolate Oral: 500 mg tablet

mofetil (1, 2)mycophenolic acid Oral: 180 mg and 360 mg tablet

(as mycophenolate sodium) (1, 2)

sirolimus (1, 2) Oral: 1 mg tablet1 mg/mL solution, 60 mLPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 62

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths9.4 RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL Oral: capsule with radioactivity range of0.8 to 100 mCi per capsulesolution with radioactivity range of3.5 to 150 mCi per vial9.5 MISCELLANEOUS ANTI-CANCER AGENTS

ASPARAGINASE (1, 2) Inj.: lyophilized powder, 10,000 IUvial (IV)HYDROXYUREA (1, 2) Oral: 500 mg capsule

imatinib (1, 2) Inj.: 100 mg and 400 mg tablet

SODIUM IODIDE 1311 (1, 2)

( ) j g g(as mesilate)rituximab (1, 2) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 10 mL and 50 mLvial (IV)trastuzumab (1, 2) Inj.: 150 mg lyophilized powder(IV infusion)


calcium folinate Oral: 15 mg capsule/tablet and 25 mg(leucovorin tablet (as anhydrous)calcium) (equiv. to 25 mg folinic acid)(1, 2) Inj.: 3 mg/mL, 1 mL and 10 mL ampul(IM, IV)7.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)10 mg/mL, 3mL, 5 mL and 10 mLampul/vial (IM, IV)50 mg and 100 mg vial (IM, IV)

mesna Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 4 mL, 5 mL andj g/(sodium -2- mercapto 10 mL ampul (IV)ethanesulphonate)(1, 2)

ondansetron Oral: 8 mg tablet(for antineoplastic‐ (as hydrochloride dihydrate)induced emesis) Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 2 mL and 4 mL ampul(1, 2) (IM, IV)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 63

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths10.1 HEMATINICS

FERROUS SALT Oral: tablet, (equiv. to 60 mgelemental iron)solution, (equiv. to 15 mg elementaliron/0.6 mL) drops, 15 mLand 30 mLsolution, (equiv. to 30 mg elementaliron/5 mL) syrup, 60 mLN.B.: The elemental iron content ofa ferrous salt depends on the

10 B L O O D, M E D I C I N E S A F F E C T I N G T H E

ptype of preparation as follows:Ferrous fumarate –Ferrous gluconate –Ferrous lactate –Ferrous sulfate, hydrated –Ferrous sulfate, dessicated –FOLIC ACID Oral: 1 mg and 5 mg tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)(as sodium salt)HYDROXOCOBALAMIN Oral: 100 microgram and 250 microgram

(vitamin B12) tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IM)mecobalamin Oral: 500 microgram tabletInj.: 500 micrograms/mL ampul (IM, IV)



epoetin alfa Inj.: 2000 IU/0.5 mL, pre‐filled syringe(recombinant (IV, SC)human 4000 IU/0.4 mL, pre‐filled syringeerythropoietin) (IV, SC)(1, 2) 10,000 IU/mL, pre‐filled syringe(IV, SC)2000 IU/0.5 mL, pre‐filled syringe(HSA‐free) (IV, SC)4000 IU/0.4 mL, pre‐filled syringe(HSA‐free) (IV, SC)10,000 IU/mL, pre‐filled syringe(HSA‐free) (IV, SC)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 64

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths40,000 IU/mL, pre‐filled syringe (HSA‐free) (IV, SC)2000 IU/mL, 1 mL vial (IV, SC) 4000 IU/mL, 1 mL vial (IV, SC)epoetin beta Inj.: 2000 IU/0.3 mL, pre‐filled syringe

(recombinant with needle (IV, SC)erythropoietin) 4000 IU/0.3 mL, pre‐filled syringe(1, 2) with needle (IV, SC)5000 IU/0.3 mL, pre‐filled syringewith needle (IV, SC)10,000 IU/0.6 mL, pre‐filled syringe (IV, SC)20, 000 IU/mL, 1 mL pre‐filledsyringe (IV, SC)y g ( )30, 000 IU/0.6 mL, 1 mL pre‐filledsyringe (IM, SC)

filgrastim Inj.: 150 micrograms/0.6 mL, vial (IV, SC)(G-CSF) (1, 2) 300 micrograms/mL, vial (IV, SC)300 micrograms/1.2 mL, vial (IV, SC)

molgramostim Inj.: 150 microgram and 400 microgram (Gm-CSF) (1, 2) vial (IV, SC)10.3 ANTICOAGULANTS

Low Molecular WeightHeparin (LMWH)

dalteparin (1, 2) Inj.: 2500 IU/0.2 mL and 5000 IU/0.2 mL,pre‐filled syringe (SC)(as sodium)10,000 IU/1 mL, 1 mL ampul (SC)(as sodium)nadroparin (1, 2) Inj.: 950 IU/0.1 mL, 0.2 mL, 0.3 mL,0.4 mL, 0.6 mL, 0.8 mL, and1 mL pre‐filled syringe (SC)(as calcium)tinzaparin (1, 2) Inj.: 10,000 anti‐Xa IU/mL, 0.35 mL and0.45 mL pre‐filled syringe (SC)(as sodium)10,000 anti‐Xa IU/mL, 2 mL vial (SC)(as sodium)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsUNFRACTIONATED

HEPARIN (UFH) (1, 2) Inj.: 1000 IU/mL and 5000 IU/mL, 5 mLvial (IV, IV infusion, SC)(as sodium salt) (bovine origin)WARFARIN (1, 2) Oral: 1 mg, 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet(as sodium salt)


ASPIRIN Oral: 80 mg and 325 mg tabletclopidogrel Oral: 75 mg tabletdipyridamole (2) Oral: 25 mg, 50 mg and 75 mg tabletpy ( ) g g g(preferably used incombination with aspirin)


STREPTOKINASE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 750,000 IU and1,500,000 IU vial (IV infusion)10.6 ANTI-FIBRINOLYTIC

tranexamic acid Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule500 mg tabletInj.: 100 mg/mL, 2.5 mL and 5 mL ampul(IM, IV)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths11.1 PLASMA EXPANDERS / SUBSTITUTES (COLLOIDS)

DEXTRAN, LOW MOLECULAR Inj.: 10% dextran 40 in 0.9% sodiumWEIGHT (dextran 40) chloride, 500 mL bottle(IV infusion)10% dextran 40 in 5% dextrose,500 mL bottle (IV infusion)

dextran, high Inj.: 6% dextran 70 in 0.9% sodiummolecular weight chloride, 500 mL bottle(dextran 70) (IV infusion)6% dextran 70 in 5% dextrose,

11 B L O O D P R O D U C T S A N D B L O O D S U B S T I T U T E S

500 mL bottle (IV infusion)hydroxyethyl starch Inj.: 6% solution, 250 mL and 500 mLbottle (IV infusion)10% solution, 250 mL and 500 mLbottle (IV infusion)modified fluid gelatin Inj.: 3% and 4% solution, 500 mL bottle

(polymerisate of (IV infusion)degradedsuccinylatedgelatin)

polygeline Inj.: 3.5% colloidal solution, 500 mL bottle(IV infusion)11.2 PLASMA FRACTIONS FOR SPECIFIC USES(All plasma fractions should comply with the WHO requirements for the Collection,Processing and Quality Control of Human Blood and Blood Products)

ALBUMIN, HUMAN (1, 2) Inj.: 20%, 50 mL and 100 mL bottlej (IV, IV infusion)25%, 50 mL and 100 mL bottle(IV, IV infusion)FACTOR VIII CONCENTRATE (1, 2) Inj.: lyophilized powder, 100 IU/g vial +diluent (IV)FACTOR IX COMPLEX Inj.: 100 IU/mL, 5 mL and 10 mL vial (IV)

CONCENTRATE lyophilized powder, 500 IU vial +(coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X) diluent (IV)(1, 2)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 67

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths12.1 GENERAL ANTIDOTES

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, USP Oral: powder, USP grade given as slurryLORAZEPAM (A1, 2) Inj.: 4 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(for drug‐induced seizures)SODIUM SULFATE Oral: powder, USP grade


ACETYLCYSTEINE Oral: 600 mg effervescent tablet

12 A N T I D O T E S

g(for paracetamol, white/yellow 100 mg and 200 mg sachetphosphorus "watusi", zinc 100 mg/5 mL granulesphosphide and carbon tetra‐ for suspension, 150 mLchloride (CCl4) poisoning and Inj.: 200 mg/mL, 10 mL ampulcyclophosphamide‐induced (1, 2) (IV infusion)hemorrhagic cystitis) 200 mg/mL, 25 mL bottle(IV infusion)ALCOHOL, ETHYL (1, 2) Oral: 95%, USP grade(for methyl alcohol poisoning) Inj.: absolute, 1 mL ampul (IV)ASCORBIC ACID (vitamin C) (1, 2) Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV) (for methemoglobinemiaand urine acidification)ATROPINE Oral: 600 microgram tablet (as sulfate)(for organophosphate and (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)carbamate insecticide (as sulfate) poisoning, anticholinesteraseand muscarinic symptoms)BROMOCRIPTINE (1, 2) Oral: 2.5 mg tablet (as mesilate)(for neuroleptic malignant syndrome)CALCIUM FOLINATE Oral: 15 mg capsule/tablet and 25 mg

(leucovorin calcium) tablet (as anhydrous)(for formaldehyde and methyl (equiv. to 25 mg folinic acid)alcohol poisoning and (1, 2) Inj.: 3 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)methotrexate toxicity drug‐ 7.5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)induced megaloblastic anemia) 10 mg/mL, 3 mL, 5 mL ampul and 10 mL vial (IM, IV)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 68

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths15 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)50 mg and 100 mg vial(IM, IV infusion) CALCIUM SALT Oral: powder, USP grade (as chloride)(for poisoning with Inj.: 10% solution, 10 mL ampul (IV)white/yellow phosphorus (as gluconate)"watusi", organochlorines, and severe jellyfish bites)COBRA ANTIVENIN (1, 2) Inj.: 800 IU/mL, 5 mL ampul (IV infusion)DANTROLENE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule(for malignant hyperthermia (as sodium salt)and neuroleptic malignant Inj.: 20 mg (with mannitol 3 g)/vialp g j g ( g)/syndrome) (1, 2) (for reconstitution with 60 mLsterile water for injection) (IV)(as sodium salt) DEFEROXAMINE (1, 2) Inj.: powder, 500 mg vial(for acute iron poisoning) (IM, IV infusion, SC)(as mesilate)powder, 2 g vial (IM, IV, SC)(as mesilate)DIMERCAPROL (1, 2) Inj.: (in oil) 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM)(for mercury, lead andarsenic poisoning)DIPHENHYDRAMINE Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul and 10 mL(for phenothiazine vial (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)extrapyramidal side effects)EDROPHONIUM (1, 2) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as adjunct for cobra bite) (as chloride)FLUMAZENIL (1, 2) Inj.: 100 micrograms/mL, 5 mL and 10 mL(for benzodiazepine, zolpidem ampul (slow IV, IV infusion)and zopiclone poisoning)GLUCAGON (1, 2) Inj.: lyophilized powder, 1 mg + solvent(for toxicity of calcium channel (IM, IV, SC) (as hydrochloride)blockers and beta blockers)HYDROXOCOBALAMIN (1, 2) Inj: 1 mg/mL ampul/vial (IM)(vitamin B12)(for cyanide poisoning)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 69

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsMETHYLENE BLUE (1, 2) Oral: 1% solution(for severe methemoglobinemia) 55 mg and 65 mg tabletInj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL and 10 mLampul/vialN-ACETYL PENICILLAMINE (1, 2) Oral: crystals, 25 g/bottle(for copper, lead andmercury poisoning)NALOXONE (1, 2) Inj.: 20 micrograms/mL, 2 mL ampul (for opioid poisoning) (IM, IV, SC) (as hydrochloride)400 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC) (as hydrochloride)NALTREXONE Oral: 50 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)g ( y )(for narcotic addiction andalcoholism)PENICILLIN G CRYSTALLINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 MU and 5 MU (IM, IV)

(benzylpenicillin) (as sodium salt)(for amanita mushroom poisoning) PHYSOSTIGMINE (1, 2) Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)(for atropine poisoning and as (as salicylate)adjunct to cobra bite)PHYTOMENADIONE Oral/Inj.: 2 mg/0.2 mL pediatric ampul(for warfarin and white or (IM, IV, PO) (as mixed micelle)yellow phosphorus "watusi" Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) poisoning) (as aqueous colloidal solutionwith benzyl alcohol)10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as mixed micelle)

PRALIDOXIME CHLORIDE (1, 2) Inj: 50 mg/mL, 20 mL vial (IV)(for organophosphate ( g p pinsecticide poisoning)PROTAMINE SULFATE (1, 2) Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 5 mL and 25 mL(for heparin overdosage) ampul (IV)PYRIDOXINE (vitamin B6) (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)(for isoniazid, hydrazine, Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IM, IV)hydrogen sulfide, gynomethrin (as hydrochloride)mushroom and theophyllinepoisoning)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsSODIUM CALCIUM EDETATE (1, 2) Inj.: 200 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (IM)(for lead poisoning)SODIUM NITRITE (1, 2) Inj.: 30 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul/vial (IV)(for cyanide poisoning)SODIUM THIOSULFATE (1, 2) Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 50 mL ampul (IV)(for cyanide and cisplatin poisoning)SUCCIMER (1, 2) Oral: 100 mg capsule

(dimercapto succinic acid, DMSA)(for lead, mercury, arsenic andother heavy metal poisoning)THIAMINE Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 10 mL vialj g/(for alcohol intoxication) (as hydrochloride) (IM, IV)

deferiprone Oral: 500 mg tablet(for chronic ironpoisoning) (1, 2)dimercaptopropane- Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul

sulphonate (DMPS) 10 mL vial (IM)(for arsenic andmethyl mercurypoisoning) (1, 2)fomepizole Inj.: 1 g/mL, 1.5 mL vial (IV)(4‐methylprazole)(for methanol and ethylene glycolpoisoning) (1, 2)fosphenytoin Inj.: 30 mg/mL, 5 mL (IM, IV)(for drug‐induced 75 mg/mL, 10 mL (IM, IV)seizures))glyceryl trinitrate Patch: 5 mg and 10 mg

(nitroglycerin)(for cyanide and hydrogen sulfidepoisoning)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths13.1 ANTICHOLINERGICS

ATROPINE Oral: 600 microgram (equiv. to 500microgram atropine) tablet(as sulfate)Inj.: 600 micrograms/mL,500 micrograms/mL and1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV, SC) (as sulfate)DICYCLOVERINE Oral: 10 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)

(dicyclomine) 10 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL, 60 mL

13 G A S T R O I N T E S T I N A L M E D I C I N E S

( y ) g/ y pand 120 mL (as hydrochloride)hyoscine Oral: 10 mg tablet (as N‐butyl bromide)5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL(as N‐butyl bromide)Inj.: 20 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as N‐butyl bromide)500 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as hydrobromide)200 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as hydrobromide)

13.2 ANTIEMETICS (See also Sec. 13.10 Gastrokinetic and Sec. 1.6 Anti‐vertigo)ondansetron Oral: 8 mg tablet(prevention and (as hydrochloride dihydrate)treatment of nausea Inj.: 2 mg/mL, 2 mL and 4 mL ampuland vomiting from (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)antineoplastics,postoperative andpostradiotherapy)p py)


loperamide Oral: 2 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)(N.B.: Not for infants andchildren less than 12 years old)tsaang gubat Oral: 250 mg tablet

[Carmona retusa(Vahl) Masam ( Fam.Boraginaceae)]PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 72

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths13.4 ANTIPEPTIC ULCER MEDICINES

Antacidsaluminum hydroxide + Oral: 225 mg aluminum hydroxide +

magnesium 200 mg magnesium hydroxidehydroxide per 5 mL suspension, 60 mL,120 mL, 180 mL, 250 mL and355 mL

aluminum hydroxide Oral: 600 mg/5 mL gel, 240 mL (for use of not morethan 15 days)Anti - H. pylori (in conjunction with proton pump inhibitor) (See Section 3.1.14)Cytoprotector

SUCRALFATE Oral: 500 mg and 1 g tablet1 g/5 mL gel, sachetH2-Receptor Antagonists

RANITIDINE Oral: 75 mg tablet (as base andas hydrochloride)150 mg and 300 mg tablet (as baseand as hydrochloride)150 mg and 300 mg effervescenttablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul(IM, IV, IV infusion)(as hydrochloride)famotidine Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg tabletInj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)lyophilized powder, 20 mg vial (IV)

Proton Pump (H+K+ ATPase) Inhibitors

OMEPRAZOLE Oral: 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg capsuleInj.: powder, 40 mg vial + 10 mL solventampul (IV)lansoprazole Oral: 15 mg and 30 mg capsule15 mg and 30 mg MR tablet

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths13.5 BILE ACID MALABSORPTION

colestyramine Oral: powder, 4 g sachet13.6 BILE SALT

URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID Oral: 250 mg capsule(for primary biliary cirrhosis) 100 mg and 200 mg tablet13.7 BOWEL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY

mesalazine (1) Oral: 250 mg tablet250 mg and 500 mg enteric coatedtablet500 mg enteric MR tabletgRectal: 250 mg and 1 g suppository13.8 DIRECT SMOOTH MUSCLE RELAXANT

mebeverine Oral: 100 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)13.9 LAXATIVES / CATHARTICS

bisacodyl Oral: 5 mg tablet5 mg MR tabletRectal: 5 mg (children) and 10 mg (adult)suppositorycastor oil Oral: USP gradeglycerol Rectal: 2 g and 2.5 g suppository


lactulose Oral: 3.3 g/5 mL (66%) syrup, 120 mL(for hepatic and 200 mLencephalopathy)p p y)monobasic/dibasic Oral: 48 g/18 g per 100 mL solution,

sodium phosphate 45 mL bottleRectal: 19 g/7 g solution per 133 mL and66 mL bottle (enema)standard senna Oral: 187 mg tablet and 374 mg tablet

concentrate 337 microgram/3 g granules,30 g bottlePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 74

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths13.10 GASTROKINETICS (PROKINETICS)

domperidone Oral: 10 mg tablet1 mg/mL suspension, 30 mLand 60 mLmetoclopramide Oral: 10 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL(as base and as hydrochloride)Inj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL and 3 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as base andas hydrochloride)


octreotide (1, 2) Inj.: 100 micrograms/mL and 500 micrograms/mL,1 mL ampul (IV infusion)(as acetate)somatostatin (1, 2) Inj.: 250 microgram and 3 mg ampul/vial(IV, IV infusion)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths14.1 CORTICOSTEROIDS

DEXAMETHASONE Oral: 500 microgram, 750 microgram,3 mg and 4 mg tabletInj.: 4 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)(as sodium phosphate)5 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as sodium phosphate)HYDROCORTISONE Oral 5 mg and 20 mg tabletInj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL vial (IM, IV)(as sodium succinate)

14 H O R M O N E S A N D H O R M O N E A N T A G O N I S T S

( )125 mg/mL, 2 mL and 4 mL vial (IV)(as sodium succinate)powder, 100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mgvial (IV) (as sodium succinate)PREDNISOLONE Oral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet15 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL and 60 mL(as sodium phosphate)20 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL and 60 mL(as sodium phosphate)PREDNISONE Oral: 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg tablet30 mg film coated tablet10 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mLand 60 mL

betamethasone Oral: 500 microgram tablet (as base)Inj.: 5 mg (as dipropionate) + 2 mg(as sodium phosphate) per mL,1 mL ampul and 2 mL vial(IM, ID, intraarticular,(intralesional)(not for IV or SC use)methylprednisolone Oral: 4 mg and 16 mg tabletInj.: 40 mg/mL, 1 mL suspension vial(IM, intralesional)(as sodium acetate)lyophilized powder,125 mg vial(IM, IV) (as sodium succinate)lyophilized powder, 500 mg vial(IM, IV) (as sodium succinate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 76

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthslyophilized powder, 1 g vial(IM, IV) (as sodium succinate)powder, 62.5 mg/mL, 4 mL vial(as sodium succinate)powder, 62.5 mg/mL, 2 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)powder, 500 mg/8.0 mL vial +diluent vial (IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)powder, 1 g/16 mL vial + diluent vial (IM, IV, IV infusion)(as sodium succinate)triamcinolone Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL and 5 mL vialj g/(as acetonide)(intraarticular, intradermal)40 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul(as acetonide) (intraarticular,intralesional, intradermal)


human chorionic Inj.: lyophilized powder, 500 IU ampul +gonadotrophin 1 mL solvent (IM)(HCG) (1, 2) lyophilized powder, 1,000 IU ampul/vial + 1 mL solvent (IM)lyophilized powder, 5,000 IU ampul/vial + 1 mL solvent (IM)

human growth Inj.: lyophilized powder, 5 mg vial + 5 mLhormone (biosynthetic) diluent (IM, SC)(1, 2) lyophilized powder, 4 mg vial + 2 mLdiluent (SC)

human menopausal Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, 75 IU FSH +p j pgonadotrophin 75 IU LH per ampul + 1 mL(HMG, menotropin) solvent (IM)(1, 2)

tetracosactide Inj.: 250 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(cosyntropin) (IM) (as acetate)1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)(as hexaacetate)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths14.3 POSTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONES

DESMOPRESSIN Oral: 100 microgram and 200 microgram tablet (as acetate)Inj.: 15 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC) (as acetate)OXYTOCIN Inj.: 5 IU/mL and 10 IU/mL, 1 mL ampul

(synthetic) (2) (IM, IV)vasopressin (2) Inj.: 20 pressor units/mL, 1 mL ampul

(antidiuretic (IM, IV)hormone, ADH)


goserelin Inj.: 3.6 mg depot solution, pre‐filledsyringe (SC) (as acetate)10.8 mg depot solution, pre‐filledsyringe (SC) (as acetate)leuproreline Inj.: powder, 1.88 mg single dose withsyringe (IM, SC) (as acetate)powder, 3.75 mg single dose withsyringe (IM, SC) (as acetate)powder, 11.25 mg depot solution,vial + syringe (IM, SC)(as acetate)



DANAZOL (1) Oral: 100 mg and 200 mg capsuleTESTOSTERONE (1) Oral: 40 mg capsule (as undecanoate)g p ( )


cyproterone (1) Oral: 50 mg tablet (as acetate)Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 3 mL ampul, depot (IM)(as acetate)flutamide (1) Oral: 250 mg tablet

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsEstrogen

CONJUGATED ESTROGENS Oral: 300 microgram, 625 microgram and 1.25 mg tabletInj.: powder, 25 mg vial + 5 mL diluent(IM, IV)Dopamine agonist (for hyperprolactinemia)

bromocriptine (2) Oral: 2.5 mg tablet (as mesilate)Ovulation inducing medicines

clomifene (1, 2) Oral: 50 mg tablet (as citrate)human menopausal Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, 75 IU FSH +

gonadotrophin 75 IU LH per ampul + 1 mL(HMG, menotropin) solvent (IM)(1, 2)

Progestins (Progestogens)

dydrogesterone Oral: 10 mg tabletlynestrenol Oral: 500 microgram tabletmedroxy- Oral: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg,

progesterone (2) 400 mg and 500 mg tablet(as acetate)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 3 mL vial + syringe (IM)(as acetate)(N.B.: Use one (1) inch long needle)150 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (IM)(as acetate)norethisterone (2) Oral: 5 mg tablet (as acetate and as base)( ) g ( )Inj.: 200 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)(as enanthate)

Hormonal contraceptives

ETHINYLESTRADIOL + Oral: 30 microgram ethinylestradiol +LEVONORGESTREL 150 microgram levonorgestrel per tablet

ethinylestradiol + Oral: 30 microgram ethinylestradiol +desogestrel 150 microgram desogestrelper tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 79

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsethinylestradiol + Oral: 30 microgram ethinylestradiol +

norgestrel 300 microgram norgestrelper tabletethinylestradiol + Oral: 35 microgram ethinylestradiol +

norethisterone 400 microgram norethisteroneacetate per tabletmedroxyprogesterone Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 3 mL vial + syringe (IM)(as acetate)(N.B. Use one (1) inch longneedle)150 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (IM)(as enanthate)

Hormonal replacement therapy

conjugated equine Oral: 300 microgram, 625 microgramestrogen and 1.25 mg tablet

conjugated equine Oral: 625 microgram + 2.5 mg tabletestrogen + medroxy- 625 microgram + 5 mg tabletprogesterone acetate


alfuzosin Oral: 2.5 mg film coated tablet(as hydrochloride)5 mg film coated tablet (MR)(as hydrochloride)10 mg tablet (once a day)(as hydrochloride)finasteride Oral: 5 mg tablettamsulosin Oral: 200 microgram capsuleg p(as hydrochloride)


14.7.1 Thyroid hormone replacement

LEVOTHYROXINE Oral: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and150 microgram tablet(as anhydrous sodium)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 80

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths14.7.2 Antithyroid medicines


THIAMAZOLE Oral: 5 mg and 10 mg tablet(methimazole)

PROPYLTHIOURACIL Oral: 50 mg tabletcarbimazole Oral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet

Iodides and Radioactive Iodine (Therapeutic)

IODINE Oral: aqueous iodine solution(Lugol's solution)( g )5% iodine, 10 % potassium iodide(total iodine ‐ 130 mg/mL),30 mLOral: capsule with radioactivity rangeof 1.0 to 250 mCi per capsulesolution with radioactivity rangeof 3.5 to 150 mCi per vialAdjunct for Crisis States

PROPRANOLOL Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)40 mg MR capsule (as hydrochloride)14.8 INSULINS AND OTHER ANTIDIABETIC MEDICINES

14.8.1 Insulins

Short Acting



REGULAR, INSULIN Inj.: 100 IU/mL, 3 mL pre‐filled syringe(recombinant DNA, human) (IM, IV, SC)100 IU/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, IV, SC)

Intermediate Acting

ISOPHANE INSULIN HUMAN Inj.: 100 IU/mL, 3 mL pre‐filled syringe(recombinant DNA) (IM, SC)100 IU/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, SC)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsbiphasic isophane Inj.: 70% isophane suspension +

human insulin 70/30 30% soluble insulin in(recombinant DNA) 100 IU/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, SC)and 100 IU/mL, 3 mLdisposable syringe (IM, SC)

insulin zinc suspension Inj.: 100 IU/mL, 10 mL vial (IM, SC)human

14.8.2 Oral hypoglycemics


GLIBENCLAMIDE (B) Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tabletGLICLAZIDE Oral: 30 mg MR tablet80 mg tabletGLIPIZIDE Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet

chlorpropamide Oral: 250 mg tabletBiguanide

METFORMIN Oral: 500 mg tablet/film coated tablet(as hydrochloride)850 mg and 1 g tablet(as hydrochloride)Thiazolidinedione

rosiglitazone Oral: 4 mg and 8 mg tablet (as maleate)Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitor

acarbose Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet14.9 ANTI-HYPOGLYCEMICS

GLUCOSE Inj.: 50%, 50 mL vial (IV)(dextrose)

glucagon Inj.: lyophilized powder, 1 mg + solvent(IM, IV, SC) (as hydrochloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths15.1 OXYTOCICS (UTERINE STIMULANTS)

METHYLERGOMETRINE (A2) Oral: 125 microgram tablet (as hydrogen(methylergonovine) maleate or maleate)Inj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as hydrogen maleateor maleate)

OXYTOCIN Inj.: 5 IU/mL and 10 IU/mL, 1 mL ampul(synthetic) (2) (IM, IV)


15 M E D I C I N E S A C T I N G O N T H E U T E R U S

( )

TERBUTALINE Oral: 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet (as sulfate)Inj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IV infusion) (as sulfate)isoxsuprine Oral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 5 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul(IM, IV infusion)(as hydrochloride)magnesium Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul

sulfate (1) and 10 mL and 20 mL vial(IM, IV) (as heptahydrate)500 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(IM, IV) (as heptahydrate)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsM E D I C I N E S C O R R E C T I N G W A T E R E L E C T R O L Y T E


16.1.1 Oral rehydration salts

ORAL REHYDRATION SALTS Oral: Composition of reduced osmolarity(ORS 75-replacement) ORS per liter of water(WHO recommended):Sodium chloride —Trisodium citrate —dihydratePotassium chloride —

A C I D - B A S E, A N D C A L O R I C D I S T U R B A N C E S

2.6 g2.9 g1.5 g


Glucose anhydrous —Total Weight —Reduced osmolarity ORSEquivalent in mmol/L:Sodium —Chloride —Potassium —Citrate —Glucose anhydrous —Total osmolarity —N.B.: Reconstitute with cleanpotable water. Unusedreconstituted solutionshall be discardedafter 24 hours.


20.5 g7565201075

g13.5 g

POTASSIUM Oral: 750 mg durules (as chloride)equiv. to approximately10 mEq10 mEq tablet (as citrate)1 mmol/mL syrup, 30 mL andand 60 mL (as chloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths16.1.2 Parenteral

ACETATED RINGER'S Inj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bagSOLUTION (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ —K+ —Ca++ —Cl‐ —Acetate —

BALANCED MULTIPLE Inj.: with 5% dextrose, 250 mL andMAINTENANCE SOLUTION 500 mL (infants) and1 L (children and adults)

28 mmol/L4 mmol/L3 mmol/L109 mmol/L

130 mmol/L

( )bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:DextroseNa+K+Mg++Cl‐Acetate

BALANCED MULTIPLE Inj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bagREPLACEMENT SOLUTION (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ —K+ —Mg++ —Cl‐ —Acetate —

140 mmol/L50 mmol/L98 mmol/L5 mmol/L3 mmol/L

22 mmol/L 40 mmol/L23 mmol/L 16 mmol/L25‐30 mmol/L 40‐50 mmol/L20‐25 mmol/L 13‐30 mmol/L3 mmol/L 3 mmol/L

Infants Children& Adults50 g/L 50 g/L

plus 5% dextrose (50 g/L)BALANCED MULTIPLE Inj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

REPLACEMENT SOLUTION (IV infusion)WITH pH 7.4 Composition:Na+ —K+ —Mg++ —Cl‐ —Acetate —PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 85


140 mmol/L5 mmol/L98 mmol/L50 mmol/L3 mmol/L

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths5% DEXTROSE IN 0.3% Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

SODIUM CHLORIDE (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —Cl‐ —5% DEXTROSE IN 0.45% Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

SODIUM CHLORIDE (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —Cl‐ — 50 g/L

50 g/L51 mmol/L51 mmol/L

77 mmol/L77 mmol/L5% DEXTROSE IN 0.9% Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

SODIUM CHLORIDE (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —Cl‐ —5% DEXTROSE IN LACTATED Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

RINGER'S (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —K+ —Ca++ —Cl‐ —Lactate —5% DEXTROSE IN WATER Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

154 mmol/L154 mmol/L50 g/L

130 mmol/L50 g/L28 mmol/L109 mmol/L3 mmol/L4 mmol/L


j / g(IV infusion and as vehiclefor IV medications)10% DEXTROSE IN WATER Inj.: 250 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag(IV infusion)3 mL ampul (as solvent)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsLACTATED RINGER'S Inj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag

SOLUTION (Ringer's lactate) (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ — 130 mmol/LK+ — 4 mmol/LCa++ — 3 mmol/LCl‐ — 109 mmol/LLactate — 28 mmol/L0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE Inj.: 2 mL, 2.5 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL and20 mL ampul50 mL, 100 mL, 200 mL, 250 mL,500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag(IV infusion)( )Composition:Na+ —Cl‐ —STERILE WATER FOR INJECTION Inj.: 2 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL and 20 mL ampul50 mL, 100 mL, 500 mL and1 L bottle/bag (no preservative)


CALCIUM GLUCONATE (1, 2) Inj.: 10%, 10 mL ampul/vial (IV)10%, 20 mL and 25 mL bottle (IV)MAGNESIUM SULFATE (1) Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(also for parenteral nutrition) and 20 mL and 50 mL vial(IM, IV) (as heptahydrate)500 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul(IV) (as heptahydrate)POTASSIUM CHLORIDE Inj.: 2 mEq/mL, 2 mL and 5 mL ampul

154 mmol/L154 mmol/L

j q/ p(also for parenteral nutrition) (IV infusion)2 mEq/mL, 20 mL and 10 mL vial(IV infusion)POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE Inj.: 224 mg monobasic potassium (also for parenteral nutrition) phosphate equiv. to 3 mmolphosphorus and 4.4 mEqK/236 mg dibasic‐potassiumphosphate anhydrous per mLin 5 mL vial (IV)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsSODIUM BICARBONATE Inj.: 1 mEq/mL, 10 mL vial (pediatric),(also for parenteral nutrition) 50 mL and 100 mL ampul/vial (adult) (IV infusion)SODIUM CHLORIDE Inj.: 2.5 mEq/mL, 20 mL and 50 mL vial TRACE ELEMENTS Inj.: contains Zn, Cu, Mn, Mg, Mb etc.10 mL ampul (IV nutrition)VITAMINS INTRAVENOUS (IV)

FAT-SOLUBLE Inj.: contains vitamins A, D, E and K10 mL ampul (IV)WATER-SOLUBLE Inj.: contains vitamin B complex andj pvitamin C, 1 mL vial and 2 mLampul (IV)


ADULT POLYMERIC Oral: Calories —Dilution —Carbohydrates —Protein —Fat —mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Volume —DISEASE SPECIFIC Oral: Calories —Dilution —Carbohydrates —Protein —Fat — 3.3 ‐ 108 g

1:1 ‐ 2:110.4 ‐ 156 g5.5 ‐ 88 g100 mL ‐ 1 L47 ‐ 307 mg

100 ‐ 1000 Kcal370 ‐ 580 mg75 ‐ 402 mg270 ‐ 7303.4 ‐ 21.5 g3.8 ‐ 19.9 g13.8 ‐ 59 g1:1 ‐ 1.5:1100 ‐ 475 Kcal

mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Volume —FIBER CONTAINING Oral: Calories —Dilution —Carbohydrates —

PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 88

g230 ‐ 63580 ‐ 2400 mg172 ‐ 5600 mg50 ‐ 1789 mg

13.8 ‐ 148 g1:1100 ‐ 1048 Kcal50 g ‐ 500 g50 mL ‐ 500 mL

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsProtein —Fat —mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Fiber —Volume —PEDIATRIC POLYMERIC Oral: Calories —Dilution —Carbohydrates —Protein —Fat —

2.0 ‐ 10.6 g63 ‐ 720 mg78.5 ‐ 1570 mg46.5 ‐ 930 mg270 ‐ 3753.4 ‐ 34.7 g3.8 ‐ 40 g

16.2 ‐ 26 g1:1445 ‐ 511 Kcal

13.4 ‐ 54.3 g14.9 ‐ 62.2 g500 mL100 g ‐ 400 g

mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Volume —SEMI - ELEMENTAL Oral: Calories —Dilution —Carbohydrates —Protein —Fat —mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Volume —MODULAR Oral: Calories —Dilution —

76 g ‐ 450 g100 mL ‐ 1 L22 ‐ 867 mg135 ‐ 1730 mg

100 g150 ‐ 760 mg400 ‐ 750 mg120 ‐ 250 mg308 ‐ 345g

66 ‐ 1040 mg375 ‐ 5753.9 ‐ 37.4 g3.0 ‐ 66.6 g13.8 ‐ 177.2 g1:1 ‐ 1.3:1100 ‐ 1300 Kcal

09.5 ‐ 380 KcalCarbohydrates —Protein —Fat —mOsm/kg —Sodium —Potassium —Phosphorous —Volume —PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 89

280 g ‐ 400 g5 ‐ 30 mg10 ‐ 66 mg15 ‐ 110 mg9000.6 g5 ‐ 23 g0.67 ‐ 94 g

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths16.4 PARENTERAL NUTRITION

Caloric Medicines

GLUCOSE Inj.: 50%, 10 mL and 20 mL ampul (IV)(dextrose) 50%, 10 mL, 20 mL and 50 mL(also for parenteral nutrition) (85 Kcal) vial (IV)

LIPIDS Inj.: 10%, 100 mL, 200 mL and 500 mL(also for parenteral nutrition) bottle (IV infusion)20%, 100 mL and 500 mL bottle (IV infusion)Emulsion:Volume — 100 ‐ 500 mLConcentration —Protein —Lipid —Calories —Electrolytes —

Amino Acids, Crystalline Standard Inj.: 3.5%, 500 mL bottle (IV infusion)5%, 100 mL, 250 mL and 500 mLbottle (IV infusion)6%, 100 mL and 250 mL bottle(IV infusion)7%, 8.5%, 10%, and 11.4%,100 mL, 500 mL and 1 L bottle(IV infusion)8%, 500 mL bottle (IV infusion) (as branched chain)9.12%, 20 mL ampul and 200 mLbottle (IV infusion)10%, 100 mL and 500 mL

10 ‐ 20 %

variable100‐200 cal/100 mL50 ‐ 100 g/100 mL10 ‐ 20 g/100 mL(LCT or combinedLCT ‐ MCT)

bottle (IV infusion)Amino Acids, Combined


Calories —Electrolytes —PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 90

35‐50 g; rich inamino acids50 ‐ 200variablebranched‐chain

500 mL5 ‐ 8 %

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsAMINO ACID SOLUTIONS FOR Volume —


AMINO ACID SOLUTIONS Volume —FOR INFANTS Concentration —Protein —Calories —Electrolytes —


including taurine5 ‐ 10 %20 ‐ 50 g80 ‐ 150none500 mL3.5 ‐ 7 %

20 g; L‐alanyl‐L‐50 mL and 100 mLglutamine70 ‐ 90none100 mL

Protein —Calories —

COMBINED GLUCOSE-AMINO Volume —ACID SOLUTIONS Concentration —Glucose —Protein —Calories —Electrolytes —

ALL-IN-ONE ADMIXTURES Volume —(also called "3 in 1" or "dual Concentration —energy" solutions) CHO —Protein —Lipid —Calories —Electrolytes — variable

1000 ‐ 2500 mLvariable7 ‐ 15 g/100 mL4 ‐ 5 g/100 mL2 ‐ 5 g/100 mL50 ‐ 100 Kcal

500 mLvariable25 ‐ 50 g20 ‐ 30 g300 ‐ 450 Kcalvariable

35 ‐ 50 grich in essentialamino acid50 ‐ 200 Kcal100 mL and

16.5 PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOLUTION Solution: Sterile with 1.5%, 2.5% and4.25% dextrose, 1 L, 1.5 L,2 L and 5 L bottleElectrolytes composition per 100 mL:Sodium lactate —anhydrousSodium chloride —Calcium chloride —dihydratePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 91

390 ‐ 448 mg538 ‐ 578.6 mg14.7 ‐ 25.73 mg

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsMagnesium —chloridehexahydrateMay contain hydrochloric acid orsodium hydroxide for pHadjustment.Electrolytes in mEq per liter(excluding ions for pHadjustments):Sodium —Calcium —Magnesium — 1.9 ‐ 3.4 mEq1.0 ‐ 1.7 mEq

5.07 ‐ 15.25 mg

132.6 ‐ 146 mEqgChloride —Lactate —16.6 HEMODIALYSIS SOLUTION Solution: (concentrate) 5 gallon(approx. 20 L), drum, 5 Land 10 L)Composition per liter:Magnesium chloride hexahydrateCalcium chloride dihydrate, USPSodium acetate trihydrateSodium chloride

Potassium Free Dialysate

ACETATE BASED CONTAINING Sodium —Potassium —Calcium —Dextrose —Bicarbonate —Acetate —135 ‐ 145 mEq/L0


30 ‐ 40 mEq/L0

97.8 ‐ 109.2 mEq34.8 ‐ 39.98 mEq

10 ‐ 15 mEq/L2.5 ‐ 3.8 mEq/L% daily utilizationby dialysis unit: 10%

BICARBONATE BASED Sodium —CONTAINING Potassium —Calcium —Dextrose —Bicarbonate —Acetate —% daily utilizationby dialysis unit: 9%PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 92

030 ‐ 40


10 ‐ 152.5 ‐ 3.8 mEq/L0135 ‐ 145 mEq/L

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsLow Calcium Dialysate Sodium —Potassium —Calcium —Dextrose —Bicarbonate —Acetate —% daily utilizationby dialysis unit: 13.5%

135 ‐ 145 mEq/L1.5 ‐ 3.0 mEq/L30 ‐ 40 mEq/L10 ‐ 15 mEq/L0

below 2.6 mEq/L

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths17.1 OPHTHALMIC

FLUORESCEIN Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (IV)(as sodium salt)Strips: 1 mg and 9 mg (as sodium salt)17.2 RADIOCONTRAST MEDIA


AMIDOTRIZOATE Inj.: (Intravascular and other parenteral(diatrizoate) routes as appropriate)

17 D I A G N O S T I C A G E N T S

( ) pp p )150 mg ‐ 650 mg iodine/mL, 20 mL,25 mL, 30 mL, 50 mL, 100 mLand 200 mL ampul/bottle(as meglumine and/orsodium salt)IOTHALAMATE Inj.: 600 mg/mL, 30 mL, 50 mL and100 mL vial (usually IV)(as meglumine)

iodamide Inj.: (Intravascular and other parenteralroutes as appropriate)495 mg/mL equiv. to 300 mg/mLiodine, 30 mL ampul and 50 mLand 100 mL vial/bottle(as meglumine)627.9 mg/mL equiv. to 380 mg/mLiodine, 50 mL and 100 mLvial/bottle (as meglumine)ioxithalamic acid Inj.: (Intravascular)j ( )9.66 g sodium ioxithalamate +65.09 g meglumineioxithalamate (equiv. to 35 giodine), 20 mL, 50 mL and100 mL vial19.81 g meglumine ioxithalamate (equiv. to 9 g iodine)per 30 mL bottle33.015 g meglumine ioxithalamate(equiv. to 15 g iodine)per 50 mL bottlePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 94

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths66.03 g meglumine ioxithalamate(equiv. to 30 g iodine)per 100 mL bottleNon-Ionic

IOHEXOL Inj.: (Intravascular and other parenteralroutes as appropriate)180 mg iodine/mL, 50 mL vial 240 mg iodine/mL, 50 mL vial300 mg iodine/mL, 50 mL and100 mL vial350 mg iodine/mL, 50 mL, 100 mLand 200 mL vialIOPAMIDOL Inj.: (Intravascular and other parenteralroutes as appropriate)408 mg/mL equiv. to 200 mg iodine,10 mL ampul612 mg/mL equiv. to 300 mg iodine,10 mL ampul and 30 mL, 50 mLand 100 mL vial755 mg/mL equiv. to 370 mg iodine,30 mL ampul and 50 mL and100 mL vial/bottleIOPROMIDE Inj.: 240 mg/mL equiv. to 499 mg iodine,50 mL vial300 mg/mL equiv. to 623 mg iodine,30 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 200 mLand 500 mL vial370 mg/mL equiv. to 769 mg iodine,50 mL and 100 mL vialIOVERSOL Inj.: 636 mg/mL equiv. to 300 mg/mLiodine, 30 mL, 50 mL and100 mL vial678 mg/mL equiv. to 320 mg/mLiodine, 50 mL and 100 mL vial741 mg/mL equiv. to 350 mg/mLiodine, 50 mL and 100 mL vial

dimeglumine Inj.: 469 mg/mL aqueous solution, 5 mL,gadopentetate 10 mL, 15 mL and 20 mL vial

gadodiamide Inj.: 287 mg/mL, aqueous solution, 5 mL,15 mL, 10 mL and 20 mL vialPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 95

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsOther Radiocontrast Media

BARIUM SULFATE Oral: powder, USP grade suspended inwater 340 g and 454 g,pouch, LDPE bagGAS FORMING AGENT Oral: Components per tablet:Sodium bicarbonate —Glutamic acid —Tartaric acid —Silicon resin —

470 mg70 mg420 mg25 mg

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsD E R M A T O L O G I C A L A N D M U C O U S

M E M B R A N E A G E N T S ( T O P I C A L )


18.1.1 Antibacterials

MUPIROCIN Cream: 2%, 5 g sachet and 15 g tubeOintment: 2%, 5 g and 15 g tubeSILVER SULFADIAZINE Cream: 1%, 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, 20 g, 25 g,30 g and 50 g tube400 g, 450 g and 500 g jar(micronized)


fusidate sodium / Cream: 2%, 5 g tubefusidic acid Medicated Surgical Dressing: 2% (sterilegauze impregnated with 1.5 gof 2% ointment in single unitfoil sachet) (as sodium)Ointment: 2%, 5 g and 15 g tube

18.1.2 Antifungals

BENZOIC ACID + Cream or Ointment:SALICYLIC ACID 6% benzoic acid + 3% salicylicacid, 15 g and 30 g tube

IMIDAZOLES, topical Cream: 1%‐2%, 3.5 g, 15 g and(e.g., clotrimazole, 450 g tubeeconazole, isoconazole, Lotion: 10 mLketoconazole, miconazole, Shampoo: 6 mL and 10 mL sachetand tioconazole) 60 mL and 100 mL bottleSolution: 10 mg/mL, 15 mL and 25 mLbottlevagin*l: 100 mg, 300 mg andg g g500 mg ovuleSODIUM THIOSULFATE Solution: 2.5% and 5%

akapulko [Cassia Lotion: 50%, 60 mL bottlealata Linn. ( Fam.Leguminosae)]

nystatin Oral: 500,000 units tablet100,000 units/mL suspension,30 mL bottlevagin*l: 100,000 units tabletPNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 97

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsselenium sulfide Lotion: 2.5%, 100 mL bottle Shampoo: 1%, 30 mL, 60 mL, 120 mLand 250 mL bottleterbinafine Cream: 1%, 3 g, 5 g, 10 g and 15 g tube(as hydrochloride)Solution: 1%, 30 mL bottle

18.1.3 Scabicides and Pediculicides

PERMETHRIN Lotion: 1%, 125 mL bottle5%, 30 mL and 60 mL bottleShampoo (Creme Rinse):1%, 30 mL and 60 mL bottlesulfur Cream or Ointment:5%, 15 g and 30 g tubebenzyl benzoate Lotion: 25%, 60 mL and 120 mL bottlecrotamiton Lotion: 10%, 60 mL and 120 mL bottleCream: 10%, 10 g tube


CALAMINE, PLAIN Lotion: 8%, 60 mL and 120 mL bottleHYDROCORTISONE (1) Cream or Ointment:1%, 5 g and 10 g tube and500 g jarLotion: 1% and 2.5%, 25 mL bottle

betamethasone Cream or Ointment:0.05%, 5 g and 10 g tube;(as dipropionate)0.1%, 5 g tube (as valerate)g ( )Lotion: 0.05%, 30 mL bottle(as dipropionate)clobetasol Cream or Ointment:0.05%, 5 g, 10 g and 15 g tube(as propionate)Shampoo: 0.05%, 25 mL bottle(as propionate)fluocinonide Cream or Ointment:0.05%, 5 g, 10 g and 15 g tubePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 98

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsfluticasone Cream: 0.05%, 5 g tube(as propionate)Ointment: 0.005%, 5 g tube(as propionate)


ALCOHOL, ETHYL Solution: 95%, for dilution to 70%(with BIR seal)CHLORHEXIDINE Solution: 0.12% and 4%, 50 mL, 120 mL,380 mL, 500 mL and 5 L(as gluconate)POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE Crystals: for solution to 1:1000 ‐ 1:20,000y for wounds and ulcers;1:4000 for mouthwashand gargle. Must befreshly prepared.POVIDONE IODINE Oral Antiseptic: 1%, 60 mL, 120 mL and240 mL bottleOintment: 10%, 5 g, 15 g and 30 g tubePaint: 10%, 10 mL bottleSolution: 10%, 15 mL, 30 mL, 60 mL,120 mL, 1 L and 1 gallonbottleSurgical Skin Cleanser:7.5%, 60 mL, 120 mL, 480 mL,1 L and 1 gallon bottle

aluminum acetate Solution: 13% for the preparation ofaluminum acetate lotion(0.65%). Must be freshlyprepared.hydrogen peroxide Solution: 3%, 120 mL bottlesodium hypochlorite Solution: 0.5% available chlorine forfurther dilution for skinand wound


BENZOIC ACID + Ointment: 6% benzoic acid + 3% salicylicSALICYLIC ACID acid, 15 g and 30 g tube

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsBENZOYL PEROXIDE Cream: 4%, 40 g tube5%, 20 g tubeGel: 2.5%, 10 g and 40 g tube orbottle5%, 10 g, 15 g, 40 g and 60 gtube or bottle10%, 10 g, 40 g and 60 gtube or bottleLotion: 5%, 30 mL and 120 mL bottleWash: 5%, 50 g and 100 g tube orbottleSoap: 5%, 75 gCOAL TAR Shampoo: 0.5% and 2.5%, 130 mL bottle 0.1% and 1%, 150 mL bottleSALICYLIC ACID Solution: 5%, 30 mL and 60 mL bottle10%, 15 mL, 30 mL and120 mL bottle17%, 13.3 mL bottle

dithranol Ointment: 0.1% ‐ 2%, 50 g tubesilver nitrate Solution: 0.5%Stick: 95%


COAL TAR Shampoo: 5%, 130 mL bottleGel: 7.5%, 100 gSALICYLIC ACID Solution: 5%, 30 mL and 60 mL bottle

calcipotriol Cream: 50 microgram/g, 30 g tubeor bottleOintment: 50 microgram/g, 30 g tubeg /g gor bottleScalp Solution:50 micrograms/mL, 30 mLbottlecalcipotriol + Ointment: 50 microgram calcipotriol

betamethasone (as hydrate ) + 500 microgrambetamethasone(as dipropionate)/g, 30 g tubePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 100

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths18.6 EMOLLIENT

petrolatum / Jelly: USP grade, 25 g, 100 g andpetroleum 200 g jar

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths19.1 ADJUVANT TO SURGERY

intraocular irrigating Solution: 15 mL, 250 mL and 500 mLsolution bottle(balanced Composition:salt solution) Sodium chloride —Potassium chloride —Calcium chloride —Magnesium chloride hexahydrate —Sodium acetate —

19 O P H T H A L M O L O G I C A L P R E P A R A T I O N S


Sodium citrate —Water for injection to make 100%19.2 ANTI-INFECTIVES

CHLORAMPHENICOL Eye Ointment:1%, 2 g, 3.5 g and 4 g tubeEye Drops Solution:0.5%, 5 mL, 7.5 mL and 10 mLbottleERYTHROMYCIN Eye Ointment:0.5%, 3.5 g and 5 g tubeGENTAMICIN Eye Ointment:0.3%, 3 g, 3.5 g and 5 g tube(as sulfate)Eye Drops Solution:0.3%, 5 mL bottle (as sulfate)


( )0.5%, 5 mL bottle (as sulfate)aciclovir Eye Ointment:3%, 4.5 g tubefusidate sodium/ Eye Drops Suspension:

fusidic acid 1%, 5 g tube (as sulfate)ganciclovir Eye Gel: 0.15%, 5 g tube

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsofloxacin Eye Ointment:0.3%, 3.5 g tube Eye Drops Solution:0.3%, 5 mL bottlepovidone-iodine Eye Drops Solution:2% and 5%sulfacetamide Eye Drops Solution: 10%, 5 mL, 10 mL and 15 mL bottle(as sodium salt)sulfacetamide + Eye Drops Suspension:

prednisolone 10% sulfacetamide + 0.25%prednisolone (as acetate),p ( )5 mL bottletobramycin Eye Drops Solution:0.3%, 5 mL bottleEye Ointment:0.3%, 3.5 g tubetobramycin + Eye Drops Suspension:

dexamethasone 0.3% tobramycin + 0.1%dexamethasone, 5 mL bottleEye Ointment:0.3% tobramycin + 0.1%dexamethasone, 3.5 g tube19.3 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY

19.3.1 Steroidal

PREDNISOLONE Eye Drops Suspension:0.5% and 1%, 5 mL bottle(as acetate)( )dexamethasone Eye Drops Suspension:0.1%, 5 mL bottle

19.3.2 Non-steroidal

nepafenac Eye Suspension:1 mg/mL, 5 mL bottlePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 103

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths19.4 DIAGNOSTICS

FLUORESCEIN Inj.: 10%, 5 mL ampul (IV)(as sodium salt)Strips: 1 mg and 9 mg (as sodium salt)rose bengal Eye Drops Solution:1%, 0.5 mL bottleStrips: 1.3 mg


19.5.1 Cholinergic agonists (Miotics)

PILOCARPINE Eye Drops Solution: y p1%, 10 mL and 15 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)2% and 4%, 10 mL and 15 mLbottle (as hydrochloride)carbachol Intraocular Solution:0.01%, 1.5 mL vial

19.5.2 Beta adrenoceptor blockers

TIMOLOL Eye Drops Solution:0.25%, 5 mL bottle (as maleate)0.5%, 5 mL bottle (as maleate)betaxolol Eye Drops Suspension:0.25%, 5 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)Eye Drops Solution:0.5%, 5 mL and 10 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)

19.5.3 Adrenergic agonist (alpha 2 selective)

brimonidine Ophthalmic Solution:0.15%, 5 mL bottle (as tartrate)19.5.4 Prostaglandin analogues

LATANOPROST Eye Drops Solution:50 micrograms/mL, 2.5 mL bottlePNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 104

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthstravoprost Ophthalmic Solution: 0.004%, 2.5 mL bottle

19.5.5 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors


ACETAZOLAMIDE (B) Oral: 250 mg tabletLocally Acting

brinzolamide Ophthalmic Suspension:1%, 5 mL bottledorzolamide Eye Drops Solution:y p2%, 5 mL vial (as hydrochloride)

19.5.6 Hyperosmotic agents

GLYCEROL Oral: USP grade(glycerin)

MANNITOL Inj.: 20%, 250 mL and 500 mL bottle (IV)19.6 LOCAL ANESTHETICS (see Section 1.1.3)

LIDOCAINE Inj.: 1%, 5 mL and 20 mL ampul(as hydrochloride)2%, 2 mL, 5 mL and 20 mL ampul (as hydrochloride)2%, 10 mL, 20 mL and 50 mL vial (as hydrochloride)bupivacaine Inj.: 0.5%, 5 mL, 10 mL and 20 mL vial(as hydrochloride)proxymetacaine Eye Drops Solution:

(proparacaine) 0.5%, 15 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)19.7 MYDRIATICS

Anticholinergics (cycloplegics)

ATROPINE Eye Drops Solution:1%, 5 mL and 10 mL bottle(as sulfate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 105

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthstropicamide Eye Drops Solution:0.5%, 5 mL bottle

Adrenergic Agonist

PHENYLEPHRINE Eye Drops Solution:2.5%, 5 mL bottle (as hydrochloride)19.8 DYSFUNCTIONAL TEAR SYNDROME (Dry Eyes)


ciclosporin Ophthalmic Emulsion:0.05%, 0.4 mL bottleLubricants

carboxymethylcellulose Eye Drops Solution:0.5%, 0.4 mL and 15 mL bottle(as sodium)hypromellose Eye Drops Solution:5 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL, 10 mLand 15 mL bottleOphthalmic Solution:0.3%, 10 mL bottlesodium hyaluronate Ophthalmic Solution:10 mg/mL, 0.85 mL bottle

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths20.1 AGENTS FOR CHEMICAL CAUTERY

SILVER NITRATE Crystals: USP grade (for extemporaneouscompounding to 5%, 10%and 30% solution)Stick: 95%TRICHLOROACETIC ACID Crystals: USP grade (for extemporaneouscompounding to 10% solution)


20 E A R, N O S E A N D T H R O A T P R E P A R A T I O N S

LIDOCAINE Ointment: 5%, 35 g and 50 g tube(as hydrochloride)Spray: 10%, 50 mL (as hydrochloride)Jelly: 2%, 30 g (as hydrochloride)20.3 TOPICAL ANTIBIOTICS

CHLORAMPHENICOL Ear Drops Solution:0.5%, 5 mL bottleOFLOXACIN Ear Drops Solution:0.3%, 5 mL bottle


bacitracin + Ointment:neomycin + 200 units bacitracin + 3 mgpolymyxin B neomycin (as sulfate) + 4000units polymyxin B (as sulfate)/g,10 g tube400 units bacitracin + 5 mggneomycin (as sulfate) + 5000units polymyxin B (as sulfate)/g,5 g tube and 500 g jar


neomycin + Ear Drops Solution:polymyxin B + 3.5 mg neomycin (as sulfate) +fluocinolone 10,000 units polymyxin Bacetonide (as sulfate) + 0.025%

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsfluocinolone acetonide/mL,5 mL bottle20.6 TOPICAL NASAL CORTICOSTEROIDS

budesonide Nasal Aqueous Solution:100 micrograms/dose x 50 metered doses and 200 metered dosesfluticasone Nasal Aqueous Solution:0.05%/dose x 120 doses(as propionate)


OXYMETAZOLINE Nasal Drops Solution:0.025%, 15 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)Nasal Spray:0.05%, 10 mL and 15 mL bottle(as hydrochloride)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths21.1 VITAMINS

ASCORBIC ACID Oral: 100 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg tablet(vitamin C) 100 mg/mL drops, 15 mL, 30 mLand 60 mL100 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL, 120 mLand 250 mL

ERGOCALCIFEROL Oral: 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) tablet/capsule(calciferol, vitamin D2) 250 micrograms/mL (10,000 IU/mL)solution, 60 mL

21 V I T A M I N S A N D M I N E R A L S

FOLIC ACID Oral: 1 mg and 5 mg tablet/capsuleInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM)(as sodium salt)HYDROXOCOBALAMIN Oral: 100 microgram and 250 microgram

(vitamin B12) tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IM)NICOTINAMIDE Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet

(vitamin B3)

PHYTOMENADIONE Oral/Inj.: 2 mg/0.2 mL pediatric ampul(phytonadione, vitamin K1) (IM, IV, PO) (as mixed micelle)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as aqueous colloidal solutionwith benzyl alcohol)10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as mixed micelle)

PYRIDOXINE Oral: 25 mg and 50 mg tablet(vitamin B6) (as hydrochloride)( ) ( y )Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as hydrochloride)

RETINOL (2) Oral: 10,000 IU, 25,000 IU and 50,000 IU(vitamin A) soft gel capsule (as palmitate)10,000 IU/mL, 15 mL and 30 mLbottle (oily solution)(as palmitate)100,000 IU and 200,000 IU soft gelcapsule with nipple(as palmitate)(only for DOH program) (B)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 109

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsRIBOFLAVIN

(vitamin B2) Oral: 50 mg tabletTHIAMINE Oral: 10 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg and 300 mg

(vitamin B1) tablet (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IV)alpha-tocopherol Oral: 10 mg/mL suspension, 10 mL

(vitamin E) (as acetate)(for prematures)calcitriol (1, 2) Oral: 0.25 microgram and0.5 microgram capsulemecobalamin Oral: 500 microgram tabletgInj.: 500 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul(IM, IV)multivitamins Oral:

vitamin Avitamin B1vitamin B2vitamin B6vitamin B12vitamin Cvitamin Dvitamin Efolic acid

for Infants for Children for Adultsper 1 mL drops per 5 mL syrup per tablet/capsule325 micrograms RE 350‐400 micrograms RE 425‐525 microgram RE0.3‐0.4 mg 0.7‐0.9 mg 0.7‐1.3 mg 0.1-0.3 mg 0.5-1 mg 1.3-1.7 mg0.3‐0.4 mg 0.7‐0.9 mg 0.7‐1.3 mg0.3‐0.6 mg 0.9‐1.6 mg 1.6‐2 mg0.5‐1.5 micrograms 2‐3 micrograms 3‐5 microgram

0.9-1.8 micrograms 2.4 microgram30 mg 35‐55 mg 65‐80 mg 0.3-0.4 micrograms400 IU 400 IU 400 IU 5 micrograms 5 micrograms 5-15 microgram3‐4 mg 5‐7 mg 6‐10 mg 3.4 mg 5-7 mg 10-12 mg20‐30 micrograms 40‐80 micrograms 100‐170 microgramniacin Inj.: freeze‐dried powder, 10 mL vial(IV infusion)(must be diluted before use)Each 10 mL vial contains:vitamin B1 —vitamin B2 —vitamin B6 —vitamin B12 —PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 110

3.2 mg

5‐8 mg 13‐17 mg 13‐23 mg

4.0 mg3.6 mg5.0 micrograms

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthsvitamin C —folic acid —nicotinamide —pantothenic acid —biotin —emulsion, 10 mL ampul(IV infusion) (pedia)(must be diluted before use)Each mL contains:vitamin A —vitamin D2 —vitamin E —vitamin K1 — 20 micrograms0.64 mg1.0 micrograms69 micrograms

0.4 mg60 micrograms15 mg40 mg100 mg

fractionatedsoybean oil —fractionated eggphospholipids —emulsion, 10 mL ampul(IV infusion) (adult)(must be diluted before use)Each mL contains:vitamin A —vitamin D2 —vitamin E —vitamin K1 —fractionatedsoybean oil —fractionated eggphospholipids —vitamin B1 B6 B12 Oral: 100 mg B1 + 5 mg B6 + 50 microgramB12 per tablet/capsule

100 mg15 micrograms9.1 mg20 IU

12 mgg

12 mg

990 micrograms

100 mg

p / p10 mg B1 + 5 mg B6 + 5 micrograms B12 per 0.6 mL drops, 15 mLInj.: 100 mg B1 + 100 mg B6 + 1 mg B12per 3 mL ampul (IV)100 mg B1 + 100 mg B6 + 1 mg B12per mL, 10 mL vial (IV)

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengths21.2 MINERALS

CALCIUM Oral: tablet (equiv. to 500 mg elementalcalcium) (as lactate)tablet/chewable tablet (equiv. to500 mg and 600 mg elementalcalcium) (as carbonate)1.437 g calcium glubionateand 295 mg calciumlactobionate (equiv. to 110 mgionizable calcium), 120 mLInj.: 10% solution in 10 mL ampul (IV)(as gluconate)FERROUS SALT Oral: tablet, (equiv. to 60 mg( q gelemental iron)solution, (equiv. to 15 mg elementaliron/0.6 mL) drops, 15 mLand 30 mLsolution, (equiv. to 30 mg elementaliron/5 mL) syrup, 60 mLN.B.: The elemental iron content ofa ferrous salt depends on thetype of preparation as follows:Ferrous fumarate —Ferrous gluconate —Ferrous lactate —Ferrous sulfate,hydrated —Ferrous sulfate,desiccated —FLUORIDE (2) Oral: 250 microgram and 500 microgramtablet (as sodium salt)


( )250 micrograms/mL and 500micrograms/15 mL drops(as sodium salt)IODIZED OIL FLUID Oral: 500 mg (equiv. to 200 mg elementaliodine) soft gel capsule(only for DOH program)ZINC Oral: chewable tablet, (equiv. to 10 mgelemental zinc) (as gluconate)tablet, (equiv. to 30 mg elementalzinc) (as gluconate trihydrate)PNDF Vol. I, 7th ed. (2008) 112

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and Strengthssolution, (equiv. to 10 mg elementalzinc/mL) drops, 15 mL,(as sulfate monohydrate)solution, (equiv. to 20 mg elementalzinc/5 mL) syrup, 60 mL(as sulfate monohydrate)iron dextran (1) Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (deep IM, IV)


FERROUS SALT + FOLIC ACID Oral: 60 mg elemental iron + 400(nutritional supplement microgram folic acid per tablet/during pregnancy) capsule/film coated tablet

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CORE LIST Complementary List Route of AdministrationPharmaceutical Forms and StrengthsALCOHOL, ETHYL Solution: 95% (to be diluted to 70%)(with BIR seal)CHLORHEXIDINE Solution: 4%, 50 mL and 4 L bottle (as gluconate)IODINE Tincture: 1% and 2%Solution: 2% and 5%POVIDONE - IODINE Solution: 10%, 15 mL, 30 mL, 60 mL,120 mL, 240 mL, 1 L and1 gallon bottle

22 D I S I N F E C T A N T S

gglutaraldehyde Solution: 2% (with alkaline activating

(glutaral) solution) 120 mL and 1 Lhydrogen peroxide Solution: 3%, 60 mL and 120 mL bottlesodium dichloro- Solution: 3.5 mg tablet (free available

isocyanurate chlorine 2 mg)(to be used for 8.68 mg tablet (free availablewater purification) chlorine 5 mg)12.5 mg tablet (free availablechlorine 8 mg)17 mg tablet (free availablechlorine 10 mg)67 mg tablet (free availablechlorine 40 mg)sodium hypochlorite Solution: 1.25% available chlorine forwater purification

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No. of Sections of Therapeutic Categories =No. of Active Ingredients =Core List =Complementary List =No. of pharmaceutical products added = (see Appendix B)No. of pharmaceutical products deleted = (see Appendix B)No. of pharmaceutical products not availablein the market but considered essential ( ) = (see Appendix C)No. of new drugs under Monitored Release ( ) = (see Appendix D)No. of Dangerous Drug Preparations (A1) = (see Appendix E)No. of Controlled Chemicals (A2) = (see Appendix E)No. of medicines requiring specific expertise,diagnostic precision, or special equipmentfor proper use (1) = (see Appendix F)No. of medicines with limited indications ornarrow spectrum of activity (2) = (see Appendix G)No. of antibiotics in the PNDF to be used only inhospitals with DOH accredited AntimicrobialResistance Surveillance Program (ARSP) (3) = (see Appendix H)No. of List B medicines = (see Appendix I)No. of medicinal plant products registeredwith BFAD () = (see Appendix J)










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Medicines Deleted = 361. Busulfan2. Calamine, plain3. Calcitriol4. Cimetidine5. Cromolyn sodium6. Diclofenamide (dichlorphenamide)7. Enflurane8. Estramustine9. Ethinylestradiol + levonorgestrel10. Fenyramidol (phenyramidol)11. Formoterol12. Framycetin13. Gatifloxacin14. Gemfibrozil15. Imipenem + Cilastatin16. Isopropyl alcohol17. Levodopa + Benzerazide18. Mitomycin19. Mivacurium20. Nizatidine21. Oral maintenance salts (triphasic) (OMS)22. Oral rehydration salts (ORS 90 replacement)23. Oxytetracycline24. Phenylpropanolamine (norepinephrine)25. Polymixin B + acetic acid26. Pravastatin27. Prazosin28. Procaterol29. Pyrantel pamoate30. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activated (rTpa)31. Reserpine32. Salmeterol33. Terazosin34. Tirofiban35. Trifluridine36. Vitamin D (alfacalcidol)Medicines Added = 451. Alendronate + cholecalciferol2. Beractant3. Brimonidine4. Brinzolamide




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5. Calcipotriol + betamethasone6. Candesartan7. Capecitabine8. Carboxymethylcellulose9. Cefadroxil10. Cilosporin11. Cilostazol12. Desflurane13. Eprosartan14. Escitalopram15. Ethinyl estradiol + desogestrel16. Ethinyl estradiol + norgestrel17. Everolimus18. Flupentixol19. Fondaparinux20. Galantamine21. Hypromellose22. Imatinib23. Ioversol24. Isoniazid 75 mg + Rifampicin 150 mg + Ethambutol 275 mg25. Levodopa + carbidopa26. Medroxyprogesterone (Vitamin D3)27. Mefloquine28. Monobasic/dibasic sodium phosphate29. Mycophenolic acid30. Nepafenac31. Oxaliplatin32. Peginterferon alfa 2A33. Potassium (as citrate)34. Quetiapine35. Rituximab36. Rivastigmine37. Rosuvastatin38. Sodium hyaluronate39. Telmisartan40. Telmisartan + hydrochlorothiazide41. Travoprost42. Trastuzumab43. Trimetazidine44. Valsartan45. Valsartan + hydrochlorothiazide



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1. Acetated Ringer's Solution2. AcetylcysteineInj.: 200 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul (IV infusion)3. AciclovirEye Ointment: 3%, 4.5 g tube4. Akapulko [Cassia alata Linn. (Fam. Leguminosae)]Lotion: 50%, 60 mL bottle5. Alcohol, ethyl



yInj.: absolute, 1 mL ampul (IV)6. Alpha‐tocopherol (vitamin E)Oral: 10 mg/mL suspension, 10 mL (as acetate)7. Aluminum acetateSolution: 13% for the preparation of aluminum acetate lotion (0.65%)Must be freshly prepared.8. Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin (ALG) (equine)Inj.: 100 mg/5mL vial (IV)9. Antithymocyte immunoglobulin (ATG) (rabbit)Inj.: 25 mg/5 mL vial (IV)10. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)Inj.: 250 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV)11. AzathioprineInj.: freeze‐dried powder, 50 mg vial(IV, IV infusion) (as sodium salt)( ) ( )12. CalciumOral: 1.437 g calcium glubionate and 295 mg calcium lactobionate(equiv. to 110 mg ionizable calcium), 120 mL13. Chloral hydrateOral: 500 mg/5 mL syrup14. CiclosporinInj.: 50 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (concentrate)(IV infusion) (for organ transplant)120

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15. ClofazimineOral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule(available under DOH program)16. Coal tarGel: 7.5%, 100 g17. ColestyramineOral: powder, 4 g sachet18. Conjugated estrogensInj.: powder, 25 mg vial + 5 mL diluent (IM, IV)19. DanazolOral: 100 mg and 200 mg capsule


20. DantroleneOral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule (as sodium salt)Inj.: 20 mg (with 3 mg mannitol/vial)For reconstitution with 60 mL sterile water for injection(IV) (as sodium salt)21. DaunorubicinInj.: 2 mg/mL, 10 mL and 25 mL vial (IV)22. DesmopressinInj.: 15 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC)(as acetate)23. DiazepamRectal: 5 mg/2.5 mL and 10 mg/2.5 mL in rectal tube24. DiethylcarbamazineOral: 50 mg + 100 mg tablet25. DimercaprolInj.: (in oil) 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IV)j ( ) g/ p ( )26. Dimercaptopropane sulphonate (DMPS)Inj.: 100 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul, 10 mL vial (IM)27. Diphtheria antitoxinInj.: 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU, 5 mL and 10 mL (IV)28. DithranolOintment 0.1% ‐ 2%, 50 g tube29. EdrophoniumInj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as chloride)121

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30. ErgocalciferolOral: 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) tablet/capsule250 micrograms/mL (10,000 IU/mL) solution, 60 mL31. EsmololInj.: 10 mg/mL, 10 mL vial (IV) (as hydrochloride)32. Factor VIII ConcentrateInj.: lyophilized powder, 100 IU/g vial + diluent (IV)33. Factor IX Complex Concentrate (Coagulation Factors; II, VII, IX, X)Inj.: 100 IU/mL, 5 mL and 10 mL vial (IV)34. Flucytosine (5‐fluorocystosine)Oral: 500 mg tablet


35. FluoresceinStrips: 1 mg and 9 mg (as sodium salt)36. FluorideOral: 250 micrograms/mL and 500 micrograms/mL drops(as sodium salt)37. Folic AcidInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM) (as sodium salt)38. FomepizoleInj.: 1 g/mL, 1.5 mL vial (IV)39. FosphenytoinInj.: 30 mg/mL, 5 mL (IM, IV)75 mg/mL, 10 mL (IM, IV)40. Gas forming agentOral: Components per tablet:Sodium bicarbonateGlutamic acidTartaric acidSilicon resin41. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)Inj.: lyophilized powder, 500 IU ampul +1 mL solvent (IM)lyophilized powder, 1,000 IU ampul/vial + 1 mL solvent (IM)42. Human growth hormone (biosynthetic)Inj.: lyophilized powder, 5 mg vial + 5 mL diluent (IM, SC)lyophilized powder, 4 mg vial + 2 mL diluent (SC)122

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43. Human menopausal gonadotrophinInj.: lyophilized powder, 500 IU ampul + 1 mL solvent (IM)lyophilized powder, 1,000 IU ampul/vial + 1 mL solvent (IM)44. Hydroxocobalamin (Vitamin B12)Oral: 100 microgram and 250 microgram tabletInj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IM)45. IndomethacinInj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 5 mL ampul (IV)46. IodamideInj.: (Intravascular and other parenteral routes as appropriate)495 mg/mL equiv. to 300 mg/mL Iodine, 30 mL ampul; 50 mLand 100 mL vial/bottle (as meglumine)627.9 mg/mL equiv. to 380 mg/mL Iodine, 50 mL and 100 mL


g/ q g/vial/bottle (as meglumine)47. IodineOral: Aqueous iodine solution (Lugol's solution)5% iodine, 10 % potassium iodide (total iodine ‐ 130 mg/mL), 30 mL48. Iron dextranInj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (deep IM, IV)49. Isoniazid + ethambutolOral: 150 mg + 400 mg tablet50. Isoniazid + rifampicinOral: 30 mg + 60 mg tablet (pediatric)75 mg + 150 mg tablet150 mg + 150 mg tabletFor intermittent use 3x weekly51. Isoniazid + tiacetazoneOral: 300 mg + 150 mg tablet52. IvermectinOral: 6 mg tablet(available under DOH program)53. KetoprofenInj.: 50 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM) lyophilized powder,100 mg vial (IV infusion)54. LorazepamOral: 1 mg and 2 mg tabletInj.: 4 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)123

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55. Methylene blueOral: 1% solution55 mg and 65 mg tabletInj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 mL and 10 mL ampul/vial56. NaltrexoneOral: 50 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)57. NeostigmineOral: 15 mg tablet (as bromide)58. Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3)Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg tablet59. PhysostigmineInj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as salicylate)


j g/ p ( ) ( y )60. PotassiumOral: 1 mmol/mL syrup, 30 mL and 60 mL (as chloride)61. Potassium phosphateInj.: 224 mg monobasic potassium phosphate equiv. to3 mmol phosphorus4.4 mEq K/236 mg dibasic‐potassium phosphateanhydrous per mL in 5 mL vial (IV)62. Povidone‐iodineEye Drops Solution 2% and 5%63. PraziquantelOral: 600 mg tablet64. ProcarbazineOral: 50 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)65. PyrimethamineOral: 25 mg tabletg66. RetinolOral: 10,000 IU/mL, 15 mL and 30 mL bottle(oily solution) (as palmitate)100,000 IU and 200,000 IU soft gel capsule with nipple(as palmitate) (only for DOH Program)67. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)Oral: 50 mg tablet68. RifabutinOral: 150 mg capsule124

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69. RitonavirOral: 100 mg capsule70. Rose BengalEye Drops Solution 1%, 0.5 mL bottleStrips: 1.3 mg71. Silver nitrateCrystals: USP grade (for extemporaneous compounding to 5%,10% and 30% solution)Solution: 0.5%Stick: 95%72. Sodium calcium edetateInj.: 200 mg/mL, 5 mL ampul (IM)


73. Sodium iodideOral: capsule with radioactivity range of 1.0 to 250 mCi per capsulesolution with radioactivity range of 3.5 to 150 mCi per vial74. Sodium nitriteInj.: 30 mg/mL, 10 mL ampul/vial (IV)75. Sodium nitroprussideInj.: 50 mg powder ampul (IV infusion)76. Sodium thiosulfateInj.: 250 mg/mL, 50 mL ampul (IV)77. SpectinomycinInj.: 2 g vial (IM)78. SuccimerOral: 100 mg capsule79. TerizodoneOral: 250 mg capsuleg p80. Tetracosactide (cosyntropin)Inj.: 250 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM) (as acetate)1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM) (as hexaacetate)81. ThiacetazoneOral: 150 mg tablet82. ThiamineInj.: 100 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul/vial (IV)125

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83. Trichloroacetic acidCrystals: USP grade (for extemporaneous compounding to 10% solution)84. Varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)Inj.: 125 units/1.25 mL vial (IM)85. VasopressinInj.: 20 pressor units/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)86. Yerba buenaOral: 250 mg tablet



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381. Alendronate + Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)2. Beractant3. Clopidogrel4. Didanosine5. Docetaxel6. Enoxaparin7. Epoetin alfa (recombinant human erythropoetin)10,000 IU/mL, pre‐filled syringe (IV, SC)





Total No. of Active Ingredients

/ p y g ( )2,000 IU/mL, 1 mL vial (IV, SC)4,000 IU/mL, 1 mL vial (IV, SC)8. Escitalopram9. Everolimus10. Famciclovir11. Fondaparinux12. Gadodiamide13. GalantamineOral: 4 mg tablet8 mg, 16 mg and 24 mg prolonged release capsule14. Gemcitabine15. GoserelinInj.: 3.6 mg depot solution, pre‐filled syringe (SC) (as acetate)16. Human papillomavirus quadrivalent (types 6,11,16,18 recombinant vaccine)17. Hydroxochloroquine18. Irinotecan19. Meropenem20. MethylphenidateOral: 18 mg and 36 mg ER tablet21. MultivitaminsInj.: freeze‐dried powder 10 mL vial (IV infusion)j p ( )(Must be diluted before use)22. Mycophenolic acid as mycophenolate sodium23. NelfinavirOral: 250 mg tablet (as mesilate), 50 mg/scoop (1 g) powder,144 g bottle to be mixed with water, milk or food (as mesilate)24. NicardipineInj.: 1 mg/mL, 2 mL and 10 mL ampul (IV) (as hydrochloride)25. NimodipineOral: 30 mg tablet26. Nepafenac27. Oxycodone127

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28. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine29. Rosuvastatin + Hydrochlorothiazide30. Sevoflurane31. Tacrolimus Oral: 5 mg capsuleInj.: 5 mg /mL, 1 mL ampul (concentrate) (IM, IV infusion)32. Telmisartan + Hydrochlorothiazide33. Tinzaparin34. Tiotropium35. Travoprost36. Valaciclovir37. Valsartan + Hydrochlorothiazide38. Zolmitriptan



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A. Dangerous Drug Preparations (A1)(drugs requiring S-2 License and DDB Prescription Form)

Total = 19

1. Alprazolam2. Bromazepam3. Butorphanol (as tartrate)4. Clonazepam5. Codeine (as phosphate)6. Diazepam7. Fentanyl (as citrate)8. Flurazepam9. Ketamine10. Lorazepam11. Methylphenidate12. Midazolam13. Morphine (as sulfate)14. Nalbuphine15. Oxycodone16. Phenobarbital17. Pethidine (meperidine)18. Thiopental sodium19. Zolpidem

B. Controlled Chemicals (A2)(drugs requiring S-2 License using Ordinary Prescription Form)

Total = 3

1. Ephedrine (as sulfate)2. Ergotamine (as tartrate)3. Methylergometrine (methylergonovine)




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1. Acetylcysteine Inj. 39. Deferiprone2. Adenosine 40. Deferoxamine3. Albumin, Human 41. Desflurane4. Alcohol, ethyl 42. Diazepam5. Aminophylline 43. Dimercaprol(Theophylline Ethylenediamine) 44. Dimercaptopropane sulphonate (DMPSI)6. Amphotericin B 45. Dobutamine7. Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulin 46. Docetaxel(ALG) (equine) 47. Dopamine8. Antithymocyte Immunoglobulin 48. Doxorubicin(ATG) (rabbit) 49. Enoxaparin9. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Inj. 50. Epinephrine (adrenaline)10. Asparaginase 51. Epirubicin11. Aspirin 52. Epoetin alfa (recombinant human12. Atropine (as sulfate) erythropoietin)13. Azathioprine 53. Epoetin beta (recombinant14. Basiliximab erythropoietin)15. Bleomycin 54. Ergotamine (tartrate)16. Bromocriptine 55. Esmolol17. Bupivacaine 56. Etoposide18. Calcitriol 57. Factor VIII Concentrate19. Calcium folinate Inj. 58. Factor IX Complex Concentrate20. Calcium gluconate Inj. (coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X)21. Capecitabine 59. Fenofibrate22. Carboplatin 60. Filgrastim (G‐CS7)23. Carmustine 61. Flucytosine (5‐fluorocystosine)24. Chlorambucil 62. Flumazenil25. Ciclosporin 63. Fluorouracil26. Cisplatin 64. Fluoxetine27. Clomifene 65. Flupentixol28. Clozapine 66. Fluphenazine29. Cobra Antivenin 67. Flutamide30. Cyclophosphamide 68. Fomepizole31. Cyproterone 69. Ganciclovir32. Cytarabine 70. Gemcitabine33. Dacarbazine 71. Glucagon34. Dactinomycin (actinomycin D) 72. Glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin)35. Dalteparin 73. Haloperidol36. Dantrolene 74. Halothane37. Danazol 75. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG)38. Daunorubicin 76. Human Growth Hormone (biosynthetic)


Total = 153



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77. Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin 114. Olanzapine(HMG, menotropin) 115. Ondansentron78. Hydroxyurea 116. Oxaliplatin79. Idarubicin 117. Pacl*taxel80. Ifosfamide 118. Pancuronium81. Imatinib 119. Peginterferon Alfa 2A82. Immunoglobulin normal, human (IGIV) 120. Physostigmine83. Indometacin 121. Pralidoxime chloride84. Interferon Alfa 2A (human) 122. Procarbazine85. Interferon Alfa 2B (human) 123. Propofol86. Irinotecan 124. Protamine sulfate87. Isoflurane 125. Pyridostigmine88. Ketamine 126. Ramosetron89. Leuproreline 127. Rituximab90. Lidocaine 128. Rocuronium91. Lithium carbonate 129. Sevoflurane92. Lomustine 130. Simvastatin93. Lorazepam 131. Sirolimus94. Magnesium sulfate 132. Sodium calcium edetate95. Megestrol 133. Sodium Iodide I3II96. Melphalan 134. Sodium nitrite97. Mercaptopurine 135. Sodium nitroprusside98. Mesalazine 136. Sodium thiosulfate99. Mesna (Sodium‐2‐mercaptoethane 137. Somatostatinsulphonate) 138. Streptokinase100. Methotrexate 139. Succimer101. Methylene Blue 140. Suxamethonium (succinylcholine)102. Methylphenidate 141. Tacrolimus103. Mitoxantrone 142. Tamoxifen104. Molgramostin (Gm‐CS7) 143. Tegafur + Uracil105. Montelukast 144. Testosterone106. Mycophenolate mofetil 145. Thiopental sodium107. Mycophenolic acid 146. Tinzaparin(as Mycophenolate sodium) 147. Tramadol108. N‐Acetyl Penicillamine 148. Trastuzumab109. Nadroparin 149. Unfractionated Heparin110. Naloxone 150. Vecuronium111. Nitrous oxide 151. Vinblastine112. Norepinephrine 152. Vincristine113. Octreotide 153. Warfarin



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1. Acetylcysteine Inj. 41. Dipyridamole2. Adenosine 42. Dobutamine3. Albumin, Human 43. Docetaxel4. Alcohol, ethyl 44. Dopamine5. Amiodarone 45. Doxorubicin6. Antilymphocyte immunoglobulin 46. Edrophonium(ALG) (equine) 47. Enoxaparin7. Antithymphocyte immunoglobulin 48. Epinephrine(ATG) (rabbit) 49. Epirubicin8. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) inj. 50. Epoetin alfa (recombinant human9. Asparaginase erythropoietin)10. Atropine inj. 51. Epoetin beta (recombinant11. Azathioprine erythropoietin)12. Basiliximab 52. Ergotamine tartrate13. Bleomycin 53. Esmolol14. Bromocriptine 54. Etoposide15. Butamirate 55. Everolimus16. Calcitriol 56. Factor IX Complex Concentrate17. Calcium folinate inj. (coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X)18. Calcium gluconate inj. 57. Filgrastim (G‐CSF)19. Capecitabine 58. Flumazenil20. Carboplatin 59. Fluoride21. Carmustine 60. Fluorouracil22. Chlorambucil 61. Flutamide23. Ciclosporin 62. Fomepizole24. Cisplatin 63. Ganciclovir25. Clomifene 64. Gemcitabine26. Clozapine 65. Glucagon27. Cobra Antivenin 66. Griseofulvin28. Cyclophosphamide 67. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)29. Cyproterone 68. Human growth hormone (biosynthetic)30. Cytarabine 69. Human menopausal gonadotrophin31. Dacarbazine (HMG, menotropin)32. Dactinomycin 70. Hydroxocobalamin33. Dalteparin 71 Hydroxyurea34. Daunorubicin 72. Idarubicin35. Deferiprone 73. Ifosfamide36. Deferoxamine 74. Imatinib37. Dextromethorphan 75. Interferon Alfa 2A (human)38. Digoxin 76. Interferon Alfa 2B39. Dimercaprol 77. Irinotecan40. Dimercaptopropane‐sulphonate (DMPS) 78. Leuproreline


Total = 136




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79. Lidocaine 108. Pralidoxime chloride80. Lomustine 109. Procarbazine81. Lorazepam 110. Protamine sulfate82. Magnesium sulfate 111. Pyridostigmine83. Medroxyprogesterone 112. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)84. Megestrol 113. Ramosetron85. Melphalan 114. Retinol (Vitamin A)86. Mercaptopurine 115. Rituximab87. Mesna (Sodium‐2‐ 116. Sirolimusmercaptoethane sulphonate) 117. Sodium calcium edetate88. Methylene blue 118. Sodium Iodide I3II89. Methylphenidate 119. Sodium nitrite90. Mitoxantrone 120. Sodium nitroprusside91. Molgramostim (Gm‐CSF) 121. Sodium thiosulfate92. Mycophenolate mofetil 122. Somastostin93. Mycophenolic acid 123. Spectinomycin94. N‐acetyl penicillamine 124. Spironolactone95. Nadroparin 125. Streptokinase96. Naloxone 126. Succimer97. Norepinephrine 127. Tacrolimus98. Norethisterone 128. Tamoxifen99. Octreotide 129. Tegafur + Uracil100. Olanzapine 130. Tinzaparin101. Ondansetron 131. Trastuzumab102. Oxaliplatin 132. Unfractionated Heparin103. Oxytocin (synthetic) 133. Vasopressin104. Pacl*taxel 134. Vinblastine105. Peginterferon Alfa 2A 135. Vincristine106. Penicillin G Crystalline 136. Warfarin107. Physostigmine`



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1. Cefepime2. Ertapenem3. Levofloxacin4. Meropenem5. Piperacillin + Tazobactam6. Vancomycin



Total = 6



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BCS Class I: "high" solubility ‐ "high" permeabilityBCS Class II: "low" solubility ‐ "high" permeabilityBCS Class III: "high" solubility ‐ "low" permeabilityBCS Class IV: "low" solubility ‐ "low" permeability

1. should contain a Class I API2.3. should not contain excipients which could influence the absorption of the API.4. should not contain API with narrow therapeutic index.5. should not be designed to be absorbed from the oral cavity.

1. Acetazolamide 250 mg2. Albendazole 400 mg3. Artemether 20 mg + lumefantrine 120 mgList B Medicines in the PNDF vol. 1, 7th edition include the following:

High permeability ensures complete uptake of 85% or more of the API during its passage in thesmall intestines.The decision to allow a biowaiver based on the BCS should take into consideration the solubilityand permeability characteristics as well as the therapeutic use and therapeutic index of the API,its pharmaco‐kinetic properties, the similarity of the dissolution profiles of the multisource andcomparator products in standard buffers with a pH of 1.2, pH 4.5 and pH 6.8 at 37° Celsius. Datarelated to the excipients composition in the multisource product are also required.The WHO noted that in some countries, products may be available at doses exceeding the highestdose on the WHO Essential Medicines List (EML). In such cases, the WHO tables on biowaiversmay no longer be appropriate and the dose solubility ratio and permeability will have to bereassessed at the product dose.

Pharmaceutical formulations that can be eligible for a biowaiver procedure not requiring in-vivo bioequivalent studies show the following characteristics:


should be rapidly dissolving (should release at least 85% of its content in 30 minutes in media with pH 1.2, pH 4.5 and pH 6.8 at 37° Celsius)



List B medicines include immediate release, solid oral dosage forms of multisource(generic) pharmaceutical products that require in-vivo bioequivalence studies as proposedby the World Health Organization (WHO):Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are classified according to the BiopharmaceuticsClassification System (BCS) as follows:Depending on the classification, the oral bioavailability of the API may be expected to range frombeing heavily dependent on the formulation and manufacturing method (e.g. Class II APIs: poorlysoluble yet highly permeable), to being mostly dependent on the APIs permeability properties(e.g. Class III APIs: highly soluble yet poorly permeable).

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4. Artesunate 50 mg5. Azathioprine sodium 50 mg6. Azithromycin 500 mg7. Carbamazepine 200 mg8. Cefixime 400 mg9. Ciclosporin 25 mg10. Clofazimine 100 mg11. Dapsone 100 mg12. Diloxanide furoate 500 mg13. Efavirenz 200 mg14. Erythromycin stearate and ethylsuccinate 250 mg15. Etoposide 100 mg16. Furosemide 40 mg17. Glibenclamide 5 mg18. Griseofulvin 250 mg19. Haloperidol 2 mg20. Indinavir sulfate 400 mg21. Ivermectin 6 mg22. Lopinavir 133.3 mg + ritonavir 33.3 mg23. Mefloquine hydrochloride 250 mg24. Mercaptopurine 50 mg25. Nelfinavir mesilate 250 mg26. Nevirapine 200 mg27. Nifedipine 10 mg 28. Nitrofurantoin 100 mg29. Phenytoin sodium30. Praziquantel 600 mg31. Pyrimethamine 25 mg32. Retinol palmitate 110 mg (200,000 IU)33. Rifampicin 300 mg and rifampicin FDC with other anti‐TB medicine34. Ritonavir 100 mg35. Saquinavir 200 mg36. Spironolactone 25 mg37. Sulfadoxine 500 mg + pyrimethamine 25 mg 38. Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim400 mg + 80 mg800 mg + 160 mg39. Theophylline anhydrous40. Verapamil hydrochloride 80 mg



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1. Akapulko [Cassia alata Linn. (Fam. Leguminosae)]2. Lagundi [Vitex negundo L. (Fam. Verbenaceae)]3. Sambong [Blumea balsamifera (L) DC (Fam. Compositae)]4. Tsaang Gubat [Carmona retusa (Vahl) Masam (Fam. Boraginaceae]5. Yerba Buena [Mentha cordifolia Opiz (Fam. Labiatae)]


Total = 5



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BUPRENORPHINE — (Norspan Patch)CODEINE as poly styrene divinyl benzene sulfonate — (Codipront N Capsule ;

Codipront N Syrup)* DIAZEPAM — (Ampul : Anxiol, Diazepam, Lorcam, Trankil, Valium, Zopamid)* EPHEDRINE SULFATE — (Ephedrine Sulfate Ampul)

FENTANYL — (Patch : Durogesic, Durogesic D-Transdermal)FENTANYL CITRATE — (Ampul : Fentanyl Citrate, Sublimax, Sublimaze, Trofentyl)HYDROMORPHONE HYDROCHLORIDE — (Jurnista Tablet)METHYLPHENIDATE — (Tablet : Concerta, Ritalin)

* MIDAZOLAM — (Ampul : Dormicum, Dormizol, Midazolam Hydrochloride, Zedoz)MORPHINE SULFATE — (Ampul : Morin, Morphine Sulfate ; Tablet : Morphine Sulfate,

MST Continus MR, MXL Prolonged Release, Relimal CR)OXYCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE — (Oxynorm Capsule ; Oxycontin Prolonged Release

Tablet)PETHIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE — (Ampul : Deme, Demerol, Pethidine Hydrochloride ;

Vial : Demerol)PENTOBARBITAL SODIUM — (Euthal Vial)



KETAMINE — (Vial : Ketamax. Ketazol, Ketram, Uniket)







(1988 UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances)

* Per DDB Regulation No. 4 s. 2005 — preparations not in injectable form i.e. capsule,tablet or syrup, to be prescribed thru Ordinary Rx (Personalized Rx) with S2, 1 DDP perRx, Partial Filling allowed, No Refill.

* Per DDB Regulation No. 3 s. 2005 — to be prescribed thru Ordinary Rx (PersonalizedRx) with S2, 1 DDP per Rx, Partial Filling allowed, No Refill.


(1961 and 1971 UN Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Pyschotropic Substances,DDB Regulation No. 3 s. 2003 & *Other DDB Issuances)


Per DDB Regulation No. 3 s. 2003 - to be prescribed thru DOH Official Rx Form, 1 DDPper Rx, Partial Filling allowed, No Refill.

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ALPRAZOLAM — (Tablet : Alprazolam, Altrox, Atrest, Praz, Xanor, Xanor XR)BROMAZEPAM — (Lexotan Tablet)CLONAZEPAM — (Tablet : Clonotil, Rivotril)CHLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM — (Tranxene Capsule)DIAZEPAM — (Tablet : Diazepam, Nixtensyn, Solina, Valium)ESTAZOLAM — (Esilgan Tablet)FLURAZEPAM — (Dalmane Capsulet)MAZINDOL — (Mazzol Tablet)MIDAZOLAM — (Dormicum Tablet)NITRAZEPAM — (Mozepam Tablet)PHENOBARBITAL SODIUM — (Phenobarbital Tablet)PHENTERMINE RESIN — (Duromine Capsule)ZOLPIDEM — (Tablet : Niben, Pidezol, Stilnox, Stilnox MR, Ziohex, Zoldem, Zulnap)



ERGOTAMINE TARTRATE — (Avamigran Tablet)METHYLERGOMETRINE MALEATE — (Ampul : Cethergo, Lerin, Methylergometrine

Maleate, Medisyl, Mertgotrex, Methergin, Myometril, Uterine, Utermet; UsamenaTablet)


* Per DDB Resolution No. 8 s. 2004 — preparations not in injectable form i.e. capsule,tablet or syrup, to be prescribed thru Ordinary Rx (Personalized RX) with S2, 1 DDP perRx, Partial Filling allowed, No Refill.


Per DDB Regulation No. 3 s. 2003 — to be prescribed thru Ordinary Rx (PersonalizedRx) with S2, Partial Filling allowed, No Refill.


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a. For Cancer Patients:i. Morphine Sulfate (tablets [oral]) = 3,000 mg

(ampules / vials) = 448 mg

ii. Fentanyl patch 25 ug/hr = 30 patches50 ug/hr = 30 patches

Fentanyl ampul 50 ug/mL = 10 ampuls (1 mL)= 03 ampuls (2 mL)

For use in Patient Controlled Analgesic (PCA Machine) = 50 ampuls (2 mL)= 50 ampuls (10 mL)

iii. Oxycodone Hydrochloride = 1,200 mg10 mg 120 tablets20 mg 60 tablets40 mg 30 tablets80 mg 15 tablets

iv. Pethidine Hydrochloride = 14 vials

v. Other Dangerous Drugs (ampuls) = 20 pieces(tablets) = 40 pieces(capsules) = 40 pieces

b. Ordinary circ*mstances:i. Benzodiazepines = 30 tablets or capsules

(as anxiolytic or hypnotic or both) = 10 ampuls x 1 mL= 03 ampuls x 2 mL= 02 ampuls x 3 mL= 02 ampuls x 5 mL= 01 ampul x 10 mL

(for muscle spasm/dystonia/tetanus) = 90 tablets (5 mg)

ii. Phenobarbital preparations = 2 weeks supply(for epilepsy patients) = 2 bottles x 100 tablets

iii. Pethidine Hydrochloride = 03 ampuls

iv. Other Dangerous Drugs (hospital use) = 01 vial


A prescription may not be issued to a drug dependent person for the purpose ofcontinuing his dependence upon such drugs.

A prescription may not be issued in order for an individual practitioner to obtaincontrolled substances for the purpose of general dispensing to patients.

PRESCRIPTION LIMITSSection 32 (6), DDB Regulation No. 3 s. 2003 — The quantities that may be prescribed in a singleapplicable prescription by a licensed practitioner should not exceed the specified quantities as follows:


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1. Infusion administration set with air vent, without needle, adult2. Infusion administration set with air vent, without needle, pedia3. Infusion administration set with air vent, with needle, adult*4. Infusion administration set with air vent, with needle, pedia*5. Blood transfusion set6. Precision drip chamber/calibrated burette, 100 mL, 60 drops/mL7. I.V. infusion pump set8. Winged needle infusion sets with needle*9. Scalp vein infusion sets10. I.V. catheter/cannula with needle*11. Peritoneal dialysis administration set12. Nebulizer + aerosol mask/mouthpiece13. Oxygen catheter/cannula14. Thoracic catheters**15. Foley catheters**16. Urethral catheters**17. Ureteral catheters**18. Epidural catheters**19. Nasogastric tubes**20. Endotracheal tubes**21. Disposable needles*22. Disposable syringes23. Disposable syringes + needle*24. Spinal needles25. Insulin syringe without needle 26. Insulin syringe with needle*27. Tuberculin syringe without needle28. Tuberculin syringe with needle*29. Thermometer (oral, anal)30. Sterile surgical gloves

* Specify needle size** Specify size


Total = 30



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2. Agree on the definition of the Core List and the Complementary List.



4.1 Latest Philippine Health Statistics4.2 WHO Essential Drug List4.3


4.5 British National Formulary and Charing Cross Formulary4.6 Others:

4.6.1 BFAD registered pharmaceutical preparations4.6.2 ADR reports and other recent drug information4.6.3 Philippine Index of Medical Specialties (PIMS)4.6.4 Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia4.6.5 USP Drug Information for the Health Care Professional4.6.6 List of Psychotropic Substances under International Control4.6.7 List of Narcotic Drugs under International Control


6. Evaluate the recommendations made by the resource persons/experts.




Set the Guidelines for Establishing the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) based onthe WHO Technical Report Series on the "Use of Essential Drugs".

Devise the algorithm on Drug Selection for the PNDF which is the contracted version of theguidelines (See Appendix I).

Considering the guidelines, utilize the following inputs to select which drugs will be includedin the Core List and Complementary List.

DOH Formulary for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Levels - These werearrived at through a series of weekly deliberations for a total period of six (6) monthsby members of the DOH Therapeutics Committees for RDU and the DOH TherapeuticsCommittee of Secondary and Tertiary Hospitals coming from different DOH regionalhealth units.PMA - PSECP Formulary - A compilation of proposed drugs from various specialtysocieties. The initial workshop on "Designing a Formulary for Medical Practice in thePhilippines" held on October 4-5, 1986 at the PMA Building was participated in byrepresentatives from all the different specialty societies affiliated with PMA. Eachspecialty society was asked to list down ten (10) leading diseases encountered in theirpractice together with the drugs each society recommends for use indicating whichones should fall under the "Main or Core List" and "Complementary List". All thesubmissions of the various specialty societies were collated by a task force from PMAand PSECP and deliberated on by the various representatives in a series of monthlymeetings held at the PMA Bldg. for 1 1/2 years until its submission for approval to theBoard of Governors.

Consult resource persons/experts for specific therapeutic category to deliberate on the draftPNDF.

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7. Evaluate the additional inputs from the pharmaceutical industry.





Finalize the PNDF for submission to the Undersecretary of Health for External Affairs andsubsequently to the Secretary of Health.

Review quarterly and update annually the PNDF, as mandated by R.A. 6675 otherwise knownas the Generics Act of 1988.

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Drug selection must be based on the following:

1. Relevance to disease - Indicated in the treatment of prevalent diseases.



4. Cost - of treatment regimen (not just the unit cost).











Preferential factors for evaluating therapeutically equivalent drugs - When two or moredrugs are therapeutically equivalent, preference should be given to:


Benefit/Risk ratio - When several comparable drugs are available for the same therapeuticindication, it is necessary to select the one which provides the most favorable benefit/riskratio.

Local health problems - The influence of concomittant, locally prevalent diseases orconditions on pharmaco*kinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters modifying therapeuticresponse have to be considered in making a selection, e.g. malnutrition, liver disease.

Appropriateness to the capability of health workers at different levels of health care -The level of expertise required to prescribe, administer and monitor the safety and adverseeffects of single drugs or group of drugs in a therapeutic category must be considered.Consideration should be given to the competence of local personnel in making a correctdiagnosis.

Quality - The selected pharmaceutical products have to meet adequate quality controlstandards, including stability, and, when necessary, bioavailability. Where national standardsare not for this type of control, the suppliers must provide documentation of the product'scompliance with the requested specifications. The WHO "Certification Scheme on the Qualityof Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International Commerce," established in 1975, givesthe assurance that the product is manufactured under suitable conditions, i.e., in accordancewith good manufacturing practices (GMP) and that manufacturing premises are subject toinspection at suitable intervals. The WHO Certification Scheme also records whether or notthe product has been approved for marketing in its country of origin.

Efficacy and safety - based on objective results based on adequate pharmacologic studiesincluding at least expanded Phase II clinical trials and/or additional Phase III studies amongFilipinos.

the drug with most favorable pharmaco*kinetic properties - e.g., to improvecompliance, to minimize risk in various pathophysiological states.

the drug possessing clinical utility for the treatment of more than one condition ordisease.

the drug most thoroughly investigated and therefore the best understood withrespect to its beneficial properties and limitations.

the drugs that are in a dosage form that is easy for the health staff to dispense oreasily or safely administered to the patient.

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8.7 the drugs for which the local reliable manufacturing facilities exist for its production.


9.1 the value of concomitant use of more than one drug is clinically documented.9.2

9.3 the combination is safer than the use of an individual drug.9.4

9.5 compliance is improved.9.6




11. International Non-proprietary Names (INN; generic) for drugs should be used.




CORE or MAIN LIST - A list of drugs for the health care needs of the majority of the population;the listed drugs should therefore be made available at all times in adequate amounts and inappropriate dosage forms at the lowest possible cost. They are of utmost importance and arebasic, indispensable and necessary for the health needs of the population.

COMPLEMENTARY LIST - A list of drugs for treating rare disorders or in exceptionalcirc*mstances; alternative drugs when drugs in the main list are known to be ineffective orinappropriate for a given individual; alternative drugs when drugs in the main list cannot be madeavailable; drugs with special pharmacologic properties.

If, on the bases of new information, drugs already on the list are found to no longerpossess a favorable benefit/risk ratio, they should be replaced by drugs with higherbenefit/risk ratio.

Generally, new drugs should be introduced only if they offer distinct advantages overdrugs previously selected.

the drugs, pharmaceutical products and dosage forms with favorable stability underanticipated local conditions for which storage facilities exist.

the drugs that are easy for the patient to take or with greater acceptability to mostpatients.

Period review of drug list - yearly or whenever necessary to incorporate significant newtherapeutic advances and information.

In the great majority of cases, the drugs should be formulated as single compounds -Fixed-ratio combinations are only acceptable when:

the combination must be such that the appropriate drug ratio satisfactory for themajority of the population is maintained.

the cost of the combination product is less than or should not exceed the cost of thesum of the individual products.

the therapeutic benefit of the combination is greater than the sum of each of theindividual components.

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YesNo No





Acceptable safety, proven, efficacy, quality and purity?

Delist/Deny Registration

Delist/Deny Registration

Disease/Condition/Indication found in the Philippines?

High prevalence of disease/condition on the Philippines?

Lifesaving drug

Comp. List







Two or more therapeutically equivalent drugs?

Favorable benefit/risk ratio?

Thoroughly investigate/extensive clinical experience?

Favorable pharmaco*kinetic properties?

Stable under anticipated local conditions? (Accelerated and long term stability)

Core List

Further review

Comp. List

Comp. List

Comp. List




(Accelerated and long term stability)

Cost-effective and/or reliable local manufacturing facilities?

Comp. List

Core List

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4. The drug is deemed essential for a specific DOH health program/project.

On the other hand, the following criteria were applied for deleting a drug from the list:







The drug is no longer deemed cost-effective to other therapies; and

The drug is a fixed dose combination which does not satisfy the requirements ofA.O. 96 s. 1990.



In addition to the guidelines as stated in Appendix N (see page 144 - 145) the National FormularyCommittee considered the following criteria for including additional drugs:

The drug is needed for the prevention and treatment of conditions not alreadycovered in the existing list;

The drug is more effective and/or less toxic than a drug listed for the sameindication;

The drug is at least as effective and safe and of lower cost than the drug listed forthe same indication; and


A more effective or equally effective but less toxic drug becomes available;

In the light of further knowledge, the therapeutic efficacy of the drug is found tobe unsatisfactory or questionable;

Toxicity/Suspected toxicity or potential for abuse or dangerous interactionsprove to outweigh its therapeutic value;

The drug has fallen into disuse and is no longer available;

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NIDA AGAO, RPh MA. ANNA P. BANEZ, MDJose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Ctr. PCMC(JRRMMC) CLEMENTINE A. BAUTISTA, MDDISI YAP‐ALBA, MD PhilHealthPhil. Academy of Family Specialists JIMMY BAUTISTA, MDJOSEPH VINCENT ALBA, MD Quirino Memorial Medical Ctr. (QMMC)Phil. Children's Medical Ctr. (PCMC) MILAGROS S. BAUTISTA, MDMARISSA ALEJANDRIA, MD Univ. of the East-Ramon MagsaysayUniv. of the Phils. - Phil. General Hosp. Memorial Medical Center (UERMMMC)(UP-PGH) DELIA BAYOG, MDANGELES TAN ALORA, MD Phil. Society of NephrologyUniversity of Sto. Tomas-Faculty ofMedicine & Surgery (UST-FMS) and NEONITA BENAFIN, RPhUST Hospital (USTH) PCMCJOAN ALVAREZ, MD IRINEO BERNARDO, MDValenzuela Medical Center (VMC) Phil. Medical Association (PMA)VIOLETA ALVAREZ, RPh RUBEN LIM BON SIONG, MDPhil. General Hospital (PGH) Phil. Academy of OphthalmologyPRIMO JOEL S. ALVEZ, MD DOLORES D. BONZON, MDVicente Sotto Memorial Medical Ctr. Phil. Society of NephrologySONIA R. AQUI, RPh ANDRES D. BORROMEO, MDBureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) UERMMMCLEILANI MERCADO‐ASIS, MD MINERVA P. CALIMAG, MDPhil. Society of Endocrinology UST-FMS, USTH, and Phil. Societyand Metabolism, USTH of AnesthesiologistsMELINDA ATIENZA, MD CELESTE MAE L. CAMPOMANES, MDUST-FMS, USTH, Phil. Society of UST-FMS and USTHPediatric Metabolism & Endocrinology DIEGO CANTOS, MDBEVERLY AZUCENA, MD Phil. Orthopedic CenterNational Center for Mental Health (NCMH)





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San Lazaro Hospital (SLH)NERISSA M. DANDO, MDPamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila MA. LOURDES EVANGELISTA, MD






UP-PGHMARIE ROSE A. DELOS REYES, MDResearch Institute for Tropical MELCHOR GABRIEL, MDMedicine (RITM) Manila Central University Hospital





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Fatima Medical CenterESMERALDO ILEM, MDDr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital (DJFMH) BENJAMIN MAGTIRA, MD





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Phil. College of Occupational MedicineREMEDIOS C. ONG, MDUST-FMS and USTH EVELYN VICTORIA RESIDE, MD






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Fiat TradingQIMING ZHENG, C.M.D.MIRIAM A. DIESTRO, RPh GARRET DE CASTRO, MDAcuherb Mktg. Int'l. Corp. Fournier Pharma Inc., Phils.TOMAS M. REALIZA, MD JOVEN TANCHUCO, MDCHARITO A. SANTOS, RPh Glaxo SmithKline Phils., Inc.AstraZeneca Pharm'ls (Phils.) Inc. MACK M. BENAURO, RPhMA. SYLVIA D.S. SANTOS, MD GX Int'l., Inc.AKZO Nobel, Organon (Phils), Inc. GRACE DU‐OLYMPIA, RPhMICHELLE P. MENDADOR Hospira Phils., Inc.Alcon Lab. (Phils.) Inc. ALEXANDER DELGADO, MDERNESTO V. ARADA III, MD JULIET B. MANRIQUE, RPhAstellas Pharma Phils. Inc. Janssen PharmaceuticaRHOEL LADERAS, RPh EMILYN SUANBaxter Healthcare Phils., Inc. Leo Pharma Phils.LEANDRO C. BONGOSIA, MD ANNA F. VENZON, RPhBayer Healthcare Phils., Inc. Lundbeck Phils.VIRNA LIZA C. GAMALINDA‐BALINGIT, MD MONA LITA MARACHA, RPhBoehringer Ingelheim (Phil.) Inc. Merck Inc., Phils.SONIA E. BONGALA, MD NILO U. APALE, MDCAROLINA V. DE QUIROZ, MD Mergers Drugfil Corp.Boie-Takeda Chemicals Inc. BEAVER R. TAMESIS, MDJORGE A. SISON, MD MSD Phils.Corbridge Group Phils., Inc. FRANCIS M. DOMINGO, MDELIZABETH C. DEL MUNDO GIA DE GUZMAN, RPhCroma Medic Inc. Novartis Healthcare Phils., Inc.MIYOS MITRA, RPh MICHELLE GRACE DELENA, RPhDexa Medica MA. CECILIA LARA‐CASTILLO,

Novo Nordisk Pharm'ls. (Phils.) Inc.MARIECON C. SALMO, MDDiamond Labs., Inc. WINNIE M. ISIDRO, RPhPOSALIO P. TORRES, MDRACHEL ANNE T. BLAZA, RPh OEP Phils., Inc.Diethelm Phils., Inc.



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Zuellig Pharma, Phils.MARIAN M. ANDALUZ, RPhServier Phils., Inc.



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Sec. 1 Title. ‐ This Act shall be known as the Generics Act of 1988.Sec. 2 Statement of Policy. ‐ It is hereby declared the policy of the State:

Sec. 3 Definition of Terms. ‐ The following terms are herein defined for purposes of this Act.1)2)3)



To ensure the adequate supply of drugs with generic names at the lowest possible costand endeavor to make them available for free to indigent patients;To encourage the extensive use of drugs with generic names through a rational system orprocurement and distribution;To emphasize the scientific basis for the use of drugs, in order that health professionalsmay become more aware and cognizant of their therapeutic effectiveness, andTo promote drug safety by minimizing duplication medications and/or use of drugs withpotentially adverse drug interactions.

[ Republic Act No. 6675 ]


BY THEIR GENERIC NAMESBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the Philippines in Congress assembled:To promote, encourage and require the use of generic terminology in the importation,manufacture, distribution, marketing, advertising and promotion, prescription and dispensing ofdrugs;

Republic of the PhilippinesCONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES

Metro ManilaSecond Regular SessionBegun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty‐fifth day of July,nineteen hundred and eighty‐eight

"Chemical Name" is the description of the chemical structure of the drug or medicineand serve as the complete identification of a compound."Active Ingredient" is the chemical component responsible for the claimedtherapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical product.

"Generic Name or Generic Terminology" is the identification of drugs and medicinesby their scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredients or by theirofficial generic name as determined by the Bureau of Food and Drugs of theDepartment of Health.

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Sec. 4 The Use of Generic Terminology for Essential Drugs and Promotional Incentives.(a)


Sec. 5 Posting and Publication. ‐ The Department of Health shall publish annually in at leasttwo (2) newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines the generic names and thecorresponding brand names under which they are marketed, of all drugs and medicinesavailable in the Philippines.



"Generic Drugs" are drugs not covered by patent protection and which are labeledsolely by their international non‐proprietary or generic name."Brand Name" is the proprietary name given by the manufacturer to distinguish itsproduct from those of competitors.

"Complementary List" is a list of alternative drugs used when there is no response tothe core essential drug or when there is a hypersensitivity reaction to the coreessential drug or when, for one reason or another, the core essential drug cannot begiven.

"Core List" is a list of drugs that meets the health care needs of the majority of thepopulation.

"Essential Drugs List" or "National Drug Formulary" is a list of drugs prepared andperiodically updated by the Department of Health on a basis of health conditionsobtaining in the Philippines as well as on internationally accepted criteria. It shallconsist of a core list and a complementary list.

"Drug Outlets" means drugstores, pharmacies, and any other businessestablishments which sell drugs or medicines."Drug Establishment" is any organization or company involved in the manufacture,importation, repacking and/or distribution of drugs or medicines."Drug Product" is the finished product form that contains the active ingredients,generally but not necessarilly in association with inactive ingredients.

The exclusive use of generic terminology for in the manufacture, marketing and salesof drugs and medicines, particularly those in the Essential Drugs List, shall bepromoted through such a system of incentives as the Board of Investments jointlywith the Department of Health and other government agencies as may be authorizedby law, shall promulgate in accordance with existing laws, within one hundred eighty(180) days after approval of this Act.

In the promotion of the generic names for pharmaceutical products, specialconsideration shall be given to drugs and medicines which are included in theEssential Drugs List to be prepared within one hundred eighty (180) days fromapproval of this Act and updated quarterly by the Department of Health on the basisof health conditions obtaining in the Philippines as well as on internationallyaccepted criteria.

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Sec. 6 Who Shall Use Generic Terminology. ‐ (a)(b)(c)


Sec. 7

Sec. 8Sec. 9

Sec. 10


Provision on Quality, Manufacturer's Identity and Responsibility. ‐ In order to assureresponsibility for drug quality in all instances, the label of all drugs and medicines shallhave the following: name and country of manufacture, dates of manufacture andexpiration. The quality of such generically labeled drugs and medicines shall be dulycertified by the Department of Health.

Authority to Import. ‐ Within three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act, extendibleby the President for another two (2) years and during periods of critical shortage andabsolute necessity, the Department of Health is hereby authorized to import rawmaterials of which there is a shortage for the use of Filipino‐owned or controlled drugestablishments to be marketed and sold exclusively under generic nomenclature. The

Rules and Regulations. ‐ The implementation of the provisions of this Act shall be inaccordance with the rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Department ofHealth. Rules and regulations with penal sanctions shall be promulgated within onehundred eighty (180) days after approval of this Act and shall take effect fifteen (15)days after publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of generalcirculation.

Required Production. ‐ Subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretaryof Health, every drug manufacturing company operating in the Philippines shall berequired to produce, distribute and make available to the general public the medicines itproduces, in the form of generic drugs.


Within one (1) year after approval of this Act, the drug outlets referred to herein, shall postin conspicuous places in their establishments, a list of drug products with the same genericname and their corresponding prices.

Drug outlets, including drugstore, hospital and non‐hospital pharmacies and non‐traditional outlets such as supermarkets and store, shall inform any buyer about anyand all other drug products having the same generic name, together with theircorresponding prices so that the buyer may adequately exercise his option.

Any organization or company involved in the manufacture, importation, repacking,marketing and/or distribution of drugs and medicines shall indicate prominently thegeneric name of the product. In any case of brand name products, the generic nameshall appear prominently and immediately above the brand name in all productlabels as well as in advertising and other promotional materials.

All medical, dental and veterinary practitioners, including private practitioners shallwrite prescriptions using the generic name. The brand name may be included, if sodesired.

All government health agencies and their personnel as well as other governmentagencies shall use generic terminology or generic names in all transactions related topurchasing, prescribing, dispensing, and administering of drugs and medicines.

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Sec. 11

Sec. 12 Penalty. ‐(A)(a)(b)(c)(d)



For the first conviction, he shall suffer the penalty of reprimand which shall beofficially recorded in the appropriate books of the Professional RegulationCommission.For the second conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than twothousand pesos (P 2,000.00) but not exceeding five thousand pesos (P 5,000.00) atthe discretion of the court.For the third conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than fivethousand pesos (P 5,000.00) but not exceeding ten thousand pesos (P 10,000.00)and suspension of his license to practice his profession for thirty (30) days at thediscretion of the court.For the fourth and subsequent convictions, the penalty of fine of not less than tenthousand pesos (P 10,000.00) and suspension of his license to practice hisprocessions for one year or no longer at the discretion of the court.Any juridical person who violates Section 6(c), 6(d), 7 and 8 shall suffer the penalty of afine of not less than five thousand pesos (P 5,000.00) nor more than ten thousand pesos(P10,000.00) and suspension or revocation of license to operate such drugestablishment or drug outlet at the discretion of the Court: Provided, that its officersdirectly responsible for the violation shall suffer the penalty of fine and suspension orrevocation of license to practice profession, if applicable, and by imprisonment of notless than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year or both fine and imprisonment at

President may authorize the importation of raw materials tax and duty‐free. TheSecretary of Health shall ensure that the imported raw materials are allocated fairly andefficiently among Filipino‐owned or controlled drug establishments. He shall submit tothe Office of the President and to Congress a quarterly report on the quantity, kind andvalue of the raw materials imported. Education Drive. ‐ The Department of Health jointly with the Department of Education,Culture and Sports, Philippine Information Agency and the Department of LocalGovernment shall conduct a continuous information campaign for the public and acontinuing education and training for the medical and allied medical professions ondrugs with generic names as an alternative of equal efficacy to the more expensivebrand name drugs. Such educational campaign shall include information on the illnessesor symptoms which each generically named drug is supposed to cure or alleviate, aswell as its contraindications. The Department of Health with the assistance of theDepartment of Local Government and the Philippine Information Agency shall monitorthe progress of the education drive, and shall submit regular reports to Congress.Any person who shall violate Section 6(a) or 6(b) of this Act shall suffer the penaltygraduated hereunder, viz.:


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(C)Sec. 13Sec. 14Sec. 15


Approved: September 13, 1988


President of the Philippines159

QUIRINO D. ABAD SANTOS, JR. EDWIN P. ACOBASpeaker of the House of Representatives Secretary of the Senate


Speaker of the House of Representatives President of the Senate This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 453 and House Bill No. 10900 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on August 25, 1988 and August 31, 1988, respectively.

Signed Signed


the discretion of the Court: and Provided, further, that if the guilty party is an alien, heshall be ipso facto deported after service of sentence without need of furtherproceedings.The Secretary of Health shall have the authority to impose administrative sanctions suchas suspension or cancellation of license to operate or recommend suspension of licenseto practice profession to the Professional Regulation Commission as the case may be forthe violation of this Act.

Effectivity. ‐ This shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publication in theofficial Gazette or two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

Signed Signed

Repealing Clause. ‐ The provision of any law, executive order, presidential decree orother issuance's inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.Separability Clause. ‐ If any provision of this Act is declared invalid, the remainder orany provision hereof not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect.

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WHEREAS, the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides as State Policies that:a.b.c.




"The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instillhealth consciousness among them" (Section 15, Article II, 1987 Constitution)"The State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health development which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost" (Section 11, Article XIII, 1987 Constitution)"The State shall establish and maintain an effective food and drug regulatorysystem and undertake appropriate health manpower development and researchresponsive to the country's health needs and problems" (Section 12, Article XIII ofthe 1987 Constitution)WHEREAS, paragraphs 3 and 4, Section 2, of the Generics Act of 1988 declare as the policyof the State, among others, that:"To encourage the extensive use of drugs with generic names through a rational system of procurement and distribution"."To emphasize the scientific basis for the use of drugs, in order that healthprofessionals may become more aware and cognizant of their therapeuticeffectiveness". WHEREAS, Section 4 of the Generics Act of 1988 provides that:"In the promotion of the generic names, for pharmaceutical products, specialconsideration shall be given to drugs and medicines which are included in theessential drugs list to be prepared within one hundred eighty (180) days fromapproval of this Act and updated quarterly by the Department of Health on thebasis of health conditions obtaining in the Philippines as well as on internationally‐accepted criteria.160

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The following procedures shall be followed to implement this Order:

APPENDIX S"The exclusive use of generic terminology in the manufacture, marketing and salesof drugs and medicines, particularly those in the essential drugs list, shall bepromoted through such system of incentives as the Board of Investments jointlywith the Department of Health and other government agencies as may beauthorized by law, shall promulgate in accordance with existing laws, within 180days after approval of this Act".WHEREAS, in order to promote rational use of drugs and medicines in government and asa logical extension of the successful implementation of DOH ‐ D.O. 104 s. 1991, which makesmandatory the use of the Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) (Volume I) or EssentialDrugs List as the basis for the procurement of drug products by the Department of Health, ALLGOVERNMENT ENTITIES CONCERNED ARE MANDATED TO USE THE CURRENT PNDF (VOLUMEI) AS THE BASIS FOR PROCUREMENT OF DRUG PRODUCTS;WHEREAS, the PNDF (Volume I) is the Essential Drugs List for the Philippines prepared bythe National Drug Committee (NDC) in consultation with experts and specialists from organizedprofessional medical societies, medical academe, and pharmaceutical industry, and which isupdated every year, consisting of two parts, namely: the Core List and the Complementary Listwhere in the Core List drugs are the essential drugs which are needed by the majority of thepopulation and should therefore be available at all times in appropriate dosage forms and insufficient quantities, while the Complementary List drugs are those drugs needed for treating raredisorders, drugs with special pharmaceutical properties and alternative drugs to be used whenthere is no response to the Core List drugs or when the Core List drugs cannot be administered forone reason or another;NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of thepowers vested in me by law, do hereby order:The Therapeutics Committee/Physician‐in ‐charge of the Clinic or Infirmary /Procurement Officer, whichever is applicable, shall be responsible for determiningwhich products and the corresponding quantity to be procured by the respectivegovernment entities.Every requisition and issue voucher (RIV) or any request to purchase drug,including those falling under Emergency Purchase authorized under the GeneralAppropriation Act shall be accompanied by a certification signed by therequisitioning officer that the drug products being requisitioned or procured fallwithin and conform with PNDF Volume I, current edition.The Commission on Audit shall instruct all unit auditors/heads of auditing unit tomonitor compliance with this order and to disallow in audit, claims/disbursem*nts, either from regular budget, local and/or trust funds, covering the procurement byany mode, of drugs and medicines which are not within the PNDF Volume I, currentedition.


For drugs not listed in the PNDF Volume I, a written request with correspondingjustification addressed to the Head of the National Drug Policy Office who mayapprove or disapprove the request. In determining whether the drug(s) requi‐

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By the President:

sitioned is justified or not, the said Head may refer such request to the NationalDrug Committee (NDC), as needed.APPENDIX S

This Order shall take effect immediately.Done in the City of Manila, this 21st day of January in the year of our Lord, nineteenhundred and ninety three.


SignedANTONIO T. CARPIOChief, Presidential Legal Counsel


Any violation of this Order shall be construed as a conduct grossly prejudicial to the bestinterest of the service or grave misconduct, as the case may be, per P.D. 807 and CSC ‐ M No. 30 s.1989.

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1. Title:

2. Authority:

3. Purpose:

4. Scope:

5. Specific Roles of the DOH in Implementing R.A. 6675

6. Guidelines of Implementation

This Order applies to all agencies and entities within the supervision of theSecretary of Health that perform the functions of procuring, prescribing,dispensing and administering drugs and medicines as well as promoting,regulating and practicing the use of generic names of drugs. While R.A. 6675covers agencies and entities other than the Department of Health, this orderdoes not apply to such agencies and entities. Separate issuance shall expresslyprovide for guidelines applicable to non‐DOH agencies and entities.This order provides guidelines and instructions for the proper, orderly and efficientperformance of the DOH of its various roles under R.A. 6675.DOH is the agency tasked with the promulgation of rules and regulations to implementR.A. 6675 [Sec. 9 and 12 C].



IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH COMPLIANCE WITH REPUBLIC ACT 6675 (GENERICS ACT OF 1988)This Order shall be known as "Implementing Guidelines for the Department ofHealth Compliance with Republic Act 6675 (Generics Act of 1988)"This Order is issued to implement R.A. 6675 guided by pertinent provisions ofR.A. 3720 and related laws as well as E.O. 119 (Reorganization Act of theMinistry of Health).This Order provides guidelines and instructions for the Department of Health tocomply with R.A. 6675 and implement its provisions.

DOH is also one of the key government agencies that shall have to comply with the useof generic terminology or generic names in all transactions related to purchasing,prescribing, dispensing and administering of drugs and medicines [Sec. 6 (a)].DOH is also one of the key government agencies mandated to promote use of genericterminology through public information and continuing education of healthprofessionals (Sec. 11).DOH is also one of the key government agencies mandate to insure that drugs aregenerically labeled (Sec. 7) and that generic drugs production are encouraged andpromoted (Sec. 8 and 10).This Order specifically addresses how DOH shall perform the role defined in 5.2 above, butshall also outline how the performance of the other roles shall be guided.The task of guiding the implementation of R.A. 6675 shall be undertaken principally by theSecretary of Health with the staff assistance of the National Drug Policy ImplementationTeam created in A.O. No. 46, series of 1988, which is headed by the Assistant Secretary for


PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (189) Discussions in various committees, conferences and meetings should be maximized.6.47. Implementation by Field Units of DOH

7.1 The Regional Health Directors for all agencies under their supervision in the regions.7.2 The Provincial Health Officers for all agencies under their supervision in the provinces.7.3 The Chiefs of District Hospitals in their respective hospitals and catchment areas.7.4 The City Health Officers for units under their supervision in the cities.7.58. Duties and Functions of Responsible Officials Assume other functions and responsibilities that may be required in related issuances.9. Therapeutics Committees


Recommendations should be clear, reasonably implementable, consistent with legalprovisions and facilitates the achievement of policy goals.Suggestions, comments and similar inputs from affected as well as interested partiesshould be solicited and considered.Formulation of guidelines should proceed promptly, observed stated deadlines andschedules and decisively disposed.

Standards and Regulations. The various units in this staff shall formulate draftrecommendations for policy guidelines and operational instructions on all matters regardingthe implementation of R.A. 6675. These drafts shall be reviewed by the Executive Committeefor National Field Operations. All issuance's shall be approved by the Secretary anddisseminated prior to effectivity.

To carry out the rules and regulations in implementing R.A. 6675, the following officials areresponsible:The chief of national medical centers, special research centers and hospitals, regionalmedical centers and regional hospitals and sanitaria in their respective institutions.

The above mentioned officials responsible for the implementation of R.A. 6675 in theirrespective areas of jurisdiction shall perform the following duties and functions:Issue the necessary office orders and instructions to carry out R.A. 6675 based onimplementation guidelines.Organize and mobilize their offices and institutions to assure compliance by DOHpersonnel.Establish and activate mechanisms for promoting compliance, eliminating barriers ofdifficulties to such compliance and initiating supportive activities.Manage their organizations towards active and effective observance of laws, rules andregulations.Recommend proposals, modifications to existing instructions and otherwise givefeedback on the implementation.At all DOH field agencies, a therapeutics committee shall be organized to assist the head ofa*gency in performing his tasks under this Order.Requirement: Therapeutics Committees shall be organized at the Regional HealthOffices, Provincial Health Offices, District Health Offices, City Health Offices, specialhospitals, national medical centers, regional medical centers, regional hospitals and



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9.2.3 Evaluate and recommend appropriate action on:a)b)c) use of agency resources for drug products.




Identify and define information, education or training needs of the agencyrelated to the implementation or R.A. 6675, the National Drug Policy,pharmacological science, and rational drug use. In this regard, the TherapeuticsCommittee is instructed to specify their agency needs for technical informationand make proposals for raising the level of knowledge, attitudes and skillsneeded for effective implementation of R.A. 6675.Plan an orderly, systematic and thorough process of institutionalizing rationaldrug use. Such plans should have immediate, medium and long termdimensions. The plans should target 100% adoption of generic terminology inprocurement, prescribing and dispensing within DOH agencies within theshortest possible time. Subsequently, the plans should identify specific prob‐

Functions: In support of the agency head, Therapeutic Committee shall have thefollowing functions:Based on the DOH Drug Formulary (For Hospitals and RHUs), regularlymaintain a list, specified in generic terminology, of the drugs that the agencywill keep on stock, use buy or prescribe. The list shall be limited to those itemsin the DOH formulary. Any new item outside the formulary should berecommended to the National Drug Committee for inclusion in the DOHformulary before the agency can include such item in its own list. The list shallbe regularly updated and circulated to procurement and supply units,pharmacies and medical staff of the agency. The Therapeutics Committee shallbe responsible for clarifying any technical issue regarding use of genericterminology.

sanitaria. At the Regional Health Office, the Technical Committee for Drugs andMedicine created under A.O. No. 28, series 1987 shall be dissolved and its functionsabsorbed by the Regional Therapeutic Committee.


Based on the DOH formulary, recommend drug selection, utilization,procurement and stocking policies. Such policies may include establishingallocation criteria in use of resources for different generic items of drugs;resolving problems regarding drug availability and quality; disseminatingreliable drug information; proposing measures to facilitate generic prescribingand dispensing; insuring proper and equitable distribution of drug supplieswithin the agency; identifying other similar initiatives.requests for inclusion or exclusion of any drug product in the DOHformulary as well as in the agency drug list.reports of adverse drug reactions and other incidents related to safety,efficacy or quality of drugs.On the last matter, the Therapeutics Committees shall be empowered to requirebudget and finance units to provide data showing how much of the agencyresources are allocated to drugs and medicines and other information on prices,products and suppliers.

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9.3 Composition9. The head of agency shall not be a member.9.3.4 The members shall elect their chairman.

9.410. NDP Compliance Officer

10.1 a) organization and activation of therapeutics committees.b) issuance's of related internal orders and instructions.c) reports of specific failures and successes.d) report of overall progress or setbacks.10.210.311. Procurement of Drugs and Medicine11.1

lems, obstacles and difficulties to widespread use of generic terminology in thecommunity and propose appropriate solutions. Finally, the plans should seek topromote rational use of drugs.Therapeutics Committies shall have at least 5 members except at DistrictHospitals which may have at least 3 members.The members shall be designated by the head of the agency and shall have a mixof the following professionals: physician, pharmacist and nurse. A dentist maybe included as non‐voting member to be consulted on drugs and medicineaffecting dental services.The NDP compliance officer mentioned below shall be a non‐voting memberwho can attend committee deliberations.Regional Directors are instructed to contract pharmacologists coming frommedical schools to serve as consultants to the Regional Therapeutics Committeeor the Therapeutics Committee of the Regional Medical Centers.

Organization and Reporting: Heads of agencies shall designate and organize theirrespective therapeutic committees not later than December 30, 1988. All heads ofa*gencies shall report the composition of their committees on the first staff meeting in1989.At all regional offices and all special hospitals, the head of agency shall designate an NDPCompliance Officer.

Functions: The NDP Compliance Officer is tasked with gathering, analyzing andreporting the data on that agency's compliance with all issued instructions such as:Qualifications: The NDP Compliance Officer shall be a DOH employee in position tounderstand the technical and administrative aspects for compliance with R.A. 6675.Reporting: Regional Directors and Chiefs of Special Hospitals shall report theirdesignated NDP Compliance Officer no less than December 30, 1988.


In addition to existing regulations on procurement, drugs and medicines shall beprocured on the basis of their generic name. For this purpose, all heads of agenciesthat procure drugs and medicines from regular budget, local aid or trust funds shallspecify all drug and medicine items in their generic names. All documents relating toprocurement and disbursem*nt, such as RIV's bid documents, purchase order,vouchers and others, shall specify drug product items in their generic names. Thisshall cover both regular as well as emergency procurement, bidding as well as canvass.


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12. Prescribing and Ordering12.112.2

12.313. Dispensing and Administering13.1

13.213.313.413.514. Public Information14.1

APPENDIX TAny issue regarding generic terminology shall be resolved by the TherapeuticsCommittee. Any issue that it cannot decide shall be referred to the National DrugCommittee (NDC). Upon referral, the Therapeutics Committee can adopt a temporarydecision until action by the NDC.All DOH agencies shall adopt generic specifications in all procurement of drugs andmedicines effective March 1, 1989.Procurement made on the basis of generic specification may lead to purchase of drugproducts that are also identified by brand names provided price and availabilityconsiderations make it unavoidable. In such cases, products that are also identified bybrand names may be kept on stock provided that its identification and use remainexclusively on the basis of generic specification.All prescriptions and orders for drugs and medicines in DOH facilities shall bespecified in generic terminology. In all written orders, the generic name of the drug'sactive ingredient shall be stated. While initially brand names may also be added,eventually all orders shall use generic names exclusively.Each DOH agency shall set a date no later than March 1, 1989 for the effectivity ofmandatory generic prescribing in that agency. Prior to such date, generic prescribingshall be introduced, promoted and encouraged. Information shall be provided to allconcerned so that generic prescribing can be facilitated. On the date for startingmandatory generic prescribing, there should be launching activities to bring thedecision ot the attention of professionals and the public.All DOH agencies shall report not later than December 30, 1988 the date mandatorygeneric prescribing will start in the agency.All persons and units that dispense drugs and medicines in DOH agencies (pharmacies,clinics, other service outlets) shall adopt and practice generic dispensing i.e. fillingdoctor's prescriptions and orders on the basis of the specified generic name of theactive ingredient, dose level, dosage form and delivery mode. If no drug preparation isavailable to comply with what was prescribed, the prescribing physician shall be dulyinformed so that the prescription can be changed to one that can be filled.Allied medical and nursing staff in hospitals, health centers and health stations shalluse generic terminology in patient charts and all drugs and medical records.Upon effectivity of mandatory generic prescribing, mandatory generic dispensing shallalso take effect.All agencies shall duly inform all patients when generically dispensing to avoidmisunderstanding.Branded products may be dispensed and used provided such is based on providing thesame generic active ingredient as well as same dose, form and delivery mode specifiedin the prescription.All heads of agencies shall take the necessary and sufficient steps to inform the publicabout measures to implement R.A. 6675 and the rationale for these measures.


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15. Professional Promotion15.115.215.3

16. Central Office Support and Monitoring16.116.2

17. Violations

18. Effectivity

Whenever public complaint arise, the heads of agencies shall take action to resolvesuch complaints within the means available while observing rules and regulations.The Public Information and Health Education Service (PIHES) at the Central Officeshall produce and disseminate informational materials necessary to inform the publicon these matters. All agencies are encouraged to translate, summarize, excerpt oradapt materials from PIHES aside from developing their own materials. Copies of allinformational materials developed by field agencies on their own shall be sent toPIHES for information.Heads of agencies, assisted by their respective Therapeutics Committees, shall planand undertake promotional activities among DOH personnel, particularly physiciansand nurses. These activities should (a) clarify the provisions of the law and theimplementing regulations; (b) explain the reasons for generic names in drug use; (c)answer the most common misinformation, apprehensions and complaints.The central staff for NDP implementation shall organize and deploy well qualifiedresource persons for lectures and seminars on NDP implementation. Agencies mayaccess these for their promotional activities through the Office of the AssistantSecretary for Standards and Regulations.PIHES shall procure and produce the necessary technical references for the use ofTherapeutic Committees. These shall be distributed to all committees in due course.


Secretary of Health168

All communications regarding the implementation of this Order shall be coursed to theOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Standards and Regulations. On the basis of theprogressor problems, adequate guidance, support or assistance shall be extended. Theprincipal responsibility, however, remains with the heads of agency and theirsuperiors in the chain of command of DOH.NDP Compliance Officers shall identify areas, both geographic and functional, wheretechnical weaknesses are noted. In these cases, recommendations regarding whatsupport is needed are expected. A mechanism for sharing technical resources inpharmacy and pharmacology shall be established by the Assistant Secretary forStandards and Regulations.Repeated or substantial violations of this Order shall be regarded as violations ofadministrative discipline under Presidential Decree 807. Subject personnel shall be liable toadministrative action in addition to penalties provided for by R.A. 6675.These rules and regulations shall take effect 15 days after its publication in the officialgazette, or in two newspapers of general circulation and shall supersede all issuance'sinconsistent thereof.


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Drug means (1) "articles recognized in the current official United StatesPharmacopoeia‐National Formulary (USP‐NF), official HomeopathicPharmacopoeia of the United States, official Philippine National Drug Formulary,or any supplement to any of them; and (2) articles intended for use in thediagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals;and (3) articles (other than foods) intended to affect the structure or function ofthe body of man or animals; and (4) articles intended for use as a component ofany articles specified in clauses (1), (2) or (3) but do not include devices or theircomponents.


Generic name or generic terminology is the identification of drugs and medicinesby their scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredients or bytheir official name as determined by the Bureau of Food and Drugs of theDepartment of Health.



Pursuant to Section 9 in relation to Section 6(a), and 6(b) or R.A. 6675 known as theGenerics Act of 1988, and the pertinent provision of R.A. 3720 known as the Food, Drugs andDevices and Cosmetics Act, as amended by Executive Order No. 175 s.1987, R.A. 5921 known asthe Pharmacy Act and R.A. 4224 and R.A. 5946; R.A. 4419 known as the Dental Act, R.A. 382known as the Veterinary Act, and R.A. 6425 known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 asamended, the following rules and regulations are hereby promulgated:Prescription is the written order and instruction of a validly‐registered physician,dentist or veterinarian for the use of a specific drug product for a specific patient.For the purpose of these Rules and Regulation, the doctor's order on the patient'schart for the use of specific drug(s) shall be considered a prescription.Generic Prescribing is prescribing of drugs and medicines using their genericname(s) or generic terminology.Dispensing is the act by a validly‐registered pharmacist of filling a prescription ordoctor's order on the patient's chart.Generic Dispensing means dispensing the patient's/buyer's choice from amongthe generic equivalent i.e., finished pharmaceutical products having the sameactive ingredient(s), same dosage form and same strength as the prescribed drug.


Drug product or medicine is the finished form that contains the activeingredient(s), generally but not necessarily in association with inactiveingredients.Prescription or ethical drugs are pharmaceutical products or drugpreparation that are to be dispensed only upon written order or validly‐

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2.3.1 The prescriber must have an S‐2 license.


Regulated drugs includes sleep‐inducing sedatives, such as secobarbital,phenobarbital, barbital, amobarbital and other drugs which contain a saltderivative of a salt of an isomer of amphetamine, such as benzedrine ordexedrine, or any drug which produces a pharmacologic action similar toamphetamine; and hypnotic drugs such as methaqualone, or any othercompound producing similar pharmacologic effects.

Non‐prescription or over‐the‐counter drugs are pharmaceutical productsor drug preparations that can be dispensed even without the writtenorder of validly‐registered licensed physician, dentist or veterinarian, forthe use of consumers for the prevention or symptomatic relief of minoror self‐limiting ailments.Dangerous drugs refer to either prohibited drugs or regulated drugs whichrequire a special prescription form, the use of which is monitored by theDangerous Drug Board.Prohibited drugs include "opium and its active components andderivatives such as heroin and morphine; coca leaf and its derivatives,principally cocaine, alpha and beta Eucaine, hallucinogenic drugs, such asmescaline lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and other substancesproducing similar effects; Indian hemp and its derivatives; allpreparations made from any of the foregoing; and other drugs, whethernatural or synthetic, with the physiological effects or a narcotic drug".

Drug outlets means drugstores, pharmacies and other business establishments,which dispense or sell drugs or medicines.Prior to the Generics Act of 1988, the following general guidelines on prescribing havebeen operative. In order to have an integrated implementation of all relevant guidelines onprescribing, these guidelines based on prior laws are restated here under:Only validly‐registered medical, dental and veterinary practitioners, whether inprivate practice or employed in a private institution/corporation or in thegovernment, are authorized to prescribe drugs. Prescribing by unauthorizedpersons constitutes illegal practice of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicinepunishable under R.A. 2382 or the Medical Act of 1959, R.A. 4419 or the DentalAct, R.A. 382 or the Veterinary Act.In accordance with R.A. 5921, or the Pharmacy Act as amended, all prescriptionsmust contain the following information: name of prescriber, office address,professional registration number, professional tax receipt number, patient's/client's name, age and sex, and date of prescription.For drugs in List A (Annex I) containing the list of Prohibited Drugs andRegulated Drugs as approved by the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), the followingare required:


registered licensed physician, dentist or veterinarian for themanagement or treatment of a condition or disease.

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2.3.2 The special DDB prescription form must be used.2.3.3Section 3

3.1 3.3.1 The manufacturer3.4.2.3 The brand name, if so desired3.

Section 4 VIOLATIVE, ERRONEOUS AND IMPOSSIBLE PRESCRIPTIONS4.1 Violative Prescriptions4.1.1 Where generic name is not written.


ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES ON PRESCRIBING TO IMPLEMENT THE GENERICS ACT OF 1988In addition to the guidelines contained in section 2, the following shall specifically guideprescribing under the Generics Act of 1988.

For drugs with a single active ingredient, the generic name of that activeingredient shall be used be used in prescribing.For drugs with two or more active ingredients, the generic name asdetermined by BFAD shall be used in prescribing.The generic name must be written in full but the salt or chemical form may beabbreviated.In addition to the generic name, a brand name may also be indicated. Insuch cases, the following shall be observed:If written on a prescription pad, the brand name enclosed inparenthesis shall be written below the generic name.If written on a patient's chart, the brand name enclosed inparenthesis shall be written after the generic name.In prescribing drugs enumerated in List B (Annex B) which needs strictprecaution in their use, the prescriber must comply with the following:After the Rx symbol but before the generic name, he must write clearly"(List B)".

A recording system following pertinent DDB regulations must beobserved.

He must ensure that the following information are accurately written onthe prescription:The generic name of the active ingredient(s) and the specificsalt or chemical form.

Generic names shall be used in all prescriptions.


The strength or dose level using units of the metric system (seeAnnex C).The delivery mode or delivery system: quick‐dissolve,sustained release, etc. and the corresponding appropriate dosefrequency or dose interval.

The generic name of the drug must be clearly written on the prescriptionimmediately after the Rx symbol, or on the order chart.

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4.3 Erroneous Prescriptions4.3.1 Where the brand name preceeds the generic name4.3.2 Where the generic name is the one in parenthesis4.3.3 Where the brand name is not in parenthesis4.3.44.4 What to do with erroneous prescriptions4.5 Impossible Prescriptions4.5.1 When only the generic name is written but it is not legible4.5.2 When the generic name does not correspond to the brand name4.5.3 When both the generic name and the brand name are no legible4.5.4 When the drug product prescribed is not registered with the BFAD4.6 What to do with impossible prescriptions




In all cases enumerated in 4.1, 4.3, and 4.5, the local DOH Office shalll beresponsible for giving written notice to the erring doctor concerned and fortransmitting through channels the report of violation/error to the ProfessionalRegulation Commission (PRC) or to the fiscal's office for appropriate action.


Violative prescriptions shall not be filled. They shall be kept and reported by thepharmacist of the drug outlet or any other interested party to the nearest DOHOffice for appropriate action. The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber of theproblem and/or instruct the customer to get the proper prescription.

Erroneous prescriptions shall be filled. Such prescription shall also be kept andreported by the pharmacist of the drug outlet or any other interested party to thenearest DOH Office for appropriate action.Where more than one drug product is prescribed on one prescriptionform.

Where the brand name is indicated and instructions added (such as thephrase "no substitution") which tend to obstruct, hinder or preventproper generic dispensing.Where the generic name is not legible and a brand name which is legibleis written.

Prescriptions mentioned in 4.5 shall not be filled. They shall be kept and reportedby the pharmacist of the drug outlet or any other interested party to the nearestDOH Office for appropriate action. The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber ofthe problem and/or instruct the customer to get the proper prescription.

For violations of Section 4 of these Rules and Regulations, the Secretary of Health shallrecommend the imposition of appropriate administrative sanctions by the PRC.The imposition of the above sanctions does not preclude the institution of appropriatecriminal proceedings pursuant to Section 12 R.A. 6675 known as the "Generics Act of 1988", R.A.

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Phase I Education Drive and Information Dissemination

Phase II Monitoring of Compliance Without Sanctions or Penalties

Phase III Full Implementation




Beginning September 1, 1989 the DOH and the other relevant agencies of governmentshall monitor compliance with these Rules and Regulations and all violations shall besubject to the appropriate sanctions and penalties provided for under these Rules andRegulations and the Generics Act of 1988.

3720 known as the "Food, Drugs and Devices and Cosmetics Act" as amended and R.A. 5921known as "Pharmacy Law" as amended and R.A. 2383 known as the "Medical Act of 1959", R.A.4419 or the Dental Act of 1972 as amended, and other relevant laws, by the Regional Health Officeconcerned, upon receipt of complaints or reports of violations.

This phase shall be from the date of the effectivity of these Rules and Regulations to May31, 1989. During this period, the DOH, in cooperation with the Department of Education,Culture and Sports, the Department of Local Government and Philippine InformationAgency, shall undertake information dissemination and education drive concerning theprovisions of these Rules and Regulations as well as the Generics Act of 1988.From June 1, 1989 to August 31, 1989, the DOH shall monitor voluntary compliance withthe provisions of the Rules and Regulations on Prescribing and Dispensing. During thisperiod, the associations of affected professionals are enjoined to promote compliance inorder to achieve a smooth transition to the next phase of full implementation.



Secretary of Health

All Administrative Orders, Rules and Regulations and other Administrative issuances orparts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of the Administrative Order are hereby repealedand modified accordingly.


This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two newspapers ofgeneral circulation.

In order to give all affected parties adequate time for learning and adjustment, theimplementation of these Rules and Regulations shall be in three phases, as follows:

In case any provision of this Administrative Order is declared contrary to law orunconstitutional, other provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in force andeffect.

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2.1 Prescription or Ethical Drugs2.2 Non‐Prescription or Over‐the‐Counter (OTC) Drugs





These drugs can only be dispensed upon a written order of a validly‐registered physician, dentist or veterinarian.These drugs may be dispensed even without a written order of a validly‐registered physician, dentist or veterinarian in duly licensed drug outlets.When dispensing OTC drugs without a doctor's prescription, the pharmacistshall give the necessary information and direction for use of the drug.All prescriptions dispensed in the drugstores, botica or hospital pharmacy shallbe kept in file for two years and recorded in a prescription book duly‐registeredby BFAD which shall be open for inspection by Food and Drug Inspectors at anytime during business hours of the outlet. The prescription book shall be kept fortwo years after the last entry.

Series of 1989

Pursuant to Section 9 in relation to Section 6(a) and 6(d) or R.A. 6675 known as theGenerics Act of 1988, and the pertinent provisions of R.A. No. 3720 known as the Foods, Drugsand Devices and Cosmetics Act as amended by Executive Order No. 175 s. 1989, R.A. 5921 knownas the Pharmacy Act, R.A. 6425 known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended, thefollowing rules and regulations are hereby promulgated.

Prior to the Generics Act of 1988, the following general guidelines on dispensing havebeen operative. In order to have an integrated implementation of all relevant guidelines ondispensing, these guidelines based on prior laws are restated hereunder:

Drug Outlet means drugstores, pharmacy and other business establishment which sells drugs or medicines.Partial filling of prescription means dispensing less than the total number of unitsprescribed.


Generic Dispensing means dispensing the patient's/buyer's choice from amonggeneric equivalents, i.e. finished pharmaceutical products having the same activeingredient(s), same dosage form and same strength as the prescribed drug.Dispensing is the act by validly‐registered pharmacist of filling a prescription ordoctor's order on the patient's chart.

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Section 33.1

3.1.1 Drug Stores, Boticas, and Other Drug Outlets3.1.1.1

3.1.2 Hospital Pharmacies3.

In addition to the guidelines contained in Section 2, the following shall specifically guidedispensing under the Generics Act of 1988.All drug outlets are required to practice generic dispensing as defined in Section1.2 of these Rules and Regulations, with some exceptions, modifications orqualifications in certain cases or circ*mstances, as described in Section 3.2 & 3.4.


Individually informing the patient/buyer on theavailable generic equivalents and their correspondingprices. However, a handbook or directory containing therequired drug information must be made available in thewards for patients, responsible relatives of patients, andprofessional staff.

Recording of prescriptions filled in the prescriptionbook, provided such prescriptions shall be kept in file fortwo years.

Hospital pharmacies operating on the acceptable formularysystem and pricing policy as determined by the Department ofHealth (DOH), and using generic terminology in procurement,prescribing, dispensing, and recording of drugs, shall beexempted from the following:

For this purpose, all drug outlets shall post in a conspicuousplace in their establishment a list of drug products usinggeneric names with their brand names, if any, and theircorresponding current prices. A handbook or directorycontaining the above required information, readily accessibleto the patient/buyer shall be considered substantialcompliance.

Inform the patient/buyer of all available drug productsgenerically equivalent to the one prescribed with theircorresponding prices. In so doing, the drug outlet shall notfavor or suggest any particular product so that thepatient/buyer may fully and adequately exercise his option tochoose.



Upon admission, the patient or his/her responsible relative Recognizing the special needs and circ*mstances of hospitals, thefollowing modified rules and regulations shall govern generic dispensingin hospital pharmacies, in the case of in‐patients only:

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3.21. Name of the patient2. Generic name of the drug3. Brand name, if any4. Manufacturer5. Dosage strength6. Expiry date7. Directions for use; and8. Name of pharmacist3.3 1. The date of partial filling2. The quantity served and balance of the prescription unserved; and3. Name and address of the drugstore

3.4 Dispensing Drugs in List A and List B3.

Section 44.14.2

Section 5 VIOLATIONS ON THE PART OF DISPENSERS AND OUTLETSThe following acts or omissions are considered violations of these rules and regulations:


Erroneous prescriptions shall be filled, but they shall also be kept and reported tothe nearest DOH office for appropriate action.

Violative and impossible prescriptions as defined in A.O. 62 (Generic Prescribing)shall not be filled. The pharmacist shall advise the prescriber of the problemand/or instruct the customer to get the proper prescription. These violative andwrong prescriptions shall be kept and reported by the pharmacist or otherinterested parties to the nearest DOH office for appropriate action.


Partial filling of prescription for drugs belonging to List A shall not beallowed.The order and instruction of the doctor as written on the prescription,must be precisely followed.Dispensing must be done by the pharmacist who shall affix his/hersignature on the prescription filled.

In dispensing drugs included in List A (Prohibited and Regulated Drugs) and ListB (Drugs Requiring Strict Precautions in their use), attached as Annex 1 and 2respectively, the following shall be observed:

In partial filling of the prescription, the following shall be written on the face ofthe prescription:


The partially‐filled prescription shall be returned to the buyer after recording thepartial filling in the prescription book. The drugstore which completes the fillingof the prescription shall keep the prescription in file.

In dispensing to the buyer, drug products in unit dose or products which are notin their original containers but transferred to small bottles, tin cans, boxes, plasticand/or paper envelopes and the like, the pharmacist shall place legibly on therequired drug outlet's label the following information:

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5.1 Imposing a particular brand or product on the buyer. Failure to record and keep prescriptions filled.5.7





Phase 1 Education Drive and Information DisseminationThis phase shall be from date of the effectivity of these Rules and Regulations to May 31, 1989. During this period, the DOH, in cooperation with the Department of Education,

Suspension, or revocation of the license to operate the drug outlet by theSecretary of Health.Professionals directly involved in the violations shall be recommended by theSecretary of Health for appropriate administrative sanctions by the PRC.The imposition of the above sanctions does not preclude the institution of appropriatecriminal proceedings pursuant to Section 12 of R.A. 6675 known as the "Generics Act of 1988",R.A. 3720 known as the "Foods, Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics Act" as amended and R.A. 5921known as "Pharmacy Law" as amended, R.A. 6425 known as the "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972" asamended and other relevant laws, by the regional health office concerned, upon receipt ofcomplaints or reports of violations.In order to give all affected parties adequate time for learning and adjustment, theimplementation of these Rules and Regulations shall be in three phases, as follows:

Failure to report to the nearest DOH office cases of violative, erroneous, and/orimpossible prescriptions within three months after receipt of such prescriptions.Failure to indicate the generic name/official name designated by BFAD and otherrequired information on the drug outlet's label of the dispensed drug.Failure to adequately inform the buyer on available products that meet theprescription.


Any interested party may report any verifiable violation of these Rules and Regulationsto the nearest DOH office. The local DOH office is responsible for giving notice to erringpharmacist/outlets and for transmitting the report on violations to the Secretary of Health or thefiscal's office for appropriate action.For violation of these Rules and Regulations, the following sanctions, after due notice andsummary hearing may be imposed:

Failure to post or make accessible the required up‐to‐date information on drugproducts.Inaccurate dispensing i.e. dispensing a drug product which does not meet theprescription as to any or all of the following: active ingredient, dosage form andstrength.


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Phase 2 Monitoring of Compliance Without Sanctions or Penalties

Phase 3 Full Implementation




Culture and Sports, the Department of Local Government, and Philippine InformationAgency, shall undertake an education drive and information dissemination concerning theprovisions of these Rules and Regulations as well as the Generics Act of 1988.From June 1, 1989 to August 31, 1989, the DOH shall monitor voluntary compliance withthe provisions of the Rules and Regulations on Prescribing and Dispensing. During thisperiod, the associations of affected professionals are enjoined to promote compliance inorder to achieve a smooth transition to the next phase of full implementation.Beginning September 1, 1989, the DOH and the other relevant agencies of governmentshall monitor compliance with these Rules and Regulations and all violations shall besubject to the appropriate sanctions and penalties provided for under these Rules andRegulations and the Generics Act of 1988.

ALFREDO R.A. BENGZON, M.D.Secretary of HealthSigned


In case any provision of this Administrative Order is declared contrary to law orunconstitutional, other provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in force andin effect.All administrative orders, rules and regulations and other administrative issuances orparts thereof, in consistent with the provisions of this administrative order ar hereby repealedand modified accordingly.

This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two newspapers ofgeneral circulation.


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April 23, 1990







In response to the request of prescribing doctors to allow them to write the name ofmore than one drug product on the same page of a prescription form for a particular patient,Sections 3.0 and 4.0 are hereby amended by deletion of paragraphs 3.4 and 4.3.4, respectively.


As amended, A.O. 62 thereby permits the writing of the generic names of more than onedrug product in one prescription form.It also no longer regards a prescription form with more than one drug product aserroneous.This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two newspapers ofgeneral circulation.

SignedALFREDO R.A. BENGZON, M.D.Secretary of Health

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October 16, 2002SUBJECT:


Section 21.2.




In compliance with the R.A. No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988,entitled "An Act to Promote, Require and Ensure the Production of an Adequate Supply,Distribution, Use and Acceptance of Drugs and Medicines Identified by their Generic Names"Section 4(a), the Department of Health (DOH) organized the National Drug Committee (NDC),tasked to formulate the Essential Drugs List known as the Philippine National Drug Formulary(PNDF) Volume I. In the year 2001, the NDC was renamed as the National Formulary Committee(NFC). The PNDF is a basic component of the National Drug Policy which seeks to bring about theavailability of safe, efficacious, and quality drugs at affordable cost. The PNDF is an important stepto rationalize drug production, distribution, procurement and consumption through the EssentialDrugs concept.In 1993, Executive Order No. 49 was issued entitled "Directing the Mandatory Use of thePhilippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) Volume I as the Basis for Procurement of DrugProducts by the Government."Implementation was immediately enforced with the use of the PNDF Volume I currentedition as the basis for procurement of drug products by the government. The PNDF became thebasis for claim reimbursem*nts for drugs and medicines through a Philippine Health InsuranceCorporation (PHIC) Board Resolution # 265 s.1999 dated July 15, 1999.IN IMPLEMENTING THESE GUIDELINES THE FOLLOWING POLICIES ANDPROCEDURES SHALL BE ADOPTED:Only drug products that fall within and conform with the Essential Drugs List, thePhilippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF) Volume I, current edition, shall beallowed to be requisitioned and procured by all Government Agencies includinggovernment‐owned and controlled corporations.Every Requisition and Issue Voucher (RIV) or any request for procurementincluding Emergency Purchase of drugs and medicines authorized under theGeneral Appropriation Act, shall be accompanied by a certification signed by therequisitioning officer that the drug products being requisitioned or procured fallwithin and conform with PNDF Vol. I, current edition.


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4.1 A letter shall be submitted justifying that:

4.2.45.Section 3 REPEALING CLAUSE



Drugs and medicines not listed in the PNDF Volume I, current edition may beprocured by Government agencies through a written request with correspondingjustification addressed to the Head of the National Drug Policy Staff who mayapprove or disapprove the request. However, in determining whether the drug(s)requested is/are justified or not, the said Head shall refer the request to theNational Formulary Committee (NFC).The drug is needed for the prevention and treatment ofconditions not already covered in the existing list.

Auditors/heads of auditing units shall monitor compliance thereto and shalldisallow claims/reimbursem*nts either from regular budget, local/trust funds,covering the procurement of drugs and medicines which are not within the PNDFVolume I, current edition.APPENDIX X

The drug is more effective and/or less toxic than a drug listedfor the same indication.The drug is at least as effective and safe and of lower cost thanthe drug listed for the same indication.The drug is deemed essential for a specific DOH‐Healthprogram/project.Scientific evidence (in table format) supported with literaturereview for the specific drug (Annex A, B, C and D).


The said justification letter shall have the following as attacheddocuments:

Secretary of Health

Report on the disease burden and its ranking relative to thecommon diseases seen in the hospital.Comparison of costs for the total regimen of the drug or its fullcourse of therapy with other comparable drugs listed in thecurrent edition of the PNDF Vol. I.Copy of Certificate of Product Registration.The National Formulary Committee is hereby authorized to issue such otherguidelines as may be necessary to implement this Administrative Order.All previous Orders inconsistent in part or in whole to this Administrative Order arehereby rescinded or amended accordingly.

This Order takes effect immediately.

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DeleteCheck BFAD registry

Has the drug been withdrawn from the market due to safety reasons? A



Mark for deletionConduct systematic literature review B

Is there a new strong evidence of unfavorable risk : benefit? CConsider for deliberation with resource persons

Is additional good evidence of bl f ffiNo


Consider for deletion if there are better drugs in terms of efficacy, safety and cost

Retain in the drugacceptable safety, proven efficacy,quality and purity presented during deliberations? D1

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Yes Yes YesNo


Check BFAD registryDo not includeIs it officially registeredw/ BFAD & marketed in the Philippines?

Is the drug under monitored release? Is the drug needed for the prevention & treatment of conditions not covered in the formulary?No



Conduct systematic literature review B

Mark for possible inclusion

Is there a good evidence of favorable risk : benefit? CIs there any additional strong evidence that confirms unfavorable risk : benefit from interested parties? D2

Do not include

Do not includeDo not include





Is there a safer & more cost‐effective, therapeutically equivalent drug available?Include the drug

Do not includeNo

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1. We pose the question: Is drug X a safe and efficacious drug for condition Y?2.




A Some drugs of proven efficacy and safety are not available in the market for lack of profitabilityor perceived demand but are considered essential, hence included in the PNDF marketed withasterisk.B Systematic literature reviews in which studies are systematically searched, assembled, appraisedand summarized using explicit and reproducible approaches that minimizes biases and randomerrors (after Sacks, Chalmers, Smith. Randomized versus historical controls for clinical trials. Am JMed 1982; 72:233‐40.). The steps that the National Formulary Committee take in conductingsystematic literature reviews on specific drugs are the following:

We conduct a comprehensive search for randomized controlled trials in HERDIN,MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register in the Cochrane Library. Wecombine the generic name of the drug and the MESH terms of the indications for its usewith the optimum set of keywords and commands for locating RCTs as given in theCochrane Handbook for Preparing Systematic Reviews. We search for sytematic reviewsin the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews using the generic name of the drug askeyword.We evaluate the abstracts of the studies to verify whether they are really RCTs or not andtheir relevance to our question.We extract data on safety and efficacy from the study abstracts or, if needed, from the fulltexts.We summarize the results of each study in an evidence table and examine similarities anddifferences of finding across studies. If appropriate, meta‐analyses are performed toquantitatively combine the results of several studies.C Benefits are expressed in risk differences and/or numbers needed to treat (NNT). We definerisk as the proportion of people who develop a bad event among all of those who are at risk fordeveloping it. The efficacy of drug X is reflected by the size of the difference in the risk ofdeveloping a bad event with and without drug X (the absolute risk difference or ARR).Alternatively, the number of people who need to be treated with drug X to prevent one bad event(the NNT) may be obtained by the formula NNT = 1/ARR such that the smaller the NNT the moreefficacious the drug. Safety is inversely proportional to the risk for adverse effects and is similarlyexpressed in risk differences and/or numbers needed to harm (NNH). Thus, as the risk differencerises or the NNH decreases the drug is deemed less and less safe.D1 Recently completed RCTs or systematic reviews that show new drugs to be more efficacious orsafe (see C for definitions of efficacy and safety) than other drugs in the same class may begrounds for their inclusion in lieu of or as a complement to formulary drugs. However, the NFCmay choose to perform a cost‐effectiveness analysis when newer, more efficacious drugs are moreexpensive than formulary drugs.D2 The bases for deletion include the following: (1) recently completed RCTs or systematicreviews that show formulary drugs to be less efficacious or safe (see C for definitions of efficacyand safety) than other drugs in the same class; (2) cost‐effectiveness analysis favors newer drugsof the same therapeutic class as the formulary drugs.


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SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy . — It is the policy of the State to protect public health and, whenthe public interest or circ*mstances of extreme urgency so require, it shall adopt appropriatemeasures to promote and ensure access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.Pursuant to the attainment of this general policy, an effective competition policy in the supply anddemand of quality affordable drugs and medicines is recognized by the State as a primaryinstrument. In the event that full competition is not effective, the State recognizes as a reserveinstrument the regulation of prices of drugs and medicines, with clear accountability by theimplementing authority as mandated in this Act, as one of the means to also promote and ensureaccess to quality affordable medicines.

SECTION 4. Definition of Terms . — For purposes of this Act, the following terms are to mean asfollows: “Compulsory License” is a license issued by the Director General of the IntellectualProperty Office to exploit a patented invention without the permission of the patentholder, either by manufacture or through parallel importation;186

[ Republic Act No. 9502 ]


SECTION 1. Short Title . — This Act shall be known as the "Universally Accessible Cheaper andQuality Medicines Act of 2008".

SECTION 3. Construction in Favor of Protection of Public Health . — All doubts in theimplementation and interpretation of the provisions of this Act, including its implementing rulesand regulations, shall be resolved in favor of protecting public health.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Republic of the PhilippinesCONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES

Metro ManilaFourteenth CongressBegun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty‐third day ofJuly, two thousand seven.

First Regular Session



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any article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, orprevention of disease in humans or animals;any article other than food intended to affect the structure or any function of thehuman body or animals;any article intended for use as a component of any articles specified in clauses(1), (2), and (3) not including devices or their components, parts, or accessories;

“Drugs and medicines” refers to any chemical compound or biological substance, otherthan food, intended for use in the treatment, prevention or diagnosis of disease inhumans or animals, including but not limited to: any article recognized in the official United States Pharmacopoeia‐NationalFormulary (USP‐NF), official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States,Philippine Pharmacopoeia, Philippine National Drug Formulary, BritishPharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, Japanese Pharmacopoeia, IndianPharmacopoeia, any national compendium or any supplement to any of them;

“Drug outlet” refers to drugstores, pharmacies, and any other business establishmentswhich sell drugs and medicines;

“Essential drugs list or national drug formulary” refers to a list of drugs prepared andperiodically updated by the Department of Health on the basis of health conditionsobtaining in the Philippines as well as on internationally accepted criteria;

recognized in the Philippine National Drug Formulary;intended for use in the treatment or cure or mitigation of diseasesymptoms, injury or body defects in humans;

“Importer” refers to any establishment that imports raw materials, active ingredientsand finished products for its own use or for distribution to other drug establishments oroutlets;“Manufacture” includes any process or part of a process for making, altering, finishing,packing, labeling, breaking or otherwise treating or adapting any drug with a view to itssale and distribution, but does not include the compounding or dispensing of any drugin the ordinary course of retail business;“Manufacturer” refers to any establishment engaged in the operations involved in theproduction of a drug with the end view of storage, distribution, or sale of the product;“Multisource pharmaceutical products” refers to pharmaceutically equivalent orpharmaceutically alternative products that may or may not be therapeutically equiva‐

other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of thehuman body;in finished or ready‐to‐use dosage form; andintended for use as a component of any of the articles specified in clauses(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv);

herbal and/or traditional drugs which are articles of plant or animal origin usedin folk medicine which are:


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"22.2. x x x;"22.3. x x x;"22.4. x x x;"22.5. x x x; and"22.6. x x x."

APPENDIX Ylent. Multisource pharmaceutical products that are therapeutically equivalent areinterchangeable;

“22.1. Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods, and in the case ofdrugs and medicines, the mere discovery of a new form or new property of a knownsubstance which does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of thatsubstance, or the mere discovery of any new property or new use for a knownsubstance, or the mere use of a known process unless such known process results in anew product that employs at least one new reactant. “For the purpose of this clause,salts, esters, ethers, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form, particle size, isomers, mixturesof isomers, complexes, combinations, and other derivatives of a known substance shallbe considered to be the same substance, unless they differ significantly in propertieswith regard to efficacy;

“SEC. 26. Inventive Step . – 26.1. An invention involves an inventive step if, having regard to 188

SECTION 6. Section 26 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Retailer” refers to a licensed establishment carrying on the retail business of sale ofdrugs and medicines to customers;“Trader” refers to any licensed establishment which is a registered owner of a drugproduct that procures the materials and packaging components, and provides theproduction monographs, quality control standards and procedures, but subcontracts themanufacture of such products to a licensed manufacturer;“TRIPS Agreement” or Agreement on Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual PropertyRights refers to the international agreement administered by the WTO that sets downminimum standards for many forms of intellectual property regulation; and“Wholesaler” refers to a licensed establishment or drug outlet who acts as merchant,broker or agent, who sells or distributes for resale or wholesale drugs and medicines.CHAPTER 2

AMENDMENTS TO REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293, OTHERWISE KNOWN ASTHE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINESSECTION 5. Section 22 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 22. Non-Patentable Inventions . – The following shall be excluded from patentprotection:

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APPENDIX Yprior art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art at the time of the filing date orpriority date of the application claiming the invention. (n)“26.2. In the case of drugs and medicines, there is no inventive step if the inventionresults from the mere discovery of a new form or new property of a known substancewhich does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that substance, or themere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance, or the mere useof a known process unless such known process results in a new product that employs atleast one new reactant.”

“72.3. Where the act consists of making or using exclusively for experimental use of theinvention for scientific purposes or educational purposes and such other activitiesdirectly related to such scientific or educational experimental use;“72.4. In the case of drugs and medicines, where the act includes testing, using, makingor selling the invention including any data related thereto, solely for purposesreasonably related to the development and submission of information and issuance ofapprovals by government regulatory agencies required under any law of the Philippinesor of another country that regulates the manufacture, construction, use or sale of anyproduct: Provided , That, in order to protect the data submitted by the original patentholder from unfair commercial use provided in Article 39.3 of the Agreement on Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), the IntellectualProperty Office, in consultation with the appropriate government agencies, shall issuethe appropriate rules and regulations necessary therein not later than one hundredtwenty (120) days after the enactment of this law;“72.5. Where the act consists of the preparation for individual cases, in a pharmacy orby a medical professional, of a medicine in accordance with a medical prescription oracts concerning the medicine so prepared; and

“SEC. 72. Limitations of Patent Rights . – The owner of a patent has no right to prevent thirdparties from performing, without his authorization, the acts referred to in Section 71 hereofin the following circ*mstances:“72.1. Using a patented product which has been put on the market in the Philippines bythe owner of the product, or with his express consent, insofar as such use is performedafter that product has been so put on the said market: Provided , That, with regard todrugs and medicines, the limitation on patent rights shall apply after a drug or medicinehas been introduced in the Philippines or anywhere else in the world by the patentowner, or by any party authorized to use the invention: Provided, further , That the rightto import the drugs and medicines contemplated in this section shall be available to anygovernment agency or any private third party;“72.2. Where the act is done privately and on a non‐commercial scale or for a non‐commercial purpose: Provided , That it does not significantly prejudice the economicinterests of the owner of the patent;


SECTION 7. Section 72 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:

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In situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency asprovided under Section 74.1 (c), the right holder shall be notified as soon asreasonably practicable;In the case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee, withoutsatisfactory reason, as provided under Section 74.1 (d), the right holder shall beinformed promptly: Provided , That, the Government or third person authorized bythe Government, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrableground to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the Government;If the demand for the patented article in the Philippines is not being met to anadequate extent and on reasonable terms as provided under Section 74.1 (e), theright holder shall be informed promptly;The scope and duration of such use shall be limited to the purpose for which it wasauthorized;190

Such use shall be non‐exclusive;

In the case of drugs and medicines, there is public non‐commercial use of the patent bythe patentee, without satisfactory reason; orIn the case of drugs and medicines, the demand for the patented article in thePhilippines is not being met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, asdetermined by the Secretary of the Department of Health.”

SECTION 8. Section 74 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 74. Use of Invention by Government . – 74.1. A Government agency or third personauthorized by the Government may exploit the invention even without agreement of thepatent owner where:

“72.6. Where the invention is used in any ship, vessel, aircraft, or land vehicle of anyother country entering the territory of the Philippines temporarily or accidentally:Provided , That such invention is used exclusively for the needs of the ship, vessel,aircraft, or land vehicle and not used for the manufacturing of anything to be sold withinthe Philippines. (Secs. 38 and 39, R.A. No. 165a)”

The public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the developmentof other sectors, as determined by the appropriate agency of the government, sorequires; orA judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitation, by theowner of the patent or his licensee, is anti‐competitive; orIn the case of drugs and medicines, there is a national emergency or other circ*mstanceof extreme urgency requiring the use of the invention; or

“74.2. Unless otherwise provided herein, the use by the Government, or third personauthorized by the Government shall be subject, where applicable, to the followingprovisions:

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"76.2. x x x;"76.3. x x x;"76.4. x x x;"76.5. x x x; and"76.6. x x x."


“74.4. The Intellectual Property Office (IPO), in consultation with the appropriategovernment agencies, shall issue the appropriate implementing rules and regulationsfor the use or exploitation of patented inventions as contemplated in this section withinone hundred twenty (120) days after the effectivity of this law.”


The right holder shall be paid adequate remuneration in the circ*mstances of eachcase, taking into account the economic value of the authorization; andThe existence of a national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency,referred to under Section 74.1 (c), shall be subject to the determination of thePresident of the Philippines for the purpose of determining the need for such useor other exploitation, which shall be immediately executory.

SECTION 10. Section 93 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 93. Grounds for Compulsory Licensing. – The Director General of the IntellectualProperty Office may grant a license to exploit a patented invention, even without theagreement of the patent owner, in favor of any person who has shown his capability toexploit the invention, under any of the following circ*mstances:“93.1. National emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency;

SECTION 9. Section 76.1 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 76. Civil Action for Infringement . – 76.1. The making, using, offering for sale, selling, orimporting a patented product or a product obtained directly or indirectly from a patentedprocess, or the use of a patented process without the authorization of the patenteeconstitutes patent infringement: Provided , That, this shall not apply to instances covered bySections 72.1 and 72.4 (Limitations of Patent Rights); Section 74 (Use of Invention byGovernment); Section 93.6 (Compulsory Licensing); and Section 93‐A (Procedures onIssuance of a Special Compulsory License under the TRIPS Agreement) of this Code.

“74.3. All cases arising from the implementation of this provision shall be cognizable bycourts with appropriate jurisdiction provided by law. “No court, except the SupremeCourt of the Philippines, shall issue any temporary restraining order or preliminaryinjunction or such other provisional remedies that will prevent its immediate execution.

“93.2. Where the public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or thedevelopment of other vital sectors of the national economy as determined by theappropriate agency of the Government, so requires; or“93.3. Where a judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner ofexploitation by the owner of the patent or his licensee is anti‐competitive; or

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APPENDIX Y“93.4. In case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee, withoutsatisfactory reason;

“93.6. Where the demand for patented drugs and medicines is not being met to anadequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined by the Secretary of theDepartment of Health.” “SEC. 93‐A. Procedures on Issuance of a Special Compulsory License under the TRIPSAgreement. – 93‐A.1. The Director General of the Intellectual Property Office, upon thewritten recommendation of the Secretary of the Department of Health, shall, upon filing of apetition, grant a special compulsory license for the importation of patented drugs andmedicines.


SECTION 11. A new Section 93‐A is hereby inserted after Section 93 of Republic Act No. 8293,otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, to read as follows:

“93.5. If the patented invention is not being worked in the Philippines on a commercialscale, although capable of being worked, without satisfactory reason: Provided , That theimportation of the patented article shall constitute working or using the patent; (Secs.34, 34‐A, 34‐B, R.A. No. 165a) and

“The grant of a special compulsory license under this provision shall be an exception toSections 100.4 and 100.6 of Republic Act No. 8293 and shall be immediately executory. “Nocourt, except the Supreme Court of the Philippines, shall issue any temporary restrainingorder or preliminary injunction or such other provisional remedies that will prevent thegrant of the special compulsory license.“93‐A.2. A compulsory license shall also be available for the manufacture and export ofdrugs and medicines to any country having insufficient or no manufacturing capacity inthe pharmaceutical sector to address public health problems: Provided , That, acompulsory license has been granted by such country or such country has, bynotification or otherwise, allowed importation into its jurisdiction of the patented drugsand medicines from the Philippines in compliance with the TRIPS Agreement.“93‐A.3. The right to grant a special compulsory license under this section shall not limitor prejudice the rights, obligations and flexibilities provided under the TRIPSAgreement and under Philippine laws, particularly Section 72.1 and Section 74 of theIntellectual Property Code, as amended under this Act. It is also without prejudice to theextent to which drugs and medicines produced under a compulsory license can beexported as allowed in the TRIPS Agreement and applicable laws.”

The special compulsory license for the importation contemplated under this provision shallbe an additional special alternative procedure to ensure access to quality affordablemedicines and shall be primarily for domestic consumption: Provided , That adequateremuneration shall be paid to the patent owner either by the exporting or importing country.The compulsory license shall also contain a provision directing the grantee the license toexercise reasonable measures to prevent the re‐exportation of the products imported underthis provision.

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“SEC. 147. Rights Conferred. – 147.1. Except in cases of importation of drugs and medicinesallowed under Section 72.1 of this Act and of off‐patent drugs and medicines, the owner of aregistered mark shall have the exclusive right to prevent all third parties not having theowner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs or containers for

In cases where the demand for the patented drugs and medicines in the Philippinesis not being met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined bythe Secretary of the Department of Health.

SECTION 14. Section 147 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:

SECTION 13. Section 95 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 95. Requirement to Obtain a License on Reasonable Commercial Terms. – 95.1. Thelicense will only be granted after the petitioner has made efforts to obtain authorization fromthe patent owner on reasonable commercial terms and conditions but such efforts have notbeen successful within a reasonable period of time.

“94.2. A compulsory license which is applied for on any of the grounds stated inSubsections 93.2, 93.3, 93.4, and 93.6 and Section 97 may be applied for at any timeafter the grant of the patent. (Sec. 34(1), R. A. No. 165)”

“95.4. In the case of public non‐commercial use, where the government or contractor,without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that avalid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall beinformed promptly. (n)

“SEC. 94. Period for Filing a Petition for a Compulsory License. – 94.1. A compulsory licensemay not be applied for on the ground stated in Subsection 93.5 before the expiration of aperiod of four (4) years from the date of filing of the application or three (3) years from thedate of the patent whichever period expires last.

“95.5. Where the demand for the patented drugs and medicines in the Philippines is notbeing met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined by theSecretary of the Department of Health, the right holder shall be informed promptly.”

SECTION 12. Section 94 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:


“95.2. The requirement under Subsection 95.1 shall not apply in any of the followingcases:Where the petition for compulsory license seeks to remedy a practice determinedafter judicial or administrative process to be anti‐competitive;In situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency;In cases of public non‐commercial use; and“95.3. In situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency,the right holder shall be notified as soon as reasonably practicable.

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"147.2. x x x."

"159.1. x x x;"159.2. x x x;"159.3. x x x and“SEC. 159. Limitations to Actions for Infringement . – Notwithstanding any other provision ofthis Act, the remedies given to the owner of a right infringed under this Act shall be limited asfollows:

goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of which the trademark isregistered where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. In case of the use of anidentical sign for identical goods or services, a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed.“There shall be no infringement of trademarks or trade names of imported or sold patenteddrugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of this Act, as well as imported or sold offpatent drugs and medicines: Provided , That, said drugs and medicines bear the registeredmarks that have not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed upon, under Section155 of this Code.SECTION 15. Section 159 of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines, is hereby amended to read as follows:

"159.4 There shall be no infringement of trademarks or tradenames of imported or solddrugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of this Act, as well as imported or soldoff‐patent drugs and medicines: Provided , That said drugs and medicines bear theregistered marks that have not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed uponas defined under Section 155 of this Code.”SECTION 16. Implementing Rules and Regulations on Amendments to Republic Act No. 8293,otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines . – Unless otherwise providedherein, the Intellectual Property Office, in coordination with the Department of Health and theBureau of Food and Drugs, shall issue and promulgate, within one hundred twenty (120) daysafter the enactment of this Act, the implementing rules and regulations to effectively implementthe provisions of this Act that relate to Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the IntellectualProperty Code of the Philippines.

CHAPTER 3DRUGS AND MEDICINES PRICE REGULATIONSECTION 17. Drugs and Medicines Price Regulation Authority of the President of the Philippines . –The President of the Philippines, upon recommendation of the Secretary of the Department ofHealth, shall have the power to impose maximum retail prices over any or all drugs and medicinesas enumerated in Section 23. The power to impose maximum retail prices over drugs andmedicines shall be exercised within such period of time as the situation may warrant asdetermined by the President of the Philippines. No court, except the Supreme Court of thePhilippines, shall issue any temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction or preliminarymandatory injunction that will prevent the immediate execution of the exercise of this power ofthe President of the Philippines.



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(3) No retailer shall sell drugs and medicines at a retail price exceeding the maximumretail price approved by the President of the Philippines as provided in Section 17 of

SECTION 18. Drugs and Medicines Price Monitoring and Regulation Authority of the Secretary of theDepartment of Health . – To implement the policies of this Act under this Chapter, the Secretary ofthe Department of Health is hereby authorized to establish and initiate a price monitoring andregulation system for drugs and medicines within one hundred twenty (120) days after theenactment of this Act. The Secretary of the Department of Health may also create such bodies,consultative councils, from which advice may be sought in the implementation of a drug ormedicine price monitoring and regulation policy. Such bodies or consultative councils created bythe Secretary of the Department of Health shall coordinate its efforts together with othergovernment agencies.SECTION 19. Functions and Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Department of Health . –Pursuant to Section 18 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of Health shall have thefollowing powers:Power to Recommend the Maximum Retail Price of Drugs and Medicines Subject toPrice Regulation – (1) Upon application or motu proprio when the public interest sorequires, the Secretary of the Department of Health shall have the power to determinethe maximum retail prices of drugs and medicines which shall be recommended to thePresident of the Philippines for approval. In order that affordable prices of drugs andmedicines from the different manufacturers, importers, traders, distributors,wholesalers, or retailers shall be made available to the public, the Secretary of theDepartment of Health, as he/she may deem fit and after a proper determination, shallhave such approved maximum retail prices of drugs and medicines published; (2) Inrecommending the maximum retail price, the Secretary of the Department of Healthshall consider the following factors:

Any change in the cost of labor brought about by a change in minimum wage; orAny change in the cost of transporting or distributing the medicines to the area ofdestination;Such other factors or conditions which will aid in arriving at a just andreasonable maximum price; and

The cost to the manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor, wholesaler orretailer of the following, but not limited to:The supply available in the market;Retail prices of drugs and medicines that are subject to regulation in thePhilippines and in other countries;The exchange rate of the peso to the foreign currency with which the drug or any ofits component, ingredient or raw material was paid for;Any change in the amortization cost of machinery brought about by any change inthe exchange rate of the peso to the foreign currency with which the machinerywas bought through credit facilities;


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Power to Deputize Government Entities – The Secretary of the Department of Healthshall have the power to call upon and deputize any official, agent, employee, agency, orinstrumentality of the national and local government for any assistance that it maydeem necessary to carry out the purposes of this Chapter.

Act: Provided , That, the Secretary of the Department of Health shall immediatelyundertake a study on the prevailing prices of drugs and medicines subject to priceregulation and provide an initial list of drugs and medicines, which maximum retailprices he/she shall recommend to the President of the Philippines.Power to Include Other Drugs and Medicines in the List Subject to Price Regulation –Upon application or motu proprio when the public interest so requires and after properdetermination, the Secretary of the Department of Health may order the inclusion ofdrugs and medicines to the list subject of price regulation under Section 23 hereof.Power to Implement Cost‐Containment and Other Measures – (1) The Secretary of theDepartment of Health shall have the power to implement the fair price of drugs andmedicines for purposes of public health insurance and government procurement basedon the order of the President of the Philippines imposing maximum retail prices; and (2) The Secretary of the Department of Health shall have the power to implement any othermeasures that the government may avail of to effectively reduce the cost of drugs andmedicines that shall include, but not limited to, competitive bidding, price volumenegotiations, and other appropriate mechanisms that influence supply, demand andexpenditures on drugs and medicines.Power to Impose Administrative Fines and Penalties – After due notice and hearing, theSecretary of the Department of Health shall have the power to impose administrativefines against any person, manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor, wholesaler,retailer, or any other entity, in such amount as it may deem reasonable, which in no caseshall be less than Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00) nor more than Five million pesos(Php5,000,000.00) for violations of the maximum retail price approved by the Presidentof the Philippines pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.


Other Powers Necessary to Implement Provisions of this Chapter – The Secretary of theDepartment of Health shall exercise such powers and functions as may be necessary toimplement and enforce the provisions of this Chapter of this Act, including the power torequire the production and submission of records, documents, books of account, bills oflading, input documents, records of purchase and sale, financial statements, and suchother documents, information and papers as may be necessary to enable the Secretaryof the Department of Health to carry out its functions, duties, and responsibilities.Accordingly, within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this Act and every December31st of every year thereafter, every manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor,wholesaler, and retailer of a drug and medicine whether included in or excluded fromthe list of drugs and medicines that are subject to price regulation shall furnish theSecretary of the Department of Health a list, containing on the minimum thecorresponding prices and inventory, of all drugs and medicines it manufactures,imports, trades, distributes, wholesales, or retails, data pertaining to the factors enume‐196

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APPENDIX Yrated under Section 19(A)(2), and any and all necessary information that the Secretaryof the Department of Health may require.

Drugs and medicines that are included in the Philippine National Drug Formulary(PNDF) Essential Drug List; and

SECTION 20. Procedures for Inquiries, Studies, Hearings, Investigations, and Proceedings . – Allinquiries, studies, hearings, investigations and proceedings conducted by the Secretary of theDepartment of Health shall be governed by the rules adopted by him/her, and in the conductthereof shall not be bound by the technical rules of evidence.SECTION 21. Effectivity of the Decisions or Orders of the Secretary of the Department of Health . – Alldecisions or orders of the Secretary of the Department of Health pursuant to Section 19Paragraphs (A) Power to Recommend the Maximum Retail Price of Drugs and Medicines Subjectto Price Regulation, (B) Power to Include Other Drugs and Medicines in the List Subject to PriceRegulation, (C) Power to Implement Cost‐Containment and Other Measures, (D) Power to ImposeAdministrative Fines and Penalties, (E) Power to Deputize Government Entities, or (F) OtherPowers Necessary to Implement Provisions of this Chapter, shall be immediately operative.SECTION 22. Review of the Decisions or Orders of the Secretary of the Department of Health . – Aparty adversely affected by a decision, order or ruling of the Secretary of the Department ofHealth may, within thirty (30) days from notice of such decision, order or ruling, or in case of adenial of a motion for reconsideration thereof, within fifteen (15) days after notice of such denial,file an appeal with the Court of Appeals, which shall have jurisdiction to review such decision,order or ruling. The filing of a petition for a writ of certiorari or other special remedies in theSupreme Court shall in no case supersede or stay any decision, order or ruling of the Secretary ofthe Department of Health, unless the Supreme Court shall so direct, and the petitioner may berequired by the Supreme Court to give bond in such form and of such amount as may be deemedproper.SECTION 23. List of Drugs and Medicines that are Subject to Price Regulation . – The list of drugsand medicines that are subject to price regulation shall include, inter alia :


All drugs and medicines indicated for treatment of chronic illnesses and life threateningconditions, such as, but not limited to, endocrine disorders, e.g., diabetes mellitus;gastrointestinal disorders, e.g., peptic ulcer; urologic disorders, e.g., benign prostatichyperplasia (BPH); cardiovascular diseases, e.g., hypertension; pulmonary diseases, e.g.,pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), asthma; auto‐immune diseases, e.g., systemic lupuserythematosus (SLE); skin diseases, e.g., psoriasis; neuro‐psychiatric disorders; otherinfectious diseases, e.g., human immunodeficiency virus‐acquired immune deficiencysyndrome (HIV‐AIDS); and other conditions such as organ transplants and neoplasm;Drugs and medicines indicated for prevention of diseases, e.g., vaccines,immunoglobulin, anti‐sera;Drugs and medicines indicated for prevention of pregnancy, e.g., oral contraceptives;Anesthetic agents;Intravenous fluids;

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SECTION 26. Display of Maximum Retail Price Fixed and Approved by Order of the President of thePhilippines for Drugs and Medicines Subject to Price Regulation . – Within a reasonable period as may be determined by the Secretary of the Department ofHealth, and: Provided , That it conforms to existing drug product labeling requirements,every manufacturer, importer, distributor, wholesaler, trader, or retailer of a drug andmedicine intended for sale shall display the retail price which shall not exceed themaximum retail price approved by order of the President of the Philippines. Themaximum retail price shall be printed on the label of the immediate container of thedrug and medicine and the minimum pack thereof offered for retail sale with the words“RETAIL PRICE NOT TO EXCEED” preceding it, and “UNDER DRUG PRICE REGULATION”on a red strip.


Within a period as may be determined by the Secretary of the Department of Healthfrom time to time, every manufacturer, importer, or trader shall issue a price list towholesalers, distributors, retailers and to the Secretary of the Department of Health,indicating the retail price, the maximum retail price, and such other information as maybe required by the Secretary of the Department of Health.SECTION 27. Reports from Local Government Units (LGUs) and the Department of Trade andIndustry (DTI) . – All local government units and the Department of Trade and Industry shall helpensure the implementation of pricing policies provided under this Chapter by submittingquarterly price monitoring reports to the Secretary of the Department of Health of drugs andmedicines identified by the latter, and any and all necessary information that the Secretary of theDepartment of Health may require.

All other drugs and medicines which, from time to time, the Secretary of the Departmentof Health determines to be in need of price regulation.SECTION 24. Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation . – Without prejudice to the provisions of existinglaws on goods not covered by this Act, it shall be unlawful for any manufacturer, importer, trader,distributor, wholesaler, retailer, or any person engaged in any method of disposition of drugs andmedicines to engage in acts of price manipulation such as hoarding, profiteering, or illegalcombination or forming cartel, as defined under Section 5 of Republic Act No. 7581, otherwiseknown as the Price Act, and all other acts committed in restraint of trade.SECTION 25. Penalty for Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation . – Any person or entity who commitsany act of illegal price manipulation of any drug and medicine subject to price regulation shallsuffer the penalty of imprisonment for a period of not less than five (5) years nor more thanfifteen (15) years or shall be imposed a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos(Php100,000.00) nor more than Ten million pesos (Php10,000,000.00), at the discretion of thecourt. The court may also order the suspension or revocation of its license to operate (LTO),professional or business license. Whenever any act of illegal price manipulation of any drug andmedicine subject to price regulation is committed by a juridical person, its officials or employees,or in case of a foreign corporation or association, its agent or representative in the Philippineswho are responsible for the violation, shall be held liable therefore.

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For a more effective and expeditious implementation of this Act, the Director or head ofthe Bureau of Food and Drugs shall be authorized to retain, without need of a separateapproval from any government agency, and subject only to existing accounting andauditing rules and regulations, all the fees, fines, royalties and other charges, collected

The Secretary of the Department of Health shall submit a bi‐annual Monitoring Reportof its performance on the implementation of this Act to the Office of the President. Thisreport submitted to the Office of the President shall be published in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation within thirty (30) days upon submission.

SECTION 28. Role of the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Trade and Industry(DTI) . – The Department of Health and the Department of Trade and Industry shall conductindependent periodic surveys and studies of the selling prices of all drugs and medicines referredto in Section 23 of this Act all over the country as well as their share or effect on the family incomeof the different economic groups in the country for purposes of serving as data base forgovernment efforts to promote access to more affordable medicines, as well as evaluating theeffectivity of the measures undertaken to promote access to more affordable medicines. The DTIshall always officially provide the Secretary of the Department of Health copies of theseindependent reports.SECTION 29. Rules and Regulations . – The Secretary of the Department of Health, in consultationwith the Department of Trade and Industry, the Congressional Oversight Committee and otherappropriate government agencies, shall, within one hundred twenty (120) days from theeffectivity of this Act, promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to effectively implement theprovisions of this Chapter.SECTION 30. Reportorial and Public Notice Requirements . –

It shall also submit annually a report of its performance on the implementation of thisAct to both Houses of Congress, within fifteen (15) days from the opening of the regularsession. It shall also regularly report and comply immediately to any order of theCongressional Oversight Committee.The order of the President of the Philippines imposing maximum retail prices on drugsand medicines, including the conditions implementing it, shall be published withinfifteen (15) days from issuance in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Allwholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, importers, or traders shall have a copy of theorder of the President of the Philippines and provide the same to their clients andcustomers for every transaction.All drug outlets are required to post in a conspicuous area within its premises a clearcopy of the order of the President of the Philippines which shall be easily accessible tothe consuming public and updated regularly as the situation may warrant.CHAPTER 4

STRENGTHENING OF THE BUREAU OF FOOD AND DRUGSSECTION 31. Strengthening of the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) . –


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SECTION 33. Non-Discriminatory Clause . – It shall be unlawful for any retail drug outlet to refuseto carry either by sale or by consignment, or offer for sale drugs and medicines brought into thecountry, as allowed under Section 7 of this Act which amends Section 72.1 of the IntellectualProperty Code of the Philippines or Republic Act No. 8293, by the government or authorized thirdparty which have been previously approved for distribution or sale by the Bureau of Food andDrugs. For this purpose, the said products shall be displayed with equal prominence as all otherproducts sold in the establishment.SECTION 34. Refusal to Sell Drugs and Medicines . – No manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor,

by the Bureau of Food and Drugs under this Act and other laws that it is mandated toadminister based on the immediately prior year of operations, for use in its operations,like upgrading of its facilities, equipment outlay, human resource development andexpansion, and the acquisition of the appropriate office space, among others, to improvethe delivery of its services to the public. This amount, which shall be in addition to theannual budget of the Bureau of Food and Drugs, shall be deposited and maintained in aseparate account or fund, which may be used or disbursed directly by the Director orhead.After five (5) years from the coming into force of this Act, the Director or head of theBureau of Food and Drugs shall, subject to the approval of the Secretary of theDepartment of Health, determine if the fees and charges, mentioned in Subsection (a)hereof, are sufficient to meet its budgetary requirements. If so, it shall retain all the feesand charges it shall collect under the same conditions indicated in said Subsection (a)but shall forthwith, cease to receive any funds from the annual budget of the NationalGovernment; if not, the provisions of Subsection (a) shall continue to apply until suchtime when the Director or head of the Bureau of Food and Drugs, subject to the approvalof the Secretary of the Department of Health, certifies that the above stated fees andcharges the Bureau of Food and Drugs shall collect are enough to fund its operations.The Bureau of Food and Drugs shall submit a yearly performance report to the QualityAffordable Medicines Oversight Committee, as provided in Section 45 of this Act. Thereport shall itemize the use of such retained funds in the past year up to the present andthe budgeted use of the same in the succeeding periods.SECTION 32. Quality Assurance of Drugs . – The Bureau of Food and Drugs shall take the necessarysteps to ensure that all drugs authorized for marketing in the country shall conform tointernational standards for the content, purity and quality of pharmaceutical products asestablished in the International Pharmacopoeia: Provided, That imported products in finisheddosage forms, should be certified under the World Health Organization (WHO) certificationscheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce: Provided, further, That the registration for multisource pharmaceutical products should conform to theWHO guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability.

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Drug outlets, including drugstores, hospital and non‐hospital pharmacies and non‐

wholesaler shall withhold from sale or refuse to sell to a wholesaler or retailer any drug ormedicine without good and sufficient reasons.SECTION 35. Penalties. – Any person or entity who shall refuse to carry or sell drugs andmedicines pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished with a fine of not less thanOne hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos(Php500,000.00), at the discretion of the court. For the succeeding offense, the penalties shall notbe less than Five hundred thousand pesos (Php500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos(Php1,000,000.00), at the discretion of the court, and suspension or revocation of its license tooperate (LTO), business or professional license, as the case may be.SECTION 36. Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Non-Discriminatory Clause. – Within onehundred twenty (120) days from the effectivity of this Act, the Department of Health, inconsultation with the Department of Trade and Industry, shall promulgate the rules andregulations necessary to effectively implement the provisions of this Chapter.CHAPTER 6

AMENDMENTS TO REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6675, OTHERWISEKNOWN AS THE GENERICS ACT OF 1989SECTION 37. Section 5 of Republic Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988, ishereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 5. Posting and Publication . – The Department of Health shall publish annually inacceptable means of public dissemination in at least two (2) newspapers of generalcirculation in the Philippines the generic names, and the corresponding brand names underwhich they are marketed, of all drugs and medicines available in the Philippines.”SECTION 38. Section 6 of Republic Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988, ishereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 6. Who Shall Use Generic Terminology . –All government health agencies and their personnel as well as other governmentagencies shall use generic terminology or generic names in all transactions related topurchasing, prescribing, dispensing and administering of drugs and medicines.All medical, dental and veterinary practitioners, including private practitioners, shallwrite prescriptions using the generic name. The brand name may be included if sodesired.Any organization or company involved in the manufacture, importation, repacking,marketing and/or distribution of drugs and medicines shall indicate prominently thegeneric name of the product. In the case of brand name products, the generic name shallappear prominently and immediately above the brand name in all product labels as wellas in advertising and other promotional materials.


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(a)(b)(c) for the third conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than Twenty‐fivethousand pesos (Php25,000.00) but not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00)

traditional outlets such as supermarkets and stores, shall inform any buyer about anyand all other drug products having the same generic name, together with theircorresponding prices so that the buyer may adequately exercise his option. Within one(1) year after the approval of this Act, the drug outlets referred to herein shall post inconspicuous places in their establishments a list of drug products with the same genericname and their corresponding prices.There shall appear prominently on the label of a generic drug the following statement:THIS PRODUCT HAS THE SAME THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY AS ANY OTHER GENERICPRODUCT OF THE SAME NAME. SIGNED: BFAD.”SECTION 39. Section 8 of Republic Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988, ishereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 8. Required Production . – Subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by theSecretary of Health, every drug manufacturing company operating in the Philippines shall berequired to produce, distribute and make widely available to the general public anunbranded generic counterpart of their branded product.”


SECTION 40. Section 11 of Republic Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988, ishereby amended to read as follows:

SECTION 41. Section 12 of Republic Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Generics Act of 1988, ishereby amended to read as follows:“SEC. 12. Penalty . – (A) Any person who shall violate Section 6(a) or 6(b) of this Act shallsuffer the penalty graduated hereunder, viz :for the first conviction, he shall suffer the penalty of reprimand which shall be officiallyrecorded in the appropriate books of the Professional Regulation Commission.for the second conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than Tenthousand pesos (Php10,000.00) but not exceeding Twenty‐five thousand pesos(Php25,000.00), at the discretion of the court.202

“SEC. 11. Education Drive. – The Department of Health jointly with the PhilippineInformation Agency and the Department of the Interior and Local Government shall conducta continuous information campaign for the public and a continuing education and trainingfor the medical and allied medical professions on drugs with generic names as an alternativeof equal efficacy to the more expensive brand name drugs. Such educational campaign shallinclude information on the illnesses or symptoms which each generically named drug issupposed to cure or alleviate, as well as in contraindications. The Department of Health withthe assistance of the Department of the Interior and Local Government and the PhilippineInformation Agency shall monitor the progress of the education drive, and shall submitregular reports to Congress.”

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“SEC. 25. Sale of medicine, pharmaceuticals, drugs and devices. – No medicine,pharmaceutical, or drug, except for those which are non‐prescription or over‐the‐counter, ofwhatever nature and kind or device shall be compounded, dispensed, sold or resold, orotherwise be made available to the consuming public except through a prescriptiondrugstore or hospital pharmacy, duly established in accordance with the provisions of thisAct. Non‐prescription or over‐the‐counter drugs may be sold in their original packages, 203

“An administrative case may be instituted independently from the criminal case: ProvidedThat, the dismissal of the criminal case or the withdrawal of the same shall in no instance bea ground for the dismissal of the administrative case.”

and suspension of his license to practice his profession for sixty (60) days at thediscretion of the court.

SEC. 42. Implementing Rules and Regulations to the Amendments to the Generics Act of 1988 . –The Department of Health, in consultation with the appropriate government agencies, shall,within one hundred twenty (120) days from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate the rulesand regulations necessary to effectively implement the provisions of this Act that relate toRepublic Act No. 6675, or the Generics Act of 1988.CHAPTER 7

AMENDMENTS TO REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5921, AS AMENDED,OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE PHARMACY LAWSECTION 43. Section 25 of Republic Act No. 5921, as amended, otherwise known as the PharmacyLaw, is hereby amended to read as follows:

for the fourth and subsequent convictions, the penalty of fine of not less than Onehundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) and suspension of his license to practice hisprofession for one (1) year or longer at the discretion of the court.“(B) Any juridical person who violates Sections 6(c), 6(d), 7 or 8 shall suffer the penalty of afine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) and suspension orrevocation of license to operate such drug establishment or drug outlet at the discretion ofthe court: Provided , That its officers directly responsible for the violation shall suffer thepenalty of fine of at least Forty thousand pesos (Php40,000.00) and suspension or revocationof license to practice profession, if applicable, and by imprisonment of not less than six (6)months nor more than one (1) year or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of thecourt: and, Provided, further , That if the guilty party is an alien, he shall be ipso factodeported after service of sentence without need of further proceedings.“(C) The Secretary of Health shall have the authority to impose administrative sanctions suchas suspension or cancellation of license to operate or recommend suspension of license topractice profession to the Professional Regulation Commission as the case may be for theviolation of this Act.“The administrative sanctions that shall be imposed by the Secretary of the Department ofHealth shall be in a graduated manner in accordance with Section 12.A.

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CHAPTER 8MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSSECTION 45. Congressional Oversight Committee. – For the effective implementation of this Act,there shall be created a Congressional Oversight Committee, hereinafter referred to as the QualityAffordable Medicines Oversight Committee, to be composed of five (5) members from the Senate,which shall include the Chairpersons of the Senate Committees on Trade and Commerce andHealth and Demography, and, five (5) members from the House of Representatives, which shallinclude the Chairpersons of the House of Representatives Committees on Trade and Industry andHealth. The Quality Affordable Medicines Oversight Committee shall be jointly chaired by theChairpersons of the Senate Committee on Trade and Commerce and the House of RepresentativesCommittee on Trade and Industry. The Vice‐Chair of the oversight committee shall be jointly heldby the Chairpersons of the Senate Committee on Health and Demography and the House ofRepresentatives Committee on Health.


SECTION 44. Implementing Rules and Regulations to the Amendments to the Pharmacy Law . – TheDepartment of Health, in consultation with the appropriate government agencies, within onehundred twenty (120) days from the effectivity of this Act, shall promulgate the rules andregulations necessary to effectively implement the provisions of this Chapter.

SECTION 48. Repealing Clause . – All laws, decrees, executive orders, proclamations andadministrative regulations or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modifiedaccordingly.

bottles, containers or in small quantities, not in their original containers to the consumingpublic through supermarkets, convenience stores and other retail establishments.“Pharmaceutical, drug or biological manufacturing establishments, importers andwholesalers of drugs, medicines, or biologic products, shall not sell their products for re‐saleexcept only to retail drug outlets, hospital pharmacies or to other drug wholesalers under thesupervision of a registered pharmacist, and supermarkets, convenience stores, other retailestablishments for over‐the‐counter drugs, duly licensed by the Bureau of Food and Drugs.”

SECTION 46. Appropriations. – For the initial implementation of this Act, the amount of Twenty‐five million pesos (Php25,000,000.00), in addition to the budget of the Department of Health, shallbe provided for the operations of the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health. TheQuality Affordable Medicines Oversight Committee shall be provided an initial budget of Fivemillion pesos (Php5,000,000.00) to perform its functions as mandated under this Act. Thereafter,such sum as may be necessary for its continued implementation shall be included in the annualGeneral Appropriations Act.SECTION 47. Separability Clause . – Any portion or provision of this Act that may be declaredunconstitutional or invalid shall not have the effect of nullifying other portions and provisionshereof as long as such remaining portion or provision can still subsist and be given effect in theirentirety.

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Approved: June 6, 2008



House of RepresentativesSecretary General

Speaker of the House of Representatives

GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYOPresident of the Philippines

EMMA LIRIO-REYESSecretary of the Senate

SECTION 49. Effectivity Clause . – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication inat least two (2) national papers of general circulation.


MANNY VILLARPresident of the Senate

was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on April 29, 2008.This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1658 and House Bill No. 2844



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WHEREAS, Republic Act No 9502 amends Republic Act No. 8293, or the Intellectual Property Code





WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 9502, otherwise known as the “Universally Accessible Cheaper andQuality Medicines Act of 2008”, became effective on July 4, 2008;

Pursuant to the attainment of this general policy, an effective competition policy in the supply anddemand of quality affordable drugs and medicines is recognized by the State as a primaryinstrument. In the event that full competition is not effective, the State recognizes as a reserve

WHEREAS, Republic Act No 9502 amends Republic Act No. 8293, or the Intellectual Property Codeof the Philippines, Republic Act No. 6675, or the Generics Act of 1998, and Republic Act No. 5921, orthe Pharmacy Law;

WHEREAS, the Department of Health, the Department of Trade and Industry, the IntellectualProperty Office and the Bureau of Food and Drugs are mandated to issue and promulgate the rulesand regulations to implement the provisions of Republic Act 9502;

NOW THEREFORE, the following Joint Administrative Order covering the rules and regulationsimplementing Republic Act 9502 are hereby adopted and prescribed for the information andguidance of all concerned.


Rule 1. Declaration of Policy. It is the policy of the State to protect public health and, when thepublic interest or circ*mstances of extreme urgency so require, it shall adopt appropriate measuresto promote and ensure access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.

instrument. In the event that full competition is not effective, the State recognizes as a reserveinstrument the regulation of prices of drugs and medicines as one of the means to also promote andensure access to quality affordable medicines. (2)

Rule 2. Effective Competition. Effective Competition shall encourage a milieu where there are asignificant number of players at each level of the pharmaceutical supply chain that shall ensureavailability and affordability of these health products. It exists in an environment where theconsumers are well informed and are able to exercise their right to choose from a variety of variableoptions to access affordable, quality drugs and medicines. (n)

Rule 3. Construction in Favor of Protection of Public Health. All doubts in the implementationand interpretation of these implementing rules and regulations shall be resolved in favor ofprotecting public health.


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Section 1. Authority to Import. All interested parties, including government agencies mustfi t li t i t f BFAD b f th i t d d di i

Rule 4. Coverage. Unless otherwise provided by law, these Implementing Rules and Regulationsshall apply to all drugs and medicines, and to all those who manufacture, trade, distribute, import,export, wholesale, retail, offer for sale, transfer, or donate drugs and medicines including medicaland allied medical practitioners and to all persons, juridical or natural, involved in the provision ofhealthcare. (n)

Rule 5. Jurisdiction. The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) shall have jurisdiction over all issuesconcerning the requirements for patentability of drugs and medicines, infringement and/orviolations of intellectual property rights, use of invention by government, compulsory licensing andspecial compulsory licensing. The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) shall have jurisdiction over allissues concerning the safety, quality and efficacy of drugs and medicines and procedures on parallelimportation.Rule 6. License to Import and Product Registration.


first secure a license to import from BFAD before they can import any drugs and medicines.(n)

Section 2. Product Registration. No drugs and medicines shall be manufactured, imported,exported, sold, offered for sale, distributed, or transferred without being registered with BFAD.Section 3. Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF). Only drugs and medicines in thelatest edition of the PNDF can be procured by government agencies or reimbursed byPhilHealth. (n)

Rule 7. Definition of Terms. The following terms as used in these Implementing Rules andRegulations shall be defined as follows:“Act” refers to Republic Act No. 9502 otherwise known as the Universally AccessibleCheaper Quality Medicines Act of 2008.“BFAD” refers to the Bureau of Food and Drugs.“BLA” refers to the Bureau of Legal Affairs of IPO."Compulsory License" is a license issued by the Director General of the IntellectualProperty Office to exploit a patented invention without the permission of the patentholder, either by manufacture or through parallel importation;(e)


“Conspicuous places” refers to places which must be public, more or less permanentlyfixed, must be seen always or frequently noticeable. (n)

“Director General” refers to the Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of thePhilippines. (n)

“DOH” refers to the Department of Health. (n)

“Drug outlets” refers to drugstores, pharmacies, and any other business establishmentsduly licensed by the BFAD to sell drugs and medicines. (AO No. 82,2000)207

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“Drugs and medicines” refer to any chemical compound or biological substance, otherthan food, intended for use in the alleviation of symptoms and the treatment, preventionor diagnoses of diseases in humans or animals, including but no limited to: (4C,n)Articles recognized in the current official United States Pharmacopoeia‐NationalFormulary (USP‐NF), official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States,Philippine Pharmacopoeia, official Philippine National Drug Formulary (PNDF),British Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, Japanese Pharmacopoeia, IndianPharmacopoeia, any national compendium or any supplement to any of them;Articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or preventionof disease in humans or animals;Articles other than food intended to affect the structure or any function of the humanbody or animals;Articles intended for use as a component of articles specified in clauses (1), (2), or(3) not including devices or their components, parts, or accessories; and


Herbal and/or traditional drugs which are articles of plant or animal origin used in(5)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(i)


Herbal and/or traditional drugs which are articles of plant or animal origin used infolk medicine that are:Recognized in the Philippine National Drug Formulary Vol. I (Essential DrugsList);Intended for use in the treatment, cure or mitigation of disease symptoms,injury or body defects in humans;Other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the humanbody;In finished or ready‐to‐use dosage form; and“DTI” refers to the Department of Trade and Industry.

Intended for use as a component of any of the articles specified in clauses (i),(ii), (iii), and (iv). (4c, n)In case of conflicts, the BFAD drug classification will prevail. (n)

“Essential Drugs List” or “National Drug Formulary” refers to a list of drugs preparedand periodically updated by the DOH on the basis of health conditions obtaining in thePhilippines as well as on internationally‐accepted criteria. It shall consist of a core list anda complementary list. (4d)

“Fair Price” Unless otherwise stated by the Secretary of Health fair price shall refer to(l)(m)(n)

“Fair Price” Unless otherwise stated by the Secretary of Health, fair price shall refer tothe lowest price of an available quality, non‐branded generic drug. (n)

“Generic Drugs” refer to drugs that have the same active pharmaceutical ingredient asthe innovator drugs and are not covered by patent protection. These drugs are labeled bytheir international nonproprietary or generic name and may or may not have brandnames. (n)

“Importer” refers to any establishment that imports raw materials, active ingredientsand finished products for its own use or for distribution to other drug establishments oroutlets. (4e)


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(q)( )


“Immediate container or Primary packaging” refers to packaging materials where theapproved safe keeping units are placed. It also refers to the first pack containing theindividually wrapped products such as, but not limited to, foil strips, blister packs, andsachets. (n)

“Innovator or Comparator Drug” refers to a drug with an active pharmaceuticalingredient or molecule that was first or originally marketed anywhere in the world on thebasis of documentation of quality, safety and efficacy by a specific company or an entitywhich is expressed in its international non‐proprietary name and usually carries a brandname. Such may be patented, non‐patented or off‐patent. (n)

“Interchangeable pharmaceutical product” refers to a drug which is therapeuticallyequivalent to an innovator drug and can be interchanged with the innovator drug inclinical practice. It does not necessarily refer to Bioavailability/Bioequivalence (BA/BE),which is not applicable to all drug products. (n)

“IP C d ” R bli A N 8293 h i k h I ll l P(r)(s)(t)(u)(v)(w)

“IP Code” means Republic Act No. 8293 otherwise known as the Intellectual PropertyCode of the Philippines as amended by Republic Act 9502 or otherwise known as“Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008.” (n)

“IPO” refers to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines. (n)

“Manufacture” includes any process or part of a process for making, altering, finishing,packing, labeling, breaking or otherwise treating or adapting any drug with a view to itssale and distribution, but does not include the compounding or dispensing of any drug inthe ordinary course of retail business. (4f)

“Manufacturer” refers to any establishment duly licensed by the BFAD to engage in theoperations involved in the production of a drug with the end view of storage, distribution,or sale of the product. (4g)

“Multisource pharmaceutical products” refers to pharmaceutically equivalent orpharmaceutically alternative products that may or may not be therapeutically equivalent.Multisource pharmaceutical products that are therapeutically equivalent areinterchangeable. (4h)

“Non-traditional outlets” refers to supermarkets, convenience stores, other retailestablishments duly licensed by the BFAD to sell over‐the‐counter drugs. (n)(x)


“Pharmaceutical equivalence” refers to drug products that contain the same molaramount of the same active pharmaceutical ingredient(s) in the same dosage form, if theymeet comparable standards, and if they are intended to be administered by the same

“Pharmaceutical alternative” refers to products that contain the same molar amount ofthe same active pharmaceutical moiety(s) but differ in dosage form (e.g. tablets versuscapsules), and/or chemical form (e.g. different salts, different esters). Pharmaceuticalalternatives deliver the same active moiety by the same route of administration but areotherwise not pharmaceutically equivalent. They may or may not be bioequivalent ortherapeutically equivalent to the comparator product. (WHO Technical Report Series no.937, 2006)

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(z)(aa)(bb)(cc)(dd) “Therapeutically equivalent” refers to two pharmaceutical products that arepharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternatives and after administration in

“PPI” refers to Philippine International Trading Corporation Pharma Inc. (n)

Pharmaceutical equivalence does not necessarily imply therapeutic equivalence, asdifferences in the excipients and/or the manufacturing process and some other variablescan lead to differences in product performance. (WHO Technical Report Series no. 937,2006)

“Pharmaceutical products” refer to drugs and medicines. (n)


“Retailer” refers to any establishment licensed by the BFAD to carry on the retailbusiness of sale of drugs and medicines to consumers. (4i)

“Special Compulsory License” or “Special Compulsory Licensing” shall mean the importand/or export of patented drugs and medicines as referred to in Section 93‐A of the IPCode. (n)


pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternatives and after administration inthe same molar dose, their effects, with respect to both efficacy and safety, are essentiallythe same when administered to patients by the same route. The appropriate instrumentsand measures for determining such equivalence shall be those that are recognized byBFAD. (WHO Technical Report Series no. 937, 2006, n)

“Therapeutic efficacy” is synonymous to therapeutic equivalence with reference to theirclinical effects on patients. (n)

"TRIPS Agreement" or Agreement on Trade‐Related Aspects of Intellectual PropertyRights refers to the international agreement administered by the WTO that sets downminimum standards for many forms of intellectual property regulation; (4k)

“Wholesaler” refers to any establishment or drug outlet licensed by the BFAD which actsas merchant, broker or agent, who sells or distributes for resale or wholesale drugs andmedicines on a wholesale basis. (4l) ; and“WTO” shall mean the World Trade Organization (n)

“Trader” refers to any establishment licensed by the BFAD which is a registered owner ofa drug product that procures the materials and packaging components, and provides theproduction monographs, quality control standards and procedures, but subcontracts themanufacture of such products to a licensed manufacturer; (4j)


(a) Discoveries; scientific theories; mathematical methods; and in the case of drugs andmedicines: the mere discovery of a new form or new property of a known substance210

Section 1. Non-Patentable Inventions. The following shall be excluded from patentprotection:CHAPTER II


Rule 8. Patents.

“WTO” shall mean the World Trade Organization. (n)

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APPENDIX Zwhich does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that substance, or themere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance or the mere use ofa known process unless such known process results in a new product that employs atleast one new reactant;Schemes, rules and methods of performing mental acts, playing games or doing business,and programs for computers;Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy and diagnosticmethods practiced on the human or animal body. This provision shall not apply toproducts and compositions for use in any of these methods;Plant varieties or animal breeds or essentially biological process for the production ofplants or animals. This provision shall not apply to microorganisms and non‐biologicaland microbiological processes;Aesthetic creations; and(e)(f)For the purposes of subsection (a) salts, esters, ethers, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form,particle size, isomers, mixtures of isomers, complexes, combinations, and other derivatives of aknown substance, shall be considered to be the same substance unless they differ significantly inproperties with regard to efficacy. (22)

Section 2. Inventive Step. In the case of drugs and medicines, there is no inventive step if theinvention results from: (a) the mere discovery of a new form or new property of a known substancewhich does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that substance; or (b) the merediscovery of any property or new use for a known substance; or (c) the mere use of a knownprocess unless such known process results in a new product that employs at least one new reactant.(26) For the purpose of this section, salts, esters, ethers, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form,particle size, isomers, mixtures of isomers, complexes, combinations and other derivatives of aknown substance shall be considered the same substance, unless they differ significantly inproperties with regard to efficacy.

Section 3. Determination of Enhanced Efficacy. When assessing the extent of enhancement

Aesthetic creations; andAnything which is contrary to public order or morality.


y gin efficacy, the patent examiner may call on representatives of the BFAD and/or its delegatedexperts to provide an expert opinion with regard to significant enhancement of therapeutic efficacy.The criteria for determining inventive step with respect to efficacy shall be embodied in the Manualfor Substantive Examination Procedure (MSEP) of the IPO. (n)

Rule 9. Limitations on Patent Rights. The owner of a patent has no right to prevent third partiesfrom performing, without his authorization, the acts referred to in Section 71 of the IP Code asenumerated hereunder:

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Introduction in the Philippines or Anywhere Else in the World. Using a patentedproduct which has been put on the market in the Philippines by the owner of the product,or with his express consent, insofar as such use is performed after that product has beenso put on the said market: Provided , That, with regard to drugs and medicines, thelimitation on patent rights shall apply after a drug or medicine has been introduced in thePhilippines or anywhere else in the world by the patent owner, or by any partyauthorized to use the invention: Provided, further , That the right to import the drugs andmedicines contemplated in this section shall be available to any government agency orany private third party. (72.1)The drugs and medicines are deemed introduced when they have been sold or offered forsale anywhere else in the world. (n)The procedures for parallel importation shall be governed by Chapter III of these rules.(n)

P i d N C i l S l P Wh h i d i l d







Use of Data by BFAD. The BFAD shall not be precluded from using all data,including, but not limited to, pre‐clinical and clinical trials, of an applicant whenevaluating other applications. (n)Data Protection from Unfair Commercial Use. Data submitted by the originalpatent holder shall be protected against unfair commercial use as provided in

Private and Non-Commercial Scale or Purpose. Where the act is done privately and ona non‐commercial scale or for a non‐commercial purpose: Provided, That it does notsignificantly prejudice the economic interests of the owner of the patent. (72.2)

Experimental Use for Scientific or Educational Purpose. Where the act consists ofmaking or using exclusively for experimental use of the invention for scientific purposesor educational purposes and such other activities directly related to such scientific oreducational experimental use. (72.3)

Regulatory Evaluation and Approval. In case of drugs and medicines, where the actincludes testing, using, making or selling the invention including any data related thereto,solely for purposes reasonably related to the development and submission of informationand issuance of approvals by government regulatory agencies required under any law ofthe Philippines or of another country that regulates the manufacture, construction, use orsale of any product. (72.4)



Article 39.3 of the TRIPS. (72.4)

Preparation in a Pharmacy or by a Medical Professional. Where the act consists of thepreparation for individual cases, in a pharmacy or by a medical professional, of a medical

When required as a condition of approving the marketing of drugs and medicines whichutilize new chemical entities, any submitted undisclosed test or other data, the originationof which involves a considerable effort, shall be protected against unfair commercial use.In addition, such data shall be protected against disclosure, except where necessary toprotect the public or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data are protected againstunfair commercial use. (39.3)

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Section 1. Grounds for Use of Invention by Government. Any government agency or thirdperson authorized by the government may exploit the invention even without agreement of thepatent owner where:The public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the development ofother sectors as determined by the appropriate agency of the government so requires; or

Ship, Vessel, Aircraft or Land Vehicle Use. Where the invention is used in any ship,vessel, aircraft or land vehicle of any other country entering the territory of thePhilippines temporarily or accidentally; Provided, that such invention is used exclusivelyfor the needs of the ship, vessel, aircraft, or land vehicle and not used for themanufacturing of anything to be sold within the Philippines. (72.6)

Rule 10. Use of Invention by Government.

in accordance with a medical prescription or acts concerning the medicine so prepared.(72.5)

(b)(c)(d)(e) In the case of drugs and medicines, the demand for the patented article in the Philippinesis not being met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined by theSecretary of the Department of Health. (74)

Section 2. Authorization for the Use of Invention by the Government, or Third PersonAuthorized by the Government. The use of the government agency or third person authorized bythe government to exploit the invention shall be covered by a written authorization to be issuedby the Director General. (n)Upon written request by the government agency or third person authorized by thegovernment, the Director General shall issue a written authorization. In case of national emergencyor other circ*mstances of extreme urgency under Section 74 of the IP Code, the Director General

other sectors, as determined by the appropriate agency of the government, so requires; orA judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitation by theowner of the patent or his licensee, is anticompetitive; orIn the case of drugs and medicines, there is a national emergency or other circ*mstancesof extreme urgency requiring the use of the invention; orIn the case of drugs or medicines, there is public noncommercial use of the patent by thepatentee, without satisfactory reason; or


or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency under Section 74 of the IP Code, the Director Generalshall notify the patent owner of the grant of the written authorization as soon asreasonably practicable. In case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee withoutsatisfactory reason, as provided under Section 74.1(d) of the IP Code, the right holder shall beinformed promptly that a valid patent will be used by or for the government, or third personauthorized by the government of the grant of the written authorization. The written authorizationby the Director General shall be exempted from the procedures on compulsory licensing under Rule12. (n)

Section 3. Judicial Review. All cases arising from the implementation of this Rule shall becognizable by courts with appropriate jurisdiction by law. (74.3)

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In situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency asprovided under Section 74.1(c) of the IP Code, the right holder shall be notified as soon asreasonably practicable;In the case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee, withoutsatisfactory reason, as provided under Section 74.1(d) of the IP Code, the right holdershall be informed promptly; Provided, That, the Government or third person authorizedby the Government without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable groundk h lid i ill b d b f h G

No courts, except the Supreme Court of the Philippines, shall issue any temporary restrainingorder or preliminary injunction or such other provisional remedies that will prevent its immediateexecution. (74.3)

Section 4. Conditions for Use by the Government, or Third Person Authorized by theGovernment. Unless otherwise provided herein, the use by the Government or third personauthorized by the Government shall be subject, where applicable, to the following provisions:



The right holder shall be paid adequate remuneration in the circ*mstances of each case,taking into account the economic value of the authorization; andThe existence of a national emergency or other circ*mstance of extreme urgency, referredto under Section 74.1(c) of the IP Code, shall be subject to the determination of thePresident of the Philippines for the purpose of determining the need for such use orother exploitation, which shall be immediately executory. (74.2)Where applicable and to the extent that the same has not been repealed by the IP Code,the other conditions for the issuance of a Compulsory License may also apply to use ofGovernment or third person authorized by the Government. (n)

to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the Government;If the demand for the patented article in the Philippines is not being met to an adequateextent and on reasonable terms as provided under Section 74.1(e) of the IP Code, theright holder shall be informed promptly;The scope and duration of such use shall be limited to the purpose for which it wasauthorized;Such use shall be non‐exclusive;


Rule 11. Civil Action for Infringement.

Section 1. Patent Infringement. The making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing apatented product or a product obtained directly or indirectly from a patented process, or the use ofa patented process without the authorization of the patentee constitutes patent infringement:Provided, That, this shall not apply to instances covered by Sections 72.1 and 72.4 (Limitations ofPatent Rights); Section 74 (Use of Invention by Government); Section 93.6 (Compulsory Licensing);and Section 93‐A (Procedures on Issuance of a Special Compulsory License under the TRIPSAgreement) of the IP Code. (76.1)

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Section 3. Damages. If the damages are inadequate or cannot be readily ascertained withreasonable certainty, the court may award by way of damages a sum equivalent to reasonableroyalty. (76.3)

Section 4. Damages Over and Above Actual Damages. The court may, according to thecirc*mstances of the case, award damages in a sum above the amount found as actual damagessustained: Provided that the award does not exceed three (3) times the amount of such actualdamages. (76.4)

Section 5. Disposition or Destruction of Infringing Goods. The court may, in its discretion,d h h i f i i d i l d i l d i l d i h i f i


Section 2. Civil Action. Any patentee, or anyone possessing any right, title or interest in and to the patented invention, whose rights have been infringed, may bring a civil action before a court ofcompetent jurisdiction, to recover from the infringer such damages sustained thereby, plusattorney’s fees and other expenses of litigation, and to secure an injunction for the protection of hisrights. (76.2)

Section 1. Applicability of Regulations on Interpartes Proceedings. The Regulations onInterpartes Proceedings, as amended by Office Order No. 79, Series of 2005 issued by the IPO, shallcontinue to be valid and in force and shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provisions of this IRRexcept where otherwise specifically indicated. In case of conflict, the provisions of this IRR shallprevail over the provisions of the Regulations on Interpartes Proceedings. (n)

Section 2. Coverage. Invention patents, industrial design registration and utility modelregistration are all subject to proceedings for compulsory licensing. (n)

Section 3. Authority to Grant a Compulsory License. The authority to grant a compulsorylicense shall be vested with the Director General. (93)

order that the infringing goods, materials and implements predominantly used in the infringementbe disposed of outside the channels of commerce or destroyed, without compensation. (76.5)

Section 6. Contributory Infringement. Anyone who actively induces the infringement of apatent or provides the infringer with a component of a patented product or of a product producedbecause of a patented process knowing it to be especially adopted for infringing the patentedinvention and not suitable for substantial non‐infringing use shall be liable as a contributoryinfringer and shall be jointly and severally liable with the infringer. (76.6)

Rule 12. Compulsory Licensing.


license shall be vested with the Director General. (93)

Section 4. Period for Filing a Petition for Compulsory License. A compulsory license maynot be applied for on the ground stated in Section 5(e) below before the expiration of a period offour (4) years from the date of filing of the application or three (3) years from the date of the patentwhichever period expires last. A compulsory license which is applied for on any of the groundsstated in Sections 5(b), 5(c), 5(d), 5(f) and 6 of this Rule may be applied for at any time after thegrant of the patent. (94.1)

Section 5. Grounds for Compulsory Licensing. The Director General of the IntellectualProperty Office may grant a license to exploit a patented invention, even without the agreement of

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(a) National emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency;(b)(c)(d)(e)

Where the public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or thedevelopment of other vital sectors of the national economy as determined by theappropriate agency of the Government, so requires; orWhere a judicial or administrative body has determined that the manner of exploitationby the owner of the patent or his licensee is anticompetitive; orIn case of public non‐commercial use of the patent by the patentee, without satisfactoryreason;If the patented invention is not being worked in the Philippines on a commercial scale,although capable of being worked, without satisfactory reason: Provided, that the

APPENDIX Zthe patent owner, in favor of any person who has shown his capability to exploit the invention,under any of the following circ*mstances:



The invention claimed in the second patent involves an important technical advance ofconsiderable economic significance in relation to the first patent;The owner of the first patent shall be entitled to a cross‐license on reasonable terms touse the invention claimed in the second patent;The use authorized in respect of the first patent shall be nonassignable except with theassignment of the second patent; and

g p g , y ,importation of the patented article shall constitute working or using the patent; andWhere the demand for patented drugs and medicines is not being met to an adequateextent and on reasonable terms, as determined by the Secretary of the Department ofHealth. (93)

Section 6. Compulsory License Based on Interdependence of Patents. If the inventionprotected by a patent, hereafter referred to as the "second patent," within the country cannot beworked without infringing another patent, hereafter referred to as the "first patent," granted on aprior application or benefiting from an earlier priority, a compulsory license may be granted to theowner of the second patent to the extent necessary for the working of his invention, subject to thefollowing conditions:

(d) The terms and conditions of Sections 95, 96 and 98 to 100 of the IP Code. (97)

(a)(b)(c) The right holder shall be paid adequate remuneration in the circ*mstances of each case,

The scope and duration of such use shall be limited to the purpose for which it wasauthorized; (100.1)Such use shall be non‐exclusive; (100.2)

Section 7. Terms and Conditions for Compulsory License. The basic terms and conditions,including the rate of royalty of the compulsory license, shall be fixed by the Director of the BLAsubject to the following conditions:


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taking into account the economic value of the grant or authorization, except that in caseswhere the license was granted to remedy a practice which was determined after judicialor administrative process to be anti‐competitive, the need to correct the anti‐competitivepractice may be taken into account in fixing the amount of remuneration; (100.6)In case of patents involving semi‐conductor technology, the license may only be grantedin case of public non‐commercial use or to remedy a practice determined after judicial oradministrative process to be anti‐competitive; (96)The license shall be non‐assignable, except with that part of the enterprise or businesswith which the invention is being exploited; (100.3)


Use of the subject matter of the license shall be devoted predominantly for the supply ofthe Philippine market: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply where the grant ofthe license is based on the ground that the patentee’s manner of exploiting the patent isdetermined by judicial or administrative process, to be anti‐competitive; (100.4)(g)(h)

The requirement above shall not apply in any of the following cases:(a)(b) In situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency;(c) In cases of public non‐commercial use; and(d)

The license may be terminated upon proper showing that the circ*mstances which led toits grant have ceased to exist and are unlikely to recur: Provided, that adequate protectionshall be afforded to the legitimate interests of the licensee; (100.5)In case of a compulsory license based on interdependence of patents, the conditions inSection 6 above shall apply. (97)

Section 8. Requirement to Obtain License on Reasonable Commercial Terms. The licensewill only be granted after the petitioner has made efforts to obtain authorization from the patentowner on reasonable commercial terms and conditions but such efforts have not been successfulwithin a reasonable period of time. (95.1)

Where the petition for compulsory license seeks to remedy a practice determined afterjudicial or administrative process to be anti‐competitive;In cases where the demand for the patented drugs and medicines in the Philippines is notbeing met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, as determined by the Secretaryg q , y yof the Department of Health. (95.2)

Section 9. Notification of Right Holder. In situations of national emergency or othercirc*mstances of extreme urgency, the right holder shall be notified as soon as reasonablypracticable. (95.3)

Section 10. Public Non-commercial use. In the case of public non‐commercial use, where thegovernment or contractor, without making a patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds toknow that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall beinformed promptly. (95.4)


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Form and Content of Petition. The petition for compulsory licensing must be in writing,verified by the petitioner and accompanied by payment of the required filing fee. It shallcontain the name and address of the petitioner as well as those of the respondents, thenumber and date of issue of the patent in connection with which compulsory license ish h f h h i l f h i i h d

Section 11. Authority of DOH Secretary. Where the demand for the patented drugs andmedicines in the Philippines is not being met to an adequate extent and on reasonable terms, asdetermined by the Secretary of the Department of Health, the right holder shall be informedpromptly. (95.5)

Section 12. Anti-competitive Practice. The Director General has the authority to determine ifa patentee’s manner of exploiting the patent is anti‐competitive and there is a need to correct theanti‐competitive practice. (n)

Section 13. Procedure for Compulsory License. The procedures for Compulsory Licensingare as follows –




sought, the name of the patentee, the title of the invention, the statutory grounds uponwhich compulsory license is sought, the ultimate facts constituting the petitioner’s causeof action, and the relief prayed for. The petition shall be accompanied by the affidavits ofwitnesses and originals of the documents which shall constitute as the evidence of thePetitioner which shall be marked consecutively beginning with Exhibit “A”. (IPP Rules)

Notice to Answer. Within three (3) working days from receipt of the petition, the BLAshall issue a Notice to Answer for the Respondent to file an Answer together with theAffidavits of the witnesses and originals of documents, and at the same time notify allparties required to be notified in the IP Code and these Rules, provided that in case ofpublic documents, certified true copies may be submitted in lieu thereof. (IPP Rules)

Filing of Answer. Within a non‐extendible period of thirty (30) days from receipt of theNotice to Answer, the Respondent shall file an Answer together with the Affidavits of itswitnesses and other original documents constituting its evidence to be markedconsecutively beginning with Exhibit “1”. (IPP Rules)

Filing of Reply and Rejoinder. The petitioner may file a reply within a non‐extendibleperiod of ten (10) days from receipt of the copy of the Answer. On the other hand, theRespondent may file a rejoinder also within a non‐extendible period of ten (10) daysfrom receipt of the Reply. (IPP Rules)




Decision on the Pleadings. Within fifteen (15) days after the last responsive pleadinghas been filed, the Director of the BLA may render the decision on the case if the samedoes not warrant further proceedings. (IPP Rules)

Effect of Failure to File an Answer. In case the Respondent fails to file an Answer or ifthe Answer is filed out of time, the case shall be decided on the basis of the petition, theaffidavits of witnesses and the documentary evidence submitted by the petitioner. (IPP Rules)

Preliminary Conference. A preliminary conference shall be conducted within thirty(30) days from receipt of the last responsive pleading for the following purposes:218

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(a)(b) Possibility of amicable settlement;(c) Clarification of issues;


The parties themselves are required to appear during the preliminary conference. Thepresence of a party may be dispensed with if said party is represented by counselprovided with a duly notarized power of attorney and the corporate authorization tomake admissions and/or accept and approval compromise proposals.

Submission of the case for mediation under applicable laws, rules and regulationson mediation;APPENDIX Z

Immediately after the termination of the preliminary conference, the Director of theBLA shall require the parties to submit their respective position papers and, if sodesired, draft decisions within a non‐extendible period of ten (10) days fromtermination thereof. (IPP Rules)

Submission for Decision. After the lapse of the reglementary period provided above,the Director of the BLA shall order the case submitted for decision (n)



The Director General shall review and approve the recommendation of the Director ofBLA, and shall have the authority to uphold, in whole or in part, or deny therecommendation on the petition for compulsory license. (100, n)

Publication of Notice to Answer. In every case, the Director of the BLA shall cause thenotice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for three (3)consecutive weeks and once in the IPO Gazette at the expense of the applicant. (IPP Rules)

Section 14. Compulsory License Based on Sections 93.1. and 93.2. of the IP Code. Thefollowing procedures shall be observed when the petition for compulsory license is based on any ofthe following grounds: (a) national emergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency; or (b)where the public interest, in particular, national security, nutrition, health or the development ofother vital sectors of the national economy as determined by the appropriate government agency,so requires: (93.1, 93.2)

the Director of the BLA shall order the case submitted for decision. (n)Recommendation of the Director of BLA on the Petition for Compulsory Licensing.Within thirty (30) days after the case is submitted for decision, the Director of the BLAshall make the recommendation to the Director General on whether or not to give duecourse to the petition for compulsory licensing.


so requires: (93.1, 93.2)

Form and Contents of Petition. The petition for compulsory licensing must be inwriting, verified by the petitioner and accompanied by payment of the required filingfee. It shall contain the name and address of the petitioner as well as those of therespondents, the number and date of issue of the patent in connection with whichcompulsory license is sought, the name of the patentee, the title of the invention, thestatutory grounds upon which compulsory license is sought, the ultimate factsconstituting the petitioner’s cause of action, and the relief prayed for. The petition shallbe accompanied by the affidavits of witnesses and originals of the documents whichshall constitute as the evidence of the Petitioner which shall be marked consecutivelybeginning with Exhibit “A”. (IPP Rules)


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( )


Notice to Answer. Within three (3) working days from receipt of the petition, the BLAshall issue a Notice to Answer for the Respondent to file an Answer together with theAffidavits of the witnesses and originals of documents, and at the same time notify allparties required to be notified in the IP Code and these Regulations, provided that incase of public documents, certified true copies may be submitted in lieu thereof. (n)

Filing of Answer. Within a non‐extendible period of ten (10) working days from receiptof the Notice to Answer, the Respondent shall file an Answer together with the Affidavits of its witnesses and other original documents constituting its evidence to be markedconsecutively beginning with Exhibit “1”. (n)

Effect of Failure to File an Answer. If the Respondent fails to file an Answer or if theAnswer is filed out of time, the case shall be decided on the basis of the petition, theaffidavits of witnesses and the documentary evidence submitted by the petitioner. (IPPRules)

P hibi d Pl di d P d N l j i d i d h(v)



Section 16. Appeal and Review by the Competent Courts. All appeals and review of thedecision of the Director General to grant a compulsory license shall be filed in accordance with theprocedures under the Rules of Court (n)

Prohibited Pleadings and Procedures. No reply, rejoinder, motion and otherpleadings shall be allowed. There shall be no preliminary conference and norequirement of publication of the Notice to Answer. (n)

Submission for Decision. The petition is deemed submitted for decision upon the filingof the Answer within the allowed period, or upon the lapse of the period to file theAnswer. (n)

Recommendation and Decision on the Petition. Within fifteen (15) days after thecase is deemed submitted for decision, the Director of the BLA shall make therecommendation to the Director General on whether or not to give due course to thepetition for compulsory licensing. The Director General shall review and approve therecommendation of the Director of BLA, and shall have the authority to uphold, in wholeor in part, or deny the recommendation on the petition for compulsory license. (100, n)

Section 15. Amendment of Compulsory License. Upon the request of the patentee or thelicensee, the Director General may amend the decision granting the compulsory license, uponproper showing of new facts or circ*mstances justifying such amendment. (101)

procedures under the Rules of Court. (n)

Rule 13. Special Compulsory Licensing.

Section 1. Coverage. Special Compulsory Licensing shall only be available for drugs andmedicines. (n)


Section 2. Procedure. The Director General of the IPO, upon the written recommendation ofthe Secretary of the Department of Health, shall, upon filing of a petition, grant a special compulsorylicense for the importation of patented drugs and medicines. The special compulsory license for theimportation contemplated under this provision shall be an additional special alternative procedureto ensure access to quality affordable medicines and shall be primarily for domestic consumption:

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Section 3. Special Compulsory License for Manufacture and Export. A compulsory licenseshall also be available for the manufacture and export of drugs and medicines to any country havinginsufficient or no manufacturing capacity in the pharmaceutical sector to address public healthproblems: Provided, that, a compulsory license has been granted by such country or such countryh b ifi i h i ll d i i i i j i di i f h d d d


Provided, that adequate remuneration shall be paid to the patent owner either by the exporting orimporting country. The compulsory license shall also contain a provision directing the grantee thelicense to exercise reasonable measures to prevent the re‐exportation of the products importedunder this provision.The grant of a special compulsory license under this provision shall be an exception toSections 100.4 and 100.6 of the IP Code and shall be immediately executory.No court, except the Supreme Court of the Philippines, shall issue any temporary restrainingorder or preliminary injunction or such other provisional remedies that will prevent the grant of thespecial compulsory license. (93-A.1)

has, by notification or otherwise, allowed importation into its jurisdiction of the patented drugs andmedicines from the Philippines in compliance with the TRIPS Agreement. (93-A.2)

Section 1. Exception to the Rights of Registered Trademark Owners. Except in the cases ofimportation of drugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of the IP Code and of off‐patentdrugs and medicines, the owner of a registered mark shall have the exclusive right to prevent allthi d ti t h i th ' t f i i th f t d id ti l i il

Section 4. Flexibilities. The right to grant a special compulsory license under this section shallnot limit or prejudice the rights, obligations and flexibilities provided under the TRIPS Agreementand under Philippine laws, particularly Section 72.1 and Section 74 of the IP Code, as amendedunder this Act. It is also without prejudice to the extent to which drugs and medicines producedunder a compulsory license can be exported as allowed in the TRIPS Agreement and applicablelaws. (93-A.3)

Section 5. Suppletory Application of the Procedures under the TRIPS Protocol. The following procedure outlined under the Annex to the Protocol Amending the TRIPS Agreement (ref:WT/L/641) shall be suppletory to the procedure for the granting of a Special Compulsory Licenseunder the IP Code. The Annex is also referred to in this Rule as Article 31bis. The Protocol is herebyattached to these IRR as Annex “A.”Rule 14. Rights Conferred.

There shall be no infringement of trademarks or tradenames of imported or sold patenteddrugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of the IP Code, as well as imported or sold off‐patent drugs and medicines: Provided, that, said drugs and medicines bear the registered marksthat have not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed upon, under Section 155 of the IPCode. (147.1)

third parties not having the owner's consent from using in the course of trade identical or similarsigns or containers for goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of whichthe trademark is registered where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. In case of theuse of an identical sign for identical goods or services, a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed.(147.1)


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Section 2. Well-Known Marks. The exclusive right of the owner of a well‐known markdefined in Subsection 123.1(e) of the IP Code which is registered in the Philippines, shall extend togoods and services which are not similar to those in respect of which the mark is registered:Provided, that use of that mark in relation to those goods or services would indicate a connectionbetween those goods or services and the owner of the registered mark: Provided, further, that theinterests of the owner of the registered mark are likely to be damaged by such use. (147.2)


Rule 15. Limitations to Actions for Infringement.

Section 1. Limitations. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Rules, the remediesgiven to the owner of a right infringed under this Rules shall be limited as follows: (159)

Use of a Mark in Good Faith. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 155 of the IPCode, a registered mark shall have no effect against any person who, in good faith,before the filing date or the priority date, was using the mark for the purposes of hisbusiness or enterprise: Provided, that his right may only be transferred or assigned(ii)

(iii) Advertisem*nt or other similar communication. Where the infringement complained ofis contained in or is part of paid advertisem*nt in a newspaper, magazine, or othersimilar periodical or in an electronic communication, the remedies of the owner of theright infringed as against the publisher or distributor of such newspaper, magazine, orother similar periodical or electronic communication shall be limited to an injunctionagainst the presentation of such advertising matter in future issues of such newspapers,magazines, or other similar periodicals or in future transmissions of such electroniccommunications. The limitations of this subparagraph shall apply only to innocentinfringers: Provided, that such injunctive relief shall not be available to the owner of theright infringed with respect to an issue of a newspaper, magazine, or other similarperiodical or an electronic communication containing infringing matter whererestraining the dissemination of such infringing matter in any particular issue of suchi di l i l t i i ti ld d l th d li f h i

p , g y y gtogether with his enterprise or business or with that part of his enterprise or business in which the mark is used. (159.1)

Innocent Infringer. Where an infringer who is engaged solely in the business ofprinting the mark or other infringing materials for others is an innocent infringer, theowner of the right infringed shall be entitled as against such infringer only to aninjunction against future printing. (159.2)


periodical or in an electronic communication would delay the delivery of such issue ortransmission of such electronic communication is customarily conducted in accordancewith the sound business practice, and not due to any method or device adopted to evadethis section or to prevent or delay the issuance of an injunction or restraining orderwith respect to such infringing matter. (159.3)


Importation of Patented and Off-Patent Drugs and Medicines. There shall be noinfringement of trademarks or tradenames of imported or sold drugs and medicinesallowed under Section 72.1 of the IP Code, as well as imported or sold off‐patent drugsand medicines: Provided, that said drugs and medicines bear the registered marks thathave not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed upon as defined underSection 155 of the IP Code. (159.4)

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Rule 16. General Provisions.

Section 1. Centralized Importation for Government. Except for specific programs andinstances allowed by DOH, for purposes of ascertaining the best and most affordable prices andquality of drugs and medicines to be imported, all government agencies must centrally procurethrough PPI. (n)

Section 2. Sourcing of Medicines from Reputable and Reliable Suppliers. Private partiesmay course through PPI, to avail of its facility for undertaking procurement, sourcing and marketingof quality essential and low priced medicines through drug importations and sourcing of medicinesfrom reputable and reliable suppliers and ensuring the widest distribution of these medicinesnationwide as determined with BFAD. (n)



Section 3. Permit to Import and Distribute. All interested parties must, in addition toexisting requirements, secure a license/permit to import and to distribute such drugs from theBFAD. (n)

Section 3. Requirements for Every Incoming Shipment of Drugs and Medicines. The BFAD in coordination with the Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Quarantine and other concerned agencies ismandated to undertake and adopt measures relating to sampling and examination in accordancewith relevant existing laws and regulations of every incoming shipment of drugs and medicines. (n)

Section 4. Requirements for Request for Mandatory Carry. Such parties shall submit the

Section 1. General Rule. It shall be unlawful for any retail drug outlet to refuse to carry eitherby sale or by consignment, or offer for sale drugs and medicines brought into the country, asallowed under Section 7 of the Act, by the government or authorized third party which has beenpreviously approved for distribution or sale by the BFAD. For this purpose, the said products shallbe displayed with equal prominence as all other products sold in the establishment. (33)

Section 2. Patented Drugs. This rule shall apply only to importation of patented drugs andmedicines made by the government or any authorized third party. (7)

Rule 17. Non-Discriminatory Clause.


following information: a) volume to be procured, b) purchase prices, c) shelf life of products, d) areaof distribution, and e) other specific information/conditions, as may be required by the BFAD. (n)

Section 5. Mandatory Carry. Imported drugs to be carried by retail outlets shall be based onthe reported health needs of a community. A mechanism that will determine the carrying capacityand demands for parallel imports at the level of retailers shall be established so that demands fordrugs to be covered will match their carrying capacity. After proper determination by BFAD, theconcerned LGUs shall ensure that retail outlets in the area of distribution shall carry said patenteddrugs. (n)

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Section 6. Refusal to Sell Drugs and Medicines. No manufacturer, importer, trader,distributor, wholesaler shall withhold from sale or refuse to sell to a wholesaler or retailer any drugor medicine without good and sufficient reasons Good and sufficient reasons may include fortuitousevents or force majeure, acts of God and other analogous cases as may be determined by BFAD. (34, n)

Rule 19. Determination of Maximum Retail Prices of Drugs and Medicines. Upon application orRule 18. Inclusion Drugs and Medicines in the List Subject to Price Regulation. Uponapplication or motu propio when the public interest so requires and after proper determination, theSecretary of Health may order the inclusion of drugs and medicines to the list subject of priceregulation under Section 23 of the Act. (19B)


Rule 22. Imposition of Administrative Fines and Penalties. After due notice and hearing, theSecretary of Health shall have the power to impose administrative fines against any person,manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, or any other entity, in such amountas it may deem reasonable, which in no case shall be less than Fifty thousand pesos (Php 50,000.00)nor more than Five million pesos (Php 5,000,000.00) for violations of the MRP approved by the

Rule 20. Implementation of Fair Price of Drugs and Medicine. The Secretary of Health shall havethe power to implement the fair price of drugs and medicines for purposes of public healthinsurance and government procurement based on the order of the President of the Philippinesimposing MRP. (19C1)

motu propio when the public interest so requires, the Secretary of Health shall have the power todetermine the MRP of drugs and medicines which shall be recommended to the President of thePhilippines for approval. (19A1)

Rule 21. Implementation of Cost Containment Measures. The Secretary of Health shall have thepower to implement any other measures that the government may avail of to effectively reduce thecost of drugs and medicines, such as, but not limited to, competitive bidding, price volumenegotiations, and other appropriate mechanisms that influence supply, demand and expenditureson drugs and medicines. (19C2)

nor more than Five million pesos (Php 5,000,000.00) for violations of the MRP approved by thePresident of the Philippines. (19D)

Rule 23. Deputization of Government Entities. The Secretary of Health shall have the power tocall upon and deputize any official, agent, employee, agency, or instrumentality of the national andlocal government for any assistance that he may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of therules on drugs and medicines price regulation. (19E)


Rule 24. Inquiries, Studies, Hearings, Investigations, and Proceedings. All inquiries, studies,hearings, investigations and proceedings conducted by the Secretary of Health shall be governed bythe rules adopted by him, and in the conduct thereof shall not be bound by the technical rules ofevidence. (20)

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l f l ff l h l l

Rule 25. Other Powers Necessary to Implement this Act. The Secretary of Health shall exercisesuch powers and functions as may be necessary to implement and enforce price regulation of drugsand medicines including the power to require the production and submission of records,documents, books of account, bills of lading, input documents, records of purchase and sale,financial statements, and such other documents, information and papers as may be deemed asnecessary, to enable him to carry out his functions, duties, and responsibilities. (19F)

Rule 26. Establishment of Price Monitoring for Drug Regulation Price System. To implementthe policies of this Act, the Secretary of Health shall establish and initiate an electronic pricemonitoring and regulation system for drugs and medicines. (18, n)




(a) Manage and implement the National Drug Policy. (n)(b)(c)(d)(e)

Rule 27. Creation of Institutional Office to Implement the Price Regulation. In implementingthe price monitoring and regulation system, a policy and operational office shall be establisheddirectly under the authority of the Secretary of Health. This institutional office shall be adequatelyprovided with the requisite personnel complement, budgetary support, and where necessary,sufficient capital outlay. (n)

Undertake policy studies and make appropriate recommendations to contribute toimproved access to drugs and medicines; (n)Engage and coordinate with relevant stakeholders to build coalitions, forge agreementsand for other purposes as necessary. (n)Provide Secretariat support to any Council or body created in pursuit of the effectiveimplementation of the Act. (n)Shall be involved in the processing, coordinating, generating and analyzing inter‐agencyprice monitoring reports from the DTI and local government units. (n) h h f b d l h b b d d b h

Section 1. Powers and Functions of the Institutional Office. The institutional office shallhave the following powers, among others: (n)



Such other functions as maybe incidental to the above or as may be directed by theSecretary of Health. (n)

Section 2. Role of Private Sector and NGOs. In pursuit of a comprehensive and effectiveprice monitoring and regulation system, the Secretary of Health shall seek the assistance ofrepresentatives from non‐governmental organizations, civil societies, and other proponents of theprivate sector to help monitor, advocate, or report violations of the provisions of theseimplementing rules. (n)

Rule 28. Creation of Advisory Bodies and Consultative Councils. The Secretary of Health maycreate such bodies and consultative councils, from which advice may be sought in the implemen‐

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APPENDIX Ztation of a drug or medicine price monitoring and regulation policy. Such bodies or consultativecouncils shall coordinate their efforts together with other government agencies including but notlimited to DTI, BIR, BFAD, PITC, and PhilHealth. (18, n)

Section 1. Composition of Advisory Bodies and Consultative Councils. The composition ofsuch advisory bodies and councils shall include representatives from various stakeholders bothfrom government and private sectors, as may be determined by the Secretary of Health. (n)

Rule 29. Conflict of Interest. Any person, institution, and/or organization identified by theSecretary of Health to form part of the advisory council and bodies or any part of the drugs andmedicines price monitoring system shall declare any and all conflict of interests through anappropriate instrument as shall be issued by the DOH in accordance with existing laws, rules andregulations. (n)


Rule 30. General Provisions.

Section 1. Power of the President to Impose MRP. The President of the Philippines, uponrecommendation of the Secretary of Health, shall have the power to impose MRP over any or alldrugs and medicines. (17)

Section 2. Duration on Imposing MRP. The power to impose MRP over drugs and medicinesshall be exercised within such period of time as the situation may warrant as determined by thePresident of the Philippines. (17)

Section 3. Coverage of MRP. The MRP shall be construed as the imposition of maximumprices at all levels of the supply chains including but not limited to manufacturer’s price, trader’sprice, distributor’s price and wholesaler’s price, and retailer’s price. (19A, 19F, 26a).

Section 5. List of Drugs and Medicines that are Subject to Price Regulation. The list ofdrugs and medicines that are subject to price regulation shall include, inter alia:Section 4. Senior Citizens Discounts and Discounts for People with Disabilities. For drugsand medicines with MRPs, Senior Citizen’s discounts and discounts for people with disabilities shallcontinue to be honored. (n)



Drugs and medicines that are included in the current edition of the Philippine NationalDrug Formulary (PNDF) Essential Drugs List;All drugs and medicines indicated for treatment of chronic illnesses and life threateningconditions, such as, but not limited to, endocrine disorders, e.g., diabetes mellitus;gastrointestinal disorders, e.g., peptic ulcer; urologic disorders, e.g., benign prostatichyperplasia (BPH); cardiovascular diseases, e.g., hypertension; pulmonary diseases, e.g.,pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), asthma; auto‐immune diseases, e.g., systemic lupuserythematosus (SLE); skin diseases, e.g., psoriasis; neuro‐psychiatric disorders; otherinfectious diseases, e.g., human immunodeficiency virus‐acquired immune deficiencysyndrome (HIV‐AIDS); and other conditions such as organ transplants and neoplasm;

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(c)(d) Drugs and medicines indicated for prevention of pregnancy, e.g., oral contraceptives;(e) Anesthetic agents;(f) Intravenous fluids; and(g) All other drugs and medicines which, from time to time, the Secretary of Health, inaccordance with the relevant provisions of these Implementing Rules and Regulations,determines to be in need of price regulation. (23)

Section 6. Order of Priority. The Secretary of Health shall determine the prioritization of thedrugs and medicines subject to MRP. (n)

Section 7. Factors to Consider in Recommending the MRP. In recommending the maximumretail price the Secretary of Health shall consider the following factors:

Drugs and medicines indicated for prevention of diseases, e.g., vaccines, immunoglobulin,anti‐sera;APPENDIX Z

(a)(b) Supply available in the market;(c)


(d)(i) Marketing Costs (per drug and total global costs);(ii) R h C t (l l d l b l/ d )

Any change in the cost of labor brought about by a change in minimum wage; orAny change in the cost of transporting or distributing the medicines to the areaof destination. (19A2)In addition to the immediately preceding section, other such factors or conditions thatmay aid in arriving at a just and reasonable determination of the MRP shall include:

retail price, the Secretary of Health shall consider the following factors:Retail prices of drugs and medicines that are subject to regulation in the Philippines andin other countries;Cost to the manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor, wholesaler or retailer such as butnot limited to:The exchange rate of the peso to the foreign currency with which the drug orany of its component, ingredient or raw material was paid for;Any change in the amortization cost of machinery brought about by any changein the exchange rate of the peso to the foreign currency with which themachinery was bought through credit facilities;

(ii) Research Costs (local and global/ per drug);(iii) Promotion Costs;(iv) Advertising Costs;(v) Incentives and Discounts;(vi)(vii) Other analogous cases (n)

Section 8. Publication of MRP. In order that affordable prices of drugs and medicines fromthe different manufacturers, importers, traders, distributors, wholesalers, or retailers shall be madeTaxes and other fees, impost, duties, and other charges imposed by competentauthority; and


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Section 1. Labeling Requirements of Drugs and Medicines Subject to Price Regulation. Within a reasonable period as may be determined by the Secretary of Health, and provided, that itconforms to existing drug product labeling requirements, every manufacturer, importer, distributor,wholesaler, trader, or retailer of a drug and medicine intended for sale shall display the retail pricewhich shall not exceed the MRP approved by order of the President of the Philippines. The MRPshall be printed on the label of the immediate container of the drug and medicine and the minimumpack thereof offered for retail sale with the words “RETAIL PRICE NOT TO EXCEED” preceding it,

Section 9. Prohibition Against Exceeding the MRP. Upon effectivity of the MRP, no retailershall sell drugs and medicines at a retail price exceeding the MRP approved by the President of thePhilippines. (19A3)

Rule 31. Labeling and Publication.

APPENDIX Zavailable to the public, shall have such approved MRP of drugs and medicines published in papers ofgeneral circulation and shall also be posted in the internet. (19A1, n)

p p g ,and “UNDER DRUG PRICE REGULATION” on a red strip. (26)

Section 2. Issuance of Price List. Within a period as may be determined by the Secretary ofHealth from time to time, every manufacturer, importer, or trader shall issue a price list towholesalers, distributors, retailers and to the Secretary of Health, indicating the retail price, theMRP, and such other information as may be required by the Secretary of Health. (26b)In issuing the retail price, the importers, manufacturers, and traders shall notify thewholesalers, distributors, retailers, and the Secretary of Health whenever there are changes in theirprices. (n)

Section 3. Publication of the Order of the President on MRP. The order of the President ofthe Philippines imposing MRP on drugs and medicines, including the conditions implementing it,shall be published within fifteen (15) days from issuance in at least two newspapers of generalcirculation. All wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, importers, or traders shall have a copy ofthe order of the President of the Philippines and provide the same to their clients and customersthat transact with them. (30c)

Section 4. Posting of MRP. All drug outlets are required to post in a conspicuous area withintheir premises a clear copy of the MRP order. They shall always maintain a copy of the said order tobe easily accessible and readable to the consuming public and shall update it regularly as thesituation may warrant. (30d)


Rule 33. Procedure and Decision Systems on Drugs and Medicine Price RegulationProceedings.

Section 1. Power to Conduct Inquiries, Studies, Hearings, Investigations, andProceedings. Pursuant to Section 7 of the Act, of the Powers of the Secretary of Health and

situation may warrant. (30d)

Rule 32. Prohibition against Injunction. No court, except the Supreme Court of the Philippines,shall issue any temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction or preliminary mandatoryinjunction that will prevent the immediate execution of the exercise of the power of the President ofthe Philippines to impose MRP. (17)

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Section 2. Effectivity of the Decisions or Orders of the Secretary of Health. All decisions ororders of the Secretary of Health pursuant to the Powers of the Secretary, particularly: (A) Power toRecommend the Maximum Retail Price of Drugs and Medicines Subject to Price Regulation, (B)Power to Include Other Drugs and Medicines in the List Subject to Price Regulation, (C) Power toImplement Cost‐Containment and Other Measures, (D) Power to Impose Administrative Fines andPenalties, (E) Power to Deputize Government Entities, or (F) Other Powers Necessary to ImplementProvisions of this Chapter, shall take effect immediately. (21)

Section 3. Review of the Decisions or Orders of the Secretary of Health. A party adverselyaffected by a decision, order or ruling of the Secretary of Health may, within thirty (30) days fromnotice of such decision, order or ruling, or in case of a denial of a motion for reconsideration thereof, within fifteen (15) days after notice of such denial, file an appeal with the Court of Appeals, whichshall have jurisdiction to review such decision, order or ruling.

principles of administrative due process, he may conduct inquiries, studies, hearings, investigationsand proceedings as he may deem appropriate in implementing the Law. (20)

(a) Intensify and accelerate the Outpatient Drug Benefit Packages,(b)(c)


Rule 34. PhilHealth Actions. It is one of the objectives of the Act to reduce, if not, eliminate out‐of‐pocket expenses on the part of the patients who should be the primary beneficiaries of social healthwelfare. Henceforth, notwithstanding provisions to the contrary, the Secretary of Health shallrequire the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) to implement the following measures insupport of the fair prices of drugs and medicines to ensure availability, affordability, andaccessibility: (19C1)

Accreditation of all health‐related units such as hospital pharmacies, commercialpharmacies, and other DOH recognized drug outlets,Imposition of penalties through a penalty structure for erring accredited professionals

shall have jurisdiction to review such decision, order or ruling.The filing of a petition for a writ of certiorari or other special remedies in the Supreme Courtshall in no case supersede or retain any decision, order or ruling of the Secretary of Health, unlessthe Supreme Court shall so direct, and the petitioner may be required by the Supreme Court to givebond in such form and of such amount as may be deemed proper. (22)


Imposition of penalties through a penalty structure for erring accredited professionalsthat would not prescribe quality, generic medicine within the MRP or PhilHealth List forreimbursem*nts,Reimbursem*nts must be based on the current edition of the PNDF and limited to drugproducts covered by prescriptions containing the corresponding generic names of thedrug products,Drug products that may be covered by the reimbursem*nts shall be purchased only fromhospital pharmacies. In case of unavailability of drug products in the hospital pharmacies,reimbursem*nts may be made directly to the patients but shall be charged to the reim‐229

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Rule 35. Consignment. Rules governing consignment shall follow appropriate DOH Guidelines asoutlined under AO 145 series of 2005. (n)

bursem*nts earmarked for the hospital or the medical doctor for the same serviceprovided,Reimbursem*nt of drug products and services related to rational, quality drug accessincluding, but not limited to, setting fixed reimbursem*nt prices/drug price referenceindex to selected drugs and medicines,Rational reimbursem*nt of health facilities and health professional that principallyprovide health services to the poor, andAny other measures as may be determined by the Secretary of Health that will benefitpatients and rationalize and ensure availability, affordability, and accessibility to qualitydrugs and medicines. (n)


Rule 36. Government Procurement. All government agencies, including local government units,shall procure drugs and medicines within the Philippine National Drug Formulary current edition inaccordance with Republic Act No. 9184 and any other pertinent procurement reforms. (n)

Rule 37. Philippine National Drug Formulary System. In pursuit of efficiency and cost‐affectivityin the procurement and reimbursem*nt of essential medicines, and as a critical cost containmentmeasure, the Secretary of Health shall set‐up an improved Philippine National Drug FormularySystem and endeavor to have this updated on a regular quarterly basis. Corollary to this, for drugsand medicines perceived to be necessary and essential for specific cases and circ*mstances but arenot listed in the PNDF; a system shall be put in place to allow the facilitated review of specific drugsand medicines for such special cases upon request. The request should mention the reasons why acertain drug should be listed, procured, and reimbursed by PhilHealth. If such request has not beenacted upon within forty five (45) calendar days, then the request is deemed approved only for thatparticular purpose stated and only for that specific transaction. Such approval shall be valid for ayear or until decided with finality by the Secretary of Health. (n)

Rule 38. Power to Implement other Cost Containment Measures. The Secretary of Health shallhave the power to implement any other measures that the government may avail of to effectivelyreduce the cost of drugs and medicines that shall include, but not limited to, competitive bidding,

(1)(2) All government agencies, including local government units, shall procure their drugs andmedicines requirement from suppliers which are registered with the Department ofHealth,

g , , p g,price volume negotiations, consignment and other appropriate mechanisms that influence supply,demand and expenditures on drugs and medicines. (19C2, n)In particular, the following cost containment measures shall be adopted and followed by thegovernment agencies:All government agencies, including local government units, shall ensure transparency onthe procurement of the drugs and medicines, including the prices and inventory,


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(3)(4)(5) Consignment procedures shall comply with DOH rules and regulations. (n)

APPENDIX ZA common procurement ordering facility shall be established by the DOH to ensureeconomies of scale, when appropriate,A common essential drug list requirement of all government agencies, including localgovernment units, based on the PNDF current edition shall be prepared by the DOH forpurposes of undertaking competitive pooled procurement and price volume negotiation,andRule 39. Rationalization of Marketing Practice. Subject to existing laws on consumer protection,as a cost containment measure, the Secretary of Health may promulgate policies and directives thatwould rationalize promotional and marketing practices, such as scientific and product informationdissemination and advocacy activities when appropriate. (n)

Rule 40. Prohibited Promotions by Medical and Para- or Allied Medical Practitioners. No

Rule 42. Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation.


ymedical practitioner or health worker shall promote, advertise or endorse any drugs and medicinesin quad media, in print or visual display. (n)


Rule 41. Coverage. This Rule only covers the drugs and medicines enumerated under Section 23 ofthe Act, of whatever brand or generic name, the sale of which to the general public has beenpreviously approved by the BFAD for which a Certificate of Product Registration was previouslyissued by the BFAD. (n)

Section 1. Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation. Without prejudice to the provisions of existinglaws on goods not covered by the Act, it shall be unlawful for any manufacturer, importer, trader,distributor, wholesaler, retailer, or any person engaged in acts of price manipulation such ashoarding, profiteering, or illegal combination or forming cartel, as defined under Section 5 ofRepublic Act No. 7581, otherwise known as the Price Act, and all other acts committed in restraintof trade. (24)

Section 2. Hoarding.

(i) a.b.c.(ii)



Definition. The following shall constitute hoarding:The undue accumulation by a person or combination of persons of any drug ormedicine beyond his/their normal inventory level; orThe unreasonable limitation or refusal to dispose, sell or distribute said drug ormedicine; orThe unjustifiable taking out of said drug or medicine from the channels ofproduction, trade, commerce and industry. (n)

Prima Facie Evidence of Hoarding. The following shall constitute prima facie evidenceof hoarding:

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(ii) a. Has no price tag; or

When a person has stocks of any drug or medicine fifty percent (50%) higherthan his usual inventory, andUnreasonably limits, refuses or fails to sell the same to the general public at thetime of discovery of the stocks.APPENDIX Z

A person's usual inventory shall be reckoned from the third month immediately precedingbefore the discovery of the stocks in case the person has already been engaged in the business for atleast three (3) months; otherwise, it shall be reckoned from the time he started his business. (n)

Section 3. Profiteering.

Definition. Profiteering is the sale or offering for sale of any drug or medicine at a pricegrossly in excess of its true worth. (n)

Prima Facie Evidence of Profiteering. There shall be prima facie evidence ofprofiteering whenever a drug or medicine being sold:p g;b. Is misrepresented as to its weight or measurement; orc. Is adulterated or diluted; ord.(i)



Section 4. Cartel.

Definition. Refers to any combination of, or agreement between, two or more personsengaged in the production, manufacturing, processing, storage, supply, distribution,marketing, sale or disposition of any drug or medicine designed to artificially andunreasonably increase or manipulate its price.Prima Facie Evidence of Engaging in a Cartel. There shall be prima facie evidence ofengaging in a cartel whenever two (2) or more persons or business enterprisescompeting for the same market and dealing in the same drugs or medicines that arepharmaceutical equivalents, commit any of the following:Perform uniform or complementary acts among themselves which tend to bringabout artificial and unreasonable increase in the price of any drug or medicinethat are pharmaceutical equivalents; orSimultaneously and unreasonably increase prices on their competing products

Whenever a person raises the price of said drug or medicine which he sells oroffers for sale to the general public by more than ten percent (10%) of its pricein the immediately preceding month. (n)


y y p p g pthat are pharmaceutical equivalents thereby lessening competition amongthem. (n)


Rule 43. Posting and Publication. The DOH shall publish annually in acceptable means of publicdissemination such as posting in its official websites, or in at least two (2) newspapers of generalcirculation, the generic names and the corresponding brand names under which they are marketed,of all drugs and medicines available in the Philippines. (37, n)

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All those employed by government, whether full or part time, while ingovernment facilities.

Private – All private medical, dental and veterinary practitioners shall prescribe using thegeneric name. The brand name may be included, if so desired. (38b, n)

Government – All government health agencies and their personnel as well as othergovernment agencies, including government owned and controlled corporations shall usegeneric names in all transactions related to purchasing, prescribing, dispensing,reimbursing and administering of drugs and medicines. (38a, n)

Rule 44. Who Shall Use Generic Terminology.

M di l d th C lt t h th f f th i ki i

Health workers in government and all employed by the government practicing or workingin private institutions shall use generic terminology only all transactions related topurchasing, prescribing, dispensing, reimbursing and administering of drugs andmedicines such as but not limited to:2.3. Medical Doctors having private practice in government facilities,4. And all other government public health workers. (n)(d)



Drug outlets, including drugstores, hospital and non‐hospital pharmacies and non‐traditional outlets such as supermarkets, convenience stores and other retailestablishments, shall inform any buyer about any and all other drug products having thesame generic name, together with their corresponding prices so that the buyer mayadequately be informed to exercise his option. (38d, n)Consumer empowerment – Consumers shall have the right to demand for information onall generic equivalents available. All drug outlets are obligated to provide their clients allgeneric equivalents offered for sale in their establishment. (n)The drug outlets referred to herein shall post in conspicuous places as determined by the

Medical and other Consultants, whether for free or otherwise working ingovernment institutions/facilitiesAny organization or company involved in the manufacture, importation, repacking,marketing and/or distribution of drugs and medicines shall indicate prominently thegeneric name of the product. In the case of branded products, the generic name shallappear prominently and immediately above the brand name in all product labels as wellas in advertising and other promotional materials. (38c)




All government auditors shall disallow in audit claims/disbursem*nts, either from regularbudget, and/or trust funds, covering the procurement by any mode, of drugs andmedicines which are not within the PNDF current edition or in generic names only.(EO49)

The drug outlets referred to herein shall post in conspicuous places as determined by theBFAD in their establishments a list of drug products with the same generic names andtheir corresponding prices and shall form part of the licensing requirements for suchoutlets. (38d, n) Posting of information shall be through, but not limited to, the following:hard copies, printed materials, or through programmed computers accessible to thepublic. (n)

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Priority shall be given to essential drugs listed in the PNDF where the unmet needs for these


Rule 46. Required Production. Subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretaryof Health, every drug manufacturing company operating in the Philippines shall be required toproduce, distribute and make widely available to the general public an unbranded genericcounterpart of their branded product. (39)In the event that an essential drug becomes off‐patent in the Philippines and there are nogeneric versions applied for or registered with the BFAD, or sold commercially in the Philippines,the Secretary of Health shall require such manufacturing companies to manufacture or cause tomanufacture generic counterparts. (n)

Rule 45. Additional Statement on the Generic Label. There shall appear prominently on the labelof a generic drug the following statement: “THIS PRODUCT HAS THE SAME THERAPEUTICEFFICACY AS ANY OTHER GENERIC PRODUCT OF THE SAME NAME. SIGNED: BFAD” or, in thealternative “THIS PRODUCT HAS THE SAME THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY AS THE INNOVATORPRODUCT OF THE SAME GENERIC NAME.” at the option of BFAD.

Rule 48. Content of Information and Education Drive. Such educational campaign shall includeinformation on the illnesses or symptoms which each generically named drug is supposed to cure oralleviate, as well as its contraindications. (40, n)

Rule 49. Curriculum Update. The DOH shall collaborate with the Commission on Higher Educationand the Professional Regulations Commission, in order to update the curriculum on Pharmacy,Medical and Allied Professions Education. (n)


Priority shall be given to essential drugs listed in the PNDF where the unmet needs for theseproducts have not been served. Such shall include, but shall not be limited to, drugs for prioritygovernment programs, endemic conditions and other drugs and medicines as may be determinedby the DOH. Regulatory and other incentives may be given for compliant manufacturers. (n)

Rule 47. Education Drive. The DOH jointly with the Philippine Information Agency and theDepartment of Interior and Local Government and in coordination with Non‐GovernmentalOrganizations shall conduct a continuous information and education campaign for the public. TheCommission on Higher Education and the Department of Education, in coordination with DOH, shallconduct training for the medical and allied medical professions on drugs with generic names as analternative of equal efficacy to the more expensive branded drugs. (40, n)



Rule 50. Sale of Prescription Medicines, PharmaceutIcals, Drugs and Devices. No medicine,pharmaceutical, or drug, except for those which are non‐prescription or over the counter, ofwhatever nature and kind or device shall be compounded, dispensed, sold or resold, or otherwisebe made available to the consuming public except through a prescription drugstore or hospitalpharmacy, duly established in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (43, n)

Rule 51. Packaging of Over-the-Counter Drugs. Non‐prescription or over‐the‐counter drugs maybe sold in their original packages, bottles and containers to the consuming public through super‐

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Rule 53. Single Drug Classification. In order to promote rational drug use, any drugs andmedicines in prepared multiple dosage strength shall only be under one classification as

markets, convenience stores and other retail establishments. Only solid dosage forms withindividual original and primary packaging as, approved by BFAD, like blisters packs, foils packs, andother similar individual packaging, may be sold in smaller quantities. No other repackaging shall beallowed. Any new packaging shall require BFAD approval. BFAD shall issue appropriate guidelineson proper packaging of OTC drugs. (43, n)

Rule 52. Sale of Over-the-Counter Pharmaceutical Products in Non-traditional Outlets.Pharmaceutical, drug or biological manufacturing establishments, importers and wholesalers ofdrugs, medicines, or biological products shall not sell their products for re‐sale except to retail drugoutlets, hospital pharmacies or other drug wholesalers under the supervision of a registeredpharmacist, and supermarkets, convenience stores, other retail establishments only for over‐the‐counter drugs, duly licensed by the BFAD. (43)


medicines in prepared multiple dosage strength shall only be under one classification asdetermined by BFAD. (n)

Rule 54. Licensing of Non-traditional Outlets. The BFAD shall issue the appropriateimplementing guidelines for the requirements in licensing non‐traditional outlets and similarestablishments. To ensure public safety, the requirements for License to Operate (LTO) for non‐traditional outlets shall include BFAD training/seminar on OTC medicines on procurement, properstorage and handling, safety and quality for outlet personnel as well as having a supervisingpharmacist. (n)

Rule 55. Botika ng Barangay. Botika ng Barangays (BnBs) are drug outlets with special licenses tooperate issued in compliance with the DOH and BFAD guidelines that serve to improve access toessential drugs and the general healthcare of the population, especially the poor. In support of thisintent, BnBs shall be allowed to carry a selected list of prescription, over‐the‐counter, and othersuch drugs and medicines as deemed necessary to address the pressing health needs of an area. TheDOH shall issue in a separate document the approved list of drugs and medicines that may becarried by BnBs. The list should be reviewed regularly and amended as necessary. BnBs shall bemanned by DOH‐BFAD trained operators and shall have a supervising pharmacist. (n)




Rule 56. Power to Deputize Government Entities. The Secretary of Health shall have the powerto call upon and deputize any official, agent, employee, agency, or instrumentality of the nationaland local government for any assistance that it may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of therules on drugs and medicines price regulation. (19E)

Rule 57. Deputizing Health Attaches/Philippine Missions. The Secretary of Health may appointor designate health attaches for detection of international drug prices for monitoring. (n)In the absence of health attaches, the Secretary of Health may seek the assistance of PhilippineMissions abroad or their attached agencies, thru their respective Department or Agency heads, toaccomplish the objectives of the Act. (n)

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Rule 60. Deputizing the LGUs. The Secretary of Health shall deputize the local government units(LGUs) to monitor prices of drugs and medicines in their area of jurisdiction and report allsuspected violations as covered by the Act. LGUs shall also be deputized to enforce provisions ofnon‐discriminatory clause pursuant to rules jointly put in place by the DOH and LGUs. (n)

Rule 58. Authorizing the PPI. The PPI or its equivalent agency is hereby authorized to establish acommon facility for pooled procurement in compliance with RA 9184. (n)

Rule 59. Deputizing the Bureau of Customs (BOC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). The Secretary of Health shall call upon the BOC, SEC, andthe BIR for assistance in determining the cost incurred and the profits earned by the industry and inorder to ultimately determine the actual prices of drugs and medicines. Further, the Secretary ofHealth shall deputize the Bureau of Internal Revenue in obtaining and validating the documents thathe may so require as described in Section 19F of the Act. (n)


Rule 63. System and Standards. The system and standards for reporting shall be issued by theDOH. (n)

Rule 64. Scope of Price Monitoring Function of DTI. Monitoring of prices of drugs and medicinesto be conducted by DTI shall be limited to drugstores operating within the territorial limits of thecity or municipality where the provincial office of DTI is located. The list of drugs and medicines the

Rule 61. Deputizing other Government Agencies. The Secretary of Health may deputize anyother official, agent, employee, agency, or instrumentality of government as appropriate toimplement drugs and medicines price regulations. (n)


Rule 62. Reports from Local Government Units (LGUs) and the Department of Trade andIndustry (DTI). All local government units and the DTI shall help ensure the implementation ofpricing policies provided under the Act and these Implementing Rules and Regulations bysubmitting quarterly price monitoring reports to the Secretary of Health of drugs and medicinesidentified by the latter, and any and all necessary information that the Secretary of Health mayrequire. (27)


city or municipality where the provincial office of DTI is located. The list of drugs and medicines theprices of which are to be monitored by DTI on a quarterly basis shall be agreed upon by theSecretary of Health and the Secretary of Trade and Industry. Such list shall be subject to an annualreview and revision, if necessary. (n)

Rule 65. Scope of Price Monitoring Function of LGUs. The monitoring of prices of drugs andmedicines to be conducted by the LGUs shall be limited to drugstores operating within theterritorial limits of their respective city or municipality, except the city or municipality where theprovincial office of DTI is located. The list of drugs and medicines the prices of which are to bemonitored by the LGUs on a quarterly basis shall be agreed upon by the Secretary of Health and theSecretary of Interior and Local Government. Such list shall be subject to an annual review andrevision, if necessary. (n)

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Rule 66. Role of the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Trade and Industry(DTI). The DOH and the DTI shall conduct independent periodic surveys and studies of the sellingprices of all drugs and medicines all over the country as well as their share or effect on the familyincome of the different economic groups in the country for purposes of serving as data base forgovernment efforts to promote access to more affordable medicines, as well as evaluating theeffectivity of the measures undertaken. The DTI shall always officially provide the Secretary ofHealth copies of these independent reports. (28)

Rule 67. Monitoring Reports. The Secretary of Health shall submit a biannual Monitoring Reportof its performance on the implementation of the Act to the Office of the President. This report shallbe published in a newspaper of general circulation within thirty (30) days upon submission. (30a)

Rule 68. Monitoring of Progress. The DOH with the assistance of the Department of Interior andLocal Government and the Philippine Information Agency shall monitor the progress of theeducation drive, and shall submit regular reports to Congress. (40)

Rule 69. Performance Report. The Secretary of Health shall also submit an annual performancereport regarding the implementation of the Act to both Houses of Congress, within fifteen (15) daysfrom the opening of the regular session. He shall also regularly report to and immediately complywith any order of the Congressional Oversight Committee. (30b)


Rule 70. Retention of Income. For a more effective and expeditious implementation of the Act, theDirector or the Head of BFAD shall be authorized to retain, without need of a separate approvalfrom any government agency, and subject only to existing accounting and auditing rules andregulations, all the fees, fines, royalties and other charges, collected by the BFAD under the Act andother laws that it is mandated to administer based on the immediately prior year of operations, foruse in its operations, like upgrading of facilities, equipment outlay, human resource developmentand expansion, and the acquisition of the appropriate office space, among others, to improve thedelivery of its services to the public. This amount, which shall be in addition to the annual budget ofBFAD, shall be deposited and maintained in a separate account or fund, which may be used ordisbursed directly by the Director or Head. (31a)

, g p g ( )

Rule 71. Budgetary Support. After five (5) years from the coming into force of the Act, the Directoror Head of the BFAD shall, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Health, determine if the feesand charges, mentioned in Section 1 hereof, are sufficient to meet its budgetary requirements. If so,it shall retain all the fees and charges it shall collect under the same conditions indicated in saidSection 1 but shall forthwith, cease to receive any funds from the annual budget of the NationalGovernment; if not, the provisions of Section 1 shall continue to apply until such time when theDirector or Head of the BFAD, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Health, certifies that theabove stated fees and charges the BFAD shall collect are enough to fund its operations. (31b)


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Rule 72. Review of Fees and Charges. In relation to the above rule, the fees and charges shall beperiodically reviewed by BFAD in consultation with relevant stakeholders. (n)

Rule 73. Performance Report. The BFAD shall submit a yearly performance report to the QualityAffordable Medicines Oversight Committee. The report shall itemize the use of such retained fundsin the past year up to the present and the budgeted use of the same in the succeeding periods. (31c)

Rule 74. Quality Assurance of Drugs. The BFAD shall take the necessary steps to ensure that alldrugs authorized for marketing in the country shall conform to international standards for thecontent, purity and quality of pharmaceutical products as established in the InternationalPharmacopoeia: Provided, That imported products in finished dosage forms, should be certifiedunder the World Health Organization (WHO) certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceuticalproducts moving in international commerce: Provided, further , That the registration for multi‐source pharmaceutical products should conform to the WHO guidelines on registration equirementsto establish interchangeability. (32)


a. 1st violation – Warningb.c.

g y ( )

3rd violation – Administrative fine of minimum of Sixty Thousand (P60, 000.00) to OneH d d Fif Th d (P150 000 00) P d di h i d f h2nd violation – Administrative fine of a minimum of Ten Thousand (P10, 000.00) to FiftyThousand (P 50,000.00) Pesos depending on the gravity and extent of the violation,including the recall of the offending product when applicable;

Rule 75. General Penalties. The Secretary of Health shall have the authority to imposeadministrative sanctions such as, but not limited to, suspension, or revocation of license to operate;suspension or revocation of Certificate of Product Registration, product recall; or recommendsuspension or revocation of license to practice profession to the Professional RegulationCommission as the case may be for the violation of the Act and these Implementing Rules andRegulations. (41C)


Rule 76. Administrative Sanctions. Unless otherwise provided herein, the followingadministrative sanctions shall be imposed upon any person, juridical or natural, found to haveviolated the provisions of the Act and these Implementing Rules and Regulations:



4th violation – Administrative fine of a minimum of Two Hundred Thousand(P200,000.00) to Five Hundred Thousand (P500, 000.00) Pesos, depending on the gravityand extent of the violation, and in addition thereto, the recall of the offending product,revocation of the CPR, suspension of the License to Operate (LTO) and or License toImport and Distribute, when applicable, for a period of one year;

Hundred Fifty Thousand (P150, 000.00) Pesos, depending on the gravity and extent of theviolation, and in addition thereto, the recall of the offending product, and suspension ofthe Certificate of Product Registration (CPR) when applicable;

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APPENDIX Z5th and succeeding repeated violations – Administrative fine of One Million(P1,000,000.00) Pesos, and, when applicable, the recall of the offending product,revocation of the CPR, revocation of the License to Operate (LTO) and or License toImport and Distribute of the company concerned, including the blacklisting of thecompany to be furnished the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) and theDepartment of Trade and Industry (DTI);An additional penalty of Two Thousand Five Hundred (P 2,500.00) Pesos per day shall bemade for every day the violation continues after having received the order from the DOHor other such appropriate body, notifying and penalizing the offending person orcompany for the infraction.Rule 77. Repeated Violations. For purposes of determining whether or not there is “repeated”violation for companies, each product violation belonging or owned by a company, including thoseof their subsidiaries, are deemed to be violations of such concerned person or entity and shall notbe based on the specific violating product alone.

Rule 80. Erring Public Employees. In accordance with the Administrative Code and pertinent CivilService laws, rules and regulations, erring government employees found to be liable, and dependingon the gravity of the said violation, shall be imposed the appropriate penalty by the discipliningauthority.Rule 81. Liability of Manufacturers/Distributors. Manufacturers and Distributors of the productscovered by the Law shall be directly liable for any violation of the provisions of the Law and its IRR.Should the offense be committed by a juridical person, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, thepresident, general manager, or the partners and/or the persons directly responsible therefore, shallbe made accountable.Agents/Representatives of the Manufacturer or Distributor of the products within the scope ofthe Law who commit any violation of the provisions of the Law and its implementing rules and

be based on the specific violating product alone.Rule 78. Fees, Charges and Fines. All fees collected, charges imposed and administrative fines thathave accrued as a consequence of the implementation of the Act and these Implementing Rules andRegulations shall be for the account and income of the BFAD.Rule 79. Government Depositary Bank. All such fees and fines shall be deposited in an AuthorizedGovernment Depositary Bank (AGDB).


the Law, who commit any violation of the provisions of the Law and its implementing rules andregulations shall jointly and solidarily liable with the said manufacturers and distributors. All those found responsible after the investigation shall be jointly and solidarily liable.Rule 82. Penalty for Violations of the Maximum Retail Price. After due notice and hearing, theSecretary of Health shall have the power to impose administrative fines against any person,manufacturer, importer, trader, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, or any other entity, in such amountas it may deem reasonable, which in no case shall be less than Fifty thousand pesos(Php50,000.00) nor more than Five million pesos (Php5,000,000.00) for violations of themaximum retail price approved by the President of the Philippines pursuant to the provisions ofthis Chapter. (19D)

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Whenever any act of illegal price manipulation of any drug and medicine subject to priceregulation is committed by a juridical person, its officials or employees, or in case of a foreigncorporation or association, its agent or representative in the Philippines who is responsible for theviolation, shall be held liable therefore. (25)

Rule 84. Penalties for Violations under the Non-discriminatory Clause. Any person or entitywho shall refuse to carry or sell drugs and medicines pursuant to the provisions of these Rules andRegulations shall be punished with a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos

Rule 83. Penalty for Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation. Any person or entity who commits anyact of illegal price manipulation of any drug and medicine subject to price regulation shall suffer thepenalty of not less than five (5) years but not more than fifteen (15) years of imprisonment, or shallbe imposed a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) but not morethan Ten million pesos (Php10,000,000.00), at the discretion of the court. The court may alsoorder the suspension or revocation of its license to operate (LTO), professional or businesslicense.


Rule 85. Penalties for Violation of Generics Act Amendments.a.1.2.3.

Regulations shall be punished with a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos(Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (Php500,000.00), at thediscretion of the court. For the succeeding offense, the penalties shall not be less than Fivehundred thousand pesos (Php500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos(Php1,000,000.00), at the discretion of the court, and suspension or revocation of its license tooperate (LTO), business or professional license, as the case may be. (35)

Any person who violate Sections 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) of the Generics Law amendments asreflected in this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall suffer the penalty graduatedhereunder, viz :For the first conviction, he shall suffer the penalty of reprimand which shall beofficially recorded in the appropriate books of the Professional RegulationCommission.For the second conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than Tenthousand pesos (Php10,000.00) but not exceeding Twenty‐five thousand pesos(Php25,000.00), at the discretion of the court.For the third conviction, the penalty of fine in the amount of not less than Twenty‐five thousand pesos (Php25,000.00) but not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos(Php50,000.00) and suspension of his license to practice his profession for sixty (60)4.b.


For the fourth and subsequent convictions, the penalty of fine of not less than Onehundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) and suspension of his license to practicehis profession for one (1) year or longer at the discretion of the court. (41)

(Php50,000.00) and suspension of his license to practice his profession for sixty (60)days at the discretion of the court.Any juridical person who violates Sections 2(d), 2(e), and 4 of the Generics Lawamendments of this implementing rules and regulations as well as Section 7 of RepublicAct No. 6675 otherwise known as the Generics Act of the Philippines shall suffer thepenalty of a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) and suspension or revocation of license to operate such drug establishment or drug outlet at

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Rule 86. Amendments.

the discretion of the court: Provided, That its officers directly responsible for the violationshall suffer the penalty of fine of at least Forty thousand pesos (Php40,000.00) andsuspension or revocation of license to practice profession, if applicable, and byimprisonment of not less than six(6) months nor more than one (1) year or both fine andimprisonment at the discretion of the court: and, Provided, further, That if the guilty partyis an alien, he shall be ipso facto deported after service of sentence without need offurther proceedings. (41 B)


Section 1. Amendments to the Implementing Rules and Regulations. The DOH, DTI, IPO,and BFAD, either collectively or individually, may initiate the amendment of the IRR. Prior to theconduct of any public hearing for the proposed amendment the initiating party shall first inform the

Rule 87. Transitory Provisions

Section 4. Review of IRR. After two (2) years from the effectivity of these Implementing Rulesand Regulations and every two (2) years thereafter, the DOH, DTI, IPO and BFAD shall jointly reviewthese Implementing Rules and Regulations.Section 1. Submission of Prices and Inventory. Within 30 days from the effectivity of theLaw, and every December 31st of every year thereafter, every manufacturer, importer, trader,distributor, wholesaler, and retailer of a drug and medicine whether included in or excluded fromthe list of drugs and medicines that are subject to price regulation shall furnish the Secretary ofHealth a list, containing on the minimum the corresponding prices and inventory, of all drugs and

Section 2. Issuance of Appropriate Guidelines. The DOH, DTI, IPO, and BFAD may issueappropriate guidelines that may be deemed necessary to address existing and emerging situationfor the purpose of effectively implementing the intentions and objectives of the Act.Section 3. Publication of Amendments. Any amendments to these Implementing Rules andRegulation shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2) national papersof general circulation and upon filing at the UP Law Center as accorded by Law. (n)

conduct of any public hearing for the proposed amendment, the initiating party shall first inform theother parties of the same at least 30 days prior to the date of the first public consultation.


medicines it manufactures, imports, trades, distributes, wholesales, or retails, data pertaining to thefactors enumerated under Section 19A2 of the Law and any and all necessary information that theSecretary of Health may require. (19F)

Section 2. Undertake the Study to Determine the MRP. Subject to the relevant provisions ofthese Rules and Regulations, in order that affordable prices of drugs and medicines shall be madeavailable to the public, the Secretary of Health shall immediately undertake a study on theprevailing prices of drugs and medicines which he/she will prioritize to be subject to priceregulation and shall provide this initial list of drugs and medicines, with its recommended MRP tothe President of the Philippines. (19A3)

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Rule 90. Effectivity Clause. This Implementing Rules and Regulation shall take effect fifteen (15)days after its publication in at least two (2) national papers of general circulation and upon filing atthe UP Law Center as accorded by Law. (n)

Rule 88. Separability Clause. Any portion or provision of the Act or of these Rules that may bedeclared unconstitutional or invalid shall not have the effect of nullifying other portions andprovisions hereof as long as such remaining portion or provision can still subsist and be given effectin their entirety. (47)

Rule 89. Repealing Clause. All administrative issuances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith arehereby repealed or modified accordingly. (48)

The TRIPS Protocol. Unless otherwise amended by the IP Code and these IRR, the Protocol1. a.

b.2. The terms referred to in paragraph 1 above are that:a. (i) Specifies the names and expected quantities of the product(s) needed;(ii)

For the purposes of Article 31bis and this Annex:"eligible importing Member" means any least‐developed country Member, and anyother Member that has made a notification to the Council for TRIPS Agreement of itsintention to use the system set out in Article 31bis and this Annex ("system") as animporter, it being understood that a Member may notify at any time that it will usethe system in whole or in a limited way, for example only in the case of a nationalemergency or other circ*mstances of extreme urgency or in cases of public non‐commercial use. It is noted that some Members will not use the system as importingMembers and that some other Members have stated that, if they use the system, itwould be in no more than situations of national emergency or other circ*mstances ofextreme urgency;"Exporting Member" means a Member using the system to produce pharmaceuticalproducts for, and export them to, an eligible importing Member.C fi h h li ibl i i M b i i h h l

The eligible importing Member(s) has made a notification to the Council for TRIPSAgreement, that:

Amending the TRIPS Agreement (ref: WT/L/641) is reproduced below:



Confirms that the eligible importing Member in question, other than a least‐developed country Member, has established that it has insufficient or nomanufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector for the product(s) inquestion in one of the ways set out in the Appendix to this Annex; andConfirms that, where a pharmaceutical product is patented in its territory, it hasgranted or intends to grant a compulsory license in accordance with Articles 31and 31bis of this Agreement and the provisions of this Annex;The special compulsory license issued by the exporting Member under the systemshall contain the following conditions:242

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(i)(ii)(iii) ‐‐

Before shipment begins, the licensee shall post on a website the followinginformation:The quantities being supplied to each destination as referred to in indent (i)above; andThe distinguishing features of the product(s) referred to in indent (ii) above;

APPENDIX ZOnly the amount necessary to meet the needs of the eligible importingMember(s) may be manufactured under the license and the entirety of thisproduction shall be exported to the Member(s) which has notified its needs tothe Council for TRIPS Agreement;Products produced under the license shall be clearly identified as beingproduced under the system through specific labeling or marking. Suppliersshould distinguish such products through special packaging and/or specialcolouring/shaping of the products themselves, provided that such distinction isfeasible and does not have a significant impact on price; and

Th ti M b h ll tif th C il f TRIPS A t f th t fc.



In order to ensure that the products imported under the system are used for the publichealth purposes underlying their importation, eligible importing Members shall takereasonable measures within their means, proportionate to their administrative capacitiesand to the risk of trade diversion to prevent re‐exportation of the products that haveactually been imported into their territories under the system. In the event that an eligibleimporting Member that is a developing country Member or a least‐developed countryMember experiences difficulty in implementing this provision, developed countryMembers shall provide, on request and on mutually agreed terms and conditions,technical and financial cooperation in order to facilitate its implementation.Members shall ensure the availability of effective legal means to prevent the importationinto, and sale in, their territories of products produced under the system and diverted totheir markets inconsistently with its provisions, using the means already required to be

The exporting Member shall notify the Council for TRIPS Agreement of the grant ofthe license, including the conditions attached to it. The information provided shallinclude the name and address of the licensee, the product(s) for which the licensehas been granted, the quantity(ies) for which it has been granted, the country(ies) towhich the product(s) is (are) to be supplied and the duration of the license. Thenotification shall also indicate the address of the website referred to insubparagraph (b) (iii) above.

5.their markets inconsistently with its provisions, using the means already required to beavailable under this Agreement. If any Member considers that such measures are provinginsufficient for this purpose, the matter may be reviewed in the Council for TRIPSAgreement at the request of that Member.


With a view to harnessing economies of scale for the purposes of enhancing purchasingpower for, and facilitating the local production of, pharmaceutical products, it isrecognized that the development of systems providing for the grant of regional patents tobe applicable in the Members described in paragraph 3 of Article 31bis should bepromoted. To this end, developed country Members undertake to provide technical co‐

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7. The Council for TRIPS Agreement shall review annually the functioning of the system witha view to ensuring its effective operation and shall annually report on its operation to theGeneral Council. (n)

operation in accordance with Article 67 of this Agreement, including in conjunction withother relevant intergovernmental organizations.Members recognize the desirability of promoting the transfer of technology and capacitybuilding in the pharmaceutical sector in order to overcome the problem faced byMembers with insufficient or no manufacturing capacities in the pharmaceutical sector.To this end, eligible importing Members and exporting Members are encouraged to usethe system in a way which would promote this objective. Members undertake tocooperate in paying special attention to the transfer of technology and capacity buildingin the pharmaceutical sector in the work to be undertaken pursuant to Article 66.2 of thisAgreement, paragraph 7 of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Healthand any other relevant work of the Council for TRIPS Agreement.


General Council. (n)NOW, THEREFORE, the parties have herein below affixed their signatures to the Joint DOH‐DTI‐IPO‐BFAD Administrative Order No. 2008‐01 this 4th day of November 2008.SignedSecretaryDepartment of Health Department of Trade and IndustrySigned


Intellectual Property OfficeDirector GeneralADRIAN S. CRISTOBAL, JR.Signed

Bureau of Food and DrugsDirector IVLETICIA BARBARA B. GUTIERREZ, MSc.



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National Drug Policy - Pharmaceutical


National Formulary Committee

- Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50

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LEGEND : — Not available in Philippine market— Based on the requirement of Recommended Energy and NutrientIntakes (RENI)

(A2) — Drug Preparations Containing Controlled Chemicals to be dispensedand prescribed through a Personalized Prescription issued bya prescribing physician with the S2 license #, among others,indicated therein. Only one (1) drug preparation shall beprescribed in one single prescription form. Partial fillingallowed. STRICTLY NO REFILL. (see Appendix K)B — List B Medicines requiring in-vivo bioequivalence studies(see Appendix I)


DPI — Dry Powder Inhalerg — Gram(IM) — Intramuscular InjectionInj. — InjectionIU — International Unit/s(IV) — Intravenous InjectionL — LiterMDI — Metered Dose Inhalermg — MilligrammL — Millilitermmol — MillimoleMR — Modified Release (includes Controlled Release ( CR), ExtendedRelease (ER), Sustained Release (SR), Long Acting (LA), etc.)RE — Retinol EquivalentResp. Soln. — Respiratory Solution(SC) — Subcutaneous InjectionSoln. — SolutionCategory A — Primary Care Medicines for all Rural Health Units (RHUs)Category B — Primary Care Medicines for RHUs with physicians and otherhealth workers


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MEASUREMENTS :1 grain = 60 mg1/2 grain = 30 mgQuantities of 1 gram or more are written as 1 g, etc.Quantities less than 1 gram are written in milligram/s, e.g., 500 mg, not 0.5 g.Quantities less than 1 milligram are written in microgram/s, e.g., 100 microgram/s,not 0.1 mgWhen decimals are unavoidable, a zero is written before the decimal point wherethere is no other figure, e.g. 0.5 mL, not .5 mL.The term milliliter (mL) is used and not cubic centimeter or cc.


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This list of essential medicines has been derived from the Philippine National DrugFormulary (PNDF) Vol. I, 7th edition (2008) and is intended for use in the Rural Health Units (RHUs).These drugs are useful in meeting the immediate health needs of the great majority of the populationfor commonly encountered ailments all over the country. They are generally safe and do not requirespecial expertise and equipment for proper use.

There are a total of ninety eight (98) medicines in this list which have been grouped undertwo categories, viz., those used for all RHUs (30 medicines) and those for RHUs with physicians inaddition to other health workers (68 medicines). The medicines are further classified as vital (V),essential (E) and less essential (L) based on the following criteria: (1) frequency of occurence ofessential (E) and less essential (L) based on the following criteria: (1) frequency of occurence oftarget condition/s; (2) severity of target condition/s; (3) therapeutic effects of the drug, whetherpreventive, curative or just symptomatic relief; and (4) cost of therapy. Such classification is useful inprioritizing procurement of medicines especially in resource poor areas.

This list of essential primary care medicines, is a dynamic list just like the PNDF, which needsperiodic review and updating in the light of new developments and experiences and the prevailinghealth needs of our population. We welcome reactions, suggestions and recommendations from theend users of this list to make it truly relevant.

PROF. ESTRELLA B. PAJE-VILLAR, MDChairperson, National Formulary Committee


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1 — Occurrence of Target Condition(s)Persons affected(0% of population)Persons diagnosed(cases/100,000 pop/yr)Persons treated (frequency of targetcondition seen by health worker)2 — Severity of Target Condition(s)Life threatening (likely to causedeath if untreated)Chronic (likely to cause recurrence,relapse, continued diseaseif untreated)Disabling (likely to cause permanentdisability if untreated)Restricting (likely to cause loss ofworking and housekeeping time)3 — Therapeutic Effect(s)Drug Action

4 — CostAverage cost of a single course oftherapy (acute therapy)Average yearly cost of therapy(chronic therapy)

> 5% 1 ‐ 5% < 1%

P R I M A R Y C A R E M E D I C I N E S( 2008 Edition )


Characteristic of Individual Medicine Vital (V) Essential (E) Less Essential (L)

> 100 50 ‐ 100 < 50Moderate Low Very low

Possibly Infrequently RarelyPossibly Infrequently RarelyPossibly Infrequently RarelyFrequently Occasionally Infrequently

Prevention of Cure of disease Relief and/or disease Prevention or mitigation of Cure of disease treatment of self‐limited Prevention of complication disease complication Palliative treatment of minor symptoms/ complicationLow Moderate High


Low Moderate High

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1. ANALGESICS / ANTIPYRETICSParacetamolOral: 300 mg (325 mg) and 500 mg tablet120 mg (125 mg)/5 mL syrup/suspension, 60 mL(alcohol‐free)250 mg/5 mL syrup/suspension, 60 mL(alcohol‐free preferred)100 mg/mL drops, 15 mL (alcohol‐free)Yerba Buena [Mentha cordifolia Opiz ( Fam. Labiatae)] x


P R I M A R Y C A R E M E D I C I N E S ( 2008 Edition )


[ f p ( )]Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet2. ANTACIDAluminum hydroxide + Magnesium hydroxideOral: 225 mg aluminum hydroxide + 200 mg magnesiumhydroxide, per 5 mL suspension, 120 mL3. ANTIALLERGYHydroxyzine 10 mg and 25 mg tablet (as dihydrochloride)2 mg/mL syrup, 60 mL (as dihydrochloride oras hydrochloride)4. ANTHELMINTICMebendazoleOral: 100 mg and 500 mg tablet20 mg/mL suspension, 30 mL50 mg/mL suspension, 10 mL




g/ p5. ANTIANEMICFerrous SaltOral: tablet, equiv. to 60 mg elemental ironsolution, 15 mg elemental iron/0.6 mL drops, 15 mLsolution, 15 mg elemental iron/0.6 mL drops, 30 mL30 mg elemental iron/5 mL syrup, 60 mLN.B. The elemental iron content of a ferrous saltdepends on the type of preparation as follows:



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Ferrous fumarate —Ferrous gluconate —Ferrous lactate —Ferrous sulfate, hydrated —Ferrous sulfate, dessicated —6. FOR COUGHLagundi [Vitex negundo L. ( Fam. Verbenaceae)]Oral: 300 mg and 600 mg tablet300 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL7. ANTIDOTE (general)Activated CharcoalOral: powder, USP grade given as slurry x


33%12%19%20%32%LV E

8. ANTI-EMETICMeclozine (meclizine)Oral: 12.5 mg chewable tablet (as hydrochloride)25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)9. ANTIRHEUMATICS (ANTI-INFLAMMATORY)AspirinOral: 300 mg (325 mg) tabletIbuprofenOral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet100 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mL10. ANTISEPTICS / DISINFECTANTSAlcohol, EthylSolution: 70%, 480 mL bottlePovidone‐Iodine x





Solution: 10%, 60 mL and 120 mL11. ANTISPASMODICSDicycloverine (dicyclomine)Oral: 10 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)10 mg/5 mL syrup, 30 mL (as hydrochloride)Tsaang Gubat [Carmona retusa (Vahl) Masam ( Fam. Boraginaceae)]Oral: 250 mg tablet




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12. ANTI-SCABIES, ANTI-LICE AND ANTIFUNGALSAkapulko [Cassia alata L. ( Fam. Leguminosaea)]Lotion: 60 mL bottleBenzyl BenzoateLotion: 25%, 120 mL bottleCrotamitonLotion: 10%, 60 mL bottle10%, 120 mL bottleCream: 10%, 10 g tubeSulfurOintment: 10%, 30 g tube13. DIURETIC






Sambong [Blumea balsamifera L. DC ( Fam. Compositae)]Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet14. ANTIBACTERIAL EYE PREPARATIONSGentamicinEye Drops Solution 0.3%, 5 mL bottle (as sulfate)Eye Ointment: 0.3%, 3.5 g tube (as sulfate)ErythromycinEye Ointment: 0.5%, 3.5 g tube 15. FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTESOral Rehydration Salts (ORS 75‐replacement)Oral: Composition of reduced osmolarity ORS per literof water (WHO recommended):Sodium chloride —Trisodium citrate dihydrate — 2.9 g2.6 g





yPotassium chloride —Glucose anyhdrous —Total Weight —Reduced osmolarity ORSEquivalent in mmol/L:Sodium —Chloride —Potassium —253

65207520.5 g13.5 gg1.5 g

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Citrate —Glucose anhydrous —Total osmolarity —N.B. Reconstitute with clean potable waterUnused reconstituted solution shall bediscarded after 24 hours.16. VITAMINSAscorbic acid (vitamin C)Oral: 500 mg tablet100 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mL100 mg/mL drops, 15 mLMultivitamins





Oral:vitamin Avitamin B1vitamin B2vitamin B6vitamin B12vitamin Cvitamin Dvitamin Efolic acidniacin Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)Oral: 25 mg tablet (as hydrochloride) x

13‐17 mg 13‐23 mg5‐8 mg 40‐80 micrograms 100‐170 microgram20‐30 micrograms 5-7 mg 10-12 mg 3.4 mg5‐7 mg 6‐10 mg3‐4 mg 5 micrograms 5-15 microgram 5 micrograms400 IU 400 IU400 IU 35‐55 mg 65‐80 mg30 mg 0.9-1.8 micrograms 2.4 microgram 0.3-0.4 micrograms

2‐3 micrograms 3‐5 microgram0.5‐1.5 micrograms 0.9‐1.6 mg 1.6‐2 mg0.3‐0.6 mg 0.7‐0.9 mg 0.7‐1.3 mg0.3‐0.4 mg 0.5-1 mg 1.3-1.7 mg 0.1-0.3 mg0.7‐0.9 mg 0.7‐1.3 mg0.3‐0.4 mg

per 1 mL drops 350‐400 micrograms RE 425‐525 microgram REfor Children for Adultsper 5 mL syrup per tablet/capsulefor Infants

325 micrograms RE

g ( y )Retinol (vitamin A)Oral: 10,000 IU, 25,000 IU, and 50,000 IUsoft gel capsule (as palmitate)100,000 IU soft gel capsule with nipple (as palmitate)(only for DOH program)200,000 IU soft gel capsule with nipple (as palmitate)(only for DOH program) (B)Vitamin B1 B6 B12Oral: 100 mg B1 + 5 mg B6 + 50 B12 microgram per tablet x



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17. VITAMINS AND MINERALSFerrous Salt + Folic Acid (nutritional supplement during pregnancy)Oral: 60 mg elemental iron + 250 microgram folic acidper tablet/capsuleZinc Oral: chewable tablet, (equiv. to 10 mg elemental zinc)(as gluconate)tablet, (equiv. to 30 mg elemental zinc)(as gluconate trihydrate)solution, (equiv. to 10 mg elemental zinc/mL)drops, 15 mL, (as sulfate monohydrate)solution, (equiv. to 20 mg elemental zinc/5 mL)syrup, 60 mL (as sulfate monohydrate)






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1. ADRENERGICEpinephrine (adrenaline)Inj.: 1 mg/mL ampul (IM, SC) (as hydrochloride)2. ANTI-ANGINALGlyceryl Trinitrate (nitroglycerin)Sublingual: 400 microgram tabletOintment: 2%, 30 g tube3. ANTIDOTESAtropine (for organophosphate and carbamate x




p ( g p pinsecticide poisoning)Oral: 600 microgram tablet (as sulfate)Inj.: 1 mg/mL ampul (IM, IV) (as sulfate)Cobra AntiveninInj.: 800 IU/5 mL ampul (IM, IV)4. ANTIALLERGYDiphenhydramineOral: 25 mg and 50 mg capsule (as hydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)HydroxyzineOral: 10 mg and 25 mg tablet (as dihydrochloride)Inj.: 50 mg/mL, 1 mL vial (IM, IV)5. ANTIHYPERTENSIVESAmlodipineOral: 5 mg and 10 mg tablet (as besilate/camsylate) x




g g ( / y )EnalaprilOral: 5 mg and 10 mg tablet (as maleate)HydrochlorothiazideOral: 25 mg and 50 mg tabletMetoprololOral: 50 mg tablet256




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Nifedipine (B)Oral: 5 mg and 10 mg capsule (restricted use for acutehypertensive emergencies in patients less than18 years old with extreme caution due to rapidand prolonged fall in blood pressure)PropranololOral: 10 mg and 40 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)6. ANTI-INFECTIVES

6.1 AntibacterialsAmoxicillinOral: 250 mg and 500 mg capsule (as trihydrate)100 mg/mL granules/powder for drops (suspension),10 mL (as trihydrate)x




( y )125 mg/5 mL, 250 mg/5 mL granules/powderfor suspension, 60 mL (as trihydrate)CiprofloxacinOral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)Cotrimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim) Oral: 400 mg sulfamethoxazole + 80 mg trimethoprimtablet/capsule (B)800 mg sulfamethoxazole + 160 mg trimethoprimtablet (B)200 mg sulfamethoxazole + 40 mg trimethoprim/5 mL suspensionErythromycin Oral: 250 mg tablet (as stearate) (B)200 mg/5 mL granules/powder for suspension,60 mL (as ethyl succinate)Penicillin G Benzathine (benzathine benzylpenicillin)Inj.: 1,200,000 units vial (MR) (IM) x




j ( ) ( )Penicillin G Crystalline (benzylpenicillin)Oral: 500,000 and 1,000,000 units (IM, IV)(as sodium or potassium salt)Phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V)Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg tablet/capsule(as potassium salt)125 mg/5 mL granules/powder for syrup/suspension, 60 mL (as potassium)257



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250 mg/5 mL granules/powder for syrup/suspension, 60 mL (as potassium salt)50,000 units/mL granules/powder for drops (syrup/suspension), 30 mL (as potassium salt)6.2 Antiprotozoals

6.2.1 AmebecideDiloxanide Oral: 500 mg tablet (as furoate) (B)125 mg/5 mL syrup/suspension, 60 mL (as furoate)Metronidazole (also for G. lamblia, T. vagin*lis andanaerobic bacteria)Oral: 250 mg and 500 mg base tablet125 mg base/5 mL (200 mg/5 mL as benzoate)x



g / ( g/ )suspension, 60 mL6.2.2 Antimalarials (under Malaria Control Program)Artemether + Lumefantrin (B)Oral: 20 mg artemether + 120 mg lumefantrin tabletChloroquineOral: 250 mg (150 mg base) tablet (as phosphate/diphosphate)PrimaquineOral: 26.3 mg (15 mg base) tablet (as diphosphate)QuinineOral: 325 mg (300 mg) tablet (as sulfate)Sulfadoxine + Pyrimethamine (not for prophylaxis; only forclinical suppression) (B)Oral: 500 mg sulfadoxine + 25 mg pyrimethamineper tablet






p6.3 Antituberculosis Medicines (under National TB Program)Ethambutol (caution in children less than 6 yrs. old)Oral: 200 mg and 400 mg tablet (as hydrochloride)IsoniazidOral: 100 mg, 300 mg and 400 mg tablet200 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL200 mg/5 mL syrup, 120 mL




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Isoniazid + EthambutolOral: 150 mg isoniazid + 400 mg ethambutol per tablet200 mg isoniazid + 500 mg ethambutol per tabletIsoniazid + Rifampicin (B)Oral: 30 mg + 60 mg tablet (pediatric)60 mg + 60 mg tablet (pediatric)(for intermittent use three times weekly)75 mg + 150 mg tablet150 mg + 150 mg tablet(for intermittent use three times weekly)100 mg + 150 mg tablet150 mg + 300 mg tablet200 mg + 225 mg tablet300 mg + 450 mg tablet400 mg + 450 mg tablet600 mg + 400 mg tablet/film coated tablet




g g /Isoniazid + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide (B)Oral: 30 mg + 60 mg + 150 mg tablet (pediatric)(for intermittent use three times weekly)75 mg + 150 mg + 400 mg tablet150 mg + 150 mg + 500 mg tablet300 mg + 450 mg + 500 mg tabletIsoniazid + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide + Ethambutol (B)Oral: 60 mg + 120 mg + 300 mg + 225 mg tablet75 mg + 150 mg + 400 mg + 275 mg tablet200 mg + 450 mg + 500 mg + 400 mg tablet(restricted for 60 days use only)PyrazinamideOral: 500 mg tablet250 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mL250 mg/5 mL suspension, 120 mLRifampicin (B)Oral: 150 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg and 600 mg tablet/capsule x




g g g g / p100 mg/5 mL suspension, 30 mL100 mg/5 mL and 200 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mLStreptomycinInj.: 1 g vial (IM) (as sulfate)6.4 Urinary AntisepticNitrofurantoin (B)Oral: 50 mg and 100 mg capsule (as macrocrystals)




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7. ANTIPEPTIC ULCER DISEASEFamotidineOral: 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg tablet20 mg/5 mL powder for suspension, 60 mLInj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul/vial (IM, IV)lyophilized powder, 20 mg vial (IV)RanitidineOral: 150 mg and 300 mg tablet(as base and as hydrochloride)150 mg and 300 mg effervescent tablet(as hydrochloride)75 mg tablet (as base and as hydrochloride)75 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL and 150 mL(as hydrochloride)Inj.: 25 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV, IV infusion)




j g/ p ( )(as hydrochloride)8. ANTIPSYCHOSISChlorpromazineOral: 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg tabletInj.: 25 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV) (as hydrochloride)9. BRONCHODILATORSEpinephrine (adrenaline)Inj.: 1 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, SC) (as hydrochloride)SalbutamolOral: 2 mg tablet (as sulfate)4 mg MR and 8 mg MR tablet (as sulfate)2 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL (as sulfate)Inhalation:Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI):100 micrograms/dose x 200 doses (as sulfate)




g / ( )(spacer recommended)Breath Actuated MDI (autohaler):100 micrograms/dose x 400 doses (as sulfate)Resp. Soln.: (for nebulization)1 mg/mL, 2.5 mL unit dose (as sulfate)5 mg/mL, 10 mL multidose (as sulfate)5 mg/mL, 20 mL multidose (as sulfate)ORTerbutalineOral: 2 mg, 2.5 mg and 5 mg tablet (as sulfate)1.5 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL (as sulfate)



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Inhalation:MDI: 250 micrograms/dose x 200 doses (as sulfate)Dry Powder Inhaler:500 micrograms/dose x 100 doses (as sulfate)Resp. Soln.: (for nebulization)2.5 mg/mL, 2 mL unit dose (as sulfate)2.5 mg/mL, 30 mL multidose (as sulfate)Theophylline (anhydrous)Oral: 125 mg and 200 mg MR tablet250 mg and 300 mg MR tablet25 mg/5 mL (26.7 mg/5 mL) syrup, 60 mL10. CARDIOTONIC (Inotropic)DigoxinOral: 250 microgram tablet




g50 micrograms/mL elixir, 60 mL11. CORTICOSTEROIDSHydrocortisoneTopical: 1%, ointment or cream, 5 g tubePrednisoloneOral: 5 mg and 20 mg tablet15 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL (as sodium phosphate)20 mg/5 mL syrup, 60 mL (as sodium phosphate)PrednisoneOral: 5 mg tablet10 mg tablet20 mg tablet10 mg/5 mL suspension, 60 mL 12. BLOOD COAGULANTPhytomenadione (phytonadion, vitamin K1) x




y (p y )Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 1 ampul (IM, IV, SC) (as aqueouscolloidal solution with benzyl alcohol)10 mg/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV, SC)(as mixed micelle)13. DIURETICSHydrochlorothiazideOral: 25 mg and 50 mg tablet x


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Furosemide Oral: 40 mg tablet (B)Inj.: 10 mg/mL, 2 mL ampul (IM, IV)14. FLUIDS AND ELECTROLYTESBalanced Multiple Replacement SolutionInj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ —K+ —Mg++ —Cl‐ —Acetate —plus 5% dextrose


50 mmol/L98 mmol/L3 mmol/L5 mmol/L140 mmol/Lx

xV E

5% Dextrose in 0.3% Sodium ChlorideInj.: 500 mL bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —Cl‐ —5% Dextrose in 0.9% Sodium ChlorideInj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:Dextrose —Na+ —Cl‐ —5% Dextrose in WaterInj.: 250 mL bottle/bag (IV infusion and as vehiclefor IV medications)Acetated Ringer's Solution x

154 mmol/Lx

154 mmol/L50 g/L

154 mmol/Lx

51 mmol/L50 g/Lx

gInj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ —K+ —Ca++ —Cl‐ —Acetate —


109 mmol/L28 mmol/L4 mmol/L3 mmol/L130 mmol/L

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Lactated Ringer's Solution (Ringer's lactate)Inj.: 500 mL and 1 L bottle/bag (IV infusion)Composition:Na+ —K+ —Ca++ —Cl‐ —Lactate —15. LOCAL ANESTHETICLidocaineInj.: 2%, 10 mL and 20 mL vial (local infiltration)(as hydrochloride)16. ORAL HYPOGLYCEMICS (for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2)



28 mmol/L3 mmol/L109 mmol/L130 mmol/L4 mmol/L

xV E

( yp )Glibenclamide Oral: 5 mg tablet (B)MetforminOral: 500 mg tablet/film coated tablet (as hydrochloride)17. OXYTOCICMethylergometrine (methylergonovine) (A2)Oral: 125 microgram tablet (as hydrogen maleateor maleate)Inj.: 200 micrograms/mL, 1 mL ampul (IM, IV)(as hydrogen maleate or maleate)18. THYROID HORMONE AND ANTITHYROIDSAqueous Iodine Solution (Lugol's solution) xOral; 5% iodine, 10% potassium iodide(total iodine‐130 mg/mL), 30 mL bottle




Levothyroxine xOral: 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 microgram tabletPropylthiouracil xOral: 50 mg tablet19. FAMILY PLANNING MEDICINESEthinylestradiol + LevonorgestrelOral: 30 microgram ethinylestradiol + 150 microgramlevonorgestrel per tablet



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MedroxyprogesteroneInj.: 50 mg/mL, 3 mL vial + syringe (IM) (as acetate)(N.B. Use one (1) inch long needle)20. INFUSION SETSIV infusion Sets Adult with Gauge 19 and 21 NeedlesAirvent and Y injection siteIV infusion Sets Pedia with Gauge 23 and 25 NeedlesAirvent and Y injection site21. NEBULIZER for administration of inhalational bronchodilators x






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I. Vital Medicines (V)Acetated Ringer's SolutionActivated CharcoalAmlodipineAmoxicillinAqueous Iodine Solution (Lugol's Solution)Artemeter + LumefantrinAtropineBalanced Multiple Replacement SolutionChloroquineChlorpromazineCiprofloxacinCobra AntiveninCotrimoxazole5% Dextrose in 0.3% Sodium Chloride5% Dextrose in 0.9% Sodium ChlorideDigoxinDiloxanideDiphenhydramineEnalaprilEpinephrine (adrenaline)ErythromycinEthambutolFamotidineFerrous SaltFerrous Salt + Folic AcidFurosemideGentamicinGlibenclamideGlyceryl Trinitrate (nitroglycerin)HydrochlorothiazideHydrocortisoneHydoxyzineIsoniazidIsoniazid + EthambutolIsoniazid + RifampicinIsoniazid + Rifampicin + PyrazinamideIsoniazid + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide + EthambutolLactated Ringer's Solution (Ringer's Lactate)LevothyroxineMebendazoleMetforminMethylergometrine (methylergonovine) inj.MetoprololABBB








P R I M A R Y C A R E M E D I C I N E S (2008 Edition)


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MetronidazoleNifedipineNitrofurantoinOral Rehydration Salts (ORS‐75 replacement)Penicillin G Benzathine (benzathine benzylpenicillin)Penicillin G Crystalline (benzylpenicillin)Phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V)Phytomenadione (phytonadion, vitamin K1)PrednisolonePrednisonePrimaquinePropranololPropylthiouracilPyrazinamidePyridoxine (Vitamin B6)QuinineRanitidineRetinol (Vitamin A)RifampicinSalbutamolStreptomycinSulfadoxine + PyrimethamineTerbutalineTheophylline (anhydrous)ZincII. Essential Medicines (E)AkapulkoAlcohol, EthylAscorbic AcidAspirinBenzyl BenzoateCrotamiton5% Dextrose in WaterIbuprofenLidocaineMethylergometrine (methylergonovine) oralMultivitamins (infants/children)Povidone IodineSambongVitamin B1 B6 B12III. Less Essential Medicines (L)Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium HydroxideDicycloverine (dicyclomine)Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgestrel










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LagundiMeclozine (meclizine)MedroxyprogesteroneParacetamolSulfurTsaang GubatYerba Buena





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Ilocos Training & Regional Medical CenterParian, San Fernando City, La Union 2500Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital & Medical CenterBatac, Ilocos Norte 2906Region I Medical Center (Gov. Teofilo Sison Memorial Medical Center)Arellano St., Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400

Cagayan Valley Medical CenterCarig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500Veterans Regional HospitalBayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 3700

Bataan General HospitalTenejero, Balanga City, Bataan 2100Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research & Medical CenterMabini St., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija 3100Jose B. Lingad Memorial General HospitalDolores, San Fernando City, Pampanga 2000Mariveles Mental HospitalMariveles, Bataan 2105Southern Isabela General HospitalSantiago, Isabela 3311Talavera Extension HospitalTalavera, Nueva Ecija 3114

Batangas Regional HospitalKumintang Ibaba, Batangas City, Batangas 4200

Culion Sanitarium & Balala HospitalCulion, Palawan 5315Ospital ng PalawanPuerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300


Center for Health Development (CHD) I - Ilocos Region

CHD II - Cagayan Valley

CHD III - Central Luzon




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Bicol Medical Center (Don Susano Memorial Medical Center)Naga City, Camarines Sur 4400Bicol Regional Training & Teaching Hospital (Albay Provincial Hospital)Rizal St., Legaspi City, Albay 4500Bicol SanitariumCabusao, Camarines Sur 4406

Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional HospitalLacson St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental 6100Western Visayas Medical CenterMandurriao, Iloilo City, Iloilo 5000Western Visayas Regional HospitalLacson St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental 6100Western Visayas SanitariumSta. Barbara, Iloilo 5002

Don Emilio Del Valle Memorial HospitalBood, Ubay, Bohol 6316Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital (Western Visayas Medical Center)Tabucan, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo 5007Eversley Childs SanitariumJagobiao, Mandaue City, Cebu 6014Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial HospitalM. Parras St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300St. Anthony Mother & Child HospitalBasac, San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu 6000Talisay District HospitalSan Isidro, Talisay, Cebu 6045Vicente Sotto Sr. Memorial Medical CenterB. Rodriguez St., Cebu City, Cebu 6000

Eastern Visayas Regional Medical CenterMagsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City, Leyte 6500Schistosomiasis Control & Research HospitalPalo, Leyte 6501

CHD VI - Western Visayas

CHD VII - Central Visayas

CHD VIII - Eastern Visayas


CHD V - Bicol Region

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (294)

Basilan General HospitalIsabela City, Basilan 7300Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial HospitalLawa-an, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte 7101Labuan Public Hospital (Zamboanga City Medical Center)Labuan, Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur 7000Margosatubig Regional HospitalMargosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur 7035Mindanao Central SanitariumPasobolong, Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur 7000Sulu SanitariumJolo, Sulu 7400Zamboanga City Medical CenterDr. Evangelista St., Sta. Catalina, Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur 7000

Camiguin General HospitalMambajao, Camiguin 9100Mayor Hilarion Ramiro Sr. Regional Training & Teaching HospitalMindog, Maningcol, Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental 7200Northern Mindanao Medical CenterCapitol Cmpd., Cagayan de Oro City 9000

Davao Medical CenterBajada, Davao City, Davao del Sur 8000Davao Regional HospitalApokon Road, Tagum City, Davao del Norte 8100

Amai Pakpak Medical CenterMarawi City, Lanao del Sur 9700Cotabato Regional & Medical CenterSinsuat Ave., Cotabato City, Maguindanao 9600Cotabato SanitariumPinaring, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao Province 9605

CHD IX - Zamboanga Peninsula

CHD X - Northern Mindanao

CHD XI - Davao Region

CHD XII - Central Mindanao


PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (295)

Buluan District HospitalBuluan, Maguindanao Province 9616Dr. Serapio B. Montañer Jr. Al Haj Memorial HospitalLumpong, Malabang, Lanao del Sur 9300Maguindanao Provincial HospitalLimpongo, Shariff Aguak, Maganoy, Maguindanao Province 9608

Baguio General Hospital & Medical CenterGovernor Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet 2600Conner District HospitalConner, Kalinga-Apayao 3807Far North Luzon General Hospital & Training CenterLuna, Apayao 3813Luis Hora Memorial Regional HospitalAbatan, Bauko, Mountain Province 2621

Adela Serra Ty Memorial Medical CenterCapitol Hills, Tandag, Surigao del Sur 8300Caraga Regional HospitalSurigao City, Surigao del Norte 8400

Amang Rodriguez Medical CenterSumulong Highway, Marikina, M.M.Batanes General HospitalBasco, Batanes 3900Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial HospitalLope De Vega St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, M.M.Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial HospitalTala, Caloocan City, M.M.East Avenue Medical CenterEast Avenue, Quezon City, M.M.Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical CenterRizal Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila, M.M.Las Piñas General Hospital & Satellite Trauma CenterBernabe Cmpd., Pulang Lupa, Las Piñas City, M.M.

CHD - Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)


CHD - Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

CHD - Caraga

CHD - National Capital Region (NCR)

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (296)

Lung Center of the PhilippinesQuezon Avenue, Quezon City, M.M.National Center for Mental HealthNueve de Pebrero St., Mandaluyong City, M.M.National Children's Hospital266 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., Quezon City, M.M.National Kidney & Transplant InstituteQuezon Avenue, Quezon City, M.M.Philippine Children's Medical CenterQuezon Avenue, Quezon City, M.M.Philippine Orthopedic HospitalMaria Clara St., Quezon City, M.M.Philippine Heart Center East Avenue, Quezon City, M.M.Quirino Memorial Medical CenterProject 4, Quezon City, M.M.Research Institute for Tropical MedicineFilinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, M.M.Rizal Medical CenterShaw Blvd., Pasig City, M.M.San Lazaro HospitalQuiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila, M.M.San Lorenzo Ruiz Women's HospitalO. Reyes St., Santulan, Malabon, M.M.Tondo Medical CenterBalut, Tondo, Manila, M.M.Valenzuela Medical CenterPadrigal St., Karuhatan, Valenzuela City, M.M.


PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (297)

AcarboseAcetated Ringer's SolutionAcetazolamideAcetylcysteineAciclovirActivated CharcoalAdenosineAdrenaline (see Epinephrine)AkapulkoAlbendazoleAlbumin, HumanAlcohol, EthylAlendronateAlendronate + Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)AlfuzosinAll‐in‐one AdmixturesAllopurinolAlpha‐Tocopherol (vitamin E)AlprazolamAluminum AcetateAluminum HydroxideAluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium HydroxideAmidotrizoate (Diatrizoate)AmikacinAmino Acid Solutions for Immunonutrition /ImmunoenhancementAmino Acid Solutions for InfantsAmino Acid Solutions for Renal ConditionAmino Acids Solutions for Hepatic FailureAmino Acids, Crystalline StandardAminophylline (theophylline ethylenediamine)AmiodaroneAmlodipineAmoxicillinAmoxicillin + Potassium Clavulanate (see Co‐Amoxiclav)Amphotericin B (Lipid Complex)Amphotericin B (Non‐Lipid Complex)Ampicillin





243.2 1924










13.4 27

999110119180111149768102 68672539


14.8.2 828510568





2.2.1 11

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (298)

Ampicillin + SulbactamAnti‐D Immunoglobulin (human anti‐D immunoglobulin)Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulin (ALG) (equine)Antithymocyte Immunoglobulin (ATG) (equine)Anti‐rabies serum (equine)Anti‐tetanus serum (equine)Artemether + LumefantrinAscorbic Acid (vitamin C)AsparaginaseAspirinAtenololAtracuriumAtropineAzathioprineAzithromycinBacitracin + Neomycin + Polymixin BBaclofenBalanced Multiple Maintenance SolutionBalanced Multiple Replacement SolutionBalanced Multiple Replacement Solution w/ pH 7.4Barium SulfateBasiliximabBCG VaccineBeclomethasoneBenzoic Acid + Salicylic AcidBenzoyl PeroxideBenzyl BenzoateBeractantBetahistineBetamethasoneBetaxololBiperiden 1266443736


Core 5.5




18.214.1 98761.610099

7.5 61.4.2 5









37 263.3.2 294.2 68



Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp. 6229CoreCoreCoreCoreComp.CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreComp.CoreComp.


PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (299)

Biphasic Isophane Human Insulin 70/30(recombinant DNA)BisacodylBisoprololBleomycinBrimodineBrinzolamideBromazepamBromocriptineBudesonideBudesonide + FormoterolBumetanideBupivacaineButamirateButorphanolCalamine, PlainCalcipotriolCalcipotriol + BetamethasoneCalcitriolCalciumCalcium CarbonateCalcium Carbonate + Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3)Calcium Dialysate, LowCalcium Folinate (leucovorin calcium)Calcium GluconateCalcium SaltCandesartanCapecitabineCaptoprilCarbacholCarbamazepineCarbimazoleCarboplatinCarboxymethylcelluloseCarmustineCarvedilolCastor Oil

16.6 93


9.6 639.



122.2.2 4281

5.1.3 7


7.1.2 535139











79689. 82

1.11.319.5.5 910510419.5.3Comp.Comp.Comp.Core 584074Comp.Comp.Comp.CoreComp.CoreComp.Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp.CoreComp.Comp.Comp.CoreComp.Comp.Comp.CoreCoreCoreComp.CoreCoreComp.Comp.




Core 12.2 68

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (300)

CefadroxilCefalexinCefazolinCefepimeCefiximeCefotaximeCefoxitinCeftaxidimeCeftriaxoneCefuroximeCelecoxibCetirizineChick Embryo Cell (purified, inactivated)Chloral HydrateChlorambucilChloramphenicolChlorhexidineChloroquineChlorphenamine (Chlopheniramine)Chlorpheniramine (see Chlorphenamine)ChlorpromazineChlorpropamideCiclosporinCilostazolCinnarizineCiprofloxacinCisplatinClarithromycinClindamycinClobetasolClofazimineClomifeneClonazepamClonidineClopidogrelCloxacillinClozapineCoal TarCo‐Amoxiclav (amoxicillin + potassium clavulanate)Cobra Antivenin



2.4.2 13553210598. 16






Comp.CoreCore 1516CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreComp.CoreComp.CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreComp.CoreComp.CoreComp.Core





Core 1.2 4CoreComp.

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (301)

CodeineColchicineColestyramineCombined Glucose‐Amino Acid SolutionsConjugated Equine EstrogenConjugated Equine Estrogen +Medroxyprogesterone AcetateConjugated EstrogenCotrimoxazole (sulfamethazole + trimethoprim)CrotamitonCyclophosphamideCyproteroneCytarabineDacarbazineDactinomycinDalteparinDanazolDantroleneDapsoneDaunorobicinDeferiproneDeferoxamineDesfluraneDesmopressinDexamethasoneDextran, High Molecular Weight (Dextran 70)Dextran, Low Molecular Weight (Dextran 40)Dextromethorphan5% Dextrose in 0.3% Sodium Chloride5% Dextrose in 0.45% Sodium Chloride5% Dextrose in 0.9% Sodium Chloride5% Dextrose in Lactated Ringers5% Dextrose in Water10% Dextrose in WaterDiazepamDiclofenacDicyclomine (see Dicycloverine)Dicycloverine (Dicyclomine)



9.1.2 6010.3 6514.5 782.5.1 1312.2 693.1.15 229.1.2 6012.2 7112.2 691.1.1 114.3 781.9 814.1 7619.3.1 10311.1 6711.1 677.3 5316.1.2 8616.1.2 8616.1.2 8616.1.2 8616.1.2 8616.1.2 861.1.2 21.2 41.11.3 92.5.1 131.1.2 12.4.1 1313.1 72277


Core 7CoreComp.CoreComp.Comp.Comp.Comp.CoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreComp.Comp.CoreCoreCoreComp.CoreCoreCoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreComp.CoreCoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreComp.CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreComp.Comp.

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (302)

DidanosineDiethylcarbamazineDigoxinDiloxanideDiltiazemDimeglumine GadopentetateDimercaprolDimercaptopropane‐sulphonate (DMPS)DiphenhydramineDiphtheria AntitoxinDiptheria‐Tetanus Toxoids (DT)Diptheria‐Tetanus Toxoids (Td)Diptheria‐Tetanus Toxoids and AcellularPertussis Vaccines (DTaP)Diptheria‐Tetanus Toxoids and PertussisVaccine (DTP)DipyridamolDithranolDobutamineDocetaxelDomperidoneDopamineDorzolamideDoxorubicinDoxycyclineDTaP + HibDTP + Hepatitis B Vaccine (recombinant)DTP + HibDTP + Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)DTP + IPV + HibDydrogesteroneEdrophoniumEnalaprilEnalapril + HydrochlorothiazideEnoxaparin Core 5.6 45Core 5.7 45


3.4.3 273.3.1 25Comp.Core 5.1.1 345.1.5 395.1.6 403.3.2 255.1.2 355.1.5 3917.2 9512.2 6912.2 711.4.2 58.1 5512.2 694.2 294.3 304.3 304.3 304.3 3010.4 6618.4 1005.1.1 345.4.2 439.1.1 5913.10 755.1.1 345.4.2 4419.5.5 1059.1.1 583.1.13 213.3.2 264.3 314.3 314.3 314.3 314.3 3114.5 79

5.1.4 375.1.6 401.1.2 212.2 695.2.5 425.2.6 425.1.3 36



5.1.3 36

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (303)

Enteral Nutrition ‐ Adult PolymericEnteral Nutrition ‐ Disease SpecificEnteral Nutrition ‐ Fiber ContainingEnteral Nutrition ‐ ModularEnteral Nutrition ‐ Pediatric PolymericEnteral Nutrition ‐ Semi‐ElementalEphedrineEpinephrine (adrenaline)EpirubicinEpoetin Alfa (recombinant human erythropoietin)Epoetin Beta (recombinant erythropoietin)EprosartanErgocalciferol (calciferol, vitamin D2)ErgotamineErtapenemErythromycinEscitalopramEsmololEthambutolEthinylestradiol + DesogestrelEthinylestradiol + LevonorgestrelEthinylestradiol + NorethisteroneEthinylestradiol + NorgestrelEtoposideEverolimusFactor IX Complex Concentrate(coagulation factor II, VII, IX, X)Factor VIII ConcentrateFamciclovirFamotidineFelodipineFenofibrateFentanylFerrous SaltFerrous Salt + Folic AcidFilgrastim (G‐CSF)FinasterideFluconazoleFlucytosineFlumazenilFlunarizine



Comp. 13.4 73

16.3 8916.3 8816.3 8816.3 88

7.1.1 488.4 571.1.2 25.1.1 345.4.2 449.1.2 6010.2 6410.2 655.2.6 4221.1 1091.3 43.1.3 153.1.8 1819.2 1021.11.1 81.1.2 25.1.5 393.1.16 2214.5 7914.5 8014.5 7914.5 809.1.1 589.3.2 6211.2 6711.2 673.4.1 278.2 555.2.4 415.3 431.8.2 710.1 6421.2 11221.3 11310.2 6514.6 803.2 243.2 241.3 512.2 69


CoreCoreCoreCore16.3 8916.3 89




PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (304)

FluocinonideFluoresceinFluorideFluorouracilFluoxetineFlupentixolFluphenazineFlurazepamFlutamideFluticasoneFluticasone + SalmeterolFolic AcidFomepizoleFondaparinuxFosphenytoinFurosemideFusidate Sodium / Fusidic AcidGabapentinGadodiamideGalantamineGanciclovirGas Forming AgentGemcitabineGentamicinGlibenclamideGliclazideGlipizideGlucagonGlucose (dextrose)Glutaraldehyde (glutaral)Glycerin (see Glycerol)Glycerol (glycerin)


Core 19.4

1.11.4 10

5.1.6 39

9.1.1 581.11.1 81.11.2 99.2 61

18.2 9817.1 9421.2 1121041.11.2 9

Comp.CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCore14.5 787.1.2 5018.2 9920.6 1087.1.2 517.2.2 5310.1 6421.1 10912.2 715.1.3 3612.2 711.9 8

18.1.1 9719.2 1026.0 461.2 41.8.3 817.2 951.10 83.4.2 2719.2 10217.2 969.1.1 593.1.1 1519.2 10214.8.2 8214.8.2 8214.8.2 8212.2 6914.9 8214.9 8216.4 9022 1141.9 813.9 7419.5.6 105





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Glyceryl Trinitrate (nitroglycerin)GoserelinGriseofulvinHaloperidolHalothaneHemodialysis SolutionHemophilus Influenzae type B Conjugated Vaccine (Hib)Heparin (low molecular weight)Heparin (unfractionated)Hepatitis A Inactivated VaccineHepatitis B Immunoglobulin (human)Hepatitis B Vaccine (recombinant DNA)Human Chrionic Gonadotrophin (HCG)Human Growth Hormone (biosynthetic)Human Menopausal Gonadotrophin (HMG, menotropin)Human Papillomavirus quadrivalent(types 6, 11, 16, 18) recombinant vaccineHydralazineHydroxychloroquineHydrochlorothiazideHydroxocobalamin (vitamin B12)HydrocortisoneHydrogen PeroxideHydroxyethyl StarchHydroxyureaHydroxyzineHyoscineHypromelloseIbuprofen I

Comp. 14.2 77


5.2.3 415.1.2 3512.2 7114.4 783.2 241.11.2 9

Comp.Comp.Comp.1.1.1 116.6 924.3 305.3 365.6 455.7 455.1.3 365.6 455.7 4510.3 664.3 314.2 294.3 3114.2 7714.2 7714.5 794.3 335.2.3 412.3 125.2.1 406.0 4610.1 6412.2 6921.1 1098.3 567.1.1 4814.1 7618.2 9818.3 9922 11411.1 679.5 638.1 5513.1 7219.8 1061.5 51.8.1 62.4.1 12





PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (306)

IdarubicinIfosfamideImatinibImidazoles (topical)ImipramineImmunoglobulin Normal, Human (IGIM)Immunoglobulin Normal, Human (IGIV)IndapamideIndinavirIndomethacinInfluenza Polyvalent VaccineInsulin Zinc Suspension, HumanInterferon Alfa 2A (human)Interferon Alfa 2B (human)Intraocular Irrigating Solution (balanced salt solution)IodamideIodineIodized Oil FluidIohexolIopamidolIopromideIothalamateIoversolIoxithalamic AcidIpratropiumIpratropium + FenoteralIpratropium + SalbutamolIrbesartanIrbesartan + HydrochlorothiazideIrinotecanIron DextranIsofluraneIsoniazidIsoniazid + EthambutolIsoniazid + RifampicinIsoniazid + Rifampicin + EthambutolIsoniazid + Rifampicin + PyrazinamideIsoniazid + Rifampicin + Pyrazinamide + EthambutolIsoniazid + ThiacetazoneIsophane Insulin Human (recombinant DNA)Isosorbide DinitrateIsosorbide‐5‐MononitrateIsoxsuprineItraconazoleIvermectin

606318.1.2 971.7 69.1.2 609. 81.11.1 84.2 29

Comp.Core 9.5

4.2 305.2.1 403.4.3 272.4.1 134.3 3114.8.1 829.3.1 619.3.1 6119.1 10217.2 9422 11414.7.2 8121.2 11217.2 9517.2 9517.2 9517.2 9417.2 9517.2 947.1.1 487.2.1 527.2.1 535.1.4 375.2.6 425.2.6 429.1.1 5921.2 1131.1.1 13.1.16 223.1.16 223.1.16 223.1.16 233.1.16 233.1.16 233.1.16 2314.8.1 815.1.2 355.1.2 3515.2 833.2 243.3.1 25282





PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (307)

KanamycinKetamineKetoconazoleKetoprofenKetorolacLactated Ringer's Solution (Ringer's Lactate)LactuloseLagundiLamivudineLansoprazoleLatanoprostLeucovorin Calcium (see Calcium Folinate)LeuprorelineLevodopa + CarbidopaLevofloxacinLevothyroxineLidocaineLipidsLithium CarbonateLive Attenuated Measles VaccineLive Attenuated Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)Live Attenuated Mumps VaccineLive Attenuated Rubella VaccineLive Attenuated Trivalent Oral Polio VaccineLive Attenuated Varicella VaccineLomustineLoperamideLoratadineLorazepamLosartanLosartan + HydrochlorothiazideLynestrenolMagnesium Sulfate

K - L

M CoreComp.Comp.Core

3.1.16 231.1.1 13.2 241.1.2 216.1.2 8713.9 742.4.1 131.1.2 27.1.1 487.1.2 493.4.3 2713.4 7319.5.4 1049.2 6114.4 781.4.1 53.1.11 213.1.16 2314.7.1 801.1.3 35.1.5 3819.6 10520.2 10716.4 901.11.5 104.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 324.3 32

389.1.2 6013.3 728.1 55

425.2.6 4214.5 791.2 412.1 685.1.4

1.2 415.216.2










5.1.5 388387

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (308)

MannitolMebendazoleMebeverineMeclozine (meclizine)MecobalaminMedroxyprogesteroneMefenamic AcidMefloquineMegestrolMelphalanMeningococcal polysaccharide(Neisseria meningitidis) VaccineMercaptopurineMeropenemMesalazineMesna (sodium‐2‐mercaptoethane sulphonate)MetforminMethotrexateMethyldopaMethylene BlueMethylergometrine (methylergonovine)Methylergonovine (see Methylergometrine)MethylphenidateMethylprednisoloneMetoclopramideMetoprolol

MetronidazoleMidazolamMinocyclineMitoxantroneModified Fluid Gelatin (polymerisate of degradedsuccinylated gelatin

Comp.741.6 6

6.0 4621.1 110

3.3.2 269.2 612.2.1 1114.5 792.4.1 139.1.2 604.3 339.1.1 583.1.3 1513.7 749.6 6314.8.2 822.3 129.1.1 585.2.2 4112.2 7015.1 831.7 67.1.1 497.1.2 518.3 5614.1 7613.10 755.1.2 355.1.3 375.1.4 375.1.5 385.1.6 405.2.2 403.1.9 183.1.14 213.3.2 261.1.2 21.2 41.11.4 103.1.15 229.1.2 6011.1 67


8010.1 64

19.5.6 105



CoreCoreCoreCore1.9 8




PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (309)

Molgramostin (GM‐CSF)Monobasic/Dibasic Sodium PhosphateMontelukastMorphineMultivitaminsMupirocinMycophenolate MofetilMycophenolic Acid (as Mycophenolate Sodium)N‐acetyl PenicillamineNadroparinNalbuphineNalidixic AcidNaloxoneNaltrexoneNaproxenNelfinavirNeomycin + Polymixin B + Fluocinolone AcetonideNeostigmineNepafenacNetilmicinNevirapineNicardipineNicotinamide (vitamin B3)NifedipineNimodipineNitrofurantoinNitroglycerin (see Glyceryl Trinitrate)Nitrous OxideNorepinephrineNorethisteroneNorfloxacinNystatinOctreotideOfloxacinOlanzapineOmeprazoleOndansetron



10.2 6513.9 747.1.2 521.8.2 75.1.3 3721.1 11018.1.1 979.3.2 629.3.2 6212.2 7010.3 651.8.2 7CoreComp.Core 3.1.11 203.1.17 2412.2 7012.2 702.4.1 123.4.3 2820.5 1071.1.2 219.3.2 1033.1.1 153.4.3 275.2.4 4121.1 1095.2.4 415.2.4 415.2.4 413.1.17 241.1.1 15.1.1 345.4.2 4414.5 793.1.17 243.2 2418.1.2 97

13.11 753.1.11 203.1.16 2419.2 10320.3 1071.11.2 913.4 739.6 6313.2 72285



PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (310)

Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS 75‐replacement)OseltamivirOxacillinOxantel + PyrantelOxiplatinOxycodoneOxygenOxymetazolineOxytocin (synthetic)Pacl*taxelPancuroniumParacetamolPeginterferon Alfa 2APenicillin G Benzathine (benzathine benzylpenicillin)Penicillin G Crystalline (benyzylpenicillin)Peritoneal Dialysis SolutionPermethrinPethidine (meperidine)Petrolatum/PetroleumPhenobarbitalPhenoxymethyl Penicillin (penicillin V)PhenylephrinePhenytoinPhysostigminePhytomenadione (phytonadione, vitamin K1)PilocarpinePiperacillin + TazobactamPiribedilPneumococcal Conjugate VaccinePneumococcal Polyvalent VaccinePolygelinePotassiumPotassium ChloridePotassium Free Dialysate Acetate‐Based ContainingPotassium Free Dialysate Bicarbonate‐Based ContainingPotassium PermanganatePotassium PhosphatePovidone IodinePralidoxime ChloridePraziquantelPrednisolone


16.1.1 843.4.4 283.1.10 19CoreComp.Core

783.3.1 259.1.2 601.8.2 7

831.1.2 320.7 10814.3Core9.1.1 592.5.2 14CoreCore15.11.3 5Comp. 1.5 59.3.1 623.1.10 193.1.10 1912.2 7016.5 9118.1.3 981.8.2 718.6 1011.2 43.1.10 1919.7 1061.2 412.2 7012.2 7021.1 10919.5.1 1043.1.10 201.4.1 54.3 324.3 3211.1 6716.1.1 8416.2 8716.6 9216.6 9218.3 9916.2 8718.3 9919.2 10322.0 11412.2 703.3.1 257.1.1 487.1.2 518.3 56







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PropylthiouracilProtamine SulfateProxymetacaine (proparacaine)PyrazinamidePyridostigminePyridoxime (vitamin B6)PyrimethamineQuetiapineQuinineRabies Immunoglobulin (human)RaloxifeneRanitidineRegular, Insulin (recombinant DNA human)Retinol (vitamin A)Riboflavin (vitamin B2)RifabutinRifampicinRisperidoneRitonavirRituximabRivastigmineRocuroniumRopivacaineRose BengalRosiglitazoneRosuvastatinSalbutamol

76Core 7.1.1 49Comp. 7.1.2 51

47Comp. 7.1.2 49

Core 8.3

Q - R

Core 611.1.1 1


5.1.2 355.1.3 37

19.3.1 10356

1.3 514.1

12.2 705.1.4 375.1.5 385.2.2 4019.6 1053.1.16 221.1.2 212.2 7021.1 1093.3.2 27

1.11.2 93.3.2 264.2 292.2.1 118.2 5613.4 7314.8.1 8121.1 10921.1 1103.1.16 243.1.15 223.1.16 221.11.2 83.4.3 289.5 631.10 8141.1.3 319.4 1044314.8.2 825.32.5.2


3.3.2 269.1.2




CoreCoreCore 14.7.2 8114.7.2 81CoreComp.CoreCoreCoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreCoreCoreCoreComp.CoreCoreCoreComp.Comp.CoreComp.Comp.Comp.Comp.Comp.


S Core

PNDFvol1ed7_2008 (1)hhh - [PDF Document] (312)

Salicylic AcidSambongSaquinavirSelegilineSelenium SulfideSertralineSevofluraneSilver NitrateSilver SulfadiazineSimvastatinSirolimusSodium BicarbonateSodium Calcium EdetateSodium Chloride0.9% Sodium ChlorideSodium DichloroisocyanurateSodium HyaluronateSodium HypochloriteSodium Iodide 1311Sodium NitrateSodium NitroprussideSodium SulfateSodium ThiosulfateSomatostatinSpectinomycinSpironolactone (K‐sparer)Standard Senna ConcentrateStavudineSterile Water for InjectionStreptokinaseStreptomycinSuccimerSucralfateSulfacetamideSulfacetamide + PrednisoloneSulfadoxine + PyrimethamineSulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim (see Cotrimoxazole)SulfurSuxamethonium (succinylcholine)TacrolimusTamoxifen

1.4.1 5Core 1.11.1 8

Core 2.5.2



Comp. 3.1.2 15

Core 3.1.16 22Core 3.3.2

Comp. 3.4.3 28

Core 5.1.6 39Core 12.1 68Core

5.1.3 36Core 10.5 66Comp. 3.4.3 2716.1.2 87




12.2 71Core 5.2.3 4122 114

114Core 14.7.2 819.4 63Comp.Core 12.2

Comp. 6.0

12.2 71

13.11 75

13.4 73


18.4 10018.1.2 98


18.4 1001.1.1 1


20.1 10718.1.1 9716.2 885.3 439.3.2

877119.8 10618.3 9916.2 8816.1.222

7413.99712.2 71

6.0 46

19.2 10319.2 10318.1.3 9826

9.3.2 62










9.2 61T




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TamsulosinTegafur + UracilTelmisartanTelmisartan + HydrochlorothiazideTerbinafineTerbutalineTerizodoneTestosteroneTetanus Immunoglobulin (human)Tetanus ToxoidTetracaineTetracosactide (cosyntropin)TetracyclineTheophylline (anhydrous)ThiacetazoneThiamazole (methimazole)ThiamineThiopental SodiumTimololTinzaparinTiotropiumTobramycinTobramycin + DexamethasoneTopiramateTramadolTranexamic AcidTrastuzumabTravoprostTriamcinoloneTrichloracetic AcidTrimetazidineTropicamideTsaang GubatTuberculin Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)Typhoid VaccineUrsodeoxycholic AcidValaciclovirValproate Disodium / Valproic AcidValsartan Core

14.6 809.1.1 595.1.4 385.2.6 425.2.6 4218.1.2 987.1.1 477.1.2 49

14.2 77

15.2 8314.5 784.2 293.1.13 213.3.2 26

3.1.16 244.3 331.1.3 3

7.1.1 487.1.2 497.2.2 533.1.16 2414.7.2 8121.1 11012.2 711.1.1 11.2 419.5.2 10410.3 657.2.2 5319.2 10319.2 1031.2 41.8.2 710.6 669.5 6319.5.4 10514.1 7720.1 1075.1.2 3619.7 10613.3 724.1 29


4.3 33CoreU - V 13.6 743.4.1 271.11.5 105.1.4 381.2 4

5.2.6 42




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Valsartan + HydrochlorothiazideVancomycinVaricella Zoster Immunoglobulin (VZIG)VasopressinVecuroniumVerapamilVero Cell (purified)VinblastineVincristineVitamin A (see Retinol)Vitamin B1 B6 B12Vitamin B12 (see Hydroxocobalamin)Vitamin B2 (see Riboflavin)Vitamin B3 (see Nicotinamide)Vitamin B6 (see Pyridoxine)Vitamin C (see Ascorbic Acid)Vitamin D2 (see Ergocalciferol)Vitamin E (see Alpha‐Tocopherol)Vitamin Intravenous, Fat‐SolubleVitamin Intravenous, Trace ElementsVitamin Intravenous, Water‐SolubleVitamin K1 (see Phytomenadione)WarfarinYellow Fever VaccineYerba BuenaZalcitabineZidovudineZincZolmitriptanZolpidem


16.2 88W - Y - Z

5.2.6 423.1.6 174.2 3014.3 782.5.2 145.1.2 355.1.5 394.3 329.1.1 599.1.1 5921.1 111

16.2 8816.2 885.1.3 365.6 45

1.11.4 103.4.3 275.7 4510.3 664.3 331.8.1 63.4.3 271.3 521.2 112







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National Drug Policy - Pharmaceutical


National Formulary Committee

- Pharmaceutical Management Unit 50

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.